The JDrexeJ Tntmgie VOLUME 23 PHILADELPHIA, PA., JUNE 6, 1947 No. 10 Spring Festival Dr. Creese Hates Cheers To A tten d Institute Day Bicentennial By Esther Liss I’rinreton I’niversity will climax Honors Given rhe Second Annual Spring Music Festival Program, Friday eve­ its year long BietMitennial ('elehration ning, May 23, in the auditorium proved to be a very successful and with a thrce-day program on June 15- Over 65 Sliideiil Awards for Acad. well done program. 16-17. to which over 100 national and The Glee Clubs were supported by the organ and orchestra during international educators have been in­ And Extra Curricular Achievements vited. Dr. Janies Creese, Drexel’s the first part of the program and the organ during the second half. president, is among the list of dig­ Helen llaritoiuik, a senior in the College of Business Administra­ “Hymn to the Apostles,” by Gounod, opened the program very nitaries who are expected to attend. tion receiv«‘d triple honors today at the traditional Institute Day Cere­ .ud-essfully with the combined Glee ________________________ President Truman will be among monies of Drexel Institute of reehu(*logy, ii2nd and ('hestnut Street*, (iluhs, orchestra and organ, under the the forty recipients of honorary de­ Philadelphia. Miss Ilaritonuk, who lives at ilfiO N. Franklin Street, »ery able direction of Wallace Heaton. Chaperone File- grees at a final Bicentennial Convoca­ Finale to Act I from the “Pirates Now available tion. Mr. Truman and Dr. Dodds. received the highest honors in the business teacher trainitig course, tlic (if I’enzanre,” by Gilbert and Sulli­ Princeton’s president, are the sched­ Key and Triangle award in lecognition of siholnrship and leadership, van. with Miles Willard again singing A complete list of chaperones is uled speakers. and for the highest average of any .■ .......... till* role of the Major General and now available to all student groups. The celebration has extended woman in the senior class slie was Don Anderson the pirate king, This list is kept in Miss Handbury’s through the academic year ’46-’t7 and presented with the Della I’hi Epsilon DMT Offirial lirought back many pleasing memories office. has attracted I.OOO scholars and men award. of that production presented last The list, which has been compiled of affairs from all parts of the world Presiding al the ceremonies wan Kfhruary. by W.S.G.A., includes the nights of Song Miooh to the conference, covering fifteen Drexel's presiclent. Dr. James C.reese. While lights were dimmed to a the week for which the faculty mem­ fields of learning. Convocations, con­ who also awarded the scholarship and Planned •oft blue, Carol Swanson, enrolled as bers are available as well as their hon(»rable mention prizes. More than a freshman in the college of home certs. lectures and art exhibits con­ addresses and telephone numbers. 65 students «»f all classes were honored Aclivilies of the (ilee ('.lub will be economics, attired in a pale blue Since this file was made up for the stituted the important part of the today for academic and extracurricular .somewhat limited during the sum­ l)Iou^e and black evening skirt, gave benefit of Drexel students and their celebration. accomplishments, with scholarships, mer term, but plans are being made a marvelous piano performance of student activity groups, it is up to The final three-day program will me<lals. certificates, cash prizes and for an even bigger, belter, and more <;**rshwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue,” ac­ the students to drop around to Miss bo«)ks. fully (level oped music department follow the graduation exercises June companied by Mr. Heaton at the Handbury’s office and to make use of A senior chemical engineering stii- next year. oi'nan. When Carol finished playing this file. 9. and the alumni reunion June 13-11. denl, William H. Millick, of Merion. Some members of the Men’s (»le« she was presented with a bouquet of received highest honors in liis course CInh have expressed iheir desire to American Beauty roses by Warren and the Theta ('.hi award for the high­ ronlinue the (Jlee Club during the >ini|)son, president of Men’s Glee Varsity Letters est scholastic average in the entire summer lerni. A report is now being (iliib. Because the applause continued, engineering graduating class. circulated amcmg the members that if (larol returned for an encore. Lois H. Young, of H0I3 Rowland sunicient interesl is shown their work Kveryone enjoyed “Old Man Presented at Banquet street, also was presenle<l with two will go on. Noah,” an old chantey sung by the Dr. James Creese, president of Drexel Institute of Technology, in honors, one for highest average in her During the summer months the operetta for next year will he chosen M«‘n’s Glee Club. Philadelphia, Wed. night addressed 225 athletes, guestis and coaches on course and the other for highest aver­ The four folk songs, sung by Don­ age in the college of home economics an«l the Men's (ilee (Mub will begin ald Dame, accompanied by Max Wal- the policy “Athletics for All” at the 11th annual “ D” Banquet of the graduating class. The latter award is working on it. Three major events nier at the piano, were very well re- Varsity Club, in the Drexel Student Union Building. the IMiillip W. Pillshury award. are being plannetl for next year— rfived. His first number “Briolage,” Double hon<»rs were also conferred the C.liristmas Concert in the (]oiirt, The dinner featured the presentation of gold awards to nine men the operetta during the winter term, a French folk song, was quite odd and on William A. Spare, of Doylestown, who had participated in three or more varsity sports and the awarding and the Spring Music Festival. (lifTerent in nature from his other and Robert II. Logue, of Indianapolis. The music department is also plan­ >ongs. of varsity and junior varsity letters Sj)are took the highest honors in his ning lo li(»bl a band camp. This will “America, My Wondrous Land,” to participants in five major and five course c«»mmerce and engineering in enable Mr. Ilealon lo fully organize Ming by the combined Glee Clubs minor sports by Dawson Dowell, ROTC Annual the college of business administration the hand in three days. The band under the direction of the composer. chairman of the athletic council. and the Business Administration also promises lo be a bigger and Harold J. Budd, business manager F ield D ay Medal. The medal was institute*! by Dr. Rob Roy Peery of Theodore belter organization next year. of athletics, delivered the introductory Jennings Hood, of the class «»f 1H95, I’resser Company concluded the first Included in llie planning slage is a remarks. A review' of the season, in­ Awards Given lo be presented to an outstanding part of the program. new oflicial college song book for cluding a description of Drexel’s ex­ The eighteenth annual F'ield Day man in the college of business ad­ The two numbers by the band were Drexel. The Iasi publication of the .uid Military Review of the R.O.T.C. very well received. The audience panded athletic program, which now ministration. Drexel college song book was in 1921. was held on Monday, June 2, at the enjoyed the very enthusiastic direc- includes 23 sports instead of just seven Logue receive»l the J. I*elers«m As tilt* plan now stands il will include Drexel Field. The highlight of the lion of the band by student leader, sports, was given by Maury H. Me- Ryder scholarship for men, and a stu­ several hymns, such as can be used day was the presentation of awards illiam Schultz. Mains, director of athletics. dent council certificate. al vesper services; Drexel’s own col- to members of the Corps. Donald Dame’s second group of Robert W. Brocksbank, George B. Others honored at the ceremonies le>re songs, which most students don’l The following is a list of the awards four numbers were quite varied. “O Hill, Jr., Harold J. Kollar, Joseph A. were: Highest Honors in Course know; songs everybody likes; and and the winners: Sing Again” by Klemm was lively Michaels, Norman R. Parmet, John Mechanical Engineering, P>nest J. songs of olher colleges and univer­ 1. Benjamin Franklin Post Ameri­ iind spirited, while “To the Chil- E. Piatt, Bernard J. Rosenfeld, Frank Mammarella; Civil F:ngineering, sities. This book will i)robably be can Legion Award to the outstanding <lren” by Rachmaninoff was sung quite J. Quinn and William S. Smith were Joseph A. de Angelo; Electrical Engi­ bound sucli as I he school catalogue, advanced course student—Kent L. tenderly. “Captain Kidd” by Bone the recipients of the gold awards. neering, Paul Kaczmarczik; ILtme and the price will be set reasonably Roberts. E«‘onomics (Dietetics), Marie L. Pit* and Fenton, was just the type of a Two cheerleaders, Joyce Marks and low. A big effort will be made lo 2. Reserve Officers Association tenger; Ilonn; Economics ((lostume '•»ng the title suggests. This is a very Benjamin Ostrofsky, received their familiarize all students with the Award to the advanced course stu­ Design), Vilma J. Liacouras; Home new song and is still in manuscript, varsity awards. Drexel songs. dent with exceptional merit in Mili­ Economics (Textile Merchandising), ;ind as such it was played from by Varsity sports award winners were: More allenlion will be placed next tary Science and Tadics—George L. .4 If A UPS on hiMe 7________________ year on the repertoire of the individual \lr.
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