October 25,1941 R» . - * STADIUM N. C. Official ' rogram We All Back the Wolfpack! . Let's Go! Make The Carolina Your Down Town Meeting Place Headquarters For State College Functions Raleigh’s Newest and Finest HOTEL CAROLINA Robert I. Lee, Manager RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA THE WOLFPACK GRIDIRON N. C. State - Newberry Issue Published five times annually for each N. C. State College home football game by the Sports Publicity Bureau of North Carolina State College. nue,Dick NewHerbert,York,Publisher.N. Y. $1.00 per year, 250 per copy. National Advertising Representative: Don Spencer Company, Inc., 271 Madison Ave Volume XI Riddick Stadium, Raleigh, N. C., October 25, 1941 Number a NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL PROF. H. A. FISHER, Chairman D. W. SEIFERT DINK CATON DR. A. J. WILSON, Secretary W. H. SULLIVAN JACK HUCKABEE DR. 1. O. SOHAUB A. G. FLOYD WOODY JONES DR. J. L. STUCKEY DAVID CLARK DUDLEY ROBBINS DR. LODWICK HARTLEY JOHN W. SEXTON W. W. WOMMACK FOOTBALL STAFF WILLIAMS (Doc) NEWTON, Head Coach JOHN L. VONGLAHN, Business Manager of Athletics HERMAN HICKMAN, Line Coach DR. R. S. (BOB) WARREN, Freshman Coach WALTER A. (BABE) WOOD, Backfield Coach E. M. (NIG) WALLER, General Assistant JOHNNY F. MILLER, Head, Department of Physical DR. G. B. POWELL, Trainer Education and Athletics N. C. STATE WOLFPACK SCHEDULE — I941 *Sepf. 20—RICHMOND ....................... at RALEIGH, 8 pm. *SepI. 27—Davidson ..........................at Greensboro Oc’r. 4—Clemson .......................... at Charlotte *ch. II—Furman ........................... at Greenville, S. C. *ch. IB—WAKE FOREST ..................... a’r RALEIGH, 8 pm. *Oc’r. 25—NEWBERRY ........................at RALEIGH, 8 pm. Nov. I—Norfh Carolina ..................... at Chapel Hill Nov. 8—Virginia Tech ...................... of Winston-Salem Nov. I5—Georgefown ....................... at Washington, D. C. Nov. 22—DUKE .............................at RALEIGH, 2 pm. Nov. 29—William and Mary ...................at Williamsburg, Va. *—Night Game. SUPPORT THE WOLFPACK! Represented for National Advertising by DON SPENCER COMPANY, INC., 271 Madison Ave., New York City. THE WOLFPACK MEETS NEWBERRY’S INDIANS t3,\‘\\(~ 4535?"Pa!-4 i,1 cg}44K \f\ TATE College is happy to welcome tonight colorful brand of ball. The Newberry tackles thousands of high school seniors. This will be the largest the Wolfpack will have to afternoon they inspected the campus and saw face this season. State is favored, but in the institution’s facilities for turning out engi- football anything can happen. neers, farmers, teachers, and textile executives. Tonight they get a chance to see one of the This will be the first non—conference opponent most important phases of extra-curricular ac- for the Wolfpack which has played Richmond, tivity—football. Davidson, Clemson, Furman, and Wake Forest on successive Saturdays. This will also be State is also happy to welcome back an the last night game of the season and the next- alumnus, Billy Laval, veteran coach of the New- to-last contest for Riddick Stadium. berry Indians. Back in 1905 he was a star member of the baseball team here. He There are some big attractions coming up on left school to take up the diamond profession the schedule. Next week in Chapel Hill the and later got into coaching. For a long time ’Pack will attempt to do something that a State he coached the Furman Purple Hurrricane, and football team hasn’t been able to do since 1927. he was the one who founded the famous “House . That, of course, is to get a victory over the of Magic” at the South Carolina college. University of North Carolina Tar Heels. Later he coached the University of South Caro- Last year Doc Newton’s boys played one of lina in his native Columbia. He is still active- their best games of the season against Caro- ly interested in baseball and has served as a lina and almost got a Victory. The Tar Heels scout for several major league clubs. will be ready this time and won’t be caught by Newberry is a small college, but it’s well surprise, but the Wolfpack is getting mighty known in the football world. Last year the hungry for a win over its traditional foe. Indians had a great season, Winning three Tonight marks the last time this season that championship titles—the South Carolina Little the Wolfpack will enter a game as the favorite. Four, the South Atlantic League, and the . After Newberry come North Carolina, Vir- Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association. ginia Tech, Georgetown, Duke, and William and . That team scored 249 points to 48 for its Mary in that order. That’s a mighty tough opponents, and Don Colangelo, quarterback and road. The game with Virginia Tech will be co-captain, made the Little All-America team. played in Winston—Salem and should be one of . One of its outstanding performances in 1940 the best of the year. The Gobblers gained was a 36-0 Victory over Lenoir-Rhyme. national attention several weeks ago by up- The Indians are big and have a tricky attack. setting the powerful Georgetown Hoyas, 3-0. Coach Laval’s clubs always have played a . D. H. Holding. (Pen- ' completePenalty pass,refused..missed,in- Delay of game. or aity—hyoffense. ' Offside or violation field goal or (omer extra time-outs. Illegal forward pass. 15fame.yards;5 yards.)by dB- Timeout. of(Penaltykick-off5 formation.yards.) “de'sinn, etc.both sides eff- Yards.)( p e n a i ty, 5 0‘‘5. (i: Unnecessary rough- pushing.Crawlingor5 inPlayermotion.illegally(Pen- },. ’ ‘\ sirenexs.useillegalofthehands,defen- Intentionaling of forwardground-pass. ‘9 yds.in : I)help-all if“!‘- alty.1! from5 shiftyards.or ‘n clipping,into or roughingrunningthe down(Penaltyand-15lossyardof .i. ,carrier.Yards. 15 yarhuéldle,s.) l5,j . 33:1Score goal.— touchdown.or conver- yards.)kicker (Penalty. 15 precedingpenalty fromdown.)spot of Interference with forward pass, orpass"screening"touching ineligiblepass receiver.player, Illegal touching of kicked interference(if penalty occurson offense.beyondwhenline yardball line—touchbsck.inside opponent's 10' ofof scrimmage.down: on or15behindyards andlinelossof W, 4....1—], , - downscrimmage.only lossInter-of LIf . AW ballferenceto byoffensedefense,on spotfirst down)of foul as Unsportsmanlike conduct. (Penalty oneIllegalor moreformationplayers.or (Penalty—position of —15manlikeyards.)conduct—15For flagrantyardunsports-penalty in5 yardsplay)from where ball was put and disqualificatlon. WATCH POSTAL PUTIT OVER! business Adeal$100,000to put over . or birthday greeting toa 20csend, you can always graphdependtoondoPostalits part.Tele-For Our Sincere Postal Telegraph offers faster, friendlier service Thanks telegramsatlowercost.telephonedChargesforin :ppear on your phone ill. For Patronizing the Ca" Postal Telegraph. To Send Wolfpack Gridiron BIRTHDAY GREETINGS RESERVATIONS CONGRATULATORY WIRES SINGING TELEGRAMS Advertisers MONEY ORDERS TRAVEL MESSAGES T’ostal l~ * l O Elegrapb “FIRST WHEN SECONDS COUNT!” “ ’Dem boys sho like dis NEHI Orange!” And you, too, will like the fruity flavor of this better blended Orange drink, known from Coast to Coast as the leader. It comes in the convenient 7-oz. bottle for only...... 10C TRY A BOTTLE NOW! Raleigh NEHI Bottling C0. RALEIGH Wolfnack CID-Captains CATHEYBOB CUTIE CADTED RUBE MORGAN, B. JACK HUC ABEE, B. FOY CLARK, B. DICK WATTS, B. JOHN G. FRANK OWENS, E. PHIL AVERY, E. EARL STEWART, B. WOODY JONES, T. To Prevent Spills Like These NORTH CAROLINA STATE RELIES ON SEAL - O - SAN Give a big hand to Seal-O-San this fall when you see those spectacular basketball games in Frank Thompson Gymnasium. For with a 100% non- slippery finish on the floor, you see faster footwork . speedier drib- bling . more confident shooting. Today, more than 5,000 schools rely on slip-proof Seal-O-San for help in turning out Winning teams. - w? Coaches and school officials are in- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII vited to write for complete details, IIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Made Exclusively By Inc - - DENVERThe HUNTINGTONHUNTINGTONLABORATORIESINDIANA TORONTO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NON-SLIPPERY SEAL & FINISH FOR GYMNASIUMS IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WHEN IN RALEIGH ATTENDING FOOTBALL GAMES EAT AT Warren ’5 Cafez‘erja 130 South Salisbury Street Raleigh, N. C. —[ AIR CONDITIONED ]— I 3 . methmgW CA'ROLINA CLEANERS 116 HARRISON AVE. h bee dded' “Dependable Cleaners” as n a . J_B N.CKHONEYCUTTHAYNES ‘ N. C. State INALETTER' foryoursweater, and seewhat R.WI?J.J_GRANGERCOOPER ‘ 55931:? thingsomethmgnewnew has been addedcandolAndto a cigarette,remember:too—toSome- J. F. BURGES Room SerVIce_ forRepresentatwes make it even more pleasant! DRY CLEANING —— PRESSING *lafuklu Sumo “mm" Put DYEING — ALTERING (Pronounced “La-ta- I“ —but NEW Dlal 8871 fromkee’-a”),aflavorfulthe Eastern Mediter-tobacco ‘ OId Gold" CAROLINA CLEANERS ”new. Carefully blended RALEIGH, N. C. cos,withLatakiaother famouscreates antobac.en- tirelyGold flavor.new—even finer Old PEANUT DOAK, B. DINK CATON, G. MAC WILLIAMS, G. JOHN BRATTON, G. BUCK SENTER, B. DICK CALLAWAY, B. BOLO STILWELL, E. CHARLIE RIDDLE, G. ED GIBSON, G. KEEN EYESIGHT 1's essenz‘ja] on fire field! Touchdowns and winning scores depend immeasurably on the keen sight as well as the training and ability of the play- ers. So, eyes need the protection of PROPER LIGHT during reading and study hours—and that’s true, not only of athletes but of all of us. ELECTRIC DEALERS are always glad to demonstrate Sight-Saving Lamps without obligation. Many designs are very moderately priced. SIGHT IS PRICELESS— PROPER LIGHT IS CHEAP! CAROLINA POWER 8: LIGHT COMPANY We’re for N. C. State OCHAMPION WIN 0R LOSE! Kmtwear Company ROCHESTER, N. Y. INSURE WITH US AND . YOU CAN’T LOSE! ATHLETIC KNIT GOODS Leading Outfitters to Colleges in M U T U A L $23 S§§fi§5§T1§the§2fifii’ls“§iifi Others. Insurance Agency . HUGH H. MURRAY, Jr. (‘32), Manager catal°gs 0" Reques‘ . CHAMPION 313 Lawyer’s Bldg. Phone 3091 Knitwear Company RALEIGH Department HB — Rochester, N. Y. l . W, DUD ROBBINS, B. PETE BOLTREK, T. NORM WIGGIN, C. T FAIRCLOTH, B.
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