Second Preparatory Conference to the Sixteenth OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum (6-7 March, 2008, Ashgabad, Turkmenistan) ««ROLEROLE OFOF THETHE IGCIGC TRACECATRACECA ININ THETHE DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT OFOF EUROEURO--ASIANASIAN TRANSPORTTRANSPORT COMMUNICATIONCOMMUNICATION»» Secretary General PS IGC TRACECA Rustan Jenalinov1 In May 1993 during the Brussels Conference the European Union initiated a programme on the development of the Europe – the Caucasus – Asia (TRACECA) transport corridor On 8 September, 1998 at the Summit in Baku the TRACECA member-states signed: BASIC MULTILATERAL AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE EUROPE-THE CAUCASUS- ASIA CORRIDOR (MLA) 2 MLA TRACECA was signed by 12 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Turkmenistan is the participant to the TRACECA Programme Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran are executing joining procedures Egypt expressed an intention to join the Programme as an observer 3 STRATEGY PILLARS OF THE IGC TRACECA : SOUND, EFFECTIVE AND INTEGRATED MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM ON THE LEVELS EU-TRACECA AND TRACECA-TRACECA Transport Transport Secure Funding Secure Institutional Component Sound Multi-Modal Chains Safe, Secure and Sustainable Exploiting Full Potential of Air Integration of Infrastructure Networks STRATEGY OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION TRACECA FOR DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT CORRIDOR “EUROPE–THE CAUCASUS-ASIA" FOR THE PERIOD UP TO 2015 THE MAIN PRIORITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STRATEGY OF THE IGC TRACECA FOR THE PERIOD UP TO 2015: to ensure safety and security of transport through harmonization of legislation, institutional development and capacity building improvement of transport infrastructure through identification of key bankable projects and their implementation by attracting investment from various sources and optimization of their use THE SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE IGC TRACECA (12-13 DECEMBER, 2007, ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN) adopted the Action Plan 2008- 2009 on implementation of the TRACECA Strategy for the period up to 2015 5 GOODS TURNOVER IN THE TRACECA COUNTRIES TRACECA/EС 2004 – 161,6 billion$ According to tentative data 2005 – 199,5 billion $ on trade volume of TRACECA in 2006– 366,2 2006 – 238,6 billion $ billion $ (or 300,2 billion Euros) EC/PRC 2004 – 175,6 billion $ TRACECA/PRC 2005 – 209,79 billion $ 2004 – 13,96 billion $ 2006 – 263,8 billion $ 2005 – 19,64 billion $ 2006 – 34,63 billion $ 6 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION RESULTED IN THE INCREASE OF TRAFFIC FLOWS Launch of two railway ferry lines Poti–Ilyichevsk–Varna –more than 4 million at the Black Sea and Caspian Sea tons Baku–Aktau–Baku – more than 2,5 million tons (since 2001 up to now) Projects on development of Poti/Batumi–Baku – 14 -15 million tons per railway infrastructure year (in 1995 - 400-500 thousand tons ) Road network projects In Azerbaijan – more than 25%, For instance: construction of a In Georgia – more than 30% new bridge at the border between (in 2005 in comparison with 2000) Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as bridges in Azerbaijan Railway ferries/maritime Rail/road 7 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROJECTS THE PROJECTS ARE 62 projects to the PROJECTS ARE IDENTIFIED AIMED AT : amount of 105 : • Harmonizing legislation; million Euros • In close cooperation with EC • Simplification of border and the MLA Parties; crossing procedures; • approved at the • Improving tariff policy; Conferences of IGC • Institutional strengthening; TRACECA • Capacity building; PROJECTS PLAY AN • Developing transport IMPORTANT ROLE IN: : infrastructure • International trade volumes increase; • Freight flows growth; • Creation of attractive investment environment in the region 8 INVESTMENT PROJECTS Общие: GENERAL: 14 investment RAIL FERRY: 1. Bukhara Cotton Export Distribution 1. Design and construction of Center - 2 mln Euro; projects 2. Rail Ferry Facilities in the port of Poti- 2. Container Services between the of about 3,4 mln Euro; Caspian Ports of Baku and 3. Improvement of existing Rail Ferry Turkmenbashi – 2,5 mln Euro; 52 million Euro Facilities in port of Ilychevsk -6,4 mln 3. Intermodal Terminal Equipment Euro; (Karmir Belur, Chimkent, Aktau, 4. Rehabilitation of the Rail Ferry Bishkek) – 2,5 mln Euro; Terminal in port Aktau-2 mln Euro; MARITIME: RAIL : : 1. Rehabilitation of the Caucasian 1. Establishment of Ferry Cargo Railways – 5 mln Euro; Movement Computer System and 2. Supply of an Optical Cable System Supply and Installation of Computers for Communication and Signaling to and communication Equipment for the the Railways of Armenia, ports of Ilychevsk and Poti-1,5 mln Azerbaijan and Georgia-15 mln Euro; Euro; 2. Cargo Container Handling Equipment 3. Rail Tank Wagon Cleaning Boilers for the ports of Baku, Turkmenbashi, in Baku-0,475 mln Euro; Poti, Ilychevsk-5,825 mln Euro; 4. Supply of Tank wagons to 3. Supply of Navigation Equipment to the Azerbaijan Railways-1,6 mln Euro; ports of Baku,Aktau,Turkmenbashi-1,6 mln Euro; ROAD : Rehabilitation of the Red Bridge and Construction of New 9 TRACECA Bridge- 2,5 mln Euro THE ON-GOING 10 TAСIS/TRACECA PROJECTS 1. Improvement of Maritime Links between the TRACECA Countries and TENs 2. Analysis and Forecasting of Traffic Flows for the TRACECA Countries and Interregional Transport Dialogue between the EU and NIS Countries 3. Training of Operational Air Transport Control Staff of South Ring States PROJECTS FOR CENTRAL ASIA: 4. Development of Equipment Certification Centers for Transportation of Perishable Goods in Central Asia in the Frame of ATP Convention 5. Supply of Navigational Aid Materials for Rehabilitation of the Railway Line Galaba-Termez 6. Navigational Channel for the Port of Turkmenbashi 7. Development of Coordinated National Transport Strategies in the Central Asian Countries 8. Development, Master Planning and Feasibility Study for the Port of Aktau 9. Pre-feasibility study for the road Sari Tash-Tajik Border 10 8 PROJECTS MORE ARE PLANNED FOR IMPLEMENTATION 1. Logistic Centers Network for All TRACECA Countries: Central Asia, Caucasus and European TRACECA 2. Strengthening of Transport Training Capacities in NIS Countries 3. Rehabilitation of the Railway Line between Tbilisi and Yerevan 4. Moldova Feasibility Study M-3 Road 5. Ukraine Port Strategy Development and Feasibility Studies 6. Development of Common Security Management System and Cooperation in the Area of Maritime Safety and Ship Pollution Prevention for the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea 7. Training of Civil Aviation Administration and the Personnel Involved in the Air Transportation 8. Motorways of the Sea (MoS) for the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea 11 Implementation of the projects continues In 2006 upon the completion of TACIS, the EU will proceed with its support within the frame of EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD POLICY (ENP) PROGRAMME FOR CENTRAL ASIA TWO PROJECTS TO THE AMOUNT OF 13 MILLION EURO ARE PLANNED FOR IMPLEMENTATION: • Transport Dialogue and Networks Interoperability between the EU and its Neighbouring Countries, and the Central Asian Countries • Transport Safety and Security 12 MAIN FACTORS OF FURTHER DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRACECA CORRIDOR Geostrategic location of the TRACECA member-states, in particular, CA countries neighboring with freight generating China геостратегическое положение стран ТРАСЕКА, особенно стран Центральной Азии в соседстве с грузообразующим Китаем (программа «Go West» по развитию западных территорий КНР); Intense development of the routes crossing TRACECA countries, including creation of missing links in the corridor system in the nearest future; Further improvement of container transport along the TRACECA corridor with the extension towards China; Increase of container traffic along the ferry lines of Varna (Bulgaria)–Ilyichevsk (Ukraine), Varna-Poti / Batumi (Georgia), Ilyichevsk–Poti / Batumi and Ilyichevsk– Derince (Turkey), as well as the planned line Constanza (Romania) – Samsun (Turkey)–Batumi/Poti; Increase of volume of transcontinental traffic flows from China towards Caspian ports; Increase of crude oil transport connected with the launch of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and joining this pipeline by China; Construction of the grain terminal in the port of Poti, which will ensure a unified transport chain of grain terminals in Aktau and Baku; Activities intended to attract the competitiveness of the TRACECA corridor carried out by the member-states and EU. 13 We are open for any initiatives promoting strengthened, efficient, safe and reliable transport communication between Europe and Asia 14 ThankThank youyou forfor attentionattention!! To obtain more detailed information on all aspects of the TRACECA activities, please, contact us via [email protected] or visit our site www.tracecawww.traceca--org.ororg.orgg.
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