E2094 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 18, 2011 is particularly important as we continue to see On December 7, 1991, Jeff married Denise who have made outstanding contributions to a steep rise in cyber bullying, which can fur- Louise Sabol of my hometown of Levittown. the education of K–12 students. ther isolate youth in desperate need of an Jeff and Denise have three children, Gabrielle, Fowler is a teacher of mathematics and ge- open and honest environment. I look forward Andreana, and Jeffrey Jr. Beyond his career in ometry at Evans High School in Orlando, Flor- to working with my colleagues to modernize baseball, Jeff continues to be involved in var- ida. A native of Winter Park, Fowler graduated our federal laws to recognize this serious and ious community activities in our area, including from Winter Park High School and the Univer- growing problem as well. scouting, coaching, and helping out at the sity of Florida. In only his second year at f Learning Center in Bristol. Accordingly, for his Evans High, Fowler has demonstrated a com- outstanding athletic, civic, and charitable con- mitment to educating and mentoring, request- A TRIBUTE TO JEFF MANTO AND tributions, Jeff Manto is being honored today. THE 21ST CENTURY LEARNING ing the most challenging students be assigned At the Bristol Borough 21st Century Com- to his classroom. CENTER IN BRISTOL BOROUGH munity Learning Center, children have the op- portunity to enrich their lives. Programs and Fowler emphasizes the importance of edu- HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK services provided at the Learning Center, cation in student lives and believes nothing provides his students with greater opportunity OF PENNSYLVANIA which are free and available to Borough resi- in life than a good education. He has been IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dents in grades 6 through 12, include access praised by Evans High School Principal David Friday, November 18, 2011 to tutoring, academic, and cultural enrichment activities. Some of those activities include SAT Christiansen for reaching students previously Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Prep help, Hip Hop studies, sports, and com- considered ‘‘unreachable.’’ to honor Mr. Jeffrey Paul Manto, former Major munity service projects. These programs pro- Fowler was awarded the Milken Educator League Baseball player and longtime resident vide opportunities for students to grow socially Award for the dramatic improvement his stu- of Bristol, Pennsylvania. This Saturday, Jeff and emotionally and help them stay away from dents made on state and local tests and for will be honored by the 21st Century Learning high-risk activities. Over 200 students at- the efficiency and industriousness of his model Center in Bristol Borough as ‘‘Person of the tended programs and services in 2010–2011, classroom, where Fowler encourages peer Year,’’ for his community support and involve- and an independent report authored by the collaboration and works to help his students ment with the center’s After School Steering Bucks County Intermediate Unit that docu- achieve confidence-building accomplishments, Committee. ments students’ achievement gains substan- no matter how small. Fowler is the only 2011 Mr. Manto was born at Lower Bucks Hos- tiates the level of satisfaction with the Learn- Milken Educator Award recipient in Florida. pital in Bristol, Pennsylvania on August 23, ing Center expressed by teachers and par- On behalf of the citizens of Florida’s 8th 1964. Jeff was the third of four children of Mi- ents. chael and Antoinette ‘‘Toni’’ Manto. His father Congressional District, I congratulate Mr. Thank you once again to Jeff Manto and the Fowler for his hard work, dedication, and lead- was a Magisterial District Judge in Bristol Bor- Bristol Borough 21st Century Community ough and his mother was a homemaker. Mike ership. He is most deserving of the 2011 Learning Center for all that you do for our Milken Educator Award. I hope his investment and Toni encouraged all of their children to community. Thank you for your hard work, excel in every arena in which they partici- in Florida’s students and Florida’s future in- dedication, and devotion to bettering Bucks spires others to follow in his footsteps. pated. This encouragement was the guiding County. It is my pleasure to speak on your be- force that helped Jeff develop his baseball half today, and I am truly honored to serve f acumen, which was the predominant sport you in Congress. played on the streets in his closely knit neigh- f CONGRATULATING THE ACADEMY borhood, called the ‘‘Avenues.’’ At Bristol High OF MODEL AERONAUTICS School, Jeff was a star athlete. He was the PERSONAL EXPLANATION first student-athlete in Bucks County to pass for 1,000 yards in football and score 1,000 HON. RON KIND HON. MIKE PENCE points in basketball in the same year. Often OF WISCONSIN overlooked, Jeff also struck out nearly 100 hit- OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ters during the baseball season that year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1982, Jeff Manto was selected to All Friday, November 18, 2011 Friday, November 18, 2011 League and All-County first teams in football, Mr. KIND. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to basketball and baseball. He was subsequently record my vote on the House floor for the Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratu- spotted by a scout and drafted by the New McCarthy of New York Amendment No. 2 to late the Academy of Model Aeronautics lo- York Yankees, but instead chose to accept a H.R. 822 on Wednesday, November 16, 2011. cated in Muncie, Indiana, for their receipt of baseball scholarship to Temple University after I was in a meeting with U.S. Secretary of the prestigious National Aeronautic Associa- considering other colleges with equal or better Transportation Ray LaHood, U.S. Secretary of tion’s Brewer Trophy for youth education. The offers to play either football or basketball. His the Interior Ken Salazar, and others dis- Brewer Trophy is the nation’s highest award passion was the game of baseball. At Temple, cussing how to move forward with the St. for aerospace education and is awarded annu- Jeff set the single season record for homeruns Croix River Crossing Project, a transportation ally to individuals or organizations who make and still holds the all-time batting average of project of critical importance to western Wis- significant contributions to aerospace edu- .441. consin. Had I been present, I would have cation in the United States. After three years playing Temple baseball, voted against the McCarthy Amendment No. 2 The Academy of Model Aeronautics has a Jeff was drafted in 1985 by the California An- to H.R. 822 (Roll No. 844). 75-year history of aviation education, and they gels. By 1990, Manto was a dominant player f in the game. He made his Major League debut have impacted millions of young people with the Cleveland Indians and later that year CONGRATULATING CECILIO LAMAR across the country. They have taught tens of hit his first professional major league home- FOWLER, RECIPIENT OF THE 2011 thousands of teachers, community leaders, run, in front of dozens of family members and MILKEN EDUCATOR AWARD and students how to build and fly miniature friends, at Yankee Stadium. By the end of his aircraft. In addition to their educational pro- professional baseball career, Jeff played in HON. DANIEL WEBSTER grams, the Academy of Model Aeronautics has given nearly $800,000 in scholarships to three World Series on three different teams: OF FLORIDA college-bound seniors pursuing careers almost the Philadelphia Phillies, the Cleveland Indi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ans, and the New York Yankees. exclusively in engineering, technical, and pro- Jeff retired from playing professional base- Friday, November 18, 2011 fessional disciplines. The Academy is also ball in 2000 and is known today as one of the Mr. WEBSTER. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased strongly invested in science, technology, engi- game’s greatest all-around utility players, rec- to congratulate Cecilio Lamar Fowler upon re- neering, and math education programs. ognized for his power hitting and homerun ceiving the 2011 Milken Educator Award. I commend the Academy of Model Aero- swings. Often referred to as ‘‘Mickey Manto,’’ Predicated on the maxim ‘‘The future belongs nautics for their receipt of the prestigious Jeff is the only player from the area with his to the educated,’’ the Milken Educator Awards Brewery Trophy and thank them for their nu- bat on display at the National Baseball Hall of have recognized over the last 25 years more merous contributions to the Muncie commu- Fame in Cooperstown, New York. than 2,500 teachers, principals, and specialists nity, the State of Indiana, and the nation. 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