^m- ?^;'^^^^'^^^^?'V'^^''^^--i'^-^r^i-'v'^e:ri<:'^!V^^'^ r SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN X Fine Sportswear for the Discriminating Man CORDUROY r COATS I 215 0 In Brown, Tan and Olive CORDUROY PANTS $7.85 TAXI FREE to the Modem Gilbert's GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan St. J' LETTERS NAME YOUR SPORT . Sir: The dining-hall cooks do not know how to cook weiners. Somebody should SONNEBORN'S teach them. has what it takes! Robex-t T. Stock, 222 Breen-Phillips Stock kiiotvs only the half of it. Dr. Plato Aquinas Aristotle, Ph.D., 121 W. Colfax Avenue Phone 3-3702 A.M.U., says, "Them cooks can't cook nothing. What they need is tnore Prime Matter." (See story on Page 11).—Editor. January 16, 1947 uie Sir: h^^ I have pust returned to my room after the Interhall Swimming Meet, and after pl^ having watched some of the fine swim­ mers participating in this meet, it be­ came a cause of amazement that Notre / Dame, with its fine facilities, does not have an Intercollegiate Swimming Squad. 05 — and traditionally a good place I imagine the University officials must have good reasons for not sponsoring f^ to meet the sang for delicious this sport, but after much thought I Italian and American Food. fail to find any such reasons. If it would be at all possible I fii-mly believe that such an undertaking would do much to­ wards the furthering of athletic variety. It would afford ample room for more students to show their athletic prowess in something else besides the more pub­ licized sports. I've talked this over with a PHONE 3-0678 60I N.NIUES number of the fellows from our hall, and for Reservations they seem to hold the same hope for the forming of such a squad. In all probability a number of setbacks would be suffered; however once the University's interest in such an endeavor were published I believe a number of fine swimmers interested in Notre Dame, but also interested in swimming, would find their way to Notre Dame. In this 19 Trains Daily to CHICAGO case it would not be long before Notre First two morning trains leave South Bend at 6:00 Dame would find its usual prominent A.M. and 6:50 A.M. Beginning at 7:30 A.M. and place in a new field of sports. until 9:30 P.M. there is a train every hour leaving at 30 minutes past the hoiu". The last two trains I trust that this matter will be taken leave at 11:00 P.M. and 12:00 Midnight. Houriy into serious consideration and will meet service from Chicago, too. For travel information with a favorable solution in the not too call C. W. Veach, Ticket Oilice, 301 N. Michigan St., distant future. Phone 3-311' Bill Eggers, 239 Breen-Phillips CHICAGO SOUTH SHORE & SO. BEND R. R. • To THE EDITOR: The late and xmlamented examinations, happily past for another four months, gave us again to think that our hoary exam system might be changed. After all, no ex-Cathedra doctrine has proposed that all the work of a semester be crammed into a Aveek, nor is it by SOUTHSHORE papal authority that certain unfoi-tu- nates, such as I, who now quiver at the (Continued on Page 31) Open Minds —for open Country ELEPHONE men are hard at work proved. Now they are furnishing tele­ Textending and improving telephone phone service over rural poAver lines, over service in rural areas served by the new steel wire that requires fewer poles Bell Companies. They're pushing a per mile, over insulated wire that can be §100,000,000 three to five year program buried directly in the ground and by to give telephone service to all who want means of rural radio. it just as fast as possible. Men who approach every problem with To do this they had to look beyond open minds... who are guided by inge­ conventional telephone practices. New nuity and resourcefiilness rather than by techniques and new and improved equip­ established method... find telephony an ment had to be planned, developed and ever stimulating and interesting career. There's Opportunity and Adventure in Telephony BELL TELEPHONE §YSTEM NOTRE DOTERS By JACK FRAER cmd BILL PFAFF iA-!^^ lATEST Two things have caused us a consid­ shamrock on bowl, please return to . ." TUNES erable amount of reflection in the past Someone, an artist at heart if not in few weeks. The iirst was Norman Cor- practice, had penciled across the bottom win's "One World Flight" series on CBS of the sign "you mean you want it A Ga] in Calico Just Squeeze Me Tuesdays. These broadcasts are simply back?" Dry Bones the recorded voices and sounds of people Night and Day and places visited by Corwin on his re­ Tampico We see in the Sunday funnies that cent world flight. It is minus the usual Miss Barbara Chipman, of New York Convin schmaltz, and in its simplicity and Easton, Pa., "is engaged! Lovely! Copp's Music Shop possesses enormous strength. When you A gifted young wi-iter—she has a spe­ hear a prime minister and a stevedore 122-24 E. WoTne St. cial talent for poetry. Her beauty is discuss world problems, in halting poetic, too—and memorable—her hair thoughtful speech; when you hear the a cap of gold, her bix)wn-amber eyes, the Widow Camelia of Lanuvio, Italy, tell wai-m peaches-and-dew look of her soft, of her husband and two children who young complexion. She finds blush- were killed in bombardment, it is im­ cleansing with Ponds Cold Cream de­ possible to be complacent. The suffering A lightful." She also uses Yuban coffee world, the conflict in Russo-U.S. rela­ and belongs to the World's Most Famous tions, the U. S. vet problem, the closed- After-Shaving Club. Smash Hit/ shop dispute, demand considered action. There begins in this issue of the SCHO­ LASTIC a column kno\vn as the "Human­ ist." It's purpose is to print and com­ Congress, we undei-stand, is launch­ ment upon the opinions of Notre Dame ing an investigation into Communist in­ men on social, economic, political and fluences in the pi'ess in this country. moral problems. Editors of the Ave Maria are desperately burning their records. The only way anything can be effected is by effort. It's very easy to dismiss as futile any move to improve our situa­ From the Associated Press we read tion. Yet it is the only way to effect that Representative O'Toole, a Demo­ an improvement. In writing or discus­ crat from New York, told Secretaiy of sing something like this it is so simple War Patterson that it is the Secretary's to be just another Brave Young Voice "duty to revive" the Notre Dame-Army in a self-conscious chorus, but certainly football game "and see that it is played we must try something constructive. Too in New York City." "Whatever the rea­ many of our efforts consist of cynicism, son (for the break in the games, he destnictive criticism, or the retelling of means) it is not too important because A CUSTOM-BLENDED cute, sly tales about thieving Russian Anny and Notre Dame are not the only TOBACCO soldiers. Much of the American press principals to this game. The City of New York is a party to the contest and an has fallen into this redundancy. If you A rich mixture of choice imported important one." are capable of thinking, vrrite what you and domestic tobaccos hand mixed think to the "Humanist." Perhaps we Open the window, it's a little v/arm from a private formula to give a might be able to crystalize some intel­ in here. cool, mild and naturally fragrant ligent opinion for ourselves and perhaps smoke. we might be able to contribute some­ Sign magazine's award for the finest thing worthwhile to American opinion. motion picture of the year has gone to Pocket size. 30c 8 oz. iar. $1.40 an interesting list of pictures. In 1942 => 16 oz. fear, $2.75 the outstanding motion picture of the From waving the %vild flag we go to year was Yankee Doodle Dandy; in 1943, knocking the competition. John A. (The The Song of Bemadette; in 1944, Going Week) O'Connor has a tough problem. My Way; in 1945, The Bells of St. Janie Powell, "Discovery of the Year" SOLD ONLY BY Mary's; and in 1946, The Green Years. and Frank "inane droolings" Sinatra This year we heard that The Miracle of are regulai-ly on the same radio broad­ the Bells, a heart-warming bucket of cast. borscht, will be filmed. With all the gam­ bling in sports, surely there is someone In the basement of the dining hall, who will risk a small bet on what will be about two weeks ago, there was a notice the recipient of the Sign's'sixth annual 110 North Main of a lost pipe. The sign described the award for the outstanding motion picturi "In the J. M. S. Bldg.' pipe carefully: "gold stem, blue bowl, of the year, come next January! CCLLEGC PARADE Something NEW By LOU ALMASI and TOM HIGGINS m SINGIN' IRISH SCORE SUCCESS ... scurity by the Glee Club and ^^'ill long be remembered throughout the Mid-West. Nofre Dome Our Glee Club did its bit toward CALENDARS spreading the fame of Notre Dame with a tour of Illinois and Wisconsin between JUST THINKIN' .
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