1/\ SANnirs* il\ t/-\ , ', :l ; J\" ! ffire&'-J \-*-/ JohnAdams NIXONIN CHINA SanDiego CivicTheatre March14, 17, 20,22,2015 Conductor CAST: SETTING: JosephMechavich (in order of vocal appearance) February1972 Beijing, China Director Chou En-Lai Chen-yeYuan* JamesRobinson* ACT 1 RichardNixon FrancoPomponi* Scene 7 (ai Dacianar Henry Krssinger PatrickCartizzi* The airporloutside Beijing Allen Moyer 1stSecretaryr to Mao SarahCastle Scene2 CostumeDesigner ChairmanMao's study 2nd Secretaryto Mao BuffyBaggott* James Schuette* Scene3 3rd Secretaryto Mao JenniferDeDominici* Lighting Designer The GreatHall of the People Paul Palazzo* Mao Tse-Tung ChadShelton* 20 Minute lntermission SoundDesigner Pat Nxon MariaKanyova* MadameMao Kathleen Brian Mohr* Kim ACT II t"l^^-^^^-^^L^- vt tvrcvyr aPt tcr Scene 7 Se5n Curran Mrs.Nixon views China AssociateChoreographer Scene2 Nora Brickman* An eveningat the BeijingOpera Wig & Makeup Designer ACT ill Steven W. Bryant Scene1 ChorusMaster The lastevening in Beijing CharlesPrestinari PrtncipalPianist EmilyJarrell Urbanek ProductionStage M anager Mary Yankee Peters Supertitles Thisproduction of Nixon in-Chinais dedicatedto a specialconsortium oTgenerous oonors. RoxanneStouffer Cruz* SanDiego Opera is pleasedto recognizeNuvasive, QUALCOMM and Supertit/e Coordi nators CourtneyAnn Coyle,Attorney at Law as our CorporateProducing CharlesArthur Partnersfor Nixon in China. Marian Porter Sincerethanks also go to SycuanCasino, Phone Etiquette Sponsor and Point Loma NazareneUniversity, Supertitles Sponsor. * SanDiego Opera Debut The runningtime is approximatelythree hours, including one intermission. LibrettobyAliceGoodman.FirstperformanceatHoustonGrandOperaonOctober22, lgsT.Productioncourtesyof HoustonGrandOpera. r-:ct crrhiort i^ 'hange. By arrangementwith HendonMusic, Inc., a Boosey& Hawkescompany. publisher and copyrightowner. Microphonesare used in this productionfor soundenhancement, as envisionedand directedby the composer.Microphones are also used for a radiore-broadcast on March21 at B:00pmon KPBS89.5FM, 89.1FM La Jolla, 97.7FM lmperial Valley or at kpbs.org. P8PERFORMAI{CES I4AGAZIIIT 5* Y[AlE5 ':?65-2il15 ARTISTS CHARLESF. PRESTINARI JAMESSCHUETTE ChorusMaster CostumeDesigner San Diego Opera: The PearlFishers (Acting Company debut. Recent:Dolores Claiborne Chorus Master,2008); Turandot (Acting (San FranciscoOpera), Alice in Wonderland, ChorusMaster, 2011);2012 - current,Chorus Nixon in China, The Death of Klinghoffer Master. (Opera Theatre of St. Louis),Norma Recent: 2004-2007, AssistantChorus Master (WashingtonNational Opera), Carmen (New YorkCity Opera);2007-2012, Chorus (GlimmerglassOpera), Hot L Baltimore,The Master(New YorkCity Opera) March, The Brother/SisterP/ays (Steppenwolf Theatre),Sweet Btrd of Youth (Goodman Theatre),Civil War Christmas(New York Theatre Workshop), The JAMESROBINSON Trojan Women (BrooklynAcademy of Music Next Wave Festival), Director Superior Don uts (Broadway). Company debut. Recent:Alice tn Wonderland, Champion, The Golden Ticket, The Ghosts of Versailles,The Death of Kinghoffer and Nixon in China (Opera Theatre of St. Louis,Artistic Director),Dolores Clatborne(San Francisco Opera), Dr. Sun Yat-sen(Santa Fe Opera),productions at New YorkCity Opera, SantaFe Opera, Houston Grand Opera, WashingtonNational Opera, Welsh NationalOpera, CanadianOpera Company,San FranciscoOpera, SeattleOpera. &$rNerr:fn Ctusn*CF"{*AtL.$$ #*x*ps:r*s: #fuir** ffi&f.$C*#S SOPRANOS Sanora\-amarenar* JoshuaSteven Vincent Principal Dancers EricaAustin TiffanyCarmel* DennisWilliams JulioCatano-Yee ' ,+ ReneeCalvo Krra uanros \-anwngnil' KhamlaSomphanh + Emma-GraceDunbar AVa baKer Ltss BASSES I i^^ A. ,^+:^ E.;^^, .^* Lr)q Hu)Lilr I rr5liu€ LoisMyers+ Antnony5ailaro' Corps Dancers + LnerylynLarson ' LynseySwiderski BernardoBermudez tllen AKasnl .+ AnishkaE. Lee-Skorepa* tlena vtzuet JosephGrienenberger# Q+onhanio l-lanrorr + ratncta lvlcATee ' RonHilley JustinViernes Amy Mein TENORS DavidMarshman+ f aramrr 7 ananl'a MarenSevertson Jamesboyoston' + JamesSchindler (hinmrnF RebeccaSteinke Chad Frisque* l^+fr-', | "',,r','"'' RichardGeiler* HaroldSkelly+ ALTOS uarrerTHarns"+ ChristopherJames MaryBoles Allen NickMunson* )tepnens'r+ RebeccaBasilio TimothySimpson LauraBueno EnriqueToral Artistsand ProductionStaff are membersof the * AmericanGuild of MusicalArtists, AFL-CIO, the Hasappeared in 25 or moreproductions with SanDiego Opera Chorus labor unionthat representsmusical artists in opera, + Hasappeared in 50 or more productionswith SanDiego Opera Chorus concert.and dancein the UnitedStates- # Hasappeared in 100 or moreproductions with SanDiego Opera Chorus fffxcar*fet #&srtx $q-$$)ffi ffitx t$ s4 ffi RJ\w$ tr$ AlenaHerranen Ana Kovacevic HermioneLu Afterthe opera,stay for a Talk-Backwith SanDiego Opera insiders, crew and cast. HenryNelson Oncethe curtaingoes down, we'll havea few minutesto grab a drinkor visitthe NeilPodvin restroom,then we'll reconvenein the DressCircle to askquestions and hearinsider GinnyUyeno-Bridy informationon what reallyhappened at youropera performance. Or just grab a post- PeggyYamamoto operacocktail and snackin the BeverlySills Salon to roundout your evening. EthanYing PERFORMANCESI4AGAZINE PII 5il YrARS 1?65-3*i 5 ORCHESTRAAND SEASONARTISTS Musiciansfor thisproduction are members of the SanDiego Symphony Orchestra seg\dm$ffiffi * $YMph{*h.,Y*Rfi$-{ffi$TreA JahjaLing, Music Director VIOLIN VIOLA JoryHerman HORN PERCUSSION Jeff Thayer^ Chi-YuanChen MargaretJohnston+ BenjaminJaber, Principal GregoryCohen, Principal Concertmaster Principal MichaelWais DarbyHinshaw ErinDouglas Dowrey DEBORAHPATE AND KARENAND WARREN AssistantPrincipal & Andrew Watkins JOHN FORRESTCHAIR KESSLERCHAIR FLUTE Utility JisunYang NancyLochner RoseLombardo, Pr'incipal DanielleKuhlmann PIANO/CELESTE A D-:^ Aatng Principal n55VLrd^^^ ^: ^+^Cs | tt tutPal^;^^l TriciaSkye MaryBarranger ' >arantucK AssociateCon certmaster RebekahCampbell DianaMorgan* DouglasHall WesleyPrecourt JasonKarlyn* ORCHESTRA Acting Associate Wanda Law PrccoLo TRUMPET PERSONNELI\4ANAGER PrincipalI Oing Liang DianaMorgan* MicahWilkinson MagdalenaO'Neill AlexanderPalamidis ThomasMorgan Principal PrincipalIl Adam Neeley* OBOE JohnMacFerran Wilds ASSISTANT JingYan AJ Nilles^ SarahSkuster, Principal RayNowak PERSONNELMANAGER Acting Associate DorothyZeavin AndreaOverturf DouglasHall PrincipalII TROMBONE NickGrant CELLO ENGLISHHORN KyleR. Covington PRINCIPALLIBRARIAN YaoZhao Principal ""'"'r*Prinrinal A<<neiata AndreaOverturf CourtneySecoy Cohen ConceftmasterEmeritus Principal DR.WILLIAM AND Ganrno lnhnefnn Chien RandallBrinton Chia-Ling EYELYNTAMDEN RichardGordon+ A D.;^^;^^l LIBRARIAN FJruLrors^^^^;^+^ r tttLrPal YumiCho ENGL/SHHORN CHA/R MichaelPriddy KacnetFretos MarciaBookstein HernanConstantino GlenCampbell AliciaEngley CLARINET BASSTROMBONE RichardLevine ^On Leave PatFrancis SherylRenk, Principal MichaelPriddy * LongTerm RonaldRobboy I neresatunntcltTT KathrynHatmaker l\/:ni f)rle Qzan+a SubstituteMusician FTANKKENK TUBA AngelaHomnick JianWang* + StaffOpera Musician MatthewGarbutt Mei ChingHuang^ XianZhuo Ai Nihira* BASSCLARINET Principal Themusicians employed by FrankRenk theSan Diego Symphony are lgor Pandurski BASS HARP membersof theMusicians' JuliaPautz JeremyKurtz-Harris SusanRobboy BASSOON JulieSmith Phillips Associationof SanDiego County, Principal Local325, American Federation ShigekoSasaki ValentinMartche4 P ri ncipal Principal SOPH/EAND of Musicians,AFL-ClO. YehShen ARTHURBRODY RyanSimmons TIMPANI AnnaSk5lov6 FOUNDAT/ONCHAIR LeylaZamora RyanJ. DiLisi,Principal EdmundStein SusanWulff Watkins JohnStubbs Accnriz+o .''.,''r*,Prinrinal CONTRABASSOON Andrew i^^;-+^^+ D-;^^:^^l rer-Lnuntsal \A/ G rannnr Rortnn LeylaZamora nJJrJrdrr( r tiltL'Pal JoanZelickman SamuelHager 3** $"-XSl$ $tre$#f\i&RTISY$ SOPRANOS JenniferDeDominici MalcolmMacKenzie KarenKeltner JamesSchuette AlysonCambridge FrancoPomponi JosephMechavich EmilyFons TENORS StephenPowell LIGHTINGDESIGNERS EllieDehn PaulAppleby MorganSmith DIRECTORS ThomasC. Hase SarahGartland Ren6Barbera RicardoRivera lsabellaBywater ChristopherMaravich MariaKanyova (+anh-n f-nc+alln Chen-YeYuan lannern Fnnli: PaulPalazzo KathleenKim Sebastiende la Cruz NicholasMuni LiseLindstrom (BoyTenor) BA5SE5 JamesRobinson CHOREOGRAPHERS EmilyMagee ChadFrisque PatrickCarfizzi NoraBrickman MyrtdPapatanasiu HaroldMeers ReinhardHagen SCENERYDESIGNERS Se6nCurran AilynP6rez DanielMontenegro Kristopherlrmiter lsabellaBywater AbigailSantos Villalobos ChadShelton AshrafSewailam ElaineMcCarthy PIANISTS EnriqueToral ScottSikon AllenMoyer DorothyRandall, Principal MEZZO SOPRANOS ChristopherJames Stephens NicholasMuni EmilyJarrell Urbanek, BuffyBaggott BARITONES ChristianVan Horn Principal Qtanhrnia Rlrri-ha BernardoBermudez COSTUMEDESIGNERS GabrielArregui SarahCastle lldebrandoD'Arcangelo CONDUCTORS DavidBurdick DanielleOrlando VanessaCerda-Alonzo PaulLa Rosa DanieleCallegari lsabellaBywater CraigTerry MarianneCornetti LuisLedesma KarenKamensek Scott Marr PERFORMANCESI.IAGAUINE PI9 ; ;,.ijr,' jJ- _.-, ; - -?,,:: ARTISTS BUFFYBAGGOTT MARIA KANYOVA (Soprano)2nd Secretary to Mao (Soprano)Pat Nixon Company debut. Recent:Gertrude, Hanse/ Company debut. Recent:Blanche, A and Gretel; Perfetta,Where Angels Fear to StreetcarNamed Desire(Kentucky Opera), Tread(San Jose Opera),Carmen, Carmen; Miriam, The Gospe/ of Mary Magdalene The Schoolboy,Lulu; Stephano, Romeo and (SanFrancisco Opera), Pat Nixon,Nxon in Jultette; Dryade, Ariadne auf Naxos; Flora, China(San Francisco Opera, LyricOpera La travtata;2nd Lady / 3rd Lady,The
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