The Weather Fair and cool tonight; low 40 to 45. Part­ iianrhpHtpr lE ly cloudy tomorrow, high in 60s. Chance of rain 10 per cent toni^t and 20 per cent Tuesday. l^nnchvstt‘r— A City of Viltuffo (.harm \ MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, MAY 14, 1973 — VOL. XCII. No. 190 T\^ KNTY PAGES PRICE: FIFTEEN CKINTS Watergate Revelations Continue \ > » Butz ‘Inquisition^ Charge Called -- ‘Absurdity’ WASHINGTON (AP) - A member of President Nixon’s Cabinet says the Senate Watergate investigating com­ mittee is launched on a “political inqbisition” by a publicity-hungry chairman. CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) — The countdown ad­ The hard-line attack by as saying he did not write the vanced on schedule today for the launching of Skylab, Agriculture Secretary Earl L. report which Nixon said was Butz was dismissed by Chair­ •America’s first space station, which is to serve as a giant the basis for his Aug. 29 state­ man Sam J. Ervin Jr., D-N.C., ment that no aide Uien in the “cabin in the sky” for nine astronauts in the next eight as an “absurdity.” The White House was involved in months. exchange came as the com- Watergate. More than 700,000 gallons of liquid oxygen and liquid mitee prepared to open public “Here was the President of hydrogen fuel were pumped into the Saturn 5 booster as the hearings and coincided with the United States reassuring several new developments in the American people on the count entered the final hours for the planned 1:30 p.m. the spreading Watergate scan­ basis of a report that didn’t EDT liftoff. dal: exist,” Newsweek quoted Dean There’s a shower and a toilet, Skies were cloudy and there -V. —Former acting FBI director as saying. was a possibility of rain during stereo sets, books, changes of L. Patrick Gray III was said by A similar report was carried the day, the weatherman clothing, playing cards, a dart The Washington Post to have by Time which quoted an reported. board, exercise machines and a been told by two FBI officials associate of Dean saying Dean If the laboratory orbits picture window for viewing several weeks after the made no Watergate investiga­ successfully, the three-man earth. And every seventh day Watergate break-in there were tion for Nixon, despite Skylab 1 crew will rocket into will be a day of rest. Dinner-Dance Ends MCC 10th Anniversary signs of a coverup. widespread assumptions to the space Tuesday and link up with And the Skylab 1 crew will The Post quot^ sources as contrary. the station for a record 28-day have a live-in doctor. Kerwin, a saying the officials urged Gray Dean was widely reported to mission. physician, will handle the Mannh«frr p activities for president was dean at the college’s founding; Dr. Curtis, to alert Nixon but that he have conducted such a probe The astronauts — Charles medical experiments which Community College climaxed with a dinner- retired Manchester High School superintendent was presi- refused on grounds it might and former FBI Director Gray Conrad Jr., Dr. Joseph P. have priority on the first mis­ ^ ® Res^urant in Bolton, dent under laws of th6 time which made the college a^town appear he was seeking told the Senate Judiciary Com­ Kerwin and Paul J. Weitz — sion. He has a dispensary Among those present were, from left. Dr. and Mrs. agency; and Dr. Fenn, presently dean of faculty is one of presidential guidance. mittee that Dean sat in on FBI ■ were to watch the Saturn 5 lift­ elaborately equipped to long-time faculty members of MCC. (Herald photo by It could not be determined, interrogations of White House off from a viewing area three monitor the health of the and Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fenn. Dr. Lowe, now MCC Ofiara) ^ the Post said, if this occurred staff members. miles from the launch pad. The astronauts. before a July 6 telephone call in Time reported Dean was 33-story-tall rocket is to drill Upon reaching orbit Skylab which Gray reportedly told called into Nixon’s office in the station into a 270-mile-high will weigh 170,000 pounds. When Chamber Nixon he was disturbed that ac­ March and asked to sign two orbit. the astronauts’ spaceship hooks Doiible>Deck Bus tions by White House aides papers. It said one was a virtual Then the spacemen will make up with it, it will weigh a total were confusing the FBI’s confession, accepting all blame preparations for their own of 199,750 pounds and will be 118 Breakfasts Watergate investigation. for concealing facts in the case launch aboard a smaller 22- feet long. Hauls Hashish —One of those aides, John W. and, in effect, absolving others. story Saturn IB rocket at 1 p.m. With a total of six wing-like This Week Dean III, ousted White House It said the other was Dean’s Tuesday. solar panels extended it will be BOSTON (AP) — Customs agents planned to resume dis­ counsel, was reported by Time resignation. a strange-looking space con­ mantling a London double-decker bus today in which they magazine to have been asked by According to the Time ac­ Also here are members of the The Greater Manchester traption. The panels convert the Nixon two months ago to sign a count, Dean refused to sign Skylab 2 and 3 crews who later , Chamber of Commerce is con­ had discovered 750 pounds of hashish in a false ceiling. sun’s rays to electrical energy. virtual confession that he was either paper and also refused to in theyear are to visit the same ICC To Probe Attack ducting two breakfast sessions Five persons, members of the In addition to the ferry vehi­ U.S. law holds the captain the only White House aide to draft his own letter of resigna­ laboratory, each for 56 days. this week which will result in same family, were arrested Nine In All cle, which is a modified Apollo SAIGON (AP) - The Inter­ liable for drugs smuggled cover up facts in the Watergate tion. Returning to Nixon’s of­ national Commission of Control the program of work for the after agents, aided by a detec­ aboard the ship and subjects The nine astronauts will con­ ship, Skylab has four major sec­ case. fice later. Time said. Dean was tions: 1973-74 fiscal year. tive dog named “Duke,l’ spent him to a fine of $25 per ounce, duct extensive medical, scien­ and Supervision unanimously —Dean, who has vowed he told by the President he must The first session is tomorrow 12 hours Saturday dismantling agents said, estimating the tific, earth resources and space — The 22-foot-diameter or­ agreed today to investigate Viet will not be made a scapegoat In "shoulder the burden” and that bital workshop, two-stories Cong charges that U.S. planes at 8 a.m. at The Colony Room of the bus to find the drug. Agents penalty in this case at about the case, was quoted in an inter­ manufacturing experiments to estimated its value at $1.5 there would be no full "airing of high, which contains the attacked Communist territory the Steak Out in Talcottville. $300,000. view with Newsweek magazine determine how well man can million. the case.” Dean was fired April astronauts’ main living and in South Vietnam in violation of The second session will be 30. live and work in space for long The bus, which had been con­ working space. Bedrooms, the cease-fire agreement. Thursday morning, same time, Dean is onh of a list of 20 periods. same place, as the Tuesday ses­ verted to a camper, arrived What they learn will set kitchen, wardroom and dispen­ The United States denied the witnesses so far scheduled to sary are located on the first charges in advance of the sion. aboard the SS Iran Shahr from guidelines for long duration Cochin, India, agents said. GOP Violation appear before the Senate’s The purpose of the sessions is missions of the future) such as floor. Upstairs is a storage and meeting today of the commis­ Watergate investigating com­ work area containing science sion. to determine the priority Electric saws, hammers, permanent space stations or crowbars and other tools have mittee which opens public equipment, a food freezer, projects in which the Chamber hearings Thursday. journeys to other planets. been used by 10 agents in the water storage tank and film should devote itself in terms of Of Registration The work of the committee The information also may vaults. both time and money. search. In the area between the have far-reaching con­ ceiling of the first deck and the was praised Sunday by its Workshop To Visit Managua Richard G. Clark, Chamber’s ranking Republican member, sequences in bringing benefits floor of the second, agents said — Forward of the workshop is MEXICO CITYn(AP) - executive vice president, said it Sen. Howard H. Baker of from space to mankind, is of utmost importance that a they found two 12 foot rows, 18 Laws Alleged an airlock module, which Secretary of State William P. Tennessee, as the "most non­ expecially in the survey of inches wide and eight inches serves as part of the Rogers Hies to Managua today broad section of the partisan important Inquiry I .earth’s hidden natural membership be represented to deep, crammed with hashish. HARTFORD (AP)—Democratic leaders have calied for resources. passageway between the ferry to inspect the prelim inary have ever seen.” establish guidelines for the The drug was wrapped in an investigation of published reports that jobs and Donald K.
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