
South Tipperary Senior Football Final Match Programme 1996 , Coiste Thiobrad Arann Theas peil Sinnsear An Cluichi Ceannais FANAITHE NA MAOILIG v NATRACTALI 3.15 P.M. Reiteoir: Liam 6 Bar6id i gCill Sioitiin 4 Lunasa 1996 Iomaint • CILL SIOLAIN v FIODHARD 2.00 p.m. Reiteo;r: A De Roiste MOYLAN & MURRAY MAIN ®TOYOTA DEALERS FOLL RANGE OF NEW TOYOTA VEHICLES EX-STOCK ATMOYlAN&MURRAY YOUUALWAYSGETA RESULT 1st for Soles -- 1st for Service -- 1st for ParIs TOYOTA~ j ~j • • USEOCAR WAIWMY UNUMITED lSWnS MUAGE PARTS & hi your sights high.r LABOUR Forecourt facilities from 7.30 a.m. /0 midnight Ca5110/ Road, Clonmo!. Co. Tipperary. To!,: 052·21177 Fax: 052·23035 Fergal, Tom and Staff delighted to be associated with L Local GAA ".J Failte on gCathaoirIeach ClIirin .fili/le 0 chroi gach ell/ine go ('ill Sio/ain innill al' an fa IIlO,. peif sco. Toitll einnlc go mheidh ana chillichi aguil1l1 sa Cllliche ('heal7lwis Sil7l1sear. Today's S'eniur Final is a repeal of lasf year's eIJcOllnler. Moyle Rovers were fhe victors un Ihal occasion and wenl 0/1 10 emu/ale COII/mercia/s feal of 199.1 by laking fhe ('Olll1ly Crown und contesting the Munster Club final. Commercials will he sfril'ing 10 turn fhe fahles on (heir more fancied opponents ami with players of crqji and experience could pose a serio liS challenge, ' Moyle Rovers, however, are !)laying wifh the confidence of champions and wiff 1101 relinquish their tille without a hattIe royal. Whatever the Oil/come a cracking contcs! is in pro.~pec! and a sali,~fi;lcfory conclusion to what has heen ajine championship. The clash o/Fethard and Kilsheelan il7 the llearns Ifotellntermediate J-Iurling Championship should set the tone for a great day's entertainment. I extend good wishes to the teams taking part in today's games, 10 the referees and Iheir o.Uicials and hope thaI Dill' loyal pClrons \1Ii/l enjoy a spectacle ofgreat games and sportsmanship he/ifling the event. SealJ 0 NlIilJseaill, Calhaoirleach C. L.C.G., Tiohrad A ralJII ThetIS. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 at Clonmel MHCA Ballybacon Grange Vs Swans 7.30 (P . J Hassett) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 - CLONM EL ARMS HOTEL IFC at Marlfield Fr Sheehys Vs Carrick Swans 7 30 (B. White) al Kllsheelan Mullinahone Vs Commercials 7.30 (S oRoche) at Monroe SI. Patricks Vs Killenaule 7.30 (J McCarthy) Buiochas The programme for (oday's game,\" has been compiled by Kilsheelan G.A.A. Club. We (hank the cOlllpeting clubs for their assislance alld also rhe adl'ertisers, rlie programme woufd lIot he avaifable wi(h01/l their jinanciaf assislance and we ask yOIl 10 s1Ipport them in eJleIY way. SO\IE OF THE llISTOHV OF FOOTBALL] SO mu..:h for the hi<;wf}' of athlcti.:~ :md hurling prior to the founding of the G.A.A. Wh.11 lirht do chronidcr. of the r"... t .,hed Oil football ill Ire],1n,d7 Some hold that all pr..:scnt·d,I}' COOl'S of foothall tkrived frOIll the harpa')trunt of tllC ancient Greeks and R\)lIlans. MOITis Marple.'> in..:1inc .. to the view that footb:lll h:ld i~ origins among the Ccltic people"; c(,Mainly the rough',Uld-rcad)' game fir<;1 known here and in England at Ihe cnd of the Middle Ages '>C('JIlS 10 have been a development of La SOllie, a game ill whi,h a Jarg..: hJ!! of leather stuffed with .. !raw or hOlY was kicked and chased by oppmin~ teams in Normandy and Brittany a thousand ye<tN ago. Others hold that foottMIl wa .. a.., ",ell known ;t<, hllrlinf in Ird,lIld and that the (cnll iOllloin was applied to l!i{l1l'r ~anll'. N,ni"c <;(X'akcr:> ill Ule Ome<lth Gaelt;h.:ht of Leinster, :llways a footb:lll stronghold. u~('d 101110111 to de.<>ignatc football and ;0Il10ill Ie CGII/GIII for hurling; but some knowledgeable G,lClgcoiri Stoutly llI;lint;lin that iOlnG;1I mcant hurling and iomaill Ie croi.\ foot hall. The f;"let rClmin<; that the fir.;t direct r efl'rcn~e to foothall in Ireland docs not occur until the 16th century when it W<lS exempted from a ban on oUler non-military "POI1.<;. [n 1527 the St;ltutC'> of Galway ordered thc citizens not to play with the "hot or "tone, bUI only to <;hoot with bows and to Uuow Ule dart or spear, ··;,1<;0 ;11 no tyme to u ~e or occupy the hurlings of UIC litill ball with hackie sticks o r <;t;\vc.". nor u'>c no hand" b.ll! to pl,lY withollt the walls. but only the greal fomebalL.:·, The grunc, likc hurling and other athletic pa'>timcs, had t-cen prOhibited. constantly and unnv:lilingly, during the two previou,> ccnturies. as ;l hindrance to archery, l,ttlce·Uuowing. 'and other £cm!r.: g:lme ... til:ll appen.lin to nnw;', Though footbnll of an e!r.:mem;u)' rough and tumble type ~m') to have continued through Tudor, Stuart and Cromwel1i:ln time!), the next reference to the game is found ill " pocm by the North Lein,>ter poel, Seuma') Dall MacCllart,1. [n loman 110 Baill/le, a Iwc!vc-vel'.c Gaelic pocm, he d('~cribc.~ a football match played ahout [670 at FClUlOr, Oil the ,>oulh hank of the Boyne, nOt Llr from Slane. MacCu;tna used the word leGl/odh for the pl;tying pitch. From the brief description given of the rame it appears that ~natchins and e:lTrying the ball were features of the pia)', with wrc.<;tlinS pcmlittcd. Victol} went to the Boync Valley team, their opponent.. being men from an adjoining di ... trict on the banks of the 'anny Ri\cL John Dunton, UI\, Englio;,h writer already quoted. travelled Ireland seven \'ears later :Iud in his letters had thi,> to say: 'They (the iri!'h) do not often play at foothilll, only ill a !;>Illall territory c;llled Fingal lIeM Dutllin where the people use it mu(h and trip nne! o;,houklcr verie h,11\{\<':olllely. Redmond Murphy, an Qmeitth pocl writing in Gaclic, dcs..:: ri bcd a football ll1:1tch in which his two sons played; twelve men from each of twO ri vtll ptlri<;hC5. took part: the foot bailer... trained beforehand, while wre... tling. tripping, rtmning with the ball and slMtching it were features of the gallle. In Dublin itself about thc samc time, there were matehc.s at MeITion Field,> and on Oxmantown Grccn, During the seventccn­ forties a lonr,-remcmbercd footballllliltth was played on thc ice-bound Urfey, frozen after a ">pell of heavy frost. Fort)' year, later, according to the poems of Edward ('plea.<;'1n1 Ned') Lysaght, foath.11I was played every evcning in College Park by the 'p.:n"ioncl'<.,' and 'commoners' of Trinity , NA REITEOIRI WILLIE BARRETT (Ardfinnan) The referee for IOOsy's Semor Final IS Ardfinnan's WilifEI Barrett Willie IS one of the best known referees 10 the country. he has refereed at all levels includU'l9 the 1994 All-Ireland Hurling Final Willie has glVen outstanding service to his club and to the Sooth Board and has served as Board Treasurer for a three year period Umpires Richie Boyle, Michael Mahoney, Sean Barrett. DeniS Whelan Unesmen: liam Barrett, Dee/ek Mahoney TONY ROCHE (Carrick Swan) The referee for today's curtain raiser IS Carnck Swan's Tony Roche Tony has been making his mark on the refereeing scene In recent years and refereed last year's Intermediate Hurling Final He plays 10 goal for Carrick Swans Intermediate Football side and is a member of the County Coaching Panel Umpires: Jimmy Walsh, MaIM Walsh, Seamus Walsh. Michael Collins TD!LYJ\OCD~ linesmen: Bnan Tyrrell, John Morrissey e.L.e.G. COISTE CHONTAE THiOIlRAID ARANN THEAS Ihe lloard !..,shes 10 e.rlelllilis .~ll1cl'rl' {hal1ks mill apprI'cllIIlo/i ofIIii' ~1'11('rlml' sponsorslilp rece/lwJ from Ihe folio\!. Ilig In 1996 Sen ior Il urling Championship ·Allied Irish Banks. Senior Football Championship· Anonymous In termediate Ilurling Championship· Hcarns Hotel. In termediate Football Championship· Cion mel Arms Ilotci. Junior lIuling (A) Championship · John QuirKe, Jeweller, Cahir. Junior Football (B) Championship, Barry O'Brien Aluminium. Scnior Football Lcaguc - Clonmel Oil. Players of the Year· Nationalist Nc\\spapcr. Rererees Awards - Finches. Sponsorship Enquiries Sponsorship enqu iries can be made to any Board Officer or to the Board Secretary at 052·22929. FRIDAY. AUGUST 9 . al Cahir JHCB Moyle Rovers Vs Ba!tylooby Casllegrace 7.30 (T. Linehan) al Cloneen JHCB K!lsheetan Vs Kllienaule 7.30 (J Harrington) Iat Carrick JHCB Baltyneale Vs Muilinahone 7.30 (1. Roche) I Best Wishes To Both Teams From: GERRY CHAWKES The Place Where The Sports People Meet SEAN WAlSH & SON Joinery Works Peter Street, Clonmel. Teak Windows and Doors Standard and Off Standard (052) 24301 JOHN eLOONA WELDING SERVICES Trailers, car hitches. gates, railings. sleel doors. slatted shed fittings. ALL WELDING REPAIRS CARRIED OUT Portable Welding Service. Top class work guaranteed. Futly registered. BALLYDI NE, KILSHEELAN Tel.: (052)33495/33279 The Barbers Shop 18 MITCHEL STREET, CLONMEL GENTS HAIRDRESSER Opcn 9 to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday fRIENPLY. EFfiCIENT SERYICE Prop.: William Walsh "A CUT ABOVE THE REST" Best ·;;;;;t;;;oM.;k:JR1::o;;;:ve;;r;, ~~~~~~"'"l you Ronan. Tel.: 052~21661. Best Wishes to Moyle Rovers from Bol.a.:n..ds l.YIea.-ts The Green.., Fe-tha.rd Tel.: 052-31759 DEEP FREEZE SPECIALISTS Large range of the best quality Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Ham and Bacon Davern estrian Centre Tannersrath, Fethard Road, Clonmel Tel.: (052) 27327 or (088) 520752 INSTRUCTION :: TUITION Adults & Children from Beginners to Advanced All groups catered for - special Family Rates Ladies Hour: 10 a.m.
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