Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi DUCKS, GEESE and SWANS, continued… ALBATROSSES et al. continued… Eastern Spot-billed Duck Ca Ca Ca Ca Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel* U U U Blue-winged Teal Ac Leach's Storm-Petrel R R R Northern Shoveler* R R R R CORMORANTS Northern Pintail* C U C C Double-crested Cormorant (Ac) Ac Ac Baikal Teal Ac Red-faced Cormorant* U U U U Garganey Ca Ca Ac Pelagic Cormorant* C C C C Green-winged Teal (carolinensis) I Ca Ac HERONS and BITTERNS Green- winged Teal* (crecca) C C C C Great Egret Ac Ca Ca Canvasback Ca Ac Ca I OSPREYS Redhead Ac Osprey Ca Ca Ac Common Pochard Ca Ca Ac Ca HAWKS, EAGLES and FALCONS Ring-necked Duck Ac Ac Bald Eagle* C C C C Tufted Duck U I R U Northern Harrier Ca Ca Ca Greater Scaup* C U C C Rough-legged Hawk Ac Ca Ca Lesser Scaup Ca Ac Ac Ac Eurasian Kestrel Ac Ac Steller's Eider I Ac Ca I Merlin Ca I King Eider Ca Ca Ca Ca Gyrfalcon* I R R I Common Eider* U C U U Peregrine Falcon* (pealei) U U U U Harlequin Duck C U C C RAILS and COOTS Surf Scoter I Ac Ca I American Coot Ac White-winged Scoter U I R U CRANES Black Scoter C I U C Sandhill Crane I I Ca Long-tailed Duck U I U C PLOVERS Bufflehead C I U C Black-bellied Plover Ac Ca Ca Common Goldeneye C R U C Pacific Golden-Plover R R U Barrow's Goldeneye I Ac Ca Lesser Sand-Plover Ca Ca Ca Smew I Ca Ca I Common Ringed Plover Ac Hooded Merganser Ac Ac Ca Semipalmated Plover* U U Ca Common Merganser (americanus) OYSTERCATCHERS I I I I Goosander (merganser) Black Oystercatcher* U U U U Red-breasted Merganser* C C C C SANDPIPERS, PHALAROPES and ALLIES GROUSE Terek Sandpiper Ac Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Rock Ptarmigan* C C C C Common Sandpiper Ca Ca DUCKS, GEESE and SWANS LOONS and GREBES Gray-tailed Tattler Ca Ca Ca Taiga Bean Goose Red-throated Loon Ca I Ca Ca Wandering Tattler R R R I Tundra Bean Goose Arctic Loon I Ca Ac Spotted Redshank Ac Ac Greater White-fronted Goose Ca Ca Ac Pacific Loon I Ca I I Greater Yellowlegs Ac Emperor Goose C-I Ca Ca-C C Common Loon* R R R R Common Greenshank I Ac Ca Snow Goose Ac Ac Yellow-billed Loon Ca Ca Ca Ca Lesser Yellowlegs Ac Ca Brant Ca Ac Ca Ca Horned Grebe U Ca R U Marsh Sandpiper Ca Ca Cackling Goose U Ca I Ac Red-necked Grebe U Ca R U Wood Sandpiper R I Ca Ac Tundra Swan (columbianus) Ca Ac Ac Western Grebe Ac Whimbrel Ca Ca Ca Tundra Swan (bewickii) Ca ALBATROSSES, SHEARWATERS, PETRELS and STORM-PETRELS Bristle-thighed Curlew I Ac Whooper Swan R-Ca Ca R Laysan Albatross Ca Ca Ca Far Eastern Curlew Ca Ca Gadwall I Ca I I Black-footed Albatross Ca Ca Ca Black-tailed Godwit Ca Falcated Duck Ca Ca Ac Ac Northern Fulmar R R Bar-tailed Godwit R I I Eurasian Wigeon U I U C Cook's Petrel Ac Ruddy Turnstone Ca-R U U-Ca American Wigeon I Ca Ca Ca Sooty Shearwater R R R Black Turnstone Ac Ac Ac Mallard* C C C C Short-tailed Shearwater R R R Great Knot Ac Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi Bold* = Breeding Sp Su Fa Wi SANDPIPERS, PHALAROPES and ALLIES, continued… AUKS, MURRES and PUFFINS, continued… WAXWINGS Red Knot Ca Ca Ca Ca Kittlitz's Murrelet* C U R R Bohemian Waxwing Ac Ca Sanderling U R R U Ancient Murrelet C C R R LONGSPURS and SNOW BUNTINGS Western Sandpiper Ca I Ac Cassin's Auklet Ca Ca Ac Lapland Longspur* Ac-C C C-Ac Ac Red-necked Stint Ca Ca I Parakeet Auklet Ca Ac Ca Snow Bunting* C C C C Little Stint Ca Ca Least Auklet Ca Ca Ca Ca McKay's Bunting Ac Ac Temminck's Stint Ca Ac Ac Whiskered Auklet* Ac Ca Ac Ca WOOD-WARBLERS Long-toed Stint Ca Ac Ac Crested Auklet Ca Ca Ca Yellow Warbler Ac Least Sandpiper Ac Ac Horned Puffin* I-C C C-I I Yellow-rumped Warbler Ac Baird's Sandpiper Ac Ca Ca Tufted Puffin* I-C C C-I I EMBERIZIDS Pectoral Sandpiper Ca Ac R CUCKOOS American Tree Sparrow Ac Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Ac R Common Cuckoo Ca Ca Savannah Sparrow Ac Ca Ca Rock Sandpiper* C C C C Oriental Cuckoo Ac Song Sparrow* C C C C Dunlin I Ca I Ca OWLS Golden-crowned Sparrow Ac Broad-billed Sandpiper Ac Snowy Owl I Ca I I Dark-eyed Junco Ac Buff-breasted Sandpiper Ca Ac Short-eared Owl* R R R R Rustic Bunting Ca Ac Ruff Ca Ca Ca SWIFTS BLACKBIRDS Long-billed Dowitcher I Fork-tailed Swift Ac Rusty Blackbird Ac Wilson's Snipe I Ac SHRIKES FINCHES Common Snipe I Ca Ca Northern Shrike Ca Ca Ca Brambling Ca Ca Ca Red-necked Phalarope* U R Ac CROWS and JAYS Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch* (griseonucha) C C C C Red Phalarope Ca Ca Ca Common Raven* C C C C Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (littoralis) Ac GULLS and TERNS LARKS Asian Rosy-Finch Ac Black-legged Kittiwake R R R Ca Sky Lark Ca Ac Pine Grosbeak Ca Red-legged Kittiwake Ca SWALLOWS Common Rosefinch Ac Sabine's Gull Ac Ac Tree Swallow Ac Ca Ac White-winged Crossbill Ac Bonaparte's Gull Ac Bank Swallow Ac Ca Ca Common Redpoll I Ca Ca I Black-headed Gull R I Ca Cliff Swallow Ac Hoary Redpoll Ca Ac Ca Ca Black-tailed Gull Ac Barn Swallow Ca Pine Siskin I Ac I Mew Gull (brachyrhynchus) I Ca Ca I WRENS Oriental Greenfinch Ac Mew Gull (kamtschatschensis) Pacific (Winter) Wren* U U U U Hawfinch Ca Ca Herring (Vega) Gull (vegae) I Ca Ca I LEAF WARBLERS "HYPOTHETICAL" species needing more documentation Iceland Gull Ac Ca R Dusky Warbler Ac American Golden-plover (Ac) Slaty-backed Gull Ca Ac Ca Ca OLD WORLD FLYCATCHERS Bluethroat (Ac) Glaucous-winged Gull* C C C C Gray-streaked Flycatcher Ac Glaucous Gull R Ca Ac R Siberian Rubythroat Ac Aleutian Tern* Ac-U U Ac Northern Wheatear Ac Ac Ca Number of confirmed species: 203 and counting... White-winged Tern Ac THRUSHES Common Tern Ac (Ac) Check out Gibson and Byrd (2007): Birds of the Aleutian Islands, Alaska Hermit Thrush Ac Arctic Tern* Ac-U U U-Ac Eyebrowed Thrush Ca Ac Ac Please send your observations to: JAEGERS Dusky Thrush (Ac) Ca Pomarine Jaeger Ca Ca Aleutian Islands Unit Biologist American Robin Ac Parasitic Jaeger* U U U Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge WAGTAILS and PIPITS Long-tailed Jaeger Ca 95 Sterling Hwy, Suite 1; Homer, AK 99603 Eastern Yellow Wagtail Ca Ac Ca Ph: 907/235 6546 Fax: 907/235 7783 AUKS, MURRES and PUFFINS Gray Wagtail Ac Ac [email protected] Common Murre* R R R R http://alaskamaritime.fws.gov White Wagtail (lugens ) Ca Ca Ca Thick-billed Murre I I I R Olive-backed Pipit Ac Ac Pigeon Guillemot* C C C C October 2012 Red-throated Pipit Ac Long-billed Murrelet Ac American Pipit Ca Ca I Ca Marbled Murrelet* C U R R.
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