• 6 53 2 lVI Q 2 0 A J 9 + 10 7 6 2 • Q 7 N + K J 10 9 IV1 1073 lVI J964 w E 0 4 2 0 7 53 s + AKQJH ·---- + 9 8 + A84 IVI AK85 0 K Q 10 8 6 + 3 South plays 5 0 : \Vest leads + K and follows with +·Q . Can contract be made ? Sec puge 2. r--- -· .. ·---, CHAS. BRADBURY l FIRST WELSH OPEN LIMITED I 26 SACKVILLE ST., PICCA D. I~LY I BRIDGE CONGRESS ! LONDON, WI . 1 at the I Phone Reg. 3123-3995 1 SEABANK HOTEL & LOANS ARRA NGED 1 I W ith or withou t Security. ,, ESPLANADE HOTEL I . PORTHCAWL I ! An annual subscription 1 Thursday, 3rd March to ! (30/-) fonvarded to the ~ u b­ Iishers will ensure regular I Monday, 7th March, /949 j monthly delivery of the 1 Contract Bridge Journal. For full Programme ami_ 1 I l Entry Form apply to:- l· The copyright of this magazine is I Mrs. H. J. GOULD, J vested in Priestley Studios Ltd. l Hon . Secretary, ·l It is published under the authority 1 37 Llandennis Avenue, l of the English Bridge Union. · ! CARDIFF. i The Editorial Board is composed of, and the Editor is appointed by, the ! l English Bridge Union. L----------.. - .......J ..... _. RIVIERA HOTEL CANFORD CLIFFS BOURNEMOUTH FACES' .CHINE AND SEA AMID GLORIOUS SURROUNDING!) Quality fare prepared by first class chefs I ·' Perfectly appointed be drooms and suites Cocktail Lounge- Tennis-Golf Telephone : Canford' Cliffs 285 Brochure on Request e You can always rely on a good game of Bridge at The Ralph Evans's Hotel I i u CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ENGLISH . BR IDGE UNION VoLUME 3 FEBRUARY, 1949 NmmER4 LONDON • CONTENT.S • Page MASTERS EDITORIAL •• 2 * * * E:sGLAND v . ScoTLAND 1. M . ·Harrison-Gray 452 {J· Tarlo . " Alibi· ~ . 3 2 · J. Pavlides . 426 4. J. C. H. Marx 403 AnouND ·THE CoMPETITIONS 8 5. D r. H . Leist 402 6. L. Baron 395 CHANGE oF SuiT III 7. A. Rose .. 392 Norma11 Squire 11 8. R. Swimer 388 9. D r. M. Rockfelt 386 HARROGATE CoNGRESS 10. J, T . Reese 381 J1rs. A . L. Flemi11g 15 {N. Gardener .. 11 · S. J. G . Booker .. 376 NoRTH v. SouTH 13. D r. S. Lee 373 Ke1111eth KoiiSttl/11 19 B. Shapiro .. 14. G. F. Mathieson 361 { J. Flores.. REVIEWS-by the Editor 21 · 17. L. Tarlo . 355 NoTES FR0:\1 NoRTHEHN 18. L. Ellison 354 {L. Wolfers .. I !lELAND 19 · Mrs. R. Markus 353 A. J. Fletcher 23 21. P. Juan .. 351 22. J. Pearlstone 345 NonTHEHN OuTLOOK 23. E. Rayne 339 · Ett•art Kempso11 24 24. K. W. Konstam 336 25. Dr. J, Whitby ... 330 LIST OF CLUDS 26 This is how the 25 ultimate invitees FEDIIUARY COII11'ETITION 29 to the London and Home Counties ' Masters Individual Championship ANSWE!IS TO JANUARY finished. A full report of the event Co:.JPETITJON 30 will appear in the March issue. * * * ' HOW TO WIN AT BRIDGE ' All Correspo11dt11Ce to the Editor : by WILLIAM LLOYD GUY RAMSEY, 1. You can rend tbls book In an hour. I n It wUIImprovo your gnmo 100%. IJ, 3. You wUI got Its cost buck In your Cannon Place, first rubber. London, N.W.J. Copleo 1/- (o r 1/ 1 poot free) from F. UGHT, 60, Sutherland Square, London, S.E.I7 A 1 HE pre-war Bridge Magazine Playing Captain (with Kenneth founded in 1926 by A. E. Konstam) asked, on private grounds, T Manning-Foster, then doyen to be relived of both captaincy and of the game in Britain : before active representation. Contract had annihilated the early The E.B. U. has asked Major forms of bridge- has come to Konstam to take over the leadership life again. of the side for · this match ; and The enterprise of Ben Cohen, he has, with official sanction, asked mainspring of Contract Bridge his old side-kick, Graham Equipment· Ltd.,. one of the most Mathieson - veteran of Inter­ enterprising and catholic-minded national~ by experience if not by of bridge publishing firms (it has age-to partner him. issued the standard works on The line-up will be Konstam­ Vienna and Baron as well as Acol) Mathieson, the Sharples twins, is responsible for this resuscitation. Porter-Cooke. Good luck, Connie I We congratulate the Editor on his Magazine, the Magazine on the energy and initiative of its Vt/ e regret the lateness m Editor ; and we shall hope no appearance both of the January Eatanswill 'Gazette feuds will mar and this current issue. The former our co-operation with the new was due to circumstances largely venture for the benefit of the game. out of our contrpl ; the latter, to the fact that we have held the The enthusiasm of our ranking Presses in order to include the provincial players knows no bounds. report by Captain of England The Kremer husband-and-wife Mrs. A. L. Fleming on the E.B.U. combination . emerged from a Congress at Harrogate. protracted Trial to play for England against the Scots (and more-than­ yeoman service they did for the COVER SOLUTION side). Porter and Cooke selected The hand on the cover is taken themselves on performance to play from that admirable treatise on for England against Northern play, "Winning Tricks" by John Ireland. · · Brown of Grimsby (Duckworth). The third of the Camrose South finds himself faced with matches- against Wales in March­ the apparently inevitable loss of will draw its, now regulation, one Club and two Spades. It is third pair from the Northern probable <v> J 10 9 are not bare Region ; and another gruelling in one hand, and the ruff of the test is to be held to discover who fourth Heart in the DummY still will be "capped." leaves Declarer with three in­ There ca~ be little wrong with escapable losers. E\'en Ren:rse a game wh1ch . has such vitality. Dummy play will gain him only ten tricks. Apropos the Internationals a His only hope is to combine change in the line-up agdinst Dummy Reversal with a Squeeze. Northern Ireland is - announced. He ruffs the second Club, and .lVI. Harrison-Gray, chosen as (Co11ti1111td 011 pagt 14) 2 ENGLAND v. SCOTLAND by ,. Alibi" HE first Camrosc clash of John Hastic, non-playing captain the season is reported at of Scotland, . h:id Mrs. Isobel T some length;- for several Davidson and David Skinner, the reasons. Firstly, the match only pair exempt from Scottish followed the very best Camrose trials ; the brothers H. and S. traditions from start to finish. Barnett, stalwarts of the Glasgow Organisation by the Yorkshire Jewish Institute ; and, capped in C.B.A. (the match was 1-!eld at their first international, Miss Jcan the Great Northern Hotel, Leeds) Macnair and Nigel Ross of was· quite admirable. Players on Edinburgh ~ both sides enjoyed themselves True to tradition, England made hugely, at and away from the the usual shaky start. Why this table. So did the spectators. ' The should be so is hard to explain ; rooms were packed, and it must the · fact remains that Scotland be conceded that fierce yorkshire picked up 890 pointS on the analysis of the play sometimes fourth hand of the match. (with some justification) included the catch-phrase " Could have + K done better myself."· \!}ASS+ 0 Q6543 The fluctuations of the score + 87 5 were almost unbearably exciting + Q87 .+ AJ96 right up . to the closing stages. \!) J 9 ry 10 7 3 And finally we doubt whether so 0 8 2 0 A KJ 10 many deals of absorbing interest KQ] 10+2 A3 have been thrown up before in + + one of these matches. • 10 5 +3 2 - \!} KQ62 A word as to the personnel of 0 97 the two teams will make the + 96 narrative easier to follow. England Dealer, East. Game All. had two London pairs, Leslie Dodds and Eddie Rayne, with The auction in both rooms Nico Gardener (mS Goldinger) and started with 1 + by East and Adam Meredith, re-united for the 2 + by West. The English East first time since Plum's departure in Room 1 now bid 2 0, West abroad. All E.n.U. teams must bid 2 + and the final contract now include a provincial pair, and was + +. The Scots took two the honour fell to Bertha and rounds of Hearts and North got Aubrey Kremer, of Leeds. They off play .with 0 6. Declarer now had to work their passage the led a low trump to dummy's + Q hard way, just pipping the redoubt­ and North's singleton + K : able Franklin and Mercado in a result, two down. stiff Northern trial. The team In the other room East (Jean was captained by M. Harriso!l­ Macnair) showed the almost Gray. uncanny judgment that she 3 CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL maintained throughout the match. Dodds and Rayne reached 6 NT Her rebid over 2 + was 2 NT, in Room 1. South led + 5, and Ross raised to 3 NT, South picked <VI A was followed by <VI 3 from ori O 9 for his opening lead and dummy ; North split her equals Jean made 12 tricks. and Leslie cantered 12 tricks. Without inviting discussion on In Room 2 Kremer, scenting an the scientific merits of the rebids advers~ sla?l, tried to make things of 2 0 and 2 NT, we would awkward wtth a 2 NT intervention • remark that the latter is a bid a "Simon" Double of 2 <VI migh~ after our own heart at aggregate have stood a better chance of scoring or money bridge.
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