• MEWS-FILE•'BISDSHI BOX 1678 .''•'• ST • AUGUSTIHS; FLA. 32084 BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 13, No. 48 Thursday, March 21/1968 26 Pages 10f 400 students expected with IBM's expansion Due to arrive r here before end of yeai An estimated 400 new students will be flocking to schools in Boca Raton next fall as a result of International Business Ma- chine Corporation's plans to enlarge its operations here. Howard Davidson, IBM's manager here, and Lawrence A. Wilson who will head the firm's new engineering labora- tory to be established here, outlined the firm's plans at a press conference this week. Davidson said an additional 400 employes will be added to the IBM payroll here, bringing to 1,000 the anticipated work force by the end of this year. He said projections call for an employe roster of somg 1,250- 1,300 persons by the end of 1969. Studies made by the firm in- dicated that the average family moving to Boca Raton during the past year to join the IBM Howard Davidson, left, IBM manager here, Lawrence A. Wilson who will move here as head staff brought with them 1.6 talks up the benefits of Florida sunshine with of the firm's new engineering laboratory. children. However, the studies also showed that the "part child" — the .6 in the statistics — is a pre-schooler. The result is that the 400 em- New., group formed to fight ployes mean, 400 school age Spring has sprung and the flowers are blooming in Florida. This children,- two-thirds of them'" wildflower is only one of the" many things you can fin3 if you look in the elementary grades. Some hard enough...and we'll have to admit we don't know its name. The of the 240 pre-schoolers prob- ably will be entering the private diminutive little plant is only about three inches high and often for city's public schools kindergarten and nursery can be found growing wild in lawns around Boca Raton...unless schools in the city. you're a dedicated user of weed killers. Davidson said that the major- By JIM RIFENBURG "We are determined that this "We do not feel any useful ity of new employes to join the apathy shall not return," he purpose will be served by fur- laboratory staff and manufac- Seeking means by which de- said. ther discussion of the actions of ture the Model 1130 computer Local students win cisions affecting Boca Raton Refusing to point the finger school personnel in the walk- line which will move here will public schools will more nearly he added we cannot afford the out/' he said. "We must use be drawn from the" firm's San reflect the views of the citi- luxury of assigning blame to our energies and time inputting Jose, Calif., plant. iStory on zens, the School Action Associa- any persons in the recent walk- the machinery of the schools 1130 model computers on page tion was formed here Monday 7B in today's News.) degrees from FAU night. out." (Continued on Pags 2A) More than 125 persons signed He estimated that about 200 Fifteen students from Boca education; their names as charter mem- will come from San Jose, with about 75 drawn from other IBM" Raton were among the 220 per- Frank Witty, bachelor of sci- bers. sons who completed course work ence; Addressing the gathering at Funds OK'd to halt plants. The balance, Davidson said, will be hired from the for degrees this week at Florida Michael Ziegler, bachelor of the Community Center, Dr. Wil- Atlantic University. science. liam Dome, Florida Atlantic local area. The current semester closed Davidson cited the lack of No current ceremony will University professor, said: yesterday. mark the graduation of these "Our concern is continuing existing housing as one factor city 'going to dogs' which will slow down the shift of Officials said the list in- students. However, they will ' nprovement in the education of cluded: have all the privileges and status the children of Boca Raton spe- operations to Boca Raton. He Boca Raton will not go to the ized $3,515 to be spent for uni- said groups of employes num- Helen Boeshart, master of of a graduate of FAU. cifically, and Palm Beach dogs. As a matter of fact, city forms and equipment for an ani- education; A graduation exercise will be County and out of state in gen- bering 20-30 a week will visit council Tuesday night author- mal control officer. the city prior to moving here E. Bernice Cober, master of held in June for the March eral. We acknowledge that pub- ized a fund to make sure of it. No money was allocated in education; group as well as for senior and lic apathy is our biggest enemy so that they can arrange for To keep tabs on stray dogs the way of salary. City Man- housing. Claudette Craumer, master graduate students who com- and chief cause of the current and to enforce the existing ager Alan Alford said an off- of education; pleted their degree studies in school crisis. licensing law, council author- duty policeman could serve in Laboratory employes, Wil- Ronald Diedrlch, bachelor of the fall and winter quarters. the position until an exper- son explained, will be highly science; In the current graduating ienced dog handler could be skilled scientists and engineers William Durgy, master of group, Broward County with 72, hired. and are slated to start arriving education; again leads in number of grad- A licensing law was enacted "almost immediately." Adriano Gomez, bachelor of uates. Palm Beach is second Inlet in I960 here but has never arts; with 64 and Dade County claimed been enforced. The law re- Mary Kelly, master of edu- '52. Fifty-three have earned quires that any dog over the cation; master of education degrees. age of six months shall have a Philip Pettus, bachelor of Officials will meet Tuesday city license. In addition, appli- arts; cants for licenses must show Amusement Page 8A Helen Schlueter, bachelor of proof of their animal having Ann Landers 3B arts; Turnpike to study dredge plan had a rabies shot, Church News 10B Donna Smits, master of edu- Licensing is for the calendar Classifieds 12-13A cation; City officials will meet Tues- Council: year, January through Decem- Editorials 4A Robert Snider, bachelor of traffic up day with representatives of a AGREED to place on next ber. Male dog licenses are Public Notices 12-14A arts; dredge firm to discuss plans week's agenda a new report on $3.00 and $5.00 for females. As Real Estate 6-7-8B Jerry Strimbu, bachelor of Traffic entering the Boca Ra- for maintenance of the Boca the extension of 15th terrace of Wednesday morning 151 had Sports 10-11A arts; ton area from Florida's Turn- Raton Inlet opening. from Dixie highway to Federal, been purchased at city hall. Women's News 1-5B Robert Swanson, master of pike for the fourth quarter of Exploratory talks have start- 1967 reached a total of 91,679 ed toward evaluating whether vehicles. the city should purchase its own The Boca Raton interchange dredge for use at the inlet and reported 75,371 vehicles exited other locations or contract for the turnpike at this point for the work. the same period in 1966. This The meeting is slated for 10 represented a 21.6 per cent in- a.m. crease in number of vehicles At Tuesday's Council meet- over the same period in 1966 ing, one of the other sites at and a corresponding which the city might profitably $19,202 increase in turnpike revenue \ use a dredge was up for brief for the same period. mention. City Manager Alan Alford reported that no word Turnpike Authority Chair- had yet been received from the man Charles W. Rex, Jr. said Florida Inland Navigation Dis- the total number of vehicles trict on the city's title to a por- AND using the Turnpike between GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA Miami and Wildwood during tion of the FIND spoil area on 1967 was 10,798,125 with a Lake Wyman. ENGINEERS corresponding revenue of $16,- The city hopes eventually to 232,677 representing a 8.3 per acquire the whole tract for de- cent increase in revenue. velopment as a major marina WAKE MAN CONSTRUCTION CO, and recreation area. FIND of- 361 50. COUNTY ROAD, PALM 8:O -H. ficials have indicated they might release it early if t h e city CONTRACTOR agrees to dredge the Intra- coastal Waterway to its design March 18-20, 1968 depth. The fill could be used to Hi Lo Rain improve the proposed marina Mon. 75 61 0 site. Construction has started on the city's ocean outfall sewage dis- the edge of the Gulf Stream for disposal of treated wastes. The Tues. 75 54 0 In other action Tuesday, City posal system. Plans call for extending the outfall lines to near line will enter the water near the foot of Palmetto Park road. Wed. noon 78 53 0 2A Thursday, March 21, 1968 BOCA RATON NEWS Mail council meeting Soldier being held Plans to form a.''Mail dustry and civic groups Users Council" here working closely togeth- will be discussed Friday er. A council has been after court hearing at 10:30 a.m. at authorized for Boca Ra- Robert Lee Smith was post at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Schrafft's Restaurant. ton and Deerfield Beach. Handing down the sen- Postmaster Cecil Ro- Roseke said the meet- sentenced to 11 days in city jail Tuesday.
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