THEOLOGY THEOLOGY THEOLOGY A Student’s Guide to New Testament Greek Approaches To The New Testament Qualitative Research and A Handbook for Students and Pastors Transformative Results A Primer For Students And Mentors In Theological Education Authored By: Graham Simpson Edited By: Arren Bennet Lawrence Authored By: Jessy Jaison Pages: 256 Pages: 456 Pages: 240 ISBN: 978-81-87712-18-3 ISBN: 978-93-86549-13-6 ISBN: 978-93-86549-10-5 Price: INR 300.00 Price: INR 450.00 Price: INR 350.00 Can I learn Greek? Approaches to the New Testament An immensely valuable resource for Of course! Thousands of others before provides an introduc�on to twenty-eight those who seek to do qualita�ve you have learned this language. The main different approaches to study the New research in theological educa�on! It calls issue is not whether you have the ability Testament in one volume. This edited for a holis�c transforma�on of the but whether you have a posi�ve a�tude volume is an a�empt to introduce church and society by helping research- and the determina�on to succeed. If you popular, and newer approaches in order ers and their mentors develop capaci�es approach this language with enthusiasm, to help students and pastors understand that will be up to the task. This masterful and follow the advice in this book, there and use them in their study of the New work informs and inspires researchers to is no reason why you should not do well. Testament. explore the qualita�ve domain in theological research as a vital link “For sheer breadth of coverage, Approaches “This book can be warmly recommended as a between the academy and the world. useful guide to anyone who desires to learn to the New Testament stands alone among Bringing a fresh perspec�ve to theologi- New Testament Greek. Dr Simpson has been other introductions to New Testament herme- cal study in human socio-cultural teaching Greek here in South Asia for just over neutics. Arren Bennet Lawrence’s team of 30 years, and on every page of this book is Indian biblical scholars presents and reviews environments through eight comprehen- 28 text- or reader-oriented approaches to displayed his knowledge of the language on sive chapters, it offers theore�cal and the one hand, and of the average student of interpreting New Testament texts. This is an prac�cal guidance on every aspect of excellent guide to lead students through Greek on the other. qualita�ve inquiry. learning about, experimenting with, selecting, I firmly believe that it will not be long before and using a variety of tools for reading the “The roots of this book lie in the author’s own this book becomes a standard guide to New text.” experience of research in India, UK and USA Testament Greek.” Ernest Clark (PhD, St Andrews) but the work itself is significant for two other Brian Wintle, PhD Classics Consultant South Asia Ins�tute of reasons: (i) It combines both the conceptual Asia Theological Associa�on, Bangalore Advanced Chris�an Studies and practical aspects of QR but in a style, scope and format that is accessible and “Finally, here is a book for students in applicable without much fuss; (ii) It exception- seminaries, pastors and anyone who wishes ally assumes the praxis of theology as the to understand nuances in New Testament particular source and object of research. For interpretation. Approaches to the New these reasons, it will particularly be useful for Testament is a readable, condensed and practical theologians interested in investigat- well-crafted book. Drawing upon the ing problems around them ‘in the world’ and expertise of both Indian and Western scholars, those that are auditing their preparedness for we are pulled into this fascinating world of research.” biblical interpretation. Had such a book David Immanuel Singh, PhD existed during my early years of Theological Research Tutor, University Link Tutor & PhD Stage Education, my reading of the New Testament Leader Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS), would have been enhanced richly! This is a UK book that must find a place in both personal and institutional libraries." “This book is a valuable resource for theologi- cal educators committed to the task of equip- Paul Cornelius, PhD ping transformational leaders for the church Regional Secretary - India Asia Theological Associa�on and the world.” Theresa Roco-Lua, EdD General Secretary, Asia Theological Associa�on 1 THEOLOGY THEOLOGY THEOLOGY Indian and Christian Christians In the Public Square Exclusion and Inclusion in Changing India: Changing Identities in Modern India Papers from the 2nd SAIACS Consultation Papers from the 3rd SAIACS Consultation Papers from the 1st SAIACS Consultation Edited By: Cornelis Bennema & Paul Joshua Edited By: Varughese John & Nigel Ajay Kumar Edited By: Dr Steven W. Guest, Dr Varughese John and Dr Nigel Ajay Kumar Pages: 336 Pages: 208 Pages: 248 ISBN: 978-81-87712-26-8 ISBN: 978-81-87712-31-2 ISBN: 978-81-87712-38-1 Price: INR 300.00 Price: INR 315.00 Price: INR 300.00 The overall purpose of the Consulta�on Chris�ans in the Public Square is a collec- Exclusion and Inclusion in Changing India is to s�mulate, encourage and provide �on of essays about Chris�ans engaging is a collec�on of essays, by scholars and direc�ons for academic, evangelical and in the arena where poli�cs and religion, prac��oners, about the struggles of missional thinking in South Asia. The environment and ethics, leadership and exclusion and inclusion facing human SAIACS Annual Consulta�on strives to educa�on, all collide. The authors of community in the complex Indian hold together theory and prac�ce within these essays come as scholars and prac�- context from a Chris�an perspec�ve. an evangelical framework, and be �oners and they address various issues These essays are broadly grouped into relevant for the Church in South Asia. The related to the South Asian context from a two parts. The first part features ar�cles first SAIACS Annual Consulta�on took Chris�an point of view. The 11 ar�cles with themes concerning Theology and place during 9–12 November 2010 at featured here include a wide range of Philosophy. The second part addresses SAIACS in Bangalore, and had as its topics such as Business as Mission, Chris- issues arising from Mission and Culture. theme ‘Indian and Chris�an: Changing �ans in Government, Jus�ce and Law, Iden��es in Modern India’. This book is The purpose of the SAIACS Consulta�on Public Religion, Educa�on, and Environ- the fruit of that Consulta�on and has been to s�mulate, encourage and ment. contains sixteen ar�cles covering areas of provide direc�ons both in theory and Biblical Studies, Theology & Philosophy, The purpose of the SAIACS Consulta�on prac�ce, for evangelical and missional Religion & Culture, and Pastoral Theology has been to s�mulate, encourage and thinking in South Asia. Exploring the & Psychology. provide direc�on for academic, evangeli- theme “Exclusion and Inclusion: Human cal and missional thinking in South Asia. Communi�es in Changing India,” the 3rd “This book is a unique contribution in the larger area of Missions. ‘Who am I?’ is a The SAIACS Consulta�on strives to hold SAIACS Consulta�on took place during question that every human needs to ask him- together theory and prac�ce, within an November 2013 at SAIACS, Bangalore. or herself. In this book, this question is looked evangelical framework, and be relevant This book is the fruit of that Consulta�on. at from a dual perspective—Indian and for the Church in South Asia. The 2nd Christian. Can one be both ‘Indian’ and ‘Chris- SAIACS Consulta�on took place during tian’ in the modern world? Should one have a November 2011 at SAIACS, Bangalore. It single identity or can one have multiple identi- had the theme “Chris�ans in the Public ties? The book tries to address these issues Square.” This book is the fruit of that with great clarity and conviction. I warmly Consulta�on. commend this academic treatise to a wider readership with the hope that it will stimulate further thought and reflection on crucial issues of faith pertaining to our life and work.” Rev. Dr. M. Mani Chacko General Secretary, The Bible Society of India “SAIACS as an evangelical and academic institution of excellence has in this book forthrightly addressed the crucial issue of Christian identity which is also distinctively Indian. A stimulating book setting the direction of the debate!” Rev. Dr. Richard Howell General Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship of India & Asia Evangelical Alliance 2 THEOLOGY THEOLOGY THEOLOGY Religious Freedom and Conversion in India Christian Leadership The Gentle Answer Papers from the 4th SAIACS Academic Consultation For Building the Church and Building the Nation To the Muslim Accusation of Biblical Falsification Edited By: Varughese John, Nigel Ajay Kumar and Authored By: Graham Houghton Authored By: Dr Gordon Nickel Atola Longkumer Pages: 328 Pages: 250 Pages: 502 ISBN: 978-93-86549-06-8 ISBN: 978-81-87712-34-3 ISBN: 978-0-9939972-1-1 Price: INR 350.00 Price: INR 275.00 Price: INR 500.00 Religious Freedom and Conversion in Many books have been wri�en from a The Gentle Answer is a scholarly India is a collec�on of essays that uniquely Chris�an perspec�ve. Graham response to a claim that many Muslims addresses the poli�cal and prac�cal Houghton has been careful to have made in rela�on to non-Muslims for concerns about “religious freedom” and incorporate in this volume the essen�al more than 1200 years: that the text of “religious conversion” in the Indian ingredients that set Chris�an leadership the Bible is corrupt and/or falsified.
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