DOCUMENT RESUME ED 372 993 SO 024 064 TITLE String Things. INSTITUTION Mesa Public Schools, Ariz. PUB DATE [90] NOTE 173p. PUB TYPE Guides Classroom Use Teaching Guides (For Teacher) (052) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Curriculum Guides; Grade 4; Grade 5; Grade 6; Grade 7; Grade 8; *Intermediate Grades; *Junior High Schools; Middle Schools; *Music Activities; Musical Instruments; *Music Education; Music Teachers; *Music Techniques; Orchestras; Student Educational Objectives IDENTIFIERS Music Festivals; *Stringed Instruments ABSTRACT Designed for music educators instructing grades 4 through 8 in string instruments, this Mesa (Arizona) publicschools guide presents information on the string curriculum,orchestras, and practicing. The goals and objectives for stringinstruments delineate grade levels and how student skills will be verified.Following 17 curriculum goal tests, examples of letters tostudents and parents and to teachers precede miscellaneous articles and fivenewsletters. Practice records and scale fingerings assist in promotingstudent progress. After information on the Mesa public schoolsummer music programs, the district solo and ensemble festivals section contains information, worksheets, and forms for teachers. Following information on junior high advance and otherorchestra festivals, descriptions of the junior high honor orchestra,the Mesa Young Peoples Orchestra, and the Metropolitan YouthSymphony provides information sent to parents. A practice contractagreement between the parent and child and regional orchestra festivalinformation concludes the guide. (CK) ' ' A****A****A ,.::*****A A******J.***A ******* * Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made * from the original document. ***********************A******************************************* MESAPUlitACSCHOOLS String Things U.11. DIPARTMENT OF EDUCATOON Offic of Educe Poo. Remerchand improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION CENTER (ERIC, ,4.tne document Imowon reproduced as *canoed from dm person or wont:shoe onienahnp it 0 Minot changes how beanmode to improve mmoducton Quality. Points of vow or °onions stater:11mM*doc o mem do not nerAssanly reprefontofficial OER1 position or pohcy. "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY b,C92-Pic TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." -a BEST COPY AVAILABLE 2 L. TABLE OF CONTENTS TOPIC SECTION String Curriculum A Curriculum Goal Tests Letters to Students & Parents Letters to Teachers Miscellaneous Articles Newsletters Practice Records Scales Fingerings Summer School District Solo & Ensemble Festivals Jr. High Advanced Orch. Festival Jr. High Other Than Adv. Festival Elementary Orchestra Festival Jr. High Honor Orchestra Mesa Young Peoples Orchestra 0 Metropolitan Youth Symphony Practice Contract (parent/child) Regional Orchestra Festival 3 JIM ill RIM INIIM Department MUSIC Course Beg Strings 4th Grade Level I VERIFICATION RESOURCES EVALUATION anCourse understanding Goal:GOALS To AND provideof OBJECTIVES basic students instrument with (District test, projects, etc ) playingnotation,maintenence,parts , techniques.basic proper fundamental preventative posture andmusic basic will:At1. the Know end basic of level instrument I the parts.students 1. Student will name and indicate Muller Rusch method#1 .... c.b.a.the scrollbridgefingerboard following instrument parts: Suzukilessons book 1-15 #1 d.h.g.e.f. stringspegboxnutnecktuning pegs String Builder #1 2. Understand basic instrument care. 2. Studentk.j.i. pinchintail (cello/bass)willrestpiece exhibit(violin/viola) and list 3 c.b.a.instrument exhibitwipelooseningtrument rosin bowcare fromhairsin puttingtechniques: case. instrument daily ,t4 3EST COPY AVAILABLE mos --- mem mum mom Department MUSIC Course Bag Strings 4th Grade Level I VERIFICATION RESOURCES EVALUATION Level IGOALS(cont) AND OBJECTIVES , (District test. protects, etc) 3.Know basic bow parts. 3.Studentd.c.b.a. pointfrogscrewhair will name and indicate: 4.Learn basic note and rest values. 4.compositionStudente.f. stickgrip will using performdp-IJ a 5.Learn basic mete: signatures. 5.metersStudentscombination.and corresponding and will perform explain restsa 4/4, in 2/4 6.Understand accidentals. 6.#'s.andStudentcomposition perform will ina define compositioneach. # symbol with 7.Know proper body posture. 7.exhibitStudent properwill consistently body posture . 8.Studentholding bow,will know proper way of 8.exhibitholdingStudentwhen playing. properbow.will consistently way of oki r rum warm moraver ow um am Department MUSIC Course Beg Strings 4th Grade LevelI VERIFICATION RESOURCES (DistrictEVALUATION test. protects. etc ) LevelIGOALS(cont) AND OBJECTIVES 9. Know basic scales. 9.Perform1 octave andfor namea D scale.the notes for 10. Know key signature concept. 10.aWriterecognizescale, composition. the name thekey the Filsignature sharps, and C4 andforin D 11. Know basic music symbols. 11.Explain:It-_, the1 following symbols: 12. procedure.Know basic pizzicato 12.rightpizzicatoDemonstrate hand. procedure the proper with the 1413. .KnowKnow slursproper and left ties. hand technique. 13.14.handConsistentlyPerformties positionand a slurs. composition exhibitfor own properusing 15. Know basic terms. 15.clefDefine:(violin);instrument. (cello/bass); pizz, alto arco, clef treble11,V(viola). bassclef 9 am rum arlrmar r Department MUSIC Course GOALSBeg Strings AND 4thOBJECTIVES Grade Level I VERIFICATION -RESOURCES (DistrictEVALUATION test projects, etc ) Level16. KnowI (cont)basic finger position for 16.Perform composition using all own instrument. c.a.notesb. bassvin/clacello learned - -top -top 1st1,3in 3 strings h2,thestrings3 strings 3year: 1, 1,3,4 - 17. Learn proper bow placement. 17.contactmiddleConsistently ofwith the& 1,string. playhow,2 inwith the good4, 11011Department MI MIMUSIC NM 111M MI MN MI UM OM MN I= Course IntermediateGOALS AND Strings, OBJECTIVES 5th Grade, Level II VERIFICATION RESOURCES (DostrictEVALUATION test, projects, etc ) patterns,anCoursetheintervals understanding function Goal: properof aToof whole provideaccidentals,bowingof basicand techniques,studentshalf finger keystep, andwith will:Atmeterterminology. the signatures,end of level basic two themusical student 1. Know basic finger patterns. 1. b.a.notesPerform cellovin/vla1, learned£2, compositions add3 add Cthus string4th far:string using - L1,1,2, -all L1, StringingStringP. 16-30 Builder Muller-Rusch Along2nd half *1 2. Know proper bow placement. 2. thec.Exhibit bass(1/2tip andposition)addgood frogE bowstring intechnique a - L1, 4at 3. Know proper releasing procedure. 3. throughthecomposition.Explain sound performance.when and andexhibit how toit release 4. correspondingKnow basic note rests. values and 4. correspondingcombination.c),..I.,Performd a, Jcomposition,-j2 rests in usingand I= OM MI OM =I MI OM MN IMO MI MI MN I= Department MUSIC Course GOALSIntermediate AND OBJECTIVES Strings, 5th Grade, Level II VERIFICATION RESOURCES (DistrictEVALUATION test, projects, etc ) Level5.Know II (cont)whole and half steps. 5.showwhole-stepsExplain examples difference and of halfthem between stepson own and 6.Know accidentals. 6.Recognizekeyboard.instrument 11 andaccidental the piano and be 7.Know pick up concept. 7.withabletlyExplain Iti performto performsigns.up-beat, them a in andcomposition consisten- 8.endings.Know comcept of 1st and 2nd 8.Recognizefully2nucompositions. ending perform and concept explaina piece and 1stof success- musicand 9.Know basic scales. 9.withoctave.thePerform scales1st andand C name2ndand endings.Gthe for notes one for 11.10.Know basickey signature. meter signature. 11.10.WriteExplainname thekey 3/4,sharps. signature C meters G and C and 12.Learn left hand 4th finger pizz. 12.Exhibitperformfinger pizz. proper left hand 4th _ CourseDepartmentIntermediate Strings,MUSIC 5th Grade, Level II GOALS AND OBJECTIVES VERIFICATION RESOURCES (DistrictEVALUATION test, projects, etc ) Level13. Know II (cont)basic terms. 13. a.Define key thesignature followingterms: ed.c.b.. marchuptimemeter beat signature (pick up) 13 1" 1111-11110111M-111110MINIMMIllIN-11111- Department MUSIC Course AdvancedStringe, Jth Grade, Level III VERIFICATION RESOURCES (DistrictEVALUATION test, projects, etc.) Course GOALSGoal: ToAND provide OBJECTIVES students with , complexandtheintervalsfunction understandingdot, forma basicof of flats, aof slurringthird, first of16th dynamics, the positiontechniques,note concept values, theand of Atandwill:increased themusical end skill oftermonology. level in theIII usethe ofstudent scales 1. Understand dynamic concepts. 1. c.b.a.Defineing fortemezzopiano dynamic and (f)forte(p) porformlevels: (mf) the follow- Muller-RuschBkEnsembleperformance 2 time 1/1 Orchestra for Strings d. mezzo piano (mp) . 3.2. Understand(accidental), flatthe concept(6 )concept of 3.2. aExplainDefine composition andconcept accurately with of flats.syncopation perform SuzukibyFirst Applebaum PositionBooks 112 Etudes 4. triplets,syncopation.Understand the concept of 4. andDemonstrateinsyncopation. simpleperform terms aand composition define triplets with MethodMerleNew Tunes Isaac For String Strings Class 13' //7 19 MI 111110 INN MN MI 1011011- =I MI NM ION MO CcurseDepartment Advanced S trings, 6thMUSIC Grade, Level III GOALS AND OBJECTIVES VERIFICATION RESOURCES (DistrictEVALUATION test, projects, etc.)\ Level5. Know III musical(cont) terminology. 5. b.a.Define daD.C. capo th:al codafollowing terms: BeautifulBuilding TechniqueMusic with ' e.c. D.S.fermata StringBeautiful
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