PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Board of County Commissioners of the County of Passaic adopted Resolution No. R20210001 at its January 7, 2021 meeting setting the regular meeting schedule for calendar year 2021 in compliance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-18 to take place at the following dates and times: January 26, 2021 at 5:30 PM February 9, 2021 at 5:30 PM February 23, 2021 at 5:30 PM March 9, 2021 at 5:30 PM March 23, 2021 at 5:30 PM April 13, 2021 at 5:30 PM April 27, 2021 at 5:30 PM May 11, 2021 at 5:30 PM May 25, 2021 at 5:30 PM June 8, 2021 at 5:30 PM June 22, 2021 at 5:30 PM July 20, 2021 at 5:30 PM August 10, 2021 at 5:30 PM September 8, 2021 at 5:30 PM September 28, 2021 at 5:30 PM October 12, 2021 at 5:30 PM October 26, 2021 at 5:30 PM November 9, 2021 at 5:30 PM November 23, 2021 at 5:30 PM December 14, 2021 at 5:30 PM December 28, 2021 at 10:00 AM Meetings of the Board shall be conducted using electronic equipment on Facebook Live and Cisco WebEx in compliance with the requirements and conditions as set forth in the N.J.S.A. 10:4-9.3, et seq. because of the Public Health Emergency declared by New Jersey Governor Phillip Murphy pursuant to Executive Order No. 103 and renewed thereafter by subsequent executive orders and in compliance with the Board’s By-Laws. If a member of the public wishes to place a public comment on the record please email [email protected] stating your name, address, and matter to be addressed by the Board no later than 5:30 PM on the date of the scheduled meeting. The Clerk of the Board shall read same into the public record. Additionally, a member of the public may participate electronically via Cisco WebEx on the date of the meeting at https://passaiccountynj.org/MeetingofCommissioners and shall be afforded time to participate in the public portion of the meeting in compliance with the Board’s By-Laws. Official action will be taken. This notice is being issued pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975, Chapter 231, N.J.S.A. 10:4-06, et seq. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ___________________________________ Louis E. Imhof III, Clerk of the Board Dated: January 18, 2021 Published in: Herald News Bergen Record On File with the Passaic County Clerk Louis E. Imhof III Clerk of the Board Board of County Commissioners County of Passaic (973) 881-4412 or [email protected] County of Passaic Board of County Commissioners OFFICE OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 401 Grand Street Anthony J. De Nova III Paterson, New Jersey 07505 Administrator Director Pasquale "Pat" Lepore Tel: 973-881-4402 Matthew P. Jordan, Esq. Fax: 973-742-3746 Deputy Director Bruce James County Counsel Assad R. Akhter Louis E. Imhof, III, RMC John W. Bartlett Clerk Of The Board Theodore O. Best, Jr. Terry Duffy Cassandra "Sandi" Lazzara Meeting Venue Date: Mar 09, 2021 - 5:30 PM Location: County Administration Building Webex 401 Grand Street Paterson, NJ 07505 A. Roll Call: 1. Akhter 2. Bartlett 3. Best 4. Duffy 5. Lazzara 6. Deputy Director James 7. Director Lepore B. Announcement of the Open Public Meeting Law C. Invocation: D. Pledge of Allegiance E. Moment of silence to remember all the men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces F. Approval of Minutes: February 23, 2021 Print Time: 3/10/2021 4:05:19 PM Page 1 of 11 G. Approval of Proclamation: None H. Administrator's Report: 1. Public Hearing pursuant to NJSA 40:12-15.3, regarding the proposed 2020/21 Passaic County Open Space, Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund Awards over $100,000. 2. Update on County of Passaic response to the Covid-19 Pandemic by Dr. Charlene Gungil, Director & Health Officer. I. Motion to suspend the regular order of business: J. Budget Matters: 1. Motion to open the public hearing on the 2021 "CAP" Resolution (adopt on First Reading on February 9, 2021) to Exceed Index Rate (N.J.S.A40A:45:15), all as noted in the resolution. 2. 'LUHFWRU'RHVDQ\RQHSUHVHQWGHVLUHWREHKHDUGRQWKH&$35HVROXWLRQ" 3. Motion to close the public hearing_______________ 4. Motion for final adoption on 2021 "CAP" Resolution to Exceed Index Rate, all as noted in the resolution___________________ 5. 0RWLRQWRRSHQWKHSXEOLFKHDULQJRQWKH3DVVDLF&RXQW\%XGJHW LQWURGXFHG February 9, 2021).______________________ 6. 'LUHFWRU'RHVDQ\RQHSUHVHQWGHVLUHWREHKHDUGRQWKH3DVVDLF&RXQW\ Budget? 7. Motion to close the public hearing on the 2021 Passaic County Budget___________ 8. Motion to adopt the 2021 Passaic County Budget____________________ K. Motion to resume regular order of business: L. County Commissioner Reports: 1. &RPPLVVLRQHU'LUHFWRU3DVTXDOH3DW/HSRUH 2. Commissioner Deputy Director Bruce James 3. Commissioner Assad R. Akhter 4. &RPPLVVLRQHU-RKQ:%DUWOHWW 5. &RPPLVVLRQHU7KHRGRUH2%HVW-U Print Time: 3/10/2021 4:05:19 PM Page 2 of 11 6. &RPPLVVLRQHU7HUU\'XII\ 7. Commissioner Cassandra "Sandi" Lazzara M. Communications: N. Oral Portion: 1. Motion to Open the Public Portion of the meeting____________________________ 2. Motion to Close the Public Portion of the meeting____________________________ O. Consent Agenda: ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 1. RESOLUTION RENEWING THE PASSAIC COUNTY COOPERATIVE PRICING SYSTEM #38PCCP FOR A TERM OF FIVE YEARS, PURSUANT TO N.J.A.C. 5:34-7.8, ET SEQ., ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 2. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF INVOICES TO ROYAL PRINTING SERVICE FOR ELECTION PRINTING SERVICES RENDERED IN CALENDAR YEAR 2020, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5, ET SEQ., ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 3. RESOLUTION QUALIFYING VENDORS FOR ELECTION PRINTING SERVICES IN CALENDAR YEAR 2021; AUTHORIZING AWARDS OF CONTRACT TO ROYAL PRINTING SERVICE AND RELIANCE GRAPHICS FOR ELECTION PRINTING SERVICES IN CALENDAR YEAR 2021, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5, ET SEQ, ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 4. RESOLUTION RETAINING BUGLIONE HUTTON & DEYOE, LLC IN THE MATTER OF ERRIGO V. OFFICE OF THE PASSAIC COUNTY SHERIFF, ET AL. DOCKET NO. PAS-L-003822-20, TO REPRESENT RICHARD BERDNIK IN HIS CAPACITY AS THE PASSAIC COUNTY SHERIFF, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5, ET SEQ., ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 5. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL LEGAL FEES FOR FRIEND & WENZEL, LLC IN THE MATTER OF ROSADO V. COUNTY OF PASSAIC, ET AL. DOCKET NO. PAS-L-3107-19, PURSUANT TO N.J.A.C. 5:30-11.6, ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 6. RESOLUTION DISSOLVING THE NON-PROFIT CORPORATION PASSAIC COUNTY VISION 2020, INC. AND REDISTRIBUTING REMAINING ASSETS TO THE FRIENDS OF PASSAIC COUNTY PARKS, INC., PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40:20-1, ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. Print Time: 3/10/2021 4:05:19 PM Page 3 of 11 7. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT MODIFICATION WITH STERLING DISANTO & ASSOCIATES FOR THE APPRAISAL OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 495-501 RIVER STREET, PATERSON, NEW JERSEY 07542, PURSUANT TO N.J.A.C. 5:30-11.6, ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 8. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PASSAIC COUNTY BOARD OF TAXATION TO EXCEED THE COUNTY ENTITY BUDGET REQUEST CAP IN CALENDAR YEAR 2021, PURSUANT TO P.L. 2015, c.249, ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 9. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A SHARED SERVICE AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF PASSAIC AND BOROUGH OF HALEDON FOR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:65-1, ET SEQ., ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 10. $0(1'('5(62/87,21$87+25,=,1*7+(6(59,&($*5((0(1772 REVIEW AND REOPEN MEDICARE PART D SUBSIDY SERVICES BY AND BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF PASSAIC AND PART D ADVISORS, INC, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(m), ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 11. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SETTLEMENT OF LITIGATION ENTITLED ROBERT MACE V. COUNTY OF PASSAIC, CLAIM PETITION NO. 2018-33849 AND COUNTY OF PASSAIC V. SHARLENE SIMPSON KING, CLAIM PETITION NO. 2017-15787 PENDING IN THE NEW JERSEY DIVISION OF WORKERS¶COMPENSATION, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40:20-1, ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 12. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO DR. AMER H. KASHOQA TO PROVIDE PSYCHIATRIST SERVICES AS CHIEF PSYCHIATRIST, PATHWAY SPECIAL CARE BEHAVIORAL MANAGEMENT UNIT FOR PREAKNESS HEALTHCARE CENTER, PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5(3), ALL AS NOTED IN THE RESOLUTION. 13. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AWARD OF CONTRACT TO OLIVER PACKAGING & EQIUPMENT COMPANY TO PROVIDE FOOD TRAYS AND POLYESTER FILM FOR PREAKNESS HEALTHCARE CENTER, PURSUANT 721-6$$ $//$6127(',17+(5(62/87,21 14. RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. R20200695 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF VARIOUS ITEMS FOR PREAKNESS HEALTHCARE CENTER FROM JML MEDICAL, INC., PURSUANT TO N.J.S.A. 40A:11- $//$6127(',17+(5(62/87,21 15. RESOLUTION AMENDING GRANT AGREEMENT DOAS21AAA012 FROM THE NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES, DIVISION OF AGING SERVICES FOR 2021, REFLECTING AN AWARD INCREASE FROM $2,716,737.00 TO $2,829,828.00 AS AUTHORIZED BY 42 U.S.C.A. SEC.3001, (76(4$//$6127(',17+(5(62/87,21 Print Time: 3/10/2021 4:05:19 PM Page 4 of 11 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 16. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DEPARTMENT OF SENIOR SERVICES TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT A GRANT FROM THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISION OF FAMILY HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE SENIOR FARMER¶S MARKET NUTRITION PROGRAM, 38568$17721-6$(76(4$//$6127(',17+( RESOLUTION.
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