FOCUS The Minsk Times Thursday, September 27, 2012 3 The choice is really made by the majority of people! Belarus has hosted elections of deputies to the House of Representatives Th e elections to the House of ways hope for the best’. He explained, indicator that ‘our society is more Representatives of the National As- “Once again, I’d like to repeat that conscious’ and that ‘we have more sembly of the Republic of Belarus of we are holding elections today not people who believe in their future and the fi ft h calling have seen an average for the West. Th e main author of the the authorities, who conduct the elec- of 74.3 percent of voters take part. elections in Belarus is the Belarusian tions’. He added that they must be- In the Brest Region, 74.2 percent people. We hope for the best, but as lieve, at least, in ‘the agency elected’. of voters turned out. Th ere was an im- for what will happen …we’ll have to At the request of a German jour- pressive result in the Vitebsk Region wait and see.” nalist, the Head of State commented of 81.1 percent and in the Grodno Th e President believes that the on the decision of some candidates Region, which saw 79.2 percent. election campaign saw nothing unto- to retire from participating in the Similarly, the Minsk Region boast- ward. “If anyone doubts the choice of election campaign. According to ed 76.1 percent turn out while the the Belarusian people this time, then the President, the decision indicates Mogilev Region saw 79.9 percent and I know not how to conduct elections, their complete inability to become there was 76.6 percent in the Gomel and according to what standards or politicians. Mr. Lukashenko sug- Region. Minsk experienced a more laws,” he said. Regarding comments gested that such a situation would modest 59.2 percent of eligible voters that the election campaign had been be virtually impossible to imagine in taking part. boring and uneventful, the President Germany. He added, “Th ey dropped Observers noted the profession- said, “Others should envy us if the out, as was their choice. Many re- alism and competence of district elections are boring! Elections which mained from this ‘fi ft h column’ and, electoral commissions, while a team are boring and quiet are happy for the if they win, they’ll join Parliament; of international observers visited 14 people, not to mention the Govern- if they don’t, they’ll go to Germany polling stations in Polotsk, the Shu- ment. Elections in any civilised state or Poland to ask for money to buy milino District and Vitebsk. In both should be held this way. We do not bread and salt.” the city and countryside, everyone need revolution, upheaval, fi ghting, Speaking of those who decided was found to be professional and explosions or fi st fi ghts.” to boycott the elections, Mr. Lukash- competent, according to CIS observ- Th e Head of State noted that the enko said, “Th ey are just cowards who er Anatoly Pevnev. Having chatted to Belarusian parliament needs people have nothing to say to the people. Th e voters, Mr. Pevnev believes that each who are educated and literate to make political battle is held according to candidate had supporters and op- laws, which is their main task. He certain laws, as everyone knows. If ponents. However, the election cam- suggested that those accusing Belarus you recognise this, then why become paign was calm and well-organised, of dishonest elections use our coun- involved?” Mr. Lukashenko believes without any violations of the Electoral try as a model of honestly, principles that, if a politician joins the political Code seen. and dignity, where elections are held struggle, he should fi ght; if he refuses, Th e President of Belarus, Alexan- in the people’s interests. “Where is he must be scared and is showing fail- der Lukashenko, cast his own vote at the dishonesty in our Belarusian elec- ure. polling station #476, in Starovilensky tions?” he asked one Polish journal- One representative of the foreign polling district 105 — located in the ist. “Tell those Polish observers who media asked the President about the Belarusian State University of Physi- criticise us, and all those conducting future of his young sons. Mr. Lukash- cal Culture. He chatted to foreign elections, that they should learn from enko replied, “Do you have children? observers present, seeing how the Belarus how to hold elections hon- How do you see their future? Rosy… electoral process was organised. Fol- estly, with principles and dignity, in yes? I’d also like to see my sons enjoy lowing tradition, he then answered the interests of the people. Th is is my good prospects. Th ey rely on the fu- questions from representatives of advice.” ture development of our country.” Belarusian and foreign media and He continued, “It’s not right to “I’m all for good prospects, es- underlined that the parliamentary apply your own charter to someone pecially for children,” the President elections are held primarily for the else’s garden. Tell this to the Polish BELTA continued. “You know my attitude to- benefi t of all Belarusian people — not politicians. We’ll make our own deci- trust in the authorities. Answering or the authorities of a particular state. wards children; there is absolutely no for the West. sions on how to organise our life. In a question from a Finnish journalist Here, twice as many people vote as in policy here. I want my and your chil- Replying to the question as to my opinion, we don’t create problems as to what a smaller turnout would Finland, for example. Draw your own dren, and all those in Finland and all whether he expected the elections to for you.” Mr. Lukashenko believes indicate, the President said, “If only conclusions.” over the world, to live well, with good be recognised by the West, Mr. Lu- that the good turnout at polling sta- a small number of people vote, they Th e President believes that a large prospects. To this end, we’ll continue kashenko noted that we ‘should al- tions to be an indicator of public mustn’t believe in the political system number of Belarusian voters are an working.” Algorithm of relations is constructive and trustworthy IT By Larisa Rakovskaya Sochi, the presidents of Belarus and public of Belarus to the Russian Fed- ALWAYS Russia agreed key areas of partner- eration, H.E. Mr. Igor Petrishenko. Negotiations between ship for our two countries. He has many years of experience of Belarusian Foreign Minister Experienced diplomat and ne- Belarusian-Russian relations, so is EXISTS Vladimir Makei and Russian gotiator Mr. Makei was appointed to no stranger to this work, but his new colleague Sergey Lavrov the position of Foreign Aff airs Minis- status brings with it major tasks in continue those of Vladimir ter not long ago. Th e fact that one of extending bilateral relations between INTERNATIONAL Putin and Alexander his fi rst visits in his new position has Moscow and Minsk. Additionally, Lukashenko, after recent Sochi been to Moscow shows the impor- he’ll be promoting the State Union meeting tance of Russia for Minsk; the rela- processes, Eurasian security and eco- Th e meeting was hosted by the tionship continues to be strategic and nomic integration. Th e Belarusian Socio-political Weekly Reception House of the Ministry of is developing dynamically. He notes, Embassy to Moscow is ‘a small min- Foreign Aff airs of the Russian Feder- “Belarus enjoys constructive and istry’, with new powers discussed by ation, in Spiridonovka, not only con- confi dential relations with Russia. Its Mr. Makei and Mr. Petrishenko in To Defend Expectations tinuing the recent presidential con- traditional for ministers to meet and Maroseika. versations but translating these into we intend to extend this tradition.” Judging by recent negotiations, joint answers to questions set by the Recent talks in Spiridonovka the new political season, which tra- Don`t be late to subscribe to The Minsk Times! leaders. “We have much to discuss,” were a political debut for the newly ditionally begins in autumn, will be Indexes: Departmental - 637302, Individaual - 63730 said Mr. Lavrov, explaining that, in appointed Ambassador of the Re- fi lled with important work..
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