![Sing in a Quartet, Darn It! Co\'Erthc Magllzine'ssubscription Pricc](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
COU5T INTERNATIONAL QUARTET CHAMPIONS Todd Wilson "Every consonant was so well synchronized Rick Middaugh that they sounded like a single mouth with four sets of vocal chords." Jeff Oxley -Angie Hill, Deseret News Jason January - Sail Lake City 1996 Show of Champions Coming soon to a theater near you! January 4 The Statler Brothers TV Show TNN - The Nashville Network Nashvllle, TN Frances Ann Varello 615/297-8009 February 8 Bakersfield Chapter SPEBSQSA Sho\'!s Bakersfield, CA Bill Rosica 805/589-4983 March 8 Huron Valley Chapter SPEBSQSA Sho\'! Ann Arbor, MI John Hancock 313/769-8169 March 22 Bravo Events Public Concert Salt Lake City, UT Marti Bell 510/373-4856 April 5 Iowa City Chapter SPEBSQSA Sho\'! Iowa City, IA Fred Grems 319/338-6419 April 18,19 Dallas Metro Chapter SPEBSQSA Shows Dallas, TX Janet Herrald 214/526-8686 April 25 Vocalitas Public Concert Baden, AUSTRIA Gerhard Fuchs 01143225263625 April 26 ORFEO Music Festival Public Concert Graz. AUSTRIA Michael Tschida 01143316687225 May 10 Litlle Rock. AR SPEBSQSA Show Little Rock, AR Terry MerGing 501/664-2990 May 16,17 Hilton Head Chapter SPEBSQSA Shows Hilton Head Island, SC Frank Moore 803/681-4776 TITLE OTY TAPE OTY CD TOTALS @SIO @S15 Namc _ ACOUSTIX - Slars & Slrl es ACOUSTIX . The New Science 01 Sound Address _ SUNTONES - The Com lele Works, Vol. 2 Cily Statc _ SUNTONES . The Com lete Works, Vol. 3 SUNTONES· The Com lele Works, Vol. 4 Zip Code: Country _ Vocal Ma'ori . The Music Never Ends Vocal Ma'orit - Best ollhe Earl Years Account Number: _ Vocal Ma"orit _I'll Be Seein You Vocal Ma'ori • Alleluia Expiration Date _ Phone Numbcr ( Vocal Ma'ori - The Secret Of Christmas Signature X Ordcr Datc _ Orders Must Be Paid In US Funds N, American shipping add $2,50 Sub-tolal t===j~=:;;C~h~ec;k~s;o~r ~:'Iolley Orders payable 10: ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS Outside N, America add $5.00 Shipp:ng Texas residents add 8,25% sales tax Tax I------.-j Phone Number Required Allow 4 weeks lor delive GRAND TOTAL On All Orders BY PHONE Credit Card orders call 214/265·STIX (7849) BY FAX Send Credit Card orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 214/265·9555 BY MAIL 10455 N. Central Expressway, #109-128/ Dallas. TX 75231-2211 USA VIA THE INTERNET E-Mail yourorderto:[email protected] or visit our website: hllp:/Itimc.pop.upenn.edu/acoustixlacoustix.htm Di~(rihulion. s:de or atln-ftising of ll110flldal TcTtmlillp is nol a r.:pr,'s"l1l:uion Ill" rOIllCIlIS of ~lIdl Tt'(·or.lllll;s aTc appropri'lli: for .:unll'sl lISi:. Jannary/February 1997 The VolumeLVll,No.1 rile Ilarmollizcr(USPS No. 577700) lISSN 0017-7849) is lhe official publication of the Society for the Prescn:ation and ~armonizer Encouragement ofDarbcr Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA). It is publish('d in the months ofJanuary. March, M3)'. Jul)', Septemberand NO\'cmbcraI7930 Sherid,m A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143. Periodicals postage paid al Kenosha, Wisconsin, and al addi.ional mailing offices. OF SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY Editorial and advertising offices are :lIthe Societ)' headquar. ters. Ad\'crtising rales 3\'ailablc upon request Publisher 35­ sumes no rcsponsibilit)' for return ofunsolidted manuscripts or artwork. Postmaster: send address changes to editorial offices of Tile lIarmollizer, 7930 Sherid:1r\ Road, Kcnosh<l, Wisconsin 53143 <It II.'<lstthirly days before the next publica­ tion date. A portion of each mcmber's dues is allocated to 4 Sing in a quartet, darn it! co\'erthc magllzine'ssubscription pricc. Subscription price to A personai giimpse ofqnartelling by Fred King. non-members is $21 ycarly or S3.50 per issue; foreign sub­ scriptions are S31 yellrly or S5 per issue (U. S. funds only). 5 We don't just sing-we perform! 01997 by the Society for thc Pn:scr\'lltion and Encourage­ ment of lJarbcr Shop Quartet Singing in Amcrica, Inc. Reflections on the Sail Lake City compelition by C&J Chairman Ron Btaek. 6 1997 strategic plans Socicty Headquartcrs Executive Director Darryl Flinn outlines an exciting future for the Society. SPEBSQSA 8 Who owns the music? 6315 Third Avenue An excellent dissertation on copyrights and barbershop. Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 9 1996 district quartet champions Telephone (414) 653-8440 Photo spread. Toll-rree (800) 876-SING (7464) FAX (414) 654-4048 or 654-5552 12 From the Archives E-mail (name}@spebsqsa.org The Flying L Ranch Qum1et-from cowboys to movie stars. Ex: Darryl Flinn = [email protected] Office Hours: 8 a.m. -S p.m. 14 Leadership attitudes l\lol1day-Friday (Ccnlral Time) Final article in a series on leadership craft. 22 Buckeyes host high school Harmony Camp Buckeye-Cotumbus Chapler has analher busy summer. Hcadquarters Officc Staff DARRYL FLINN, Executi\'c Director Departments .. FRANK SANTARELLI, Dif\."'CtorofFinance& Administration GARY S1'AI\I1\I, Dircctorof}'larkcting & }'Iembership Dirtttor ofDe\"e!opmcnt-SiligAmerica 15 Potpourri TO;'-I BAlm, HamlOllY Foundation Progmm Coordinator Items ofhuman interest from barbershopdom. RUTH BL.AZINA-JOYCE, Museum Curntor/Arehi\'ist DAN DAILY, Publications Editor 16 Men of Note, Chapter Eternal, In Memory JI~I DEBUSi\lAN, Music SpccialistlCOTSfQuarlets Third quarter reports. LANI DIETER, C&J CoordirotQf,'Qual1ct RcgistryJllC-DC RUSS roms, Manager of}'ledia Production :llld Scrvices 18 Charitable Services IlIUAN LYNCH, Public Rd:lIions Manager BETTY 1\IADSEN, i\lerch:llIdisc Operations }.fanager Heartspring creates special education institute. EV NAU, Manager ofMembership Developmcnt First grants from SingAmerica & SingCanada awarded. DILL RASHLEIGH, Music Sp.x-ialist/Youth Outreach GUEG RlSi\lOEN, Manager oflnfomlation Syste"ms 24 Reaching Out PATRICK TUCKER-KELLY, WorlllllamlOn)'fl,lembership DEE VESEVICK, Assistam to the Executive Dircctor Groups work to enhance school music programs. KEN BUCKJ'IEn., Manager ofCOl\\'cntions & }'fcetings louisville, Ky. (502) 893·7288 FAX; 893-6694 26 News About Quartets CIIARLJE GREEN, Director of De\'cloplllcnt Bub Thomas retires, Marquis and Acollslix on TV. Minneapolis, Minn. (612) 929-0041 FAX: 929-0552 29 Chapters in Action Barbershoppers work Otympics ... parade ... serenade. 31 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers SPE8S0SA VISION STATEMENT Convention insert The Society is to be a widely recognized, ever­ growing, singing fraternity of men, drawn together The center eight-page spread COntainS information and ordering forms for the 1997 by their love of the four-part, acappella, close­ harmony style of music known as barbershop, convention in Indianapolis. The March/April issue wili carry hotel information and whose mission is to perpetuate that style by shar­ housing forms. ing it and their love for it with people of all ages throughout the world; and to be a leader in the On the cover .I ~ ::"-. _n;., ,.'" ...,., ;::,-:::X.;Y·:'i cause of preserving and encouraging vocal mu­ . ". .).. ~" ·~t~· ~._.~._ ...: .. ,' _ '_.J.. '!'o!~~~ sic, in our education systems and in our commu­ nities, as a lifelong recreational activity and an The Indianapolis Motor Speedway provides the background for this issue's special essential element in one's clIliliralwell-being. coverage of the 1997 summer convention. See insert at magazine center for details. January/February 1997 <!Jfarmonizer SPEBSQSA Boai'll of Dil'ectol'S Tim Hanrahan, Sodely 1I0:1nl Presldenl 215 Hedgecock Court, Satellite Deach, FL 32937 Ihhirish@aol,colll Chuck W3lson, Sodety Board [xecutin Vice I'resldent by Darryl Flinn, Executive Director 784 McCall COUrl, Columbus, 01143235 John Schn~idcr, Sodet)' Hoard VlrE- President 3 Rip V,IIl Winkle, lIouston, TX 77024 Ed Warsche, Sodet)' Board \Ike Presillenlffreasurer 6 Visla Lane, Meh'ille, NY 11747 Dick Shaw, Sodeh' lJoard ImmediatE- Past Prt'sldent 35 Vagabond Lane, Winter Ha\'en, FL 33881 DafTyl Flinn, Sodety [xeeuth"e DirectorlBoard Seeretar)' exoDicio lim Bagby, Soelel)'lJoard Member 8714 E. 57th Terracc, Kan~ City, MO 64129 Phil Fisher, Sodety Board Mcmbrr 100 E. Monroe, Willialllsporl, IN 47993 76111.2317(gcom~rw.rom Don Gubbins, Sodety Hoard Member 4410 Aventinc Rd., Cameron Park, CA 95682 Ric Haythorn, Society Board l\lrmber 4124 Flintridge, Dallas, TX 75244 ric624@:aol.com John Krizek, Soclrl)' Board Member-at-Large ello friends, I have several thoughts Dr. Greg Lyne, as our dean, brings a fresh 13615 Debby SI., Van Nuys, CA 91401 to share ... first, a thought about the new perspective to every teaching track Charles M~lzger, Soelet)' lJond Member-at-Large 103241451\ SI., Surrey, BC V3R )Sl CANADA H enthusiastic response we've had and to every class. [email protected] about my recent article suggesting that all We are looking at the possibility ofmore Brian O'LE-a!}', Soclt'ty IJoard i\lember P.O. Box 3174, Woburn, J\lA 01888-2074 members quartet (a verb). Thanks for be­ than 800 attendees, an all-time record. Charlie Rose, Society Uoard Member ing sensitive to what you and I should re­ If you can imagine, a stronger staff than P,O. Box 7885, Rock)' Mount, NC 27804 Dale Schulz, Sorlrt)' Hoard Mrlllbrr ally be doing in this Barbershop Quartet we've had in the past. 1845 Ilristol Dr., Dubuque, 11\ 52001 Society ofours. We've designed and are soon to alUlounce Russ Sed}', Soclet)' Board Mrlllbrr 7626 OanlsblU)', W. Bloomfield, MI48324 The next thought is about our Society as a special discount to members who are 101m Walker, Sodet)' Board Memher a world leader in vocal music education. The age 22 or younger. We have developed a RD #2, Box 990, Cambridge Springs, PA 16-l03 third thought is about our new Director of special youth track and will have a youth Musical Education and Services, Dr. Gre­ chorus. We have a goal of 125 young Affiliate Organizations gory Lync, and how Dr.
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