© WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES .}i\.. oIJ1 ~ orvb.·f.v«.f;d. £ . ).y ~ s~iA.r&l'5 ([,uj, 'I to Jw: fIX/v. nSf" . 3.'l .0Wlv/ ~r~ /f~ CfJlu.cl7~ Ov(:. fl.8, . G.uAAa.~~ 1'f\J ul '. ...3/, (£}1.Wf'Wj ;o.JJ-WJ . /f(fSAl bJ r~ ~ ... fW . 4J~w YCWAlS $~WM~ s~ , . .' %9, (jJ1YM. Afu~" ,'. lt7' 4d il f0J:0J." " .. ?/J. ~ . / 'u.d 1"'1 oJ' iJ rw..... l5-UJt\, Jr~ . 4.8 rNw. ~ C!(jIJ.. MM.: %. M; a.J;.U :/ly {)y c/..UI- . 33. 54- l~fJJJ.i~ t1~ ~OaAd . .... 3~ /~~iVJ..J' ad i9orccfdLi,u 'J . .' .. :n. ~I\MA~ O~d SrMii ~~~ ao/~a~ 11i'· ~ l' "g, ~ I i~/I...(,{ S 41>ti r..M.j .s oJ.< utoy .b,J '1 fl Ju.t. 3~ ~WIL~ J Jo c.u..liJl-..uJ. 'S.MIa.' s4 Sckuu 30· SI ~ a1 j;UM~'" If ~. Ji/cuc.d . Ir~' '1' j/.Ac~ oJ' Jf1tJi.~· ~sslaM ~ . & 1 j'tycJ.. Uw frwr0sul f.u.AJ..r.f.I. '0' . .. It IS Ytro/l. ;CJ,J.AW Gl,. r;e.,M-I.Ms-Lt' s.J.wu.. '. 00 C[tJJ.oJ.. Jt~ JvSl f~~ P.:c£.t.J Jflu/iuJJ. .J/JS/AI1~&'. 3,t.. ~o..uJ: ~ 1 UN. ~KM. 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([..w;,)d..uY 5uwujd>1. /4-- - lie. 21 fill ~lu,.t . 4(,. *-7 f,&.1V1tttt !b /.;.ss,u,1 (9~ . ~·3· fl-l s.o M t f)... aJll1't a 'Y ad.- I 0/ 0 8 . :,k -(l'..Utd"f J..Ai" . .' Ii-. ~' ft'.Lu/. a.r ro t1tlUi jj o--CU. tiM· . : :z, 3 ' tftv~lk;! ~ j~nci . /JcuJJJ J h tJorIew.., ,~ . 1 t 1(o.. .iH ON arv~cd [cu.td 3Z· 33, 1it»t w.P fUA~ u! :frrol Va.u. 17 I g, 1fu/t r" 9' 0<LJ~1Il ~9<i..ur; Jfrdf. I", © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES JM0x,. fg{)~. ~ ~ :forM /J~ fr tvirhwv.~! 1~ &7> C(~~ ~ . J2·j3. ~~FJv ~ . .. """ 62 . ;r\cM£ bW~ . r~~i ~ . .... ,~. r/tcv<L ~~N . ~. 3. ft.. ~/. " ., SloJl 1 . ~,2 . "3· /f<J.d wv 11~ff.:ku.s.u,; S..,v)o.A s.!.Af ~/.w.<J. ·.3D. ~ ,/ AJ. III M-M IlU J : J1uJ !f.irl-I Ut)Ja,u <fJI "s.tr.t.d- ~ a.V :; 4-- . ~&ft a~~gt ' s . .' SN . 1(~ {sUAA(lCM-t . 3/· ;Jta-ul ~~ . ~uY { tH-r<..j .' . ~ /. 3:{.. rK.~ J6 ( B.v~·t. ' 4.9· so. 1lgsJ cut 4~ a.Ai ~tW Mhi . zS'.,z, . .3 ~'. " 1f.~ W~~ . , , . lfe. St~~ ~ a. ~Ms.L.-t ~C/~, .•• 3.0·40. 4-/. SuWctA~ ~~, . , ' . , .' Jf(. 3". 51. f.,O..i.~ !. (;4~'w SJ..".-lIXll J;./, ~. Z 0 . 30. '51. ~ C/:J~ '&~'M.rjJv. , . :,-/. $vrI all. ·JItJ aJ,; ~ SIYtcU) 4,~ o.c.rftk.a.M Clef,; 3 (,. s'l S~ ~~ a. U[ u< u lt'o~ auh . '_' , , . 7-~ ' 1· ~t Zg.5~.31 So /IW.A l~ 811 U'tf-{ c.r Jo!.(U<.(.l I" CU-,dl lLU..r· . ~: ... ; . .t 4.. J .I'. Sf: Ji;.£. f\. 'S dr~ . 1+7' Lg , Sfii.fi. 0 1\..rV.1. .fJc-f.i.J. c.U " . .' . H . Z 5 5W.tJs fJu~~· . " . 50. S·!. ~ MoM£! t,(tw~ ' · ··35· st~~ Udis i ' . I ~ ,/c-!.w ~ . SJAIM sk.f ~ . 50. :1wPf L'u. f.W..,.. IS I).{fL 7' w...d. ' . 5'7" . ~ LcJ- GJJ:j uJtJ..<.J: . 3/ ¥-.J1 JIt. (lvk,.W.» Jf~ b ~ ('W/ . I-;.(!- , u.. ..wv,~ rJJ.vJM~ ~ . 3y - ~r 004 ul j,e"cf.;J-LI<u' . '.' . U. " ., 5.j '1 ~ . /. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL MONTHLY MEETING 10th MAY 1937 • I NUT E S county Hall, N. J. FRIZELLE, WEXFORD. Secretary County Council. © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The Monthly eeting of Wexford County Council was held on lOth May, 1937, in County Council Chamber, County Hall, Wexford. Present:- Mr. D. Allen, Chairman (presiding); also, Messrs. J. J. Bowe, Patrick Colfer, John Connors, Richard Corish, C. Cullton, W. Cullimore, John Day, Col. C. M. Gibbon, W. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, James Lawler, Sean O'Byrne, Miss N. O'Ryan, Col. R. P. Wemyss Quin, Michael Redmond and Myles Smyth. The Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor, and tne five Assistant Surveyors of the Council were in atten­ dance. PAYMENTS Treasurer's Advice Notes for the following were examined and signed: - £144. 2. 0 (Rural Schools Loan repayment); £16. 1. 0 (Enniscorthy Town Technics.l School repayment); £336. 3. 4d (Ordinary Salaries) and £21,131. S. Sd (Ordinary payments and Transfers to public Bodies). VOTES OF SYMPATHY The following resolution was adopted on the motion of Miss O'Ryan seconded by Mr. ichael Redmond:- "That we offer to Mr. P. Kehoe, T.D., our heartfelt condolence in the death of his dear wife and to her brother Mr. Stephen Hayes (Clerical Assistant in County Council Offices)." The proposal was supported by the Secretary and adopted in Silence. CONFIRA~TION INUTES OF FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING 16th APRIL 1937: The Minutes of this Meeting were submitted as follows:- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES The fortnightly meeting of Finance Committee s held on 16th April 1937 in County Hall, Wexford. present:- Mr . D. Allen, Chairman County Council, (presiding), also, Messrs. P. Colfer, . cullimore, 1. P. Keegan, John P. Kelly, Sean O'Byrne and Miss O'Ryan. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, County Surveyor, County Solicitor nd Rates Inspector were in attendance. The Minutes ot last meeting were confirmed. PAYMENTS Treasurer' s Advice Note for £6407. 5. 8d as exa lned and signed. RATE COLlECTION The follo ing is percentage of Total arrants to date:- E. J. Murphy 91.6 J. Curtis 88.3 J. J. O'Reilly 84·1 . Kehoe 82 .6 J. Deegan 81.9 P. Carty 81.7 D. Kenny 79·3 J. Cwnmlns 79.0 s. Gannon 76.3 P. Doyle 75.8 J. Flood 75·1 P. Nolan 73·6 A. Dunne 70.1 cCarthy' 66.5 J. J . Sinnott 65.4 w. Cummins 64.9 J. Quirke 63. 1 W. Doyle 61.2 M. Murph3 .§.L.Q 74·1 The percentage at corresponding period last ye as 73 per cent; improvement is therefore only 1.1 per cent. In connection with report of Rate Inspector as to visit to ratepayers in district of Collector Sinnott (No. 16 District) the Rate Inspector stated r. arren, Auction­ eer, Gorey, as intervie ed in connection 1th the follo ing © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES and efforts ere made in all oases to have the full amount of r te discharged. ere the prooeeds of the letting ere not sufficient to disoharge outgoings, arrangements to aooept "part payments ere made with the Auotioneer:- T. F. White, Ballywater, Kilmuc ridge . Hu6hes, Mangan, Killena. s. Gregory, Coolook, do . ps. H. ite, Tomduff, do. John OlBI'ien, BallinadrUmmond, do. Mrs. Sunderland, Balll~astra , do. s. B. Hath, Coolroe, Kllmuckridge. Reps. R. Sinnott, Tomgarrow, ells. Richard Farrell, Coolookbes, Killen • rs. Breen, Curr duff, Killena. The meeting oonsidered that in the case of T. F. White, Bally ter, the rates should have been recovered before this l date, as rate ay r was certainly in position to pay. It was deoided to call the special attention of the Rate Collector to this matter and that e be instruoted to collect the full rate at once.
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