, . '~ .. -~ '. " p~ge~gh~t~ ________ •______ ~ ____________~ __~~~~~~T~H~E~.~J_E~~~IS~H~P~O~S~T ______ ~~ ______ ~~ ________~~ ___·__ T_h~ur_ro~ay~,_M_~--ch--19~,_1--97~ 'Thursday, March 19, 1970.~-,-_-'-..;.o.;.-'-'-.,;..;.;~ ______ -,-_____________.;.;....:...;; ___T;.;~;.:; .. E.;;;... ..;,;.;..~:.,;.E;.;W:.;..·..;.I;.;S:.,;.~:.,;.·.;..P___ 6~S:.,;..T:.,;.. _________ . ;... _':.,;..:.,;.. _________ ...:... _________ ..,... ____________-.,. ....... ___ .............. ~page Nine Box Office - The Bay, Jewish Com­ Program highlights will include a Israeli. Emissary in Edmonton; and: Shmuel Wander, lsrael Community the AACA can help you. Present Yiddish· Theatre' munity Book Shop, 1356 Main St. debate Oli. the role of Jews in the Centennial Breakf.Gst. AI.IYAfI'.. NEWS nipeg contact carole liiWiri~- . , Emmissary in Winnipeg. ~hen Jewish lore. He is known from coast Diaspora, discussions of Young Manitoba Legislators, Judges and faith Bteakfust· was the Right Hon. The housing situation in ISrael 339-6040. For m~re detailed Aliyah 'Also featured will be Friday night. '. I Judaea camps in c:anac3a and Isi-ael, .Justices, Members of Parliament, L. B. Pearson,' former Prime Min- wllilikely present the most difficuItinforination .. ' contl;tct Bert . ~aldman to coast as the foremost producer of S Z S C ... I serVices, 'hayrides, entertainment· I folklore and stage-o-ramas. As for • • • . arn,va . and study programs in ·lsrael, . and leaders of the religious com­ ister of Canada. Mr: Pea~son·iS hti~di.e· for the new Oleh f~ily.· to at the' Aliyah . Desk ..,.. 94200785 or and a ,banquet. I interprE.tirlg folk songs -' he is inim- • Come one: Come aU to· the Con­ Among the speakers will be Her­ :munity gathered in· the Piano Nobile now 'chairman of .the ··Commission o;':ercome in his jntegration in Israel. wrlie Mr. Abe·Tooch at the Israel The registration fee of $6.00 may gregation Shaarey Zedek Annua:l bert Horwich of M!>ntreal, Nationa:l of the Centennial Concert Hall for on International Development. Because there is partically no hous- Aliyah Centre, 132·': 1247 Guy' Street, be sent t~ Mr. Shmuel Wander, 2OZ. Shifra Lerer was born in Buenos Purim Carnival, on Sunday, March Director of Young Judaea; Elly Dlin the Centennial Inter-faith Brealdast The Neil Harris Singers p ..,se:ntE,dJ ing. avaful:ble in the large centres, Que. -'. 370 Hargrave Street. Late:regi~-' Aires and appeared first on the Spa- 22nd, 1970, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. of Edmonton, Chairman of EdInon­ Thursday, March 19. This was special Centennia:! music for' the purchases of apartments and houses ton Young Judaea; Michael Levi, trations will ,be accepted at the door., . , must ·be.made·from the plans a year nish stage and then turned to Yid- Enjoy the games, food ,booth, candy .. , first Legislators' Inter7 faith· Break':' occasSion. in advance,; & rentals are very·scarce. IN: S~KATOON dish. , Press comments on her great floss, popcorn, candy apples, free fast ever held in Manitoba: 1'I"-==~F:Ei~iO~roN=""711 talent and great interpretation of Hammentashen, loads of prizes and Y.-dd.sh• Theat'r' e F.-1m Mr. Andrew Brewin, Member of I IN The Governmenf apartments avail­ Yo\.iU Eiljoy Your' able to new oHm for a monthly ren­ Favorite Chinese Food , folk songs abound. raffles. ..' . Parliament for Greenwood was the THE FAm from . a successful producer who presented guest speaker. SHOP AND GROOM tal, wi.th .an optio~ to buy after the Michael Michalowitch has a very All children 'are invited ·to partic- On April 5th, 1970,. at 8:30 p.m the ) ~ . We're Here, sueh Broad way hits as "G·d"1 eon " at' .. first y!,ar, are quite :reasonably 11j' :. ",.... , 'fine baritone v~lceand' specializes ipate In the costume contest with a B'nai S'rith 'Hillel Foundation will Mr. Brewin is the son. of a Ang- "The Tenth 'Man" and "A Thousand . There. and priced, ,but have a number of in Spa~ish, 'Portugese, Italian, Heb~ prize for every entrant. sponsor "The (:;olden Age of Second · lican clergyman, and has 'been ac­ dis­ ",rleDta and Yiddish songs. The Winnipeg Organization' For Avenue",.a featw:e film, on the his- Clowns". "The film production was tive in· ecumenical and inter-faith Everywhere advantages: - they are not· heated, &utigue the rooms are not'too large, MIriam Kressyn is, as well as Jewish Youth will be providing as- tory of the Yiddish Theatre in Am- planJ;)ed iIi tribute not only to this. activities. A lawyer >by profeSsion, . HUDS@ . "Distinctively Different" , ' , . ~ . having a well-trained sweet m~sical sistance to the Purim Carnival Com- e~ica. Associated in sponsorship are· rich .!Ind illfectionate culture," he he has a .record of· keen interest· in· , .. featUrln' .. CALL are generally on ·the OU tskirts of , . g .1'HEHoti$JC,QF~: FINE V9ice, Jhe· forefi?ost exponent·,of th~ mittee. the Canadian J~"-;ish Congress, the· continues, "but to the YiddIsh theat­ civil rights. main ~entres ~ild,)unless the fa~~!~~1 CH1NESJC FOODS .. 'spoken Yiddish word. The Nagid Chapter of A.Z.A. will Y.M.B.A., Rosh Pina, Shaaiey Zedek re in general, which 'contributed so· • DRESSES • drives a car,. .generally far)' Aniongst those taking part in the • WE CATER. TO ..' Seymour Rexite trained first in be holding a Book Sale as well as and B'nai Abraham Synagogues. much to hoth the American Jews the main arehs· of employment, fac­ Breakfast were Lietuenant-Gover-I • TAKE-OUT ORDERS liturgical musical and has appeared supervising a specia:! game' section Hershel Bernardi, who recently and America.". !A~~~~S~U~I~~fs~:~~~~~:11 ilities Imd well established schools; nor Richard S. Bowles, Premier, . Free Delivery ~n' in countless Yiddish productions in for children 2 _ 6 years. starred in· the Broadway hit "Zorba" The film also contains scenes of - in conjunction with -- . !From the Association of Americans Edward Schreyer,· the Hon. Walter Orders $3.00' and Over Canadians in Israel 'a number . Dininlt~ooln Service )rhe presentation of "From Brad to New York.. The Cnairman of the Purim C~- narrates the film which features Ellis Island, past and present, a trip Weir, M.L,A., and Mr. Gordon Jlair ·suggestlons to· try to overcome · ijroadway" directed by Ben Murray Rumshinsky, the musical nival is Mrs. Harold Smordin, (!;o': some of the m,!jor personalities of by Mr. Bernardi along the Second · JoJmSton,.,.M,L.A. Special prayers Phone 244·4141 this difficulty are made: -Invas- and featuring an all star ensel)1ble director-pianist pas a weU-:round~ chah-man is Mrs. Harvey I. Pollock, Yiddish theatre's 75 years-includ:- Avenue of today,and a recent un- were offered ·by ·His· Eminence· 12~7555 527 • 20th Street West' · ~ a' Manitoba Centennial year ac~ musical backgro'und. and the Co-ordinator is Mrs. Israel ing Boris Thomashefsky, Celia Ad- rehearsed meeting in which Molly By ROBERTO . tigate government housing - it may · George Cardinal Flahiff, and by formerly with Vidal Susoon of N.Y. 231 DONALD STREET be ·.better than you were lead to Saskatoon' tivity of the Canadian Jewish'Con- • In charge of the local appe~ancl!' .. Wise. ler, Molly Picon, M~nasha ShkuInik, Picon and her husband, Jacob Ka­ Rabbi Irving Glickman, chairmau of Specializing in "THE CUT" expect and may ,be made quite com­ gress and Farbaild, Labor' ZioniSt. of the Theater Ellsemble is a com~:. /'l. fun filled afte~oon at the Paul Muni, Jennie Goldstein and lich, Isaac Bashevis' Singer, Jacob the Council of ·Rabbis. The Honour­ Order. -This Yiddish Theater pro- mittee comprising: Leon Bell, Gor-'Shaarey Zedek Purlm Carnival is Maurice Schwar~. Ben Ami, Berta Gersten and Celia , Phones: 429·1970 fortable by installing sep\lrate he!at··1 Guaranteed Plumbing able Philip M. Peturson, Minister of . '424·7688 . FOR THE FINEST IN ing uriits.· Live outside the' large and. Heating Supplies. · duction will he presented on 'March don Chafeiz, Mrs. H. SloniJp; !3olguaranteed for the· entire family... At an interview in his New York Adler took part. Cultural Affairs, read iheCenten­ 8:30 p.m. at the Manitoba Cen- Leszcz, A. A. S,hanas,. N., Witml\.n, See you there! offices r;"'ently, producer Arthur '.'The Golden A~e of Second Ave- 10064.~ 104 Str.eet .,. cities if. possible. ·oRent for the .first .• Kitchen Sinka • PI"" and· FIt:. 22; nial Iriter-faith Proclamatio;". ORIENTAL CUISINE . t1nlfll . tCnnial'Concert Hall; 55S:Main St. I. Sokolow, Bert Waldman, S .. Greene ___..,...,. ___--._ Cantor "commented "1 have always nue" was .written and directed by year, if poss'rble, to make sure that • Wash BMlns The special guest for the Inter-' 'Edmonton • Closet Combl~ _1I.. ~ Bot. "Th . st f· t B Band M . Cohen Chairman Leon Bell been fascinated with the Yiddish Morton Silverstein, prize winningc' the job you have chosen· and ·the ~ttOIl8 . Water Tanka • , Ltlundl1' T-d~ . • Sy... • e. ca . ea ures: . en onus I . Fo'ur DII'ftI.'. 'K,-n US'· area you live in suit you. Use the . ' (Nisen Alter), .well known as a. and Gordon Chafetz announce that_I theatre since .the days ·my p~rents TV and. iil1"fl scenarist and a direc- • Ht.stinR' FuJ'Uu. · "~.~." ucer ·and headliner in' show Ithere are still sonie' good seats avail- . took me to see the visiting troups in tor or' National Education Television. For the Best . in CHINESE FoOl)S • • • services. of real estate agents and .. ¥ad!i.i.j PiVU Young Judaea will sponsor a four- , btisiliess. Starting·' out with a Chi- able. Tickets rna. y be obtained from my' home town of Boston". Mr; Tickets. are $1.00 for adults and _O:JJ1tfl~ scour the .. want-ads in the 'Friday­ day National Kinus .~or the Canadian CHOi=lSUEY , Cbgo Stock company as far back as ·the Attraction Ticket Office-Eaton'~ Western ltegion beginning at ~,,:.~UI Cantor; a Harvard graduate, is now for students.
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