¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © £ ¢ £ ¦ ¢ £ ¨ ¢ Preface Welcome to the new interim revised Pilgrim’s Primer! To make it possible to make an even better Primer for next year this will be a limited edition and any feedback is most welcome. We’ve tried to include everything from the old book time and space permitting. The Pilgrim’s Primer gives the pilgrim all the information needed to take an active role in the annual Christus Rex pilgrimage from Ballarat to Bendigo. It is set out according to the sequence of liturgical and devotional events on the walk, beginning with the opening prayers on Friday morning. For maximum benefit, pilgrims should familiarise themselves with the in- structions at an early stage. Also a few minutes browsing and setting the ribbons in frequently used parts (eg: hymns, rosary prayers, the current part of the day, etc.) early on the first day will make for an easy transition into the rhythm of the pilgrimage. The Primer is used in conjunction with the itinerary. Rules 1. Hats are to be worn at all time on the road. Sunscreen is recommended. 2. All pilgrims are to walk on the left side of the road as far as possible off the bitumen. No-one is to walk in front of the leading support vehicle or behind the last support vehicle. 3. Pilgrims must observe promptly all directions given by marshals including without limitation any direction to move off the road or to stop walking for any reason. 4. Pilgrims must not continue the pilgrimage after sunset or commence be- fore sunrise. 5. Parents or other adults bringing children under 18 to the pilgrimage must ensure that the children remain at all times in their control and that the children comply with the above rules and regulations. 6. Each pilgrim is responsible for his own safety, health and property and releases the Christus Rex Society and each of the pilgrimage organisers from, and indemnifies them against, all actions, claims, damages, loss, costs and expenses arising in connection with personal injury or prop- erty damage suffered from any cause during the pilgrimage (including overnight stays). ii Luggage and Transport If you need to withdraw from the walk there will be back up vehicles which will transport you to the place of the next break. You are encouraged to take advantage of this transport if you are feeling exhausted, ill or sore. The pilgrimage is NOT about extending yourself beyond your physical limitations. Luggage will be transported for you between overnight rest points. It is your responsibility to load it each morning onto the van provided. First Aid The major problem for pilgrims will be feet. You should bring blister pads as they have been found to work well. However, blisters are not the only problem with feet. After walking for miles on hard bitumen road, feet tend to become bruised and joints sore. Bring oil to rub into your feet muscles. Bandages are handy to strap the ankles if they become particularly sore. The moment you feel that your feet, ankles or knees are being stretched beyond their capacity you should rest and take the back up vehicle. Banners Banners and flags are an integral element of the pilgrimage. They give a stiking public witness to the depth of our commitment to Christ as Our King. The effect of the banner is only as great as the skill of the bearer in keeping it aloft and facing the public. Turn the banner so it face onlookers and passers by on the road. No banner (or pilgrims) should be in front of the processional cross and the official pilgrimage banner. The Australian and Papal flags will also be in the leading group. iii iv ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¢ £ ¥ Preface .................................. ii Friday 1 BlessingofPilgrims ........................... 1 VotiveMassoftheHolyCross .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 Saturday 14 VotiveMassofOurLady ........................ 14 PrayersfortheDead........................... 21 Sunday 26 Instructions................................ 26 Benediction ................................ 27 ArrivalattheCathedral . 38 MassofChristtheKing ......................... 45 The Mass 52 TheAsperges............................... 53 MassoftheCatechumens . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 54 MassoftheFaithful ........................... 60 Prayers 77 Angelus .................................. 77 Grace ................................... 78 PrayersoftheRosary .......................... 79 TheSacramentofPenance. 81 Ordinaries 84 MissaKyriefonsbonitatis. 84 MissaCunctipotensGenitorDeus. 87 Missacumjubilo ............................. 91 v CredoI .................................. 95 CredoIII ................................. 97 Music 100 Chant ................................... 100 Polyphony................................. 119 EnglishHymns .............................. 134 Rounds .................................. 155 vi ¡ ¢ £ ¤ Blessing of Pilgrims Veni Creator ¦ ¦ § ¦ ¦ ¥ ¨ ¦ © ¦ ¦ ¦ © VIII ¦ ¦ § ¦ ¨ ¦ § ¦ ¦ ¦ ¨ ¦ E-ni Cre- ´a-tor Sp´ı-ri-tus, Mentes tu-orum v´ı-si-ta : Come, Holy Ghost, Creator, come From Thy bright heavenly throne, ¦ ¨ ¦ ¥ ¨ ¦ ¦ § ¦ © ¨ ¨ ¦ ¦ ¨ ¨ § ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¦ ¦ § ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¨ ¨ ¦ ¦ © © © Imple su- p´erna gr´a-ti-a Quæ tu cre- ´asti pectora. Amen. Come take possession of our souls, And make them all Thine own. 2. Qui d´ıceris Par´aclitus, 2. Thou who art called the Paraclete, Alt´ıssimi donum Dei, Best gift of God above, Fons vivus, ignis, c´aritas, The living spring, the living fire, Et spirit´alis ´unctio. Sweet unction and true love. 3. Tu septif´ormis m´unere, 3. Thou who art se’enfold in thy grace, D´ıgi^tus pat´ernæ d´exteræ, Finger of God’s right hand; Tu rite prom´ıssum Patris, His promise, teaching little ones Serm´one ditans g´uttura. To speak and understand. 1 2 FRIDAY 4. Acc´ende lumen s´ensibus, 4. O guide our minds with Thy blest light, Inf´unde^am´orem c´ordibus, With love our hearts inflame; Inf´ırma nostri c´orporis And with thy strength, which ne’er decays, Virt´ute firmans p´erpeti. Confirm our mortal frame. 5. Hostem rep´ellas l´ongius 5. Far from us drive our deadly foe; Pac´emque dones pr´otinus : True peace unto us bring; Duct´ore sic te pr´ævio, And through all perils lead us safe Vit´emus omne n´oxium. Beneath Thy sacred wing. 6. Per te sci´amus da Patrem, 6. Through Thee may we the Father know, Nosc´amus atque F´ılium, Through Thee th’ eternal Son, Teque^utri´usque Sp´ıritum And Thee the Spirit of them both, Cred´amus omni t´empore. Thrice blessed Three in One. 7. Deo Patri sit gl´oria, 7. All Glory to the Father be, Et F´ılio, qui^a m´ortuis With his co-equal Son: Surr´exit, ac Par´aclito, The same to Thee, great Paraclete, In sæcul´orum sæcula. While endless ages run. Ascribed to Rabanus Maurius, – V. Emitte Spiritum tuum, et creabun- Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall tur. be created. R. Et renovabis faciem terræ. And thou shalt renew the face of the earth. Oremus. Let us pray. eus, qui corda fidelium Sancti O God, who has taught the hearts of Spiritus illustratione docuisti: † the faithful by the light of the Holy da nobis in eodem Spiritu recta Spirit: † grant to us in the same Spirit sapere, * et de ejus semper con- to know right * and ever rejoice in solatione gaudere. Per Christum His consolation. Through Christ our Dominum nostrum. R. Amen. Lord. R. Amen. BLESSING OF PILGRIMS 3 Consecration of the Pilgrimage to Christ the King All: Christ Jesus, I acknowledge Thee to be the King of the universe; all that hath been made is created for Thee. Exercise over me all Thy sovereign rights. I hereby renew the promises of my Baptism, renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps, and I engage myself to lead henceforth a truly Christian life. And in an especial manner do I undertake to bring about the triumph of the rights of God and Thy Church, so far as in me lies. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my poor actions to obtain the acknowledgement by every heart of Thy sacred kingly power. In such wise may the kingdom of Thy peace be firmly established throughout all the earth. Amen. Blessing of the pilgrims’ staves and scrips. V. Deus in adjutorium z meum in- V. O God, incline z unto my aid. tende. R. Domine ad adjuvandum me festina. R. O Lord, make haste to help me. 4 FRIDAY Oremus. Let us pray. omine Jesu Christe, Re- Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Redeemer of demptor mundi, qui, verbum the world and Word of God, who didst Dei, per os beati Apostoli tui Pauli make known by the mouth of Paul thy innotuisti non habere nos hic ma- blessed Apostle that we have not here nentem civitatem, sed futuram de- a permanent city, but here must ever bere hic semper inquirere, quique seek that which is to come, and who beatis Apostolis præcepisti ut, eu- didst command thy blessed Apostles ntes ad prædicandum verbum Dei, that they should take rods only, which virgas tantum sumerent, te sup- went to preach God’s word: we humbly pliciter deprecamur, ut digeneris has beseech Thee, that Thou vouchsafe to scarpellas sive peras, pro tui no- bless these satchels, or scrips, to be minis amore ad instar humilis ar- worn at the side as it were lowly ar- maturæ latere applicandas, et has mour for the love of Thy name, and sustentationis baculos benezdicere, these supporting staves: that they that quatenus portantes eos, in peregri- bear them for a token of pilgrimage nationis signum et suorum corporum and the support of their bodies may sustentationem, cælestis gratiæ plen- avail to receive the fulness of heavenly itudinam in eis et munimen valeant grace and the defence of Thy bless- tuæ benedictiones percipere, et que- ing therein: and as Thou didst bless madmodum virgam Aaron ad rebel- Aaron’s rod to check the unbelief of lium Judeorum perfidiam repellan- the rebellious Jews, so mayest Thou dam benedixisti, ita et hos famu- also bless these Thy servants by these los tuos per hæc insignia, quæ ad badges, which they desire to receive tuam honorem et reverentiam, as- from our hands for Thine honour and sumere cupiunt de manibus nostris reverence and bear to Thy venerable et ad sanctuarium tuum venerandum shrine, and mayest Thou loose them portare, benezdicas et ab omnibus from all their sins, that they may de- peccatis absolvas, ut in die judicii serve to have a place in the lot of Thy in parte mereantur dextera collocari.
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