Odonatological Abstracts 1977 1990 J. ALLEN (10910) HUHTALA, K., 1TAMIES & H. (10913) J., 1990. The designer’s guide to & MIKKOLA, 1977. Beitrag zur Brutbiologie und samurai patterns. Thames Hudson, London. Ernahrung des Raubwiirgers (Lanius excubitor) ii+132 pp. ISBN none. “ ” im Osterbotten, Finnland. Beitr. Vogelk. 23(3): The samurai called the dragonfly katsumushi (= 129-146. - (Author’s current addresses unknown). “win bug”). It was a metaphor for warrior life. On the Contains quantitative data on odon. consumption pp. 10, 25-25, book contains several dragon- by the Great Grey Shrike in SE Finland. fly designs. One of these is engineered to decorate a samurai quiver. The insect is set out on a series 1987 of segmented hexagons, representing a bamboo net. The quiver itself was crafted of thin, lacquered (10911) RODRIGUES CAPl'TULO, A. & J. bamboo strips and was appreciated for its elegance. MUZ6N, 1987. Dinamica poblacional de estadio larvales de Odonata en ambientes lenticos de la 1992 Selva Marginal de Punta Lara (prov. de Buenos Aires). Resum. I Congr. argent. Enl., Tucuman, (10914) FISEL, E„ U F1SEL, K. KON1G, W. RIESS, - “Dr R.A. C. p. 55. [Abstract only], (Inst. Limnol. B.-U. RUDOLPH, SIMLACHER, G. SCHLAPP AR-1900 La & W. Ringuelet”, C.C. 712, Plata). WERRES, 1992. Libellen. In: E. Fisel et al„ This is indicative abstract. an Erythemis attala and Arlen- und Biotopschutzprogramm Bayern: Stadt Tauriphila risi were the most abundant in the Staatsminist. spp. Erlangen, pp. 154-160, Bayer. larval at “Boca studied dur- Miinchen. population Cerrada”, Landesentwicklung u. Umweltfragen, - ing June 1984-June 1985. (Publishers; Rosenkavalierplatz 2, D(W)-8000 Munchen-81). 1989 An commented of 38 annotated and checklist spp. recorded at 90 localities within the city area of (10912) VISNER, M.J., 1989. Slovenske narvdne Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany. vezenine, izbrala in za lisk pripravila Marjana Korber. - [Slovene folk-embroidery patterns, se- 1993 lected and edited by Marjana Korber], OgnjiSCe, Koper. (Slovene). - (Editor: M. Korber, Palmejeva (10915) ANDREW, R.J. & D.B. TEMBHARE, 28/11, SI-1000 Ljubljana). 1993. Structure and development of the internal Pattern No. 118 (sheet 28) shows a dragonfly male reproductive organs in the dragonfly Tramea composition. The item has been included in the Virginia (Rambur). Fund, develop. Morphol. 3(2): Embroidery Exhibitions at Legatee (28-29 Nov. 121-127. - (First Author: Opp. St John’s High 1992), Stozice (1-2 Oct. 1994) and Nove Fuzine School, Mohan Nagar, Nagpur-440001, India). Oct. all Slovenia. (9 1994), The internal 6 reproductive organs consist of a 96 Odonatological Abstracts of a of vasa deferentia, a median balance but 2 pair testes, pair a given day. Energy not presence and short duct. The de- affected in male P. sperm sac a ejaculatory territory tenure longipennis. the of the variance in velopment of the genital tract occurs during However, most tenure was not ultimate larval instar. Each testicular lobule con- explained by the manipulated factors. 3 3 did in uniform of differ tains the gametes a stage sperma- in their ability to defend territories, how- togenesis. The process of spermatogenesis is vig- ever, which may be attributable to physical char- in orous the ultimate instar, therefore the freshly acteristics. Environmental conditions did not af- emerged imago contains active spermatozoa in its fect tenure in this study, and past experience can- lobules. the testicular There are no spermatophores not explain why territory owner eventually in the such adult genital tract. loses his territory. Dynamic factors as vari- able physical attributes or consistent differences 1993, and in time of (10916) DUNHAM, M.L., Fighting ter- between 3 3 arrival may also come ritorial behavior in the dragonfly Pachydiplax into play. Cf. OA 8542, 9261. longipennis. PhD thesis. Brown Univ., Providence/ Rl. 98 pp. ISBN none. Order No. DA9406932, (10917) PARKER, D.W., 1993. Emergence pheno- UMI Diss. Serv., 300 North Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, logies and patterns of aquatic insects inhabiting - PhD MI 48106-1346, USA. Price (softcover): US $ a prairie pond. thesis, Univ. Saskatchewan, 57,50 net. 194 ISBN Order Saskatoon. pp. 0-315-82986-8. [Verbatim from Diss. Abstr. Ini. 54( 10)11994]: No. DANN82986, UMI Diss. Serv., 300 North I 5003-5004): examined the effects of phenotype Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346, USA. - in I examined 2 of on behavior adults. categories Price (softcover): US $ 57.50 net. phenotypic characters: fixed (hindwing and wing [Verbatim from Diss. Abstr. Ini. 54(9)[ 1994]: area) and variable (mass, flight muscle ratio, wa- 4497]: Emergence traps were used to investigate and fat ter weight, gut content, content). Behavior aquatic insect emergence patterns and densities in observed in was a large field enclosure built over a prairie pond in Saskatchewan. Hill's numbers, an artificial pond. This allowed me to manipulate percent dissimilarity and Morisita’s Index were and 2 - I each 3 densities, present data on mass gain used to measure the diversity of insect order in individual P. longipennis during the teneral and changes that occurred between 1987 and 3 3 than 2 Mortal- period. gained more mass 2. 1988. Adult emergence from submerged vegeta- did not differ between 6 3 and 2 be- tion and - ity 2, nor emergent vegetation was compared, and - 115 tween light heavy individuals. The sexes spp., belonging to 6 orders were identified: 3 did not differ in foraging rate. Phenotypic char- Ephem., 16 Odon., 1 Neur, 17 Trich., 8 Hymen, were related and 70 1 science. Another acters only weakly to foraging rate, Dipt. sp. was new to but related to how often Canada. 12 weight was positively was a new record for the genus in spp, while fat 3 3 content related Saskatchewan. - foraged, negatively. are new records for The emer- also related time of For- of the Foraging rate was to day. gence periods abundant spp. ranged from in the lower 2 weeks and unimodal 3 months aging rate cage was considerably to and multi- - I ask how and than reported for this sp. in the wild. modal. - Diversity abundance of the insect fighting ability and residency asymmetries deter- community declined between 1987 and 1988. mine contest outcome by comparing contest win- These decreases were attributed to the pond chang- to and to ners losers, residents intruders. Winning ing from a permanent, nonaestival pond in 1986, 3 3 than los- were heavier and had denser wings to a permanent, aestival pond in 1987, and to a ers. Resident 3 3 had denser wings than intruders temporary pond in 1988. These changes in physi- in 1 but did differ from intruders in the cal conditions of the yr, not pond reduced the numbers second characteristics affect of adults collected yr. Physical contest for most spp. in 1988 because outcome, but previous experience or a complex the immatures were not adapted to being frozen in ice. interaction of factors also seem to have an effect. Diversity and abundance were further re- - I <J and duced in 1988 the in mid manipulated feeding history, activity, by pond drying up July territory value for P. longipennis to test between restricting the spp. emerging to those that emerged balance - hypotheses (1) energy or (2) mating suc- in spring and early summer. Significant differ- determines how cess long a 3 stays territorial on ences in the number of adults collected from the Odonatological Abstracts 97 and i.e., submerged vegetation emergent vegetation experiments, predation rates were significantly of These differ- lower in dark than were recorded for a number spp. light treatments. Laboratory showed that ences were due to immature microhabitats, eclosion feeding trials with Erpobdella veg- requirements and water depth at the trap stations. etation had the greatest influence on reducing insect - - The community of 1987 and particularly, predation rate on Hyalella. Secondary produc- tion method Chaoborus americanus, Callibaetis pallidus, and was estimated by the size-frequency and Belostoma bakeri esti- the Zygoptera spp., were used to predict the physi- for T, salva (Heter.) to cal conditions to mate flow Well. A model of the pond a year prior the energy in Montezuma study. Knowledge of life histories and habitat re- of trophic structure and energy flow in Montezuma of the used the Well is Production Telebasis quirements spp. were to predict presented. by (7.9 g 2 insect community in 1989 based on the physical dry weight [dw] m yr 1 ) and Belostoma (2.8 g conditions of the pond in 1988. The importance dw m' yr 1 ) was higher than estimates for other of considering life history information when odon. and aquatic heteropterans. - The daily hori- indicator choosing spp. for environmental im- zontal migration of H. montezuma reduced mor- pact assessments is discussed. tality through utilization of two habitats that dif- fered in temporal predation risk. The use of a (10918) RUNCK, C.. 1993. Influence of inverte- temporal refuge by Hyalella affected energy trans- brate predation on behavior and energy flow in a fer in Montezuma Well and indicated the impor- freshwater animal community. PhD thesis, North. tance of visual and non-visual invertebrate preda- Arizona Univ., 130 ISBN behavior of freshwater animal communi- Flagstaff. pp. none. tors on Order No. DA9411455, UM1 Diss. Serv., 300 ties. North Zeeb Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346, USA. - Price (softcover); US $ 57.50 net. (10919) SWINKELS-VERPRAET, M. & J. HEEF- Ini. [Verbatim from Diss. Abstr. 54(11)[1994]: FER, 1993. Inventarisalierapport van de libellen 5490-5491]: This study examined the influence bij een aanlal Oisterwijk.se vennen en laagland- behavior and beken. - of invertebrate predation on energy 1993. /Report on the 1993 dragonfly transfer of freshwater invertebrate a prey com- surveys in some moors and lowland streams near The effect of visual insect Heeffer, Riel, iv+45 - munity.
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