M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, Pec. 17, 1986 MANCHESTER SPORTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Firefighter has w 4 Town notables Semenko gives new duties, titie talk on toys Whaie a punch ... page 14 ... page 15 CXI ... page 22 HOMES HOMES KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Urry Wright FOR SALE IFOR SALE Storrs - Very nice 7 bed­ Manchester - 155 Hillard room Mobile home In Street - 6 room ranch, 3 adult community. Ap­ bedrooms, 2 full baths, pliances, central olr and fireplace In living room, porch.S32,900.00.James R. extro large garoge. Struc­ H SPIW F* ' McCoyonoah, Real Est­ turally sound, very clean KipiwIIBCNU. ate, 649-3800.P home In move-ln condi­ Miast Nii tion. $105,000. George S. LIcamwiI toving •: Peoce and Tranquility - Peases, Real Estate; 871- Plenty ot privacy sur­ 9288 or 647-3913. % rounds this year round Tuht iNi Ttew l llaitrhpBtpr) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm Mpralii waterfront property at Cozy Ranch - Very clean I ■' Witches Woods Lake In 2 bedrooms. Fireplace. gthtrinda Woodstock. 5 room, Trl- Eating area In kitchen. P o rd I : 110.1 BWnilWiaii level with 3 bedrooms. Carport. Patio. Give us a Approximately 1200 coll for on appointment! Thursday, Dec. 18,1986 30 Cents square feet, 1 car oarage. Realty World, Frechette, $129,900. Jackson & Jack- - 646-7709.O ___________ son Real Estate, 647-8400 NOUMV CliAIMMi or 646-8646.0 IBU8IHE88 TO oiMWPiiif'lii tfig the holidays bet doNT Wr iM N rtv m m m jPROPERTY hove time topregoref We Wilson Three's your lucky conhelpl WooreaorefMh fm m n WlfOOm In* AT&T spends n u m b e rlll Large 6-3-3 sKmet Weamiig serviee dettng. I . ''■lodUMhdak S'•.' three fam ily on Pearl F o r sole or rent- with to yrs. exp. In Iho- Tiioroiw won* f ^, oerb oop iMnpoioitt; fou cet Street. Separate utilities. Commerlcal storefront In rough, depoiMMie deon- imumd, m x $ n . MMSW: ViM/M* # Many modern Improve­ high traffic area. Full ing. wo do dll phoMs of 8188. I MleiCant4ieeeplgd..t - granted ments. Nice yard, basement, 2 air condition­ doonlng plus party iel'> ers to remain, newer 100 ups. and doonmps. Our ®meb»tgA.lnc porches, excellent Income amp circuit breakers and service Is also avail, tD reduce size, producing Investment. INVITATION TO BID newer both. $60,000 or $500 wkly, biwkly, ormodhly. Notice TO cneoiTONe $164,900. Jackson 8> Jack- Commsrcloi deeming Is ESTATE OF FUNCHABB OPONBf 1), probation son Real Estate. 647-8400 per month. Strano Real also avail. Call: ^ MARGERY G. SCHENDEL, NBW«TONUTILnV or 646-8646.0 Estate. 647-7653.D Late of Manchester, PWIMIP TRUCK Deceased 'M m m w wr owilL The Town of Coventry will By George Loyng kv-ramer son. Odd totw, Truddno. Home The Hon. william E. ntz- receive leolad bids for the Monchester-$119,900. 3 or Rentals doftendobt# porlli^"^ np m lt,.w t Gerald, Judge, of the Court purchase of one, (I), now M Herald Reporter elim inate jDbs of Probate, District of Man­ 4 bedroom home In o Obiiitsi'ttii^M ' ....... ......I A-: *49 'tf-. ton utility pick-up truck at desireable neighborhood. -FVliiflRpj chester at a heorlne held on the Town Hall, 1712 Main TODAY IS a good doy to , MmoMSl. D|»eember 9, 19M ordered Street, Coventry, Ct. 0623$ Edward J. Wilson of Manchester This Cope has everything placeonodindassifledto t2222!2K: W '. iiidvidA’i that all claims must be pre­ was granted accelerated rehabili­ II 1R00M8 until 10:00 AM, January Sth, Olson said, adding that ."final you’d expect plus o born- sell those idle Items ^ Pi sented to the fiduciary on or 1917 at which time and place tation this morning by Manchester By Bill McCloskey board family room with before March 12, 1917 or be all bids will be opened and The Associated Press decisions on specific facilities have IFOR REHT voo’ve been storing. As?!! YOiir hMiot. twndtimtht borred as by low provided. Superior Court Judge Raymond bar and o full both on the Colt John of 4MM382md publicly read aloud. not been made.” quick coll to 643-2711 w IlT W » ♦»«» Johanna M. Bruder, Norko in a decision that resolves lower level. Set on level put your od In print. wording of ^blecne leave mei saae. The Town of Coventry re­ WASHINGTON — A t * T said The layoffs, forced retirements Central location, kitchen . Assistant Clerk serves Its rights to waive all the final case among four stem­ vord with trees, shrubs The fiduciary Is; today it will set aside $3.2 billion in and other reductions are expected and pool, carpet. D. W. privileges. Parking avail­ Paul Schendel formalities In the bidding ming from an aborted Republican able. Security and refer­ 491 Gardner Street process. The Town Is not the last quarter of 1986 to pay the to be completed by the end of 1987, It Fish Realty. 643-1591 or obllaed to accept the lowest delegate primary earlier this year. 8 7 1 -1 4 0 0 .O ences required. $70 per Manchester, CT 04040 costs of reducing its size, and will take several more years to week. 649-9227 or 569-3528. 034-12 Md. "Hopefully this will end the Bldforms, Bidding Instruc­ eliminating as many as 27,400 of its complete the alterations in AT&T’s problem and other people in Man­ business strategy, the company Smoshino Contemporory I APARTMENTS lAPARTMEHTR imiAPARTMENTS tions, and Speclflcotlon Re- 321,000 workers. AttrcKtIve-panneled, car­ FOR RENT aulrements MUST be ob­ chester will follow the rules,” About one-third of the money will said. nearly 2000 sqore foot of peted, with huge cedar I IfOR RENT » | fOR RENT ■fu r n it u r e Ig^RICREATIONAL tained In PERSON at the Norko said after giving Wilson a living area In this new 7 closet. Near buses, Par- Town Oaraa*. 44 Bradbury be severance pay for workers The force reductions will include EQUIPMENT Lone, Coventry, Ct., phone: 90-day probationary period. If about 10,900 managers and 16,500 room, 7'/i both home! kode. Less expensive for 24 Locust Street. 7 room Mon Chester-West side, losing their jobs, AT&T said. Other Manchester - Quality 1 Lovely twin maple bed 203-7424$$$. Wilson is not convicted of another costs would cover streamlining non-management jobs — totaling $199,5001 "We Guarantee full time male worker apartment. No applian­ bedroom and 2 bedroom new 5 room duplex, 3 bookcase headboard. No TOWN OF COVENTRY crime by March 18, the misdemea­ about 8 percent of AT&T’s work Our Houses!"... Blan­ without car. 649-0102. ces. $650 per month plus apartment, heat, hot wa­ bedrooms, security, refer­ Rowing machine. Origi­ DECEMBER $, 19$6 operations or consolidating facili­ chard 8 i Rossetto. 6 4 6 - utilities. Security. No ences. $650 plus utilities. boxsprlng or mattress. HAROLD B. HODGE JR., nor charge of official fraud or ties, a reduction in the value of force. ter and all appliances $99.00 call 520-2942 during nal cost $30.00. Sell $15.00. neglect against him will be erased. 2 4 8 2 .0 I APARTMENTS pets. Call 646-2426 week­ Included. Air conditioned, Available Immediately. Call 643-1710.O TOWN MANAGER various assets and inventory, and . Earlier this year, another 5,000 days 9 to 5. 646-1496. the day.D 033-12 As he left the courtroom, Wilson jobs were declared "surplus” and I3 ‘ | fo r r e n t quiet, on bus line. Ideal for changes in depreciation. middle-aged and senior — an unsuccessful independent The money charged against the costs of eliminating them were Classic Cope by "Beh- West Side, 5 room duplex, Beige Recllner - 1 year ■ROATB/MARME candidate in the 13th Assembly rmonn" 7 rooms, flre- citizens. $515 and $550. old, good condition. Cost fourth-quarter earnings will be put paid from third-quarter earnings. Vernon-New 2 bedroom 247-5030. stove and refrigerator. ■EQUIPMENT District this year — yelled “ tear irioce, 1'/j baths, redwood Manchester-2nd floor, 2 unit available, wall to wall Available January 1st. Se­ over $225. Scotch CARS in a special account to pay those Olson said the company will exterior 140's. "We Gua­ bedroom, heat ond ap­ curity deposit. 649-2689. gaurded. $75.00. Call 646- down the gallows." costs as they occur, AT&T said, spend $2.4 billion on research and carpeting, full appllanced One bedroom second 16 foot Mad River canoe, FOR BALE rantee Our Houses!"... pliances. No pets. $550 kitchen, no pets. $600 plus 5186.D " I ’m glad it’s over," he said in a causing a net loss for the fourth! development next year and $3.9 plus security. Call 646- floor, no pets. Downtown. paddles Included. Used Blanchard 8. Rossetto. utilities. 649-1262 or 649- 3 and 4 room apartments. more serious vein. "This closes the quarter. billion on capital investments. 3979. $400 plus utilities. Secur­ four times. Excellent con­ 646-2482.0 9619. ity. References. 643-9776. No appliances, no pets. Bed frame - Twin, $8.00. 1980 - Toyota Tercel - book on the Ed Wilson story.” Investors appeared to take the "Th ese. dollars, strategically de­ Call 649-4064.D dition. $800. Please call excellent condition. 65,000 Security. Coll 646-2426, 643-4942 after 6pm or 647- Wilson was charged this summer announcement in stride. AT&T ployed, will fundamentally streng­ weekdays between 9 and miles. $2900 or best offer. with circulating a petition of which 9946 8:30 - 5:30. Ask for Call 649-0678. stock fell 37>/4 cents a share to then this business for the future.” GOOD USED furniture Is Bob.___________________ he was not the official circulator.
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