POSTAGE • PAID • • • AUSTRAUA • • THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE RETURNED & SERVICES LEAGUE WA BRANCH (INCORPORATED) WINTER, 1.g93 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. WAS 1158 One of the 'Cats': 1942 AWM 82/67 RAAF Catalinas Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs ·Can we help... you? You could be eligible for benefits if • you are a veteran • a widow, wife or dependent child of a veteran, or'-.. , • your spouse, parent or guardian is, or was, a veteran, or rnember of the Australian Defence or Peacekeeping forces. • you have completed qualifying peacetime seFvice in the case of Defence Service Homes benefits. Veterans' benefits include: • Pensions and allowances • Health-care benefits • Counselling services • Pharmaceutical benefits • Defence Service Homes - housing loan subsidy - homeowners' insurance • Funeral benefits • Commemoration FIND OUT WHETHER YOU ARE ELIGIBLE FOR BENEFITS BY CONTACTING THE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS ON 425 8222 .. -. ''- Country Callers Free Line: 008 113304 Remember .... "We're only a 'phone call away" Veterans' ·Affairs Cares LISTENING POST Contents Page Publishers Returned & Services League W.A. Branch (Incorporated) President s Message 3 Anzac House G.P.O. Box Cl28, 28 St. Georges Terrace Perth, W':A. 6001 War Veteran·s Home Fund 5 Perth, W.A. 6000 Tel: 325 9799 Operation ··Rimau 7 Finschhafen - The Australian Tllumph 13 • • I • • Nurses· Pilgrimage to Bangka 21 Ouinn·s and Courtney s 25 Beersheba. El Alamein and Sollum 35 Nizam·s Night of Terror 39 Editorial Editor /Chairman: Defence Issues 44 Mrs Pat Balfe Veterans· Affairs 45 Deputy: Mr John Surridge Letters to the Editor 47 Committee: M rs B: Clinton, Mrs J. Dowson, Lost Trails 49 Messrs P. Hester, T. Lloyd, R. Mercer, P. White (C<H>pted) Messrs E. Hinchliffe, L.J. Owens Reunions 51 Sub Branch News 53 Sub-Editor Women's Auxiliary 61 Mrs Pat Elphinstone Book Reviews 62 Last Post 67 Advertisers Unit Associations 68 Westralian Publishers, 263 Stirling Highway, Claremont, W.A. 6010 Tel: 383 4966 Typesetting/Composing Deadlines for Listening Post Contributions Action Press. 10 I Catherine Street, 31 January for Autumn Edition Morley, W.A. 6062 \.gO April for Winter Edition Tel: 276 5266 \. 31 July for Spring Edition 31 October for Summer Edition If possible submission should be typed, double s~. Printer P-hotographs can be black and white or colour glossy. Bell Group Press, This is your journal and contributions are welcome. 7 Briggs Street, Post to: East Victoria Park, W.A. 6101 Tel: 361 5401. Usteal.ag Post RSL ' · G.P.O. Box ~1&8 Perth8001 Opinion expressed ·by contributors in anicles and reproduced anicles are the individual opinions ofsuch oontnoutors or the authors ofsuch reproduced anicles (as the case: may be) and not necessarily those of the RSL. COVER: ... RAAF Catalina: 1942 Reproduction of articles (or exltlcts) contained in Lislalina Postis welcomed provided the souroe is ICknowJedaed. Llatenlng Post - Winter 1113 - P• 1 ' ' RSL TRAVEL Jo~n your f-ellow RSL members on these fantastic holidays · For th.e first time RSL TRAVEL will be offering both the cruises and tours to ALL RSL members on a national basis. What better way to travel with other RSL members from around Australia celebrating old friendships or making new ones. Each intinerary has been especially designed with the RSL Member in mind. Escorts have been chosen, who have great knowledge and experience in the areas visited. And, RSL members will be pleasantly surprised by the savings. CORAL SEA CIRCLE CRUISE NEW ZEALAND EXPLORER CRUISE 02 September 1993 12 November 1993 Save 10% on selected cabins ' A~ieson I What ever your idea of a holiday may be- yo u wi ll have a great time on a Fairstar Cruise. There's resting, relaxing and the meeting of new friends as well as the exploring and discovering of some of the most beautiful islands in the world. Combi ne this with fine food and endless entertai nment and you can be assured of a wonderful holiday ...you will even be ESCORTED FROM PERTH BY A NOMINATED OFFICIAL RSL ESCORT nothing has been forgotten! JUST SOME OF THE FANTASTIC HOLIDAYS RETURN TO LAE- 1943- 1993 WAR AND PEACE IN FAR NORTH 7 DAYS I 6 NIGHTS QUEENSLAND · Departs 13 September 1993 10 DAYS I 9 NIGHTS Optional Day Tours to:·* Markham Valley 5Qth Anniversary * Finschafen * Madang * Salamau Departs 15 October 1993 * Wau * Bulolo *Perth * Ca ~ ms * Atherton tableland RSL BORNEO TOUR *Cairns * P ~rth 19 DAYS I 18 NIGHTS ARMISTICE !DAY- 75TH ANNIVERSARY Escorted by John Smyth, OF MENEN fATE from RSL Travel in Victoria 8 DAYS I 7 N ~ GHT S Departs 06 Octobe·r 1993 Departs 5 November 1993 Travel from Perth to * Kuala Lumpur. London *Ypres Salient* Men en Gate * Sandakan * Ranau *Kola Kinabalu *Along the Menen Gate Road to Brussels * Labuan. Extensions available to Balik * London. Youca n extend in the UKfor Fapan, Tarakan and Kuchling. additional touring. For further information and prices please contact one of our professional consultants. RSL travel represented b!} WEST TRAVEL, SG/0 Building, 170 St Georges's Tee. , Perth Phone: 321 4757.Country callers :008199021 P894t 2- Llatenlng Poat- Winter 1993 State Execiitive President's Message STATE PRESIDENT J.P. Hall, AM, BEM, JP. SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT L.C. Keynes, BA. JUNIOR VICE PRESIDENT P.C. Firkins, OAM. STATE SECRETARY D.H. Gibbs, AFC, JP. COMMI~!E~Ec Mrs B. Clinton, J.R. Babbage, M~ ~~l~rs ' D.J. bowson, MBE, f-:..A. Dacre, OB . P W 'Hester, J.L. Holman, M.C. Hall, JP, · · . BSc MBBS, FCCP, Mrs A. Keynes, fl~Rt., K~nl<wiednski, BEe, FRACMA, p AD Mercer AM, RFD, EO, T K Lloyd, J • · · K M, rphy . K.J. Morrison, . · p uWhite' DCM. ·d F Verd1 · • . W.J. Sum ~e. · ' PRESIDENTS REGJONAL.,COUNTRY V!~d~e Sub-Branch) Messrs R. Barber (C o o~g dland Sub-Branch) P.J. Blenkinsopp (P~rtry~ub-Branch) c. Mills (Bun u . Sub-Branch) s .G. Robinson (~err~~~n Sub-Branch) A.J. Spendlove ((A~:ny Sub-Branch) R.E. Stan1 ey TRUSTE~~AIA ARABA, Messrs K. Broad~t~~ R.N. Stone, AM, JP. P. Pearson, CMG, 0 • , MMITTEE LISTENIPN~ ~f~SJr~~. Clinton, Mrs H. · a • Mr p w Hester, Mrs o J Oowson, · · . Mr T.K.JL~~~ridge, P. White, Messrs R. Mercer, W. · CO-OPTEDhl~f~M~j~wens Messrs E. Hmc 1 • ~ e Hearing Ai~s e ASsistive Devices e Hear~ng Protectibn e Health Fund Rebates • Workers Co~n~~ensation e AudiQiogical Assessments e Industrial Hearing·Conservation SOUTHWEST AUDJOLOGY &HEARING SERVIC~S St John Of God Hospital Edward St. (X-ray Entrance) P.O. Box 82, BUNBURY 6230 SUZANNE HOWARD B.App.Sc.Grad.Dip. (AUD) M.A.S.A.C.C . ;:·.... :, . .·:·: .:: :. E\PERIE\CE \\'A'S PRE.\11ER CULTUR.~L HERITAGE SITE rLiit)i:iCI< ~ AUSTRALIA When you watch that , $39.00 match from the field ~~~~'f The Fremantle Prison When you want to have a ~g.ftt\ V rest and look at the view ~~ .uv rLi?)UCK ,._,~SAG) Going ~ In the dark? (t!lt" Want to promote your Club or Co~ny? Bad eyesight but yl)u love walking? FLIPSTICK ts a robust, very ligll Wllll<ing stid( with a pmss.a.ton seat. Comfortable ard strong with 14 (yes, fourteen) colour combinations and black 01' wtVte: FOLD-AWAY FLIPSTICK comes in a smart matcting shoulder bag that wiU hold your Etoeteras tool When you remove the FOLD-AWAY FLIPSTICK from ltle shOOder bag ~ automalicaly springs.inlo 1~1 ~ strength. Folds easily away into ltle bag. Put your logo on them · and watch f:LIPSTICKS tf I The Terrace fremande promote your orgarisalion. Your clients will aiJprec!ate one as a unique ~. FREMANTLE PRISON it will ~you so little. 1855-1991 FO~ FURTHER DETAILS PHONE FUPS'RCK AUSTRAUA (09) 381 9806 , 5 LUTH AVE., DAGUSH 6008 , Page 4- Listening Post- Winter 1993 ·war Veter8us' Dome BnDHing Fund . Donations.to 30 AprJI,.1993 · State President .Jim. Hall thanks the following donors whose contributions have brought the total to $1,326,160. There as stall a long way to· go and he hopes that more sub-branches will respond to this most. worthy cause. BUSINESS DONATIONS McMASTER, J ......~ .............. ...................... $ 10.00 BURSWOOD RESORT .............................. $9955.26 MILLAAD, G.O... ....................................... $ 200.00 MURPHY, A. .. .......... ........... ...................... $ 20.00 INDIVIDUAL DONATIONS O'KEEFE, Mrs ........................................... $ 10.00 ROSE, G . .. ............ .. ................................... $ 50.00 EN, A.S. &.I.K: ................................. ... $ 10.00 ALL ....... $ 500.00 , T ............................. $ 10.00 SAW, A.J. & M.H . .... .................. ......... ANDRUSZKIEWICZ ........................ .. ...................... $ 5.00 ....................................... ... $ 32.00 SENIOR, A. ANONYMOUS SHERMAN, J ............................................. $ 50.00 ............................ 20.00 BAATLE, M . .................. $ SHEPPARD, Mrs .................. ...................... $ 5.00 ASHFORD, P.A ....................................... $ 20.00 $ 20.00 SHINKFIELD, M.G. & A. ... .. ...................... $ 20.00 ELL, D ..................................................... D . ................................................. $ 100.00 ............ $ 50.00 SMITH, ELL, J . .................... ................. .... , A.J . .. ....................................... $ 10.00 .......... $ 10.00 STAGLES BOWDITCH, J . .................... .......... P.. ......................... :...................... $ 5.00 00 STEELE, CAMPIS, L. .. ................................ .. ............ $ 5. STYLES, K.A . ........................ ..................... $ 5.00 .. ..... $ 10.00 CAREY, S.J ....... ..... ...........................
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