Official Bulletin Index for December, 1918, in This Issue PUBLISHED DAZLY under order of THE PfREJIDENT of THE UNITED JTATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORMATION GEORGE CREEL. Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. .. GOVERNMENT Activities VOL. 3 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. No. 508 NEW LICENSE PROCEDURE ANNOUNCED ALL FUEL CONSERVATION RULES INRULING BY THE WAR TRADE BOARD WITH ONE EXCEPTION REVOKED Order Relating to Saving Natu- ON GOODS FOR SHIPMENT TO SWEDEN ral Gas and Certain Zone Regulations Alone IS MADE APPLICABLE Effective. TO ALL COMMODITIES FRENCH GOVERNMENT HONORS TEN AMERICAN ARMY OFFICERS All orders and regulations as to fuel Only Exceptions Are for Ar- conservation, except one relating to natu- The following statement is authorized ral gas, have been withdrawn by the ticles Included in "Free United States Fuel Administration, it by the War Department: was announced to-day (Jan. 10). Regu- List" Issued January 3 Gen. Peyton C. March, Chief of Staff, lations as to zones and prices, and some was notified yesterday by the French others, are still effective, but, in accord- and Those Which May Be ance with the announced policy of the ad- Embassy that the dignity of Grand Officer ministration, the question of fuel saving Published Later-Condi- of the Legion of Honor has been con- is now once more a matter for individual tions to Be Complied with ferred upon him "in appreciation of the determination. distinguished service you have rendered The one remaining conservation order Before Applications Will is against waste of natural gas either during the war for the common cause of by so-called " free consumers " or because Be Considered. the United States and the allies." of inefficient appliances or carelessness. Word was also received that Maj. Gens. The War Trade Board announces, in Frank MacIntyre, Henry Jervey, George a new ruling (W. T. B. R. 496), the adop- tion of the following regulations govern- W. Goethals, and William C. Gorgas have EMPLOYMENT OF AIR SERVICE ing the procedure with respect to the issu- been named commanders of the Legion MEN AFTER LEAVING ARMY ance of licenses for the exportation of of Honor. to Sweden. Previous certain commodities Maj. Gen. C. C. Williams, Brig. Gens. announcement with respect to such regu- It is the desire of Gen. Kenly, director lations (W. T. B. R. 236, Sept. 23, 1918) Marborough Churchill, Lytle Brown, of military aeronautics, that every effort Frank T. Hines, and Col. Constant Cor- be made to provide employment for the is hereby withdrawn. dier have been named officers of the Except for the commodities specifically enlisted men of the Air Service after their mentioned in the " Free List," War Trade Legion of Honor. discharge from the service. There is not Board Ruling 473 of January 3, 1919 (or sufficient time between the receipt of or- actual discharge to make any in " Free Lists " which may be pub- ders and lished later), the procedure herein set ARREST OF LENINE BY TROTSKY progress in securing employment, so that forth applies in all cases. it is desired to anticipate and make such REPORTED BY SWEDISH PRESS immediate arrangements as is possible. Conditions of Applications. A complete canvass of enlisted men at 1. Special attention is hereby called to Advices to the State Department say each station will be made, dividing them the fact that the War Trade Board has that Swedish press reports announce the into two classes-those who have been arranged a simplified procedure with re- arrest of Lenine by Trotsky and the es- assured employment and those who desire spect to applications covering shipments tablishment of Trotsky's dictatorship. assistance in securing employment. to Sweden, but that no consideration will The split is attributed to divergencies The United States Employment Serv- be given to such applications until the of opinion regarding Bolshevik reform ice, Department of Labor, is forwarding a conditions mentioned hereinafter have work, Lenine insisting on uniting with number of cards to be filled out by the been complied with. the Mensheviks, and Trotsky wishing to men desiring employment. These cards 2. Exporters should apply for licenses continue the- present policy. Lenine is will be segregated into the geographical to the Bureau of Exports, War Trade reported to be confined at Kreiul. groups and sent to the respective Federal Board, Washington, D. C., or any branch Director of the United States Employ- office thereof, using Application Form X ment Service in the State nearest the and such supplemental information sheets SYMPATHY OF KING AND QUEEN. point at which the man is to be ultimately concerning the commodity as are re- discharged. quired. A dispatch to the State Department 3. Exporters in the United States, be- from Brussels to-day conveys the con- fore filing applications for export li- dolences of the King and Queen of the ADMITTED TO RESERVE SYSTEM. censes, must obtain from the prospective Belgians on the death of former Presi- The following State Institutions have importers in Sweden advice by mail or dent Theodore Roosevelt. been admitted to the Federal Reserve cable that there has been issued by an System: appropriate import association, or by the NEW CREDIT TO BELGIUM. Peoples Savings & Trust Co., Hazleton, Pa. Statens Handel's Kommission, a cer- (Jan. 8, 1919), capital, $125 000; surplus, tificate permitting the importation of the $50,000; total resources, $2 303 022 The Secretary of the Treasury has Farmers Savings Bank, Grant, Iowa (Jan. proposed consignment. The number of established a credit of $3,250,000 in favor 9, 1919), capital. $25,000; surplus, $5,000; the certificate should be forwarded by the of Belgium, making a total of $256,145,000 total resources, $284,256. importer in Sweden to the American ex- Armada State Bank, Armada, Mich. (Jan. for Belgium, and a total for all the allies 9, 1919), capital, $25,000; surplus, $14,000; (Continued on page 6.) of $8,588,773,702. total resources, $442,855. 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1919. SPECIALIZED CARE OF WOUNDED RESTRICTIONS ON EGG AND PEA ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT SALE ORDERED BY SURGEON GENERAL COAL SHIPMENTS ARE RAISED OF SURPLUS SCRAP MATERIAL AT ALL U. S. ARMY HOSPITALS On account of an increased supply and Lists of Semi-Finished Construe- accumulation, all restrictions as to ship- tion Parts Being Compiled TREATMENT TO FIT EACH PATIENT ment of anthracite coal of "egg" and "pea " sizes have been removed, it was by the Salvage Board Chiefs of SurgicalService Instructed announced to-day bf the United States Comimiittee. Fuel Administration. Notices to this to Exercise judgment in Selecting effect have been mailed by the Fuel Ad- The Army Ordnance Department au- Best Men to Attend Individual ministration to all anthracite shippers thorizes the following: and'distributers. All surplus, unused, or obsolete con- or Group Cases. struction and manufacturing materials, May Ship to Any Market. semifinished and completed parts, miscel- The War Department authorizes the All shipments of egg and pea coal to laneous supplies, etc., left over at time of cancellation or termination of Ord- following from the office of the Surgeon territorities formerly embargoed or States formerly zoned out to anthracite nance contracts, or surplus at arsenals General: coal are now without restrictions, and it and supply depots will be ordered sold Instructions have been issued by Surg. will be permissible to ship egg and pea or stored as conditions require, by the Gen. Ireland that each injured soldier coal to such markets as may be found subcommittee on sale of material of the ioturning from overseas should be placed for it. This permission applies only to salvage board. The actual sale of this under the care of specialized surgeons. egg and pea coal, and the restrictions on material will be handled by the material Under the present arrangement of the other sizes continue. Additional permits branch of the Stores and Scrap Section Surgeon General's Office all cases are for egg and pea coal to Canada will be of the Ordnance Department, through the classified so that the wounded are sent to furnished on application. district stores and scrap managers lo- the hospitals that are best equipped both cated in each district Ordnance office. in personnel and material to care for "Stove " and " Chestnut " Shipments. Lists Being Compiled. specified cases. As the result of the action here related Capt. Ralph C. Shaw, chief, material Instructions to Hospital Officers. the situation is that egg and pea coal, branch, located in group B, section 1, steam coal, buckwheat No. 1, and smaller room 303, of the Ordnance building at In his instructions to the commanding sizes can be shipped to any points where Seventh and B Streets, is compiling lists officer of each hospital, Gen. Ireland they may be marketed. The rtstrictions of the materials to be disposed of as states that the chief of the surgical serv- on anthracite shipments now apply only promptly as these materials are reported ice must exercise great care and judgment to the sizes known as " stove " and " chest- for sale. Likewise, he is compiling lists in selecting the best men to care for each nut." of buyers of given classifications of ma- case or group of cases, being guided by Allotment is not now required for the terials. This information is being im- the skill and experience of the surgeons. shipment of egg and pea coal to Canada, parted to the district managers. Any Gen. Ireland pointed out that it is of and no restrictions now exist regarding Government agencies or others interested great importance that overseas wounded shipment of these sizes to Canada ex- in the purchase of any materials having should have the benefit of the highest cept that the usual permits must be ob- been or to be ordered sold by the salvage degree of professional skill and experi- tained in advance.
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