THE SPHERE THEOREM IN RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY THOMAS YU Abstract. We will give a proof of the Sphere Theorem in Riemannian Ge- ometry, which states that if M is a complete, simply-connected n-dimensional 1 manifold with sectional curvature KM such that 1 ≥ KM > 4 , then M is homeomorphic to the n-sphere Sn Contents 1. Notation and Fundamental Notions 1 2. Some Necessary Lemmas 5 3. Proof of the Sphere Theorem 6 4. Acknowledgements 7 References 7 1. Notation and Fundamental Notions For the sake of brevity, we will assume that the reader has completed a course in differential geometry. The proof of the Sphere Theorem given is taken largely from Comparison Theorems in Riemannian Geometry by Cheeger and Ebins; since this theorem requires 5 fairly dense chapters of background material, in this section we present without proof an overview of the most significant theorems and construc- tions used in the proof of the Sphere Theorem. Throughout the paper, assume M is a smooth, finite-dimensional manifold. For p 2 M, let Mp denote the tangent space to M at p, let ζ(M) denote the linear space of smooth vector fields on M, and let F(M) denote the ring of smooth, real-valued functions on M. Recall that tangent vectors are derivations, and we interpret them as giving directional derivatives. Definition 1.1. A Riemannian metric is an assigment to each p 2 M of a sym- metric, positive-definite bi-linear form h;ip on Mp such that for any smooth vector fields V; W , the function p ! hV; W ip is a smooth real-valued function on M. A manifold that possesses a Riemannian metric is called a Riemannian manifold. Note that this bi-linear form defines a norm on the tangent space; we shall denote 1 hV; V i 2 as kV k. Definition 1.2. An affine connecton is a connection on the tangent bundle T(M). We can view an affine connection as a bi-linear map r : ζ(M) × ζ(M) ! ζ(M)(1.3) Date: August 12, 2013. 1 2 THOMAS YU where ζ(M) is the linear space of smooth vector fields on M, which obeys the following properties: (1.4) rfV W = frV W (1.5) rV fW = (V f)W + frV W 8f 2 F(M); V; W 2 ζ(M). Affine connections provide a natural way of differentiat- ing arbitrary tensor fields on M since a connection on T (M) induces connections on arbitary tensor products of the tangent and co-tangent bundles. For this paper we will only require differentiating vector fields; rV W is called the covariant derivative of W in the direction V . We now state the fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry. Theorem 1.6. For every Riemannian metric there is a unique affine connection called the Levi-Civita connection that satisfies the following properties (1.7) X hV; W i = hrX V; W i + hV; rX W i rV W − rW V − [V; W ] = 0(1.8) where [; ] denotes the Lie bracket [X; Y ]f = (XY − YX)f. The first condition in the theorem describes the compatibility of the connection and the metric; that is, norms of vectors transported along curves are preserved. The second condition is equivalent to saying that the connection is torsion-free. From here on, r will refer to the Levi-Civita connection. With the Riemannian metric we can define the length of a smooth curve c : [a; b] ! M; L[c] as Z b (1.9) L[c] = kc0(t)kdt: a Further, we can make M into a metric space by defining the distance between two points p; q 2 M as (1.10) ρ(p; q) = infc2C L[c]: where C is the set of all curves between p; q. We will now explore some conditions for the existence of a curve γ from p to q such that L[γ] = ρ(p; q). Readers familiar with the calculus of variations will recognize the following condition. For the following discussion assume that curves c are smooth, parametrized by arc length, and kc0(t)k = l, where l is some non-zero constant. Definition 1.11. Let α :[a; b] × [−, ] ! M be a smooth function such that αj[a;b]×0 = c :[a; b] ! M. Then α is a called a smooth variation of c. Intuitively, α encodes perturbations of the curve c; that is, we can think of α as a family of curves parametrized by s 2 [−, ]. Now let T;V be the tangent vectors on [a; b] × [−, ] corresponding to the first and second variables respectively; note that T;V are just the derivative operators with respect to the associated variable. We now compute the change in arc length over the family of curves cs = αj[a;b]×s THE SPHERE THEOREM IN RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY 3 around the base curve c0. This is given by b b d d Z 1 Z 1 0 0 2 2 (1.12) L[cs] = hcs(t); cs(t)i dt = V hT;T i dt ds ds a a b 1 Z −1 (1.13) = hT;T i 2 V hT;T i dt 2 a b Z −1 2 (1.14) = hT;T i hrV T;T i dt a Note that we used the properties of the Levi-Civita connection above. Since partial derivatives commute in the Euclidean rectangle [a; b]×[−, ], we can rewrite (1.14) as b Z −1 2 (1.15) hT;T i hrT V; T i dt a 0 Using the kc0k = l, we have that (1.16) Z b d −1 L[cs]js=0 = l hrT V; T i dt ds a Z b Z b ! −1 −1 b (1.17) = l (T hV; T i − hV; rT T i)dt = l hV; T i ja − hV; rT T i dt a a (1.17) is called the first variation formula. Note that if the family of curves share the same endpoints then the first term of (1.17) vanishes. Further, if c0 is the d shortest curve between the endpoints, we must have that ds L[cs]js=0 = 0 for any α. Thus, any vector field V which vanishes at the endpoints of c0 must satisfy the last term of (1.17) being 0. By choosing V = φ(t)rT T where φ(t) > 0 for a < t < b and φ(t) = 0 for t = a; b, we see that rT T = 0(1.18) This motivates the following definition of a geodesic curve. 0 0 Definition 1.19. A smooth curve is called a geodesic if rcc = 0. A geodesic is normal if kc0k = 1. Note that the defining property of a geodesic, written in a coordinate neighbor- hood is a second order differential equation in the parameter t of the geodesic; to see this, we simply need to translate the vector field c0 as well as the connection in terms of differential operators in the chosen coordinate basis. Hence, from existence and uniqueness theorems from the theory of ordinary differential equations, the speci- fication of a point p 2 M and v 2 Mp results in a unique geodesic γv through p whose tangent vector at p is v. We are now ready to define the exponential map. Definition 1.20. The exponential map exp(v), is defined by γv(1), for v 2 Mp such that 1 is in the domain of γv. expp is defined in a neighborhood of the origin of Mp, is smooth, and is a local diffeomorphism in a neighborhood of the origin by the Inverse Function Theorem since the differential of the exponential map is nonzero at the origin. An interesting theorem concerning the exponential map is the Hopf-Rinow Theorem 4 THOMAS YU Theorem 1.21. A connected, Riemannian manifold M is complete as a metric space with respect to the metric described above if and only if the exponential map is defined over all of Mp for every p 2 M. In particular, this implies that in a complete manifold, there is always a length minimizing geodesic between any two points in the manifold. We know that for each p 2 M, expp is injective on a sufficiently small ball; therefore, ρ(γ(t); γ(0)) = t for sufficiently small t(if we parametrize γ by arc length). A question that arises is how large t can be before this formula no longer holds. Definition 1.22. The injectivity radius i(M) of M is the supremum over all r such that 8p 2 M, expp is an embedding on the open ball of radius r in Mp Definition 1.23. Define d(M) to be supp;q2M ρ(p; q). We now define the curvature tensor which is a trilinear map R : Mp ×Mp ×Mp ! Mp. (1.24) R(X; Y )Z = rX rY Z − rY rX Z − r[X;Y ]Z We can think of the curvature as measuring the failure of commutativity of covariant differentiation. Definition 1.25. Given a plane σ in Mp and two spanning vectors v; w, we define the sectional curvature K(σ) as hR(v; w)w; vi (1.26) K(σ) = kv ^ wk2 where ^ is the wedge product and kv ^ wk2 denotes the square of the area of the parallelogram formed by v; w. It can be shown that K(σ) is independent of the choice of v; w. The notation KM > H denotes that for all plane sections at all points of M, the sectional curvature is bigger than the constant H.
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