Smaller authority name: HOUGHAM WITHOUT PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC RIGHTS AND PUBLIGATION OF ANNUAL GOVERNANCE & ACCOUNTABILITY RETURN (EXEMPT AUTHORTTY) ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 20{ 8 Local Audit and Accountability Acf,2014 Sections 25,26 and 27 The Accounts antl Audit 2015 (Sr 2015t234 NOTICE NOTES l. Date of announcement-l$ July 2018. (a) (a) lnsert date of placing of the notice which must be not less than 1 day 2. Each year the smaller authority prcpares an Annual Govemance and before the date in (c) belovrr Accountability Retum (AGAR). The AGAR has been published with this notice. lt will not be reviewed by the appoinbd auditor, since the smaller au$ority has certr'fied itself as exemptfrom the appointed auditoCs review. Any percon intereted has the right to inspect and make copies of the AGAR, the accounting records for the financial year to which it rclates and all books, deeds, contracts, bills, vouchels, receipts and other documents relating to those rccords must be made available for inspection by any penson intelestad. For the year ended 3{ March 2018, these documenb will be available on reasonable notice by application to: position and (b) Andrew Finnis Chairman The Old Mllage Scfrool, Church Hougham (b) lnsert name, - - addressftelephone number/ email Dover, Kent, CT15 7AN. address, as appropriate, of lhe Clerk or Tel 07905 987 910. Email [email protected] other person to which any person may apply to inspect the accounts commencing on (c) _illonday 2 July 2018 (c) lnsed date, which must be at least 1 day after the date of announcement in (a) above and at leasi 30 rrvorking deys and ending on (d) 10h August 2018 before the date appointed in (d) below 3. Local govemment electors-Friday and their r€presentatives also have: (d) The inspection period between (c) and (d) must be 30 working days indusive and must include the first 10 . The opportunig to question the appointed auditor about the accounting wod<ing days of July. records; and e fts right to make an objection which concems a matter in respect of which the appointed auditor could either make a public interest report or apply to the court for a declaration that an item of account is unlawful. Wriften notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the smaller authority. The appointed audilor can be contaded at the address in paragraph 4 belory for this purpose between the above dates only. 4. The smaller authority's AGAR is only subject to review by the appointed auditor if quetions or objections raised under the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2O14lead to tlre involvement of the auditor. The appoinbd auditor is: PKF Litffeiohn LLP (Ref: SBA Team) 1\lUesfferry Circus Canary Wharf London E144HD ([email protected]) (e) lnsert name and position of person 5. This announoement is made by (e) Finnis, Clerft & RFO _Cathy placing the notice - this person must be the responsible financial officer for the smaller authoritv LOCAL AUTHORITY ACCOUNTS: A SUMIIiARY OF YOUR RIGHTS #effi&fEamge sf ffixerttptf**: Ts be *cmp|*ted *m{y hy *m*lfer *uth*r'iti*s where tfoe highrer *f grcs* ir:**rne srsss *xp*ndit*r* *id s:*? sxee*d *r €xs,*## i* th* ye*r *f a***unt end*d 3#'!E' *nd that:sv;1f.t* tlteffis**ue* sf &sarah fertifu ** ****pt fr*m * Ifry:ite# *nder s**ti*n $ *f gh* a$sure*ce rev*ew *-****&*dit {srcx$l*r,&.*tf?*rlti*s} ffi*gu}ati*ns psts There is no requirx*wrt ts have a limited ssurarl* ro,b* or ia submit Reium to the extsrnal atditor, p**ic* an Ar*nuar Govenrance and Ae*,n*at*ig auttsttr trrat B,e ards-#s*ce*irpa ftsefas exdr*t ahr 3I March aa€ itud *ttpr*.a c.tffi--# ;G;p$on at a meeting sf &e " ie su*r:ittec-;{ry*g ttre sr*esnar aildrbr. gtigW _H tfu* j*r*t{f {+,w}sii {;x*rt t* X*ff.ffi,*f;H,X * * authar*v's srsr i:!co,ae tor the year trf lf:f::*ti,ffi or sros$ *n*u*f grresi*coneturrfiea{r*}srity ?*tltir: I gl g Zq . t T *nrxrd gum exprxd*klr€ f*r *!e **#rariay 2Cl ?JI*: Tiere are certain c*rctlnx*a|ces t,t?q. zs in !**ch a* sirt*city sdll be unable *s$rEme revierr ttrill te_cert*fy itself re ersfipt, ss tfrd slill be required- If an auth@ ** a ftrnibd sadnoc co'irr cs*gnnti;;d**,,8 ba&our fktf * oxe**g and u **t "*auL *+en it frart 3 ta i* *t &i An*ual so;;# ars Aoccunre&i*y fte extemal audlor dut*t#: ,,r&ikd*3x Re&m ror*t*o, i** #ezoo +vATq,i,, 8y sg#ru srie ce.'t*s* "**td*r*r, be pay#e- *Ex*nrptia* you sre ***r**rg ttat " The authority " hae be+* in *xi*tence since befs* l* reraticn ia prwrirq t*+# ?*1{ ' the nnancisr i*u *,8 issued a rtnl*e" a#br t* aat ' ruuri.lnlIest repq in-rJspe* cr *o "**.-* r*de *i@J *ny *gr ##?€H s?rrr ' a statutory re*rnrne*dat*sn * *ui*r*r, t_q"3,ryE ir ' t: @ *r any a*n *nrs* **F* it #ffi e u roe A*d; *Jtoe,nr*wfry r mli HHHffi Ad rs14 .ommenc'd ludicid reviw pro**gs ur# #*m 31{.r} o{ fte A{f ' slade a,, application under Lcrion iatrr og***ek':;#-rer *,*t and the application hae not ** ihr:r *f em*t !s **** ueen wittrcrax* r* *-ix**Grefio*€* *e** ' * it*n ;;**rn**** *,****xr ffiffilffiffi *?-@- n* *: **** *r*er lf you are able lo ccnfr:r &attfre **ve sh=lit,F@#*tl*#*q'5=i6. ****,=urwirmd*rrc*wn*, f2s,ss*, xfrJI'ffi? ?i3t":-iffiffi;-"**sins #"ro?fu s rxein+ro* can be Ersned ** TheAnnuat lnbmalAudit R*port, Annual Gavernance Stahrnerl variancea*d gne b"t*k t@k';tu; f,nnyl *mu*ting Statenren$, a* anatyeis af #*;" i**o"*rn"-*q*i# g RquIarfto' Regdatironc Zsrs incruding t*e reriaaFtie rdgzl, AeuntE andAudit exs*se orpu*ilc *ehts stilr need * al i** ;f" ;ffi*''#;il; wnp*ted and, arans f$.ffig**ffi ;,;'16l #=#t* *rb eerffic* you Sigred by the ResBonsibb FBrarrcal OffiDer Date *eghz,ryfutl *s*dryc**mail *8 lo*lt{ D* #E&e* os{as Enei} - f tg Ibkphorr€ rrnnber ,9*it € c*yn *FtrHished*lebry S*tr"wxi{. c)?B'?3 yd:* a#ress t-t|:e* frdrydtu# rD &iNr r}@6j fuUil-: , he11lr"**-*^ri{t",+"rf- * pc" *-* " r^ k strould se r&*.*:* ;-f"fffi,:t"#** as $oo,n as pe*ibre after cerrificarion An*uar cavemaG *d@z*?Jig part, Page 3 offi Section { - Annual Governance Statement2017l18 We acknowledge as the members of. lflrl Wftln NrffirtT Pftfet* (w/,lretL* our responsibility for ensuring that there is a sound system of internal control, inciuding arrangements for the preparation of the Accounting Statements. We confirm, to the best of our knowledge and belief, with respect to the Accounting Statements for the year ended 31 March 2018, that: 1. \ l€ have put in place anangements for effective financial prepared its a$counting stater,i,ents in accardance management during the year, and for the preparation of with the Accounts and Audit Regulations. the accounting statemenls. 't/ 2. \AIe maintained an adequate system of intemal control made proper anangements and accepted responsibility including measures designed to prevent and detec* fraud L/ for safeguarding the public money and resources in and conuption and reviewed its effectiveness, its eharge- 3. We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves has only dane what it has the legal pawer to do and has that ihere are no matters of actual or potential complied with Proper Praetices in doing so. non-cornpliance with laws, regulations and Pmper Practices that could have a significant financial effeci ,r/ on the ability of this authority to conduct its business or manage its finances. 4. Vlie provided proper opportunity during the year for during the year gave all persons interested the apportunity to lhe exercise of electors' rights ift accordance wilh the t/ inspect afid ask questians abaut this authoitj/s ac:counts" requiremenls of the Accounts and Audit Regulations. 5. \Ah canied oui an assessrent ofthe risks facing this considered and dacumenled the frnancial and otherrsks il authority and took appropdate steps to manage those faces and dea[t with them properly. risks, including the introduction of intemal controls andlor ,/ extemal insurance cover wftere required. 6. \Ale mainiained throughout the year an adequate and ananged for a competent pe$on, independent of the frnancia! efiective system of intemal audit of the accountiflg U/ cafitrals and pracedures, ta Eive an abjective view afi whethet records and control systems, intemal controb meet the needs of this smaller authoity. 7. \A/e took appropriate action on all rnatters raised respanded to matters brought to its attentian by intemal and in reports tom intemal and extemal audit, extefial audit, 8. r /e eonsidered whether any litigation, liabitities or disclosed everything it should have abaut its business activity commitrnents, events or transactions, occuning either duing the year including events taking place after the year during or affer the year-end, have a financial impact on end if relevant. this authority and, where appropriate, have included ihem in the accounling statements. 9. (For local couflcils only) Trust tunds including has met all of its responsfbil#es where it is a sale charitable. lil our capacity as the sole managing managifig trustee af a local trust or trusts.
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