WEEKLY NEWSPAPER J 1 E4JII DEVOTED TO UNITY AND MAGAZINE IN JEWISH COMBINED g^DMa~ LIFE VOL. CXXXVIII, No. 9 Thursday, May 31, 1945 Price 15c per copy-$5.00 a year "JEWS CANNOT WAIT LONGER" -WISE Arabs Rallied To Econ- Insists That Parley Should omic War On Palelstine Rankin Bill Aims To End All Immigration Consider Problems Now Jerusalem (JPS Palcor) -Rallying other Arab countries to join in the cru- Washington, D. C.-Rep. John Ran- kin (D. Miss.) introduced a bill in the New York-Dr. Stephen Wise, Pres- "Spurred by the example of the will- sade, Makram Elbeid Pasha, Egypt's House of Representatives ident of the American Jewish Congress, ful irresponsibility of the American Minister of Finance, told the Egyptian to deny ad- mittance into the United States to all reporting before the Congress Ad- Jewish Committee, its allied groups, Chambers of Deputies that it is the ministrative Committee on his return the Jewish Labor Committee and the declared intention of the Egyptian Gov- immigrants while the number of unem- from San Francisco, stated: Agudath Israel, applied for and se- ernment to conduct a systematic cam- ployed in this country is 100,000 or paign against Palestine Jewry in the more. The bill was referred to the "Personally I believe that the Jewish cured some manner of status. The economic sphere. He made this state- Committee on Immigration and Nat- question in some of its larger aspects three largest organizations within the ment in the course of an address re- uralization of which Rep. Samuel Dick- should have come before the Confer- Conference, the Zionist Organization garding the new budget, and did not stein of New York is chairman. This ence, even though nominally and tech- of America, the American Jewish conceal the fact that is the most drastic of current immigra- nically it limited itself to the creation Congress, and the B'nai B'rith, made Egypt stands to profit by capturing Middle East mar- tion bills introduced during the present of a constitution for the coming Peace no attempt to secure special place or session of Congress, others pending be- Conference and the International Se- representation for themselves, though kets, and that his country feared the fore the Committee seek to limit immi- curity Organization. The uniqueness each of these numbers tens of thou- progress of Jewish Palestine's indus- gration when there are one million un- and the measure of Jewish sands, in comparison with the Commit- try. suffering, employed. Adoption of Rankin's bill gruesome confirmation of which came tee numbers. That the Committee took It amused commercial and industrial would end all immigration into to light coincident with no public action in dissent from the circles in Palestine that while the the the Confer- United States. ence, should have compelled considera- joint action of the Conference, the Egyptian Finance Minister stressed tion of the limitless horror suffered by World Jewish Congress and the Board that Egypt stood to profit from flood- Jews in the concentration camps, of of Jewish Deputies of Britain, does not ing the Arab market in Palestine, he which the world now knows, of which lessen the evil effect of its separate ap- ignored the possibility that Palestine governments knew years ago. pearance as consultant, which served Jewry, constituting one of the most lu- Sen. Brewster Announces to encourage other divisive groups. ... crative markets in the "The silence, necessary or voluntary, Middle East, "Action" To Open Palestine of the San Francisco Conference, with "The time has come for American might retaliate by shunning all goods regard to the Jewish case makes it Jews to act. Instead of prating weari- from Egypt and other Arab countries. imperatively necessary for us once somely of the evils of disunity, let them The Egyptian Finance Minister was Los Angeles-A Congressional res- more to present that case to the Amer- become decently and self-respectingly reported to have moved to give Egypt's olution "within the next sixty days" ican people and its Government, to the intolerant of a little group of Jews, competitive war on Jewish Palestine will force Britain to rescind the White English people and its Government. whose chief distinction lies in the the aspects of a Pan-Arab nationalist Paper restrictions on Jewish immigra- The Jewish people cannot and will not measure of their possessions and the crusade by inspiring the Secretariat of tion into Palestine, United States Sen- wait longer." brute power which abundance confers the League of Arab States to proclaim ator Owen Brewster of Maine an- nounced in addressing Dr. Wise expressed regret at the upon its possessors, even in political that the League's Economic Committee, a meeting of the life. To these let it be said: 'You do Ladies Apparel Division of the United multiplicity of Jewish representatives, soon to be established, will include the Jewish Appeal pointing out for mention the members us no end of hurt, you bring us no following provision "on behalf of Pal- here. America, he said, manner of good. If you are ready to had a moral right to "a periscope of the self-appointed Committee on He- estine's Arabs: Protection of their in join your Jewish brothers in a program the Middle East," which is a vast store- brew Liberation. Such representation lands and assistance in developing house of oil, and a "impaired the effect of the unity of self-help and self-emancipation, you Jewish Palestine them, as well as support of their com- would be which the American will no longer betake'yourselves out America's best friend in that Jewish Congress, merce." area. the Zionist Organization of America, of and away from the deeply and truly the B'nai B'rith, and the other impor- Jewish life, which your pride and its tant organizations sought to achieve treachery now sully and undermine. within the Conference." Once again must Jewish unity be pro- claimed in the classic terms: Let him He also challenged the "cowardly who is on the Lord's side come to us'." and treacherous among us" who are unconcerned and worried only about their own future status to "take them- Labor Party Reiterates selves out of Jewish life, and permit us who care and who are concerned, Pro-Jewish State Stand who respect ourselves as Jews, and who wish the Jewish problem to be London (JPS-Palcor) -Labor Party settled decently and honorably by the support for a Jewish state in Palestine establishment of a Jewish Common- was reiterated by Hugh Dalton, speak- wealth to become more active." ing on behalf of the National Execu- tive Committee of the British Labor Hits American Jewish Committee's Party at the Party Conference here. Role at UNCIO Pointing out that the National Execu- New York (JPS)-In an editorial in tive has made its position "abundantly the June issue of Opinion its editor, clear," "it is morally wrong and po- Dr. Stephen S.' Wise declares: "No litically indefensible to restrict the sooner did the (American Jewish) Con- entry to Palestine of those Jews who ference rightfully apply for status (at wish to go there," he said. UNCIO), as it was entitled to under "The Palestine problem is not the the ruling of the State Department, concern of the British government than the American Jewish Committee, alone," said Dalton, "but should be by means and methods as yet undis- worked out in close agreement and co- closed, applied for and secured a status operation among Britain, America and Outgoing president of the Zionist Organization equal to that of the American Jewish Russia; particularly if this can assure of Chicago, Samuel F. Jacob- son (left) congratulates Milton J. Silberman, the newly elected president. Silber- Conference, from which it is little more the settlement not only of the Pales- man assumed office last Sunday at the occasion of their culminating banquet. than an inconsiderable dissenting tine problem, but of surrbunding coun- The two wives are represented above. That's Mrs. Silberman right next to her group. tries as well. husband, with Mrs. Jacobson looking on..
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