Columbia College Chicago Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago Columbia Chronicle College Publications 3-21-1983 Columbia Chronicle (03/21/1983) Columbia College Chicago Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle Part of the Journalism Studies Commons This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. Recommended Citation Columbia College Chicago, "Columbia Chronicle (03/21/1983)" (March 21, 1983). Columbia Chronicle, College Publications, College Archives & Special Collections, Columbia College Chicago. http://digitalcommons.colum.edu/cadc_chronicle/48 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the College Publications at Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. Students speak out on Opinionpoli Judge bars Oscar picks ·syrne's write-in campaign pages draft law page s CE'n teriold Vol. 13 No.2 Columbia College, Chicago March 21. 1983 • • • CriSIS In day-care t ~ r ' By Iris Brown Endeley There is a day-care crisis in Illinois. Governor James Thompson's proposed FY 1984 Slate budget, will strike a 1remendous blow to statewide childcare programs. ac­ cording to the Day Care action council of Illinois and the Statewide Human Services Coalition. The Action Council fact sheet states: -There wilt be a 46% reduction in day care slots for employment­ related/ TDC, now called "subsidized day care·•. -The eligibility lor all program s wilt be reduced to maximum of 60 percent.. -At least 44 programs will be forced to close. -The attribute source said "more than 3600 day care slots will Qe ellminaled. -The Department of Human Services will experience 11.6 percent cuts in the local eflort employmenl-related line, in addition to massive cuts in administrative services. -There will be a 12.45 percent loss in slots to Department of Public Aid/ donated funds initiative employment-related day car e.. Already parents are concerned with obtaining sale, affordable and productive childcare. These parents may be unable to find adaquate care lor their children at all, according to Mary McKenzie; Director of day care at Sl Vincent Oe Puul Center, located at 2145 -N . Halsted, Chicago Illinois. " Its important that private compames get nlto providing childcare lor their employees. ~:specially with the cuts planned lor the 1984 slate b~clget. And the plight or mothers cntPring the work force," said MacKenzie. ~ l acKenzie believes private and public companies should be forced to provide do~ care lor t11ctr employees. :VIacKcnzic reels that this is unl ikely because companies arc slow m addrpss1ng the preser.! and future needs of ch1ldcare. Accordmg to a story m the Ch tcago Stm-Ttmes. October 20. 1982 tssuc, Official Atrlitlt' Gutdcs 111 Oak Brook. llltnois has started an employer supported day care program. For a Icc ranging from $44 to S66 per week, OAG employees can bring their children with them to work each morning, look 111 on them oc­ casionally. and retrieve them alter the work day is finished. Never­ theless. thts practice has not become a widespread activity in Chicagn- based companies. Despite the abundance or childcare centers now. things arc not expected to get better in the childcare market in the future. ac­ cording to Mary MacKenzie of St. Vincent De Paul. Facilities funded by the government may cause mothers to leave their children at home unattended. The Childcare facilities that don't receive governm ental funds will experience new tuition increases. Facilities that operate on partial fUn­ ding such as St. Vincent De Paul, will suHer income losses tremendously ac- cording to Mary MacKenzie.- St. Vincent De Paul is one of many :i­ day. care lacllllles that caters to the' working or studying parents needlal­ day care for children four lllOft1h& _.. grammar scbool age. "'~e g!.ve p ' CCllllblued~~~1 Page 2 Columbia Chronicle, Marc h 21 , 1983 @GJ~\58[?~~00 Students react to Byrne's return The Opinion Poll that appears in time. But one can see, !rom her ac­ this Issue or the Chronicle reflects tion, that she has lost her integrity. some or the student's reactions She has also lost the trust she had towards Mayor Byrne's decision to from her close supporters. run as a write-in candidate. The Chronicle found that the ma­ Trust is the one and maybe the ' jority or the students reacted only !actor that determines who a negatively. One student said "she person will support in an election. must be afraid or losing her power Without trust Byrne has en­ and can't accept she's lost." dangered her future in politics. And she may have endangered the • Perhaps it is power that she is trust i n the future or the trying to hold on to for the last Democratic Party. Letters to the editor COLUMBIA CHRONICLE • Dear E ditor: inter est. MANAGING EDITOR I am wr iting with regard to "on Congressman Washington has Maryanne Giustino By Mark Merzdorf wh1 te Sheet politics by claiming the Mark" which appeared in !.he the superior program ; even Merz­ Rona l d Reagan will be that he is "inse nsitive" to March 7, 1983 issue or the ·chro'ni­ dOrl mamiged to acknowledge CLlYEDITOR remembered by social and minorities. More to the point. cle. It's surely the most irresponsi­ that. A careful reading or both can­ laura _Alonso historical observers as the· Ronald Reagan could give a damn ble and insulting bit or rubbish this didates' platforms will demon­ NEWS/FEATURE EDITORS paper has ever printed - no mean strate that Epton represents the greatest presidential failure or all about anybody in this country who Allyson Buckley time. ,does not have an economic hold or !eat! Reagan-Thompspn people-last ap­ Sondra,Brigandi. , In contrast, he will b e interest in manufacturing and in­ proach to -government on a local remembered fondly by the neo­ dustry. According to Mr. Merz<.lorr, I an<.l level. Even if a racially motivated ARTS/ENTERTAINM~NJ conservative factions in this coun­ For those who doubt h is the thousands of other non-black voter does not send his or her EDITORS try who have prospered during his simplistic view of blacks and the voters who contributed to Con­ children to public school, ride the Jolene Jones reign or terror. downtrodden in this country. con­ gressman Washington's primary CTA or use any or the otber public­ Peter Rindskopf Ronald Reagan is not the. " just sider this statement from a victory are delu<.led roots at best ly financed services, his or her STAFF plain folks" person he claims to be. Reagan news conference in 1970: and racial traitors at worst. By neighbors do. We cannot alford to Roshon Barnwell He is a diabolical man with a "A great deal of the problem in the employing a rhetorical trick in his live in' a city with badly~ucated. Robert Bergsvik pissed-orr and hungry neighbors. desire to divide America into two so-called hunger problem in the filth paragraph. Merzdorl has in­ Gary Carlson separate and distinct groups: rich country and certainly here in ferred that Bernard Epton is the Congressman Washington, on the Myrna Daley and poor. A man who saturates the California is that in many in­ "Superior candidate" without other han<.l. represents an intelli­ airwaves with diatribe from Calvin stances malnutrition, that is. the <.lirectly sayng so an<.l without say­ gently mappe<.l-out program to Iris Endeley-Brown Coolidge's years or collapse. result of a lack or knowledge or ing why. Even if it is a misreading make this city a humane environ­ Olayinka Gbajabiamila In two years, Ronald Reagan has proper nutritional diet and or or his meaning. the effect is the ment. Dorothy Horton attempted to destroy the middle ethnic eating patterns and habits. same as if Merzdorl ha<.l openly Cynthia Keenan Instead or wasting all the trees it and lower class segments or And the result is not in any way <.leclared a preference for Epton. Theresa M cGuire American society . whi l e associated in some instances with took to print your "views" in your Debra Monroe systematically ignor ing those need or lack or funds. There are I am not so naive as to think that March 7th column, why don't you racism is not an issue in the Americans already trapped by certain localities in the country tell tis whom you would have us jody O esterreic her mayoral election. but I know that poverty. He has tried to crush the where the children themselves vote for and why, Mr. Merzdorf. Beverly Pertent not all or the voters are racists and black and Hispanic people. He has think a very tasty meal is bread Eleanor Porter that not all r acists are so stupi<.l as forced America into depression with sorghum on it and because RespecUully, to vote against their own self- lacqueline Prince and unemployment. He has extir­ they like it and it is kind or Miriam Solon-Hanover Jody Waldman pated the social programs or the customary and that's what they Theresa Wofford Federal government, and forced get and it is hardly what we call a For those students and other in­ Having cleared up that dispar i­ the states and localities to swallow balanced mea l." According to terested parties that may have ty, I leave you with the following: Ronald Wojtecki the staggering debt imposed by his Reagan. the ethnic diet is responsi- · missed the now famous. " fifth RESEARC H COORDINATOR administration. ble !or the majority or hunger in paragraph with the rhetorical 1.
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