Weather upper M. Partly cloudy (amor- JtoriicArea row wits seasonable tempera- y : Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1969. tures. Outlook Saturday, variable cloudiness and milder. MONMOUTH COUNTTS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 74141010 VOL. 88, NO. 179 , 8SE THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE To Be 'Headed Skyward by Summer9 Red Bank Project Approved RED BANK — A 12-story apartment house for Council met in special session last night for Mr. Apy has maintained from the start that senior citizens on Riverside Ave, will be "headed the sole purpose of voting on the retirement center the project would claim no tax exemption, even skyward by summer." • variance. if entitled to it, but council wanted a guarantee, That was the promise made last night by Ches- With Councilman Daniel J. O'Hern presiding and a foe in lieu of taxes was considered. ter Apy, attorney for American Baptist Estates ci in the absence of the mayor, council unanimously In accordance with the second resolution passed Red Bank, after Borough Council granted the cor- approved two resolutions. One granted the variance last night, American Baptist Estates of Red Bank poration a variance. and the other authorized Mayor Benedict R. Nicosia will become a regular borough taxpayer with a The retirement center is to be built a< 40-48 la enter into an agreement with the corporation to standard assessment, probably- indefinitely. But Riverside Ave., present site of the Community insure a source of revenue for the borough. Mayor. Nicosia is authorized to sign an agreement YMCA. FAVORABLE RECOMMENDATION under which the borough can charge the corpora- Mr. Apy, who also represents the Y, said Council received a. favorable recommendation tion a fee for municipal services if ever the cor- demolition will start on or aroUnd May 1 and the from the Zoning Board of Adjustment and has had poration does apply for tax exemption. Y will be without a headquarters until it builds its "We're talking about something everybody , own new home at 166 Maple Ave. Most YMCA the application tabled since Jan. 17. Main obstacle hopes will never happen," Mr. Apy said. > summer activities will be operated from its Camp has been th» possibly tax exempt status erf the '. The formula for the fee in lieu of taxes has not/ Arrowhead, Marlboro. • center. ' ' • (See APPROVED, Page 3) Bus Strike Hits 2,000 Commuters; GCMINI 8 CREW CHECKS SPACECRAFT — Command pilot Neil Armstrong/fore- Contract Negotiations Break Off flrou'nd, of Gemini 8 and pilot David R. Scott run a tett involving II simultaneous eounfdowni in preparation for next Tueiday'i launching. Gemini 8 will attempt to BULLETIN Mediation Is scheduling a meet- Park-New York Transit Corp, creases," Louis Rollo, Jr., vice formed of the strike by The Reg- NEWARK - The New Jersey ing at its offices ,Jn Newark at went on strike. president of,the bus company, ister at his home this morning. achieve first rendezvous and docking of spacecraft with an Agena target, vehicle In State Board of Mediation 10 a.m. Friday, March 11. The The company's 48 drivers said this morning, "but the union "I'll get on It as soon as I earth orbit. Pilot Scott is to take record space walk of nearly 2 Vi hours during three- stepped into die Asbury Park- community expects your full walked off the job after last wanted substantially more." get to my office," Mr. Weisen- day .flight. , •'..,• IAP Wirephoto] New York Transit Corp. strike co-operation*" . night's breakdown in contract Robert J. Coar, president of feld said. this morning. negotiations between the com- Local 701,' and other union of' Drivers showed up at the As- The board has summoned ASBURY PARK — Almost I,- pany and Teamsters Union local ficials were unavailable for.com' bury Park and Keyport garages union and company representa- 70L ....•.;... .. ment..-, ', ... : •' . ', . of the company at 5:30 this morn- 000 county 'commuters were tives to • meeting tomorrow The 23-month contract won by Allan Weisenfeld, secretary of ing — to picket, not to drive. morning. forced to find other ways of get- the union in January, 1964, after the state Board of Mediation, The three pickets on line at Long Branch Pushes to Identical telegrams to ting to work this morning when a IE-week strike, expired Feb. 1. the Keyport garage carried ligns who settled the union-company Louis Rollo, Jr., vice president the bus drivers of the Asbury "We offered substantial in- dispute two years ago, was. in- (See STRIKE, Page 2) of the bus firm, and Robert J. Coar, president of Teamsters Union Local 701, Allan Weiien- No Verdict in Raritan Township To Clear Fire Debris feld, secretary of the state [LONG BRANCH - There was and the seventh grade will re- Richter said last night the fire board said: no school again today for theport in the afternoon, from 12:30 police will continue to patrol the "It Is imperative that every 850 seventh and eighth graders to 4:59 p.m. ' . school grounds until late today. effort to avoid a repetition of M school, officials and workmen Mainly Eighth Grade Plans Discussed the lbng work stoppage of 1964 See 'Politics' in Trailer Hearing hastened, to restore order after Mr. Meskill said the 67-year- At a special closed session of be made. With objective of In* fire destroyed the Chattle School old Chattle School housed mainly The Board of Education last night mediate renewal of negotiations RARITAN TOWNSHIP-^Amidst on trailer parks has nothing to lines, the committee deferred'ac- assanitary facilities, number of Tuesday. the' eighth grade classes plus a (See LONG, BflANCH, Page 3) the New Jersey State Board of charges of "polities" arid do with politics. tion after the. hearing. trailer units, utilities and the Superintendent of Schools Wll remedial reading and testing "smear," the Township Commit- The minority Republican mem' Mr. Raine liat«d these "griev- like, and afee of $5 per trailer center. unit must be; submitted wkh the Ham H. Meskill said • double ses- tee last night conducted a hear- bers of the committee last night ances. »ions may start tomorrow at the "We lost about half the equip- ing of' grievances concerning supported Mr. Raine and GOP Mips Not Piled appllcatioBs.. •;- ,-.•,••• ,' adjoining Intermedia) School on ment and books for the eighth trailer parks. '.' party workers, in an. audience —Owners of seven of the nine —The township Board of In- Morris Ave. which was slightly grade. We have to reor Rutnson Girlj 2,Die$The man Who declared he Isof 70, applauded Mm as he made trailer parks in town did.not, vestigators' report does not-niike damaged in the MO0.O0O blare. dor them," he said. aggrieved was Vincent G. Raine, His points. ... '..•:•.. as required by ordinance, file Unclear what type «f. park in- "We're: '"working- from day The 15 workmen, hired by the former " independent- T--^-*" Democratic party workers and park. plan maps this' year with yeitigations were made in 1965, to'd«y," said.Mr: MeskHI. "We school's insurance firm from the Committee candidate.' trallerrjejidKrts tpplai thjlr ajpUcatiOM for Ijceitfa. rt: when tbey-were made, who If on don't know what will turn up," Crane Co, of Belmar, scrubbed RUMSON — Two-year-old Mathilda O'Connor strangled to In previous statements,.Demo- ocriiflc JEayor: Marvin newala, anffthe two maps which the. board .and .does not" itate Workmen yetterday started «C desks, chairs and tables. in 4!eatbM-fit* awakey-gyra-yeiterdsjr. *: r - > " crat? have charged Mr. Riipe is in bis'rebuttals. The audience were, fileivda not comply with bow many units »re in each pairing the Intennedial School's the Intermedial School. - Patrolman John Gaynor said toe chM and a younger sif- being backed this year by Rewa- s about evenly divided among ordinance stlpulationi. : ,' ', ttitervfc-aiter.ivrfc..•- . •"':;•;',:..;;.• electrical wiring and fire alarm "You should have seen this ter were pjaced In a play yard at their home, 11 Ward Ave., publicans and Mr. Raine In turn the three partisan groups. The plan «»p«. Mr. Kiln* ««M, GOP Committeeman Joseph A. arid sound systems. Mr. Meskill place this morning," the super by their mother, Mrs. William O'Connor, about 4:M yester- Has declared that his: position By i-2 split vote, along party are wppofM to show such thingi Morales.said after the meeting, all wiring was intendent said at the school. "You ; "There ere-supposed to be five ;i day afternoon. , . ,. ' ' •' • '.'••;.•. j up with that of the decoul- d wipe your hand on a li From a kitchen window; t|ie mother taw Mathilda sus- PillsburyjPIsputes Rights to Olfice number^ on the board but I molisTied Chattle School. brary table and it would come pended by her sweatshirt. Mtath-tormouth resuscitation by eatv't .fjad the fifih, one and no* The superintendent and James up covered with soot." Mrs. O'Connor and First Aid Squad personnel, failed to re- Jiody jn :town seems to. know J. Maracco, school principal, The smell of stale smoke and vive her. She was pronounced dead at the scene by Dr. J. who it is."' •.'•'.. : "••-.• yesterday drew up a time sched- windows milky with a smoke cov- Putnam Brodsky. • : . The 1957 trailer ordinance, ule for double sessions. The new ering were the only signs of adopted during a Republican ad- County Physician C. Malcolm B. Gilman said death was NicosiaTakes County Postministration,1 requires.the board tchedule cuts seven minutes from damage in the Intermedial School "by asphyxiation by strangulation" and described the acci- the previous 42-minute .class by late afternoon. FREEHOLD - Red Bank May- indicated to him that he would prosecutors may nc-t; also hold to investigate the parks annual- dent this way: "She caught her shirt on a bolt extending out ly, as' a condition for license schedule.
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