________________________________________ Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council North Yorkshire Chairman – Cllr N R Waller Parish Clerk – Ms Joy Richardson Holmsdale 3 Kendal Gardens 2 Station Court Tockwith Tollerton York York North Yorkshire North Yorkshire YO26 7QR YO61 1RH Tel: 01423 358588 Tel : 07929 372352 e-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.tockwith.gov.uk ___________________________________________________ NOTICE OF MEETING TOCKWITH WITH WILSTROP PARISH COUNCIL WEDNESDAY 21st NOVEMBER 2018 TOCKWITH CHURCH AT 7.30 PM AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. To receive any apologies. 2. DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND OTHER INTERESTS. – to disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 15-17 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Also, to declare any other significant interests which the member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19 of the Members’ Code of Conduct to be considered at the meeting. 3. MINUTES 3.1 To agree the minutes of the 17th October 2018 Ordinary meeting of the Council. 4. CLERKS REPORT including GDPR updates Allotments: 4.1 To receive quotation from Farm and Land Services. 4.2 To receive update following letters sent to tenants. 4.3 To consider increase for rent of Allotment plots from 1st April 2020. 4.4 To receive update from HBC Planning reference Commuted Sums Errors. (Circulated 14/11/2018) GDPR 4.5 To receive update for GDPR work. 5. COUNTY & DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORTS 5.1 To receive a report from District Cllr. Waller. 5.2 To receive a report from County Cllr. Paraskos 6. PUBLIC OPEN FORUM An opportunity for members of the public to comment or raise questions on items within this agenda. Members of the Public have a legal right to observe Parish Council meetings, any member of the Public wishing to speak at any other time during the meeting must raise their hand and request to do so via the Chairman. The public and the press have a right to record, film or broadcast Parish Council Meetings. It would be helpful if the Clerk could be advised in advance, in order that the Parish Council provide reasonable facilities to meet the needs of the person filming. 7. POLICE MATTERS 7.1 To receive the October 2018 Crime Figures (Circulated 06/11/2018). 9. VILLAGE HALL 9.1 To receive a report from a VHMC representative. 10. PLAY PARKS & PUBLIC OPEN SPACES 10.1 To consider putting in place a Tree Management Policy and delegation of a Councillor to take this Forward. 10.2 To consider a project for improvements at Bert's Garden, Cowthorpe. Page 1 of 2 10.3 To receive and review the Annual Play Park Inspection for Bert's Garden. 10.4 To receive and review the Annual Play Park Inspection for Marston Road Play Park. 11. COMMUNITY RESILIENCE PLAN 11.1 To receive any further updates for the inclusion of Cowthorpe. 12. PLANNING APPLICATIONS 12.1 18/03281/FUL Conversion of Malt Kiln to form 5 no. dwellings and 2 no. flats with associated workspace. The Old Malt Kiln, Lower Ground and Mezzanine Floors, Westfield Road, Tockwith. 12.1 18/04528/FULMAJ. Bellway Homes Application. Further details to follow. 13. PLANNING DECISIONS & ENFORCEMENT NOTICES 13.1 ENFORCEMENT ENQUIRY NOTICE 18/00580/BRPC15 Green Ridge, Tockwith Lane, Cowthorpe. Alleged Breach: Work not in accordance with planning application 18/02379/FUL. 13.2 ENFORCEMENT ENQUIRY NOTICE 18/00594/BRPC15 6 Bramblegate Road Tockwith York North Yorkshire YO26 7SA Boundary walls not constructed in accordance with the approved plans - missing pillars 13.3 18/03668/DVCON Application for the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 17/02869/FUL (Erection of 3 detached dwellings including demolition of greenhouse and removal of sections of wall in garden, erection of 2 storey extension and double garage, creation of new access and felling of various trees.) to allow for the relocation of plot B. Springfield House Westfield Road Tockwith YO26 7PW APPROVED subject to conditions. 14. MATTERS REQUESTED BY COUNCILLORS 14.1 Cllr. Waller: 412 Bus Service Wetherby to York to advise of alterations to this service. 15. FINANCIAL REPORTS/PAYMENTS 15.1 To receive Bank Statements and Bank Reconciliation as at 1st November 2018. 15.2 To receive Actual v's Budget as at 1st November 2018. 15.3 To agree the following payments: Berts Garden Play Park Insp. £ 66.00 Marston Rd Play Park Insp. £ 66.00 Clerks Salary £788.86 HMRC remains in credit Office Expenses £ 7.97 Replacement of cheque to Tockwith Juniors Football £500 16. GRANT APPLICATIONS 16.1 To consider the 2nd submission of a Grant Application from the Sportsfield Trust for the current financial year. 16.2 For draft budget purposes to consider the following grant applications for the financial year 2019/20 16.2.1 Marston Moor Youth Club 16.2.2 Cowthorpe Community Forum. 16.3 To receive grant applications received after the 8th November deadline. 17. DRAFT BUDGET/PRECEPT FOR 2019/20 17.1 To receive Responsible Financial Officers report incl. Appendix A & B 17.2 To consider Draft Budget (Appendix B) prepared by Responsible Financial Officer. 17.3 To consider precept for the financial year 2019/20 18. PARISH COUNCILLORS REPORTS/INFORMATION EXCHANGE 18.1 To receive any reports/information from Cllrs. (Items must be put forward for next agenda). 19. CORRESPONDENCE (Non-agenda items) Tree Liabilities and Cemetery Management. (Circulated 19/10/2018) RAF Linton Night Flying communication. (Circulated 22/10/2018) Rural News Bulletin. (Circulated 23/10/2018) Power Point from HBC Parish Council Briefing Session. (Circulated 25/10/2018) Recycling and Waste Satisfaction Survey (Circulated 25/10/2018) Resident enquiry speed limits. Resident not in Parish. Referred to NYCC. Rural News Bulletin. (Circulated 30/10/2018) Rural News Bulletin (Circulated 06/11/2018) 20. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS The next ordinary meeting of Tockwith with Wilstrop Parish Council is currently timetabled for Wednesday 16th January 2019, 7.30pm at Tockwith Church. Page 2 of 2 Joy Richardson Clerk/RFO By order of the Council 14th November 2018 Joy Richardson Clerk/RFO By order of the Council 14th November 2018 .
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