Legacies: A Chapter Dilemma! by ANNE'ITE MITCHELL MILLS, N.P. C. Delegate How many Pi Beta Phi legacies will be entering college recognize the value of legacies with their special loyalty and in 1982? It is impossible to know, but the number would appreciation of Pi Beta Phi history and tradition. Unfor­ be sizeable if it were possible to count the sisters, tunately it is not statistically possible for all legacies to be daughters, granddaughters, and even great granddaughters pledged. of the more than 130,000 women who have been initiated In the face of these harsh realities what can alumnae do into Pi Beta Phi. to help legacies in rush? They should by all means send The current interest in Greek membership is beneficial to rush information forms to the chapter concerned. Ob­ the fraternity system, but can be detrimental to legacies. In viously this does not guarantee a bid, but it is a positive the fall of 1981 more than 51 ,000 young women panici­ way in which alumnae can participate in the membership pated in rush on campuses where Pi Beta Phi chapters are selection process. The rushees and the chapter must make located. A number of college Panhellenics registered the ultimate decision. Alumnae cannot and should not try between 1,000 and 1,600 rushees. Consider the dilemma of to control the actual events of rush. They can and should chapters faced with the task of wisely selecting a pledge provide factual information to chapters and a supponive class from the large number of qualified rushees. Pan­ emotional climate to rushees, especially legacies. hellenic quotas are necessary to provide as many pledge A rushee's perspective reflects that of her Greek relatives spaces as possible for interested rushees and at the same and friends . To a large degree, her acceptance or lasting time help maintain some semblance of balance in chapter hun from a rush disappointment will depend on the size among the groups on a campus. attitude of her family. Attitudinal preparation must begin Quota restrictions make it impossible for some Pi Beta long before rush week. Openmindedness is the key. Phi chapters to pledge all of their legacies even if they wish Alumnae need to encourage rushees to think Panhel­ to do so. The following statistics represent a cross-section of lenically. Each of the 26 member groups in National Pan­ states and provinces, old and new chapters. One chapter hellenic Conference has something wonhwhile to offer: with a pledge quota of 31 had 54 legacies going through special friendships, emphasis on good scholarship and rush. With a quota of 40, an')ther had 75 legacies. Others personal development, and suppon of charitable causes. reponed quota of 26 with 48 legacies, quota of 27 with 40 If an alumna's own fraternity experience has been a legacies, quota of 19 with 31 legacies, quota of 33 with 56 happy one and she wants the same for her daughter or legacies, quota of 30 with 32 legacies. A sizeable number granddaughter, then she must talk to these young women of chapters had enough legacies in rush to fill 60 to 75 in terms of Greek membership, not exclusively in terms of percent of quota if all were pledged. Pi Beta Phi membership. This does not mean denying a The Pi Beta Phi POLICIES and STANDING RULES preference for Pi Beta Phi. It does mean admitting that state: " The Fraternity urges its chapters, when considering there are acceptable alternatives. If a legacy does receive girls with Pi Beta Phi background, to consider this heritage and accept a Pi Phi bid, there is cause for great rejoicing. as a great asset, and when these girls have other assets If not, she should not feel guilty or inadequate. In any commensurate with the qualifications of others on the rush event the well being and lasting happiness of legacies in list, to give these girls a fair advantage." Chapters do rush must be the top priority of concerned Pi Phis. FRONT COVEll: It was • cold, wiDel), da)' on Dub)' Dan Farm m Kcotuck)', butJody Phillips brayed the weather and calmed beautiful Pi Phi Gal so that Wall)' Phillips could make them both coyer pis. Sec pqc S for the stOry. BACK COVER: Aerial new of the Viremia Tech campus, home of Pi Pbi's newest chapter, Viremia Zcu. Installation stOry on paae 7. THE Arrow OF PI BETA PHI VOLUME 98 SPRING, 1982 NUMBER 3 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PI BETA PHI FRA TERNIlY Fou"rJerJ 1867 FOUNDERS OF THE FRA TERNITY Emma Brownlee Kilgore (1848-1924) Rosa Moore (1848-1924) Margaret Campbell (1846-1936) JennieNicol, M. D. (1845-1881) Libbie Brook Gaddis (1850-1933) Inez Smith Soule (1846-1941) Ada Bruen Grier (1848-1924) Fannie Thomson (1848-1868) Clara Brownlee Hutchinson (1850-1931) Jennie Horne Turnbull (1846-1932) Fanny Whitenack Libbey (1848-1941) Nancy Black Wallace (1846-1918) Office a/Publication: 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333 , St. Louis, Mo . 63105 Regular Features Staff Off The ARRow Hook . .. ................... 4 ARROW Editor Holt House Report . .. .. .... .. ... ....... ... 9 Short Stories of Sagacious Sisters ..... ...... ..... 20 Marilyn Simpson Ford (Mrs. William W ., Jr.), 268 Under­ wood Dr., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. 30328 Arrow in the Arctic . ... 28 Athletic Angels ..... .. ... .... ...... ... ..... 30 Alumnae Club Forum Editor Doing Unto Others Through Chapter Service Projects .. ..... .. .... ..... .. ..... 34 Carol Busch Marlowe (Mrs . Britton L.), 2860 Mirage Drive, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80918 Pi Phi Did It .......... ..................... 38 Campus Beauties .. ...... ...... ...... ........ 40 From Pi Phi Pens Operation Brass Tacks-"Passages" ............... 48 (Book Reviews) Lost Pi Phis .... ... .. ... .. .. .. ..... ...... ... 50 Clare Harding Sanford (Mrs. Frank W.), Little Professor In Memoriam 53 Book Center, HiHtown ViHage Center, Chesterfield, Mo . Fraternity Directory .. ......... ... .. ......... .. 55 63017 Official Calendars . 56 Arro . F'le and In Memoriam Campus Sights and Sounds .. .......... ..... 62 Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333, St. Louis, Mo . 63105 nHE ARROW (USPS 032-HO) is printed Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer by Pi Beta Pbi Fraternity at the press of George Banta Company, Curtis Reed Plaza, Menasha, Wis. ,Send change of address notice and correspondence of a business nature to Pi Beta Phi Central Office, 7730 Carondelet, Suite 333 , St. Louis, Mo . 63105. 'Correspondence of an editorial nature is to be addressed to the editor, Mrs. W. W . Ford, Jr., 268 Underwood Dr., NW, Atlanta, Ga. 30328. ,Second class postage paid at St. Louis, Missouri, and at additional mailing office. Printed in the United States of America off th e A special apology goes to the members of the Nonhern education teacher at Conant High School in a Chicago Virginia Alumnae Club. This outstanding club, instigator suburb. She holds two degrees in education from the and donor of the national award for outstanding com­ University of Illinois, where she was on the Deans List, munity service, was , itself, an award winner at the Dallas danced with the University pom-pon squad, was a member Convention. Somehow we managed to ignore that fact of the Homecoming Queen Courr, and was listed in Who 's completely when listing the awards in the fall issue of Who ." Vicki was featured on the cover of that issue of the The ARRow . So, to give credit where credit is due-the magazine also. Nonhern Virginia Alumnae Club was honored for its club yearbook, along with four others. We are sorry that the In the Nonhwestern Alumni News of last September was club wasn't listed at the proper time and we hope the an article written by Dean of Students Virginia Landwehr, club's disappointment at not being named is now Illinois Epsilon. Ginny was a member of the Student somewhat assuaged. Governing Board, a varsity debater, president of Monar Board in her junior and senior years, and Pi Phi president By way of our Canadian Philanthropy Chairman Lois during her undergraduate years. For the past six years , she Laycraft comes a clipping from Chatelaine, Canada's has headed the office which acts as a resource for the "national" women's magazine. Editor Mildred Istona University's 6,500 undergraduates, supervising sorority and wrote, "Judging by the women I met on my trip, there is fraternity affairs, minority student affairs, resident hall no need to despair for the future place of women in programming and other student service areas. A former Canadian society. Many of our future employment oppor­ student leader has called her "NU's most receptive ear." tunities are in the hands of such strong-minded and strong­ Ginny wrote, " It is thrilling for me to work with these willed directors of provincial women's bureaus as Shirley marvelous aspiring young people. I only wish they had a Bradshaw in Winnipeg." little more fun, a little less stress, a little more time to sit Shirley, Manitoba Alpha, is well-known to many Pi Phis, in a grill and talk things over with their friends. ' , having been an alumnae province president, and on the national nominating committee for several years. Ncw York City Panhellenic will award two $100 scholar­ ships to fraternity women doing graduate work at a college A very special thanks goes to Martha Kohl and Ann or university in the New York City Metro area during Brown of the Columbus (Ohio) Alumnae Club. Ann is a 1982-83 . Anyone interested should request an application new alumnae province president, and she came through from Mrs. Kelso Sutton, 2 Tudor City Place, New York, beautifully on her fIrst assignment from this editor. The N. Y. 10017, and should return the completed form by two of them were responsible for gathering all the informa­ August 1, 1982. tion on the delightful story about Jody Phillips, pictured on the cover, and her family and activities.
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