A FINE BALANCE PUB ANNUAL REPORT ���3/���� CONTENTS 01 A FINE BALANCE 02 BOARD OF DiRecTORS 04 CHaiRMan'S MeSSAGE 06 CHief EXecUTIVE'S MeSSAGE 08 A VibRanT GLObal COMMUniTY ECOSYSTEM | ELEMENTS 20 AN INTEGRATED WATER SYSTEM INFRASTRUCTURE | INSTINCT 40 UniTED FOR THE WATER CAUSE CHAMPIONS | COLLABORATORS 56 A ViSION FOR THE FUTURE SPECIALISTS | SOLUTIONS 72 A CITY OF GaRDenS anD WATER NATURE | NURTURE Information accurate as of 1 September 2014 A FINE baLANCE The essence of sustainability is equilibrium – created by the synchronised and complementary efforts between all parts which make up the whole system. PUB draws strength from all quarters – from time-tested strategies, operational specialists, partners in innovation, to community champions – to strike a fine balance between its values and aspirations, its present and future, its people and processes, its hardware and heartware. This book documents PUB’s experience and aspirations to achieve this balance in its journey to provide water for all – for now and the future. 01 PUB ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 BOARD OF DIRecTORS MR Tan Gee Paw MR CHEW MEN LEONG Chairman Chief Executive PUB PUB MR WONG YEW MENG MR ISMAIL BIN BIDIN Retired Audit Partner General Manager PricewaterhouseCoopers, Singapore Applied Materials S.E.A. Pte Ltd 02 MR ZAINAL BIN SAPARI MR LIM HOW TECK Director Chairman National Trades Union Congress Redwood International Pte Ltd MR KOH KIM WAH MS JaneT anG Director Managing Director SmarttPapers International Pte Ltd IBM Singapore MG (NS) NG CHee KHERN MR QUEK TONG BOON Permanent Secretary (Defence Development) Chief Defence Scientist Second Permanent Secretary (Health) Ministry of Defence 03 PUB ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE TAN GEE PAW CHAIRMAN, PUB 04 Over the past 50 years, PUB has had an immeasurable impact on the quality of life in Singapore. Not only have we ensured a diversified and sustainable water supply for people and industries, but we have also supplied high quality water at an affordable price. All this was achieved through the adoption of best sourcing practices and by improving water efficiency in our processes and operations. OUR CULTURE OF external sources for energy. This is of global warming. We must be innOVATION why we are investing a great deal in prepared for future episodes, Going beyond operating leveraging the water–energy–waste which may be even more intense. competently, PUB has worked nexus. As with every challenge we innovatively, proactively monitoring have faced, we are keen to explore While there are challenges ahead, and investing in technology. This the potential opportunities it we will also make Singapore has in no small part contributed presents, both economically and in even more liveable, and continue to several milestones such as terms of sustainable development to strengthen the emotional desalination and NEWater for Singapore and the world. connection between people and production. The latter especially, water. PUB’s Active, Beautiful, Clean has allowed us to close the water Another challenge will be the Waters (ABC Waters) Programme loop, and in the future will allow increasing urbanisation that results has been warmly received since its us to capture and reuse every from population growth. This will launch in 2006, and 23 ABC Waters drop of water. reduce the amount of land available projects have since been completed. for infrastructure such as water Over the next five years, 15 more These outcomes have also reclamation plants (WRPs), while projects have been identified for emboldened us in forging at the same time increasing the implementation, bringing water ahead with our own research & demand for water. closer to all of us. development (R&D) programme rather than relying on industry The Deep Tunnel Sewerage System MainTaininG HIGH players for the solutions Singapore (DTSS), which when complete will STANDARDS needs. Our people are constantly halve the footprint of our used Previous generations of PUB learning, and I am pleased to see water infrastructure, is an example officers have set the bar the culture of innovation that now of how we are addressing these high. It is now up to the next permeates the organisation. concerns. Phase 2 of the DTSS generation of officers to uphold includes the Tuas WRP, which will service delivery standards and THE neXT CHapTER be both energy and space efficient. think outside the box for solutions. While PUB is today acknowledged The second NEWater Plant at Only with collective efforts can as a global leader in urban water Changi, to be completed in 2016, we continue to maintain the high management, challenges lie yet is also designed to minimise its standards for which the organisation ahead. One of these challenges is land footprint. has come to be known. With a energy becoming the constraining foundation of knowledge, talent factor in water production. Every Where climate change is concerned, and innovativeness to build upon, step of the water treatment process we need to plan for the unexpected. the best is yet to come for PUB. consumes energy, and the reality Singapore has already witnessed is that Singapore depends on some of the unprecedented effects 05 PUB ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S MESSAGE CHEW MEN LEONG CHieF EXECUTIVE, PUB 06 Recently, Singapore experienced a significant dry spell, with February 2014 being the driest month the nation has endured in almost 150 years. All around the world, we are beginning to see greater weather extremes, perhaps arising from climate change. Droughts and floods alike can impact Singaporeans’ lives and our economy. For this reason, PUB’s priority is to ensure the resilience of our water supply and drainage system. EARLY inVESTMenT paYs off Singapore's water supply. Works encourage accountability for water Besides serving as a warning, on Phase 2 of the DTSS are also in usage. We will continue to call on recent weather events have also progress. Along with the second all our other customers to develop affirmed our major investments Changi NEWater plant, the new a comprehensive plan to cut their in R&D over the years as key to Tuas WRP and integrated NEWater water consumption. sustaining the nation’s liveability. factory will help us to achieve NEWater is a prime illustration. the long-term goal of increasing The fundamentals are in place Unlike local catchment and NEWater supply to meet up to 55% for stormwater management. imported water, this national tap of Singapore’s total water demand. Moving forward, we need to focus is independent of fluctuations in At the same time, technology on increasing the flexibility and rainfall. It therefore gives us the will enable Tuas WRP to do more adaptability of the drainage system flexibility to top up the water supply with less. It will not only be more so that it is able to cope with when needed. During the dry spell energy efficient than existing WRPs, increasingly intense rain events. from January to March, we ran all but also generate less sludge This will be made possible by our our NEWater and desalination plants while producing more biogas for holistic “source–pathway–receptor“ at near full capacity to help ensure power generation. approach, which targets not only water availability and injected up the drains and canals but also areas to 35 million gallons a day (mgd) When it comes to demand, we will that generate stormwater runoff and of NEWater into the reservoirs to keep up efforts to promote water areas to which floodwaters may flow. maintain reservoir stock levels. conservation. Households have done well in reducing water consumption OUR peOple Make While our drive to diversify over the years. At this juncture, THE DiffeRence Singapore’s water sources has we must focus on managing non- Infrastructure and technology paid off, we still need to invest domestic water demand, as this are important, but equally crucial continually in R&D as well as in our sector is projected to account are our people. The individuals water infrastructure to cater to a for an increasing percentage of who work at PUB are all integral growing Singapore. water usage. to our highly skilled and dedicated team. Whether in water supply, PlanninG FOR THE FUTURE From June 2015, it will be mandatory sewerage management, water With this in mind, PUB is building for non-domestic users to submit a reclamation or stormwater new capacity well ahead of time. Water Efficiency Management Plan management, Singaporeans The building of the second NEWater (WEMP). All large water users will can rest assured that we aim plant at Changi is necessary also be required to install private for nothing less than excellence. to strengthen the resilience of water meters on their premises to 07 A VibRanT GLObal COMMUniTY ECOSYSTEM EleMenTS Given its humble beginnings, Singapore’s greatest achievement in water is arguably its remarkable transformation – from a fledgling nation struggling for survival to a vibrant global hydrohub, brimming with R&D activities. This is where the best water minds gather to test, develop and co-create solutions for the greater good of humanity. PUB ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 ENVIRONMENT & WATER INDUSTRY A THRIVING HOME FOR WATER ReSeaRCH A combination of systematic planning, methodical and integrated water management, and extensive investment in R&D has propelled Singapore from having limited natural water resources to call its own to being lauded globally as an exemplary model for sustainable water management. In the process, PUB has also gone from managing water as a resource to increasingly leveraging it as an economic asset. With water and environment technologies recognised as a key growth sector, the Environment and Water Industry Programme Office (EWI) was set up to promote research and development (R&D) in the field, grow the industry, and position Singapore as a global R&D base for environment and water solutions.
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