699-712 TXSE_BM_Index 11/18/02 11:21 AM Page 699 INDEXINDEX An i preceding a page reference in italics indicates that there is an illustration as well as text information on that page. An m or a c preceding an italic page reference indicates a map or a chart, as well as text information on that page. Abamillo, 219 agriculture, m64, 286 Alto, Texas, 120 AAbbot, E.C. “Teddy Blue,” 366 and agribusiness, 503, 540 Álvarez de Piñeda, Alonso, 26 “Abilene Man,” 77 and cash crops, 287, 393–394 Álvarez, Francisca, 223 Abilene, Kan., 366, 367 after Civil War, 382–384 Alvin, Tex., 9 Abilene, Tex., 77 during Civil War, 316–317 Amarillo, Tex., 576 abolitionist, 278 climate and, 149, 479–480, 643, 644 America Firsthand, 325 absolute location, 20, 28 and commercial farming, 383 American GI Forum, 511, 512 acequias, 149, 150 and corn, 286, 288 American Indian Heritage Festival, 92 Adaes, 123, 127 and cotton, 391–394, 401 Americans with Disabilities Act, 527 Adair, John G., 372 and cotton gin, 389 Amistad Dam, 49 Adair, Paul N. “Red,” i542 and cottonseed oil, 398, 401 Amon G. Carter Museum, 428 Adams, John Quincy, 194, 241 and diversity, 541 Amon G. Carter Foundation, 428 Adams, Luciano, 490–491 and drought, 479 Ampudía, Pedro de, 251 Adams-Onís Treaty, 73, 171 and Dust Bowl, 480 Anahuac, Tex., 188, 196, 197, 198–199, Adelsverein. See Society for the Protection and dust storms, m479 204, 214 of German Immigrants. and food production, c541 Anderson Mill, i317 Admiral Nimitz Museum, i492 on frontier, 154, 178 Anderson, Thomas, 317 Adobe Walls, 347, 355 during Great Depression, 479–480 Angelina, 83 First Battle of, 342, 347 in High Plains, 64, 540 Angelina County, 83 Second Battle of, 342, 355–356 and irrigation, 540 Angelina River, 83 Adventures with a Frontier Naturalist, 182 in Rio Grande valley, 64 Anglo Americans, 168–169, 172, 180, 194, Adventures with a Texas Naturalist, 51 and sharecropping, c384, 385, 392 195, 200, 204, 214, 217, 225, 230, 242, Aero Mio, i455 slavery and, 195, 296 244, 245, 531, 606, 621–622 Africa, 30 in Spanish missions, 145, 150 annexation, 239, 240, 254, 264, c265 African Americans and steel plow, 389 Angora, 373 and black codes, 326, 328–329 and subsistence farming, 383 Antarctica, 30 as buffalo soldiers, 342, i351, 352 technology and, 388–389 Apaches, 74, 84, 85, 128, 131, 132, 135, 136, civil rights and, 326–327, 328–331, 335, and tenant farming, 383, 392 246, 354. See also Native Americans. 449–450, 492, 518–519, 597 in Twentieth century, 463–464, 466, Apollo 7, 506 in Civil War, 316 628–629 Apollo 11, i500, 506 in colonial Texas, 182 and effects of urbanization, 540 Appalachian Mountains, 49 as cowboys, 363–364, 375–376 in West Texas, 64, 149 Appalachian Plateau, 49 cultural contributions of, 3, 468, 621 windmills and, 374, i375 Arapahos, 349 and discrimination, 352, 375, 510, 511 Agricultural Adjustment Administration Archer, Branch T., 207 education, 326, 383, 449, 519, 545 (AAA), 484 Archives War, 252, i253 emancipation of, 322, 324–325 Aguayo, Marquis de San Miguel de, Arista, Mariano, 272, 273 free blacks, 182, 296, 297 126–127, 128 Arizona, 49, 144, 275 and Freedmen’s Bureau, 325, 326, AHA, 450 Arkansas, 9, 29, 49, 181 383, 384 Ahumada, Mateo, 193 Armey, Dick, 602 in Great Depression, 480 Ais, 123 Armstrong, Lance, i650 and Juneteenth, i3, 325, i619 Alabama, 181 Army of the People, 206–207, 215 Ku Klux Klan and, 330, 469 Alabama-Coushattas, i2, 23, 74, 83, 91, i92, Arnold, Hendrick, 182, i207, 208 and labor unions, 410, 411 93. See also Native Americans. Arredondo, Joaquín de, 170 legislators, 330, 331, 334 Alamo, 116, i123, 212, 214–217, i218, i219, Arroyo Hondo, 129, 170 in politics, 330, 331, 334, 530, c532, 563, 220–221 artifacts 582, 618, 621 Alamo, Battle of, 199, 208, 212, i213, 214, advertisement and poll tax, 450 i215, 216–219, 220–221, 223, 224, 225, cotton gin, i389 in ranching, i361, 375, 377 226, 231, 232 Galveston, Houston, and Reconstruction and, 322, 324–326, Alarcón, Martín de, 122–123 Henderson Railroad, i387 330–331, 334 alcalde, 151, 193, 205 gas lamp, i416 segregation, 450, 492, 519, 525, 545 Alianza Hispano-Americana, 450 land, i290 slavery of, 182, 200, 295 Alice, Tex., 137 railroad, i402 in Texas Revolution, 182, 562 Allen, Augustus, 240 slave, i295 voting rights, 327, 329–331, 450, 511, Allen, John, 240 steel plow, i389 518, 521, 572, 597 Allies, 456, 458, 459 armor, Conquistador horse, i106 in World War I, 459 Allred, James V., 484 arrowhead, i77, i82 in World War II, 487, 491, 492 Alsace, 292 axes, Caddoan, i80 Index ✯ 699 699-712 TXSE_BM_Index 11/18/02 11:21 AM Page 700 INDEXINDEX banner, Know Nothing Party, i297 poster Barnes, Ben, 525 basket, Alabama-Coushatta, i23 1885, i558 Barnstone, Robert, 532 bolo, i93 Clyde Barrow, i484 Barrow, Clyde, 484 boots, vaquero, i154 National Republican Party, i304 Bastrop, Baron de, 175, i176 bumper stickers, i538 WPA-sponsored play, i483 Batson, Tex., 421 calling card, Stephen F. Austin, i239 pottery, Caddoan, i80 Battise, Robert Fulton (Kina), i93 campaign button printing press, i566 Battle of San Jacinto, i227 Franklin D. Roosevelt, i518 program Battles . See battle’s name. Lyndon B. Johnson, i516 state capital dedication, i439 Baylor College of Medicine, 505 political, i526 women’s suffrage, i436 Baylor, John R., 311 cannon balls and rifles, 1800s, i214 revolver, Colt, i354 Bays, Joseph E., 184 cannons, Fort St. Louis, i110 rifle, Davy Crockett’s, i212 Bean, Peter Ellis, 169 carving, Quetzalcóatl, i103 sextant, i29 Beaumont, Tex., 418, 421, 422, 463 Clovis point, i77 signs, segregation, i509 Bedichek, Roy, i51 compass, i99 spur, i360 Bee, Tommy, i617 Constitution of 1824, i203 star money, i241 Belgium, 456 cradleboard, Kiowa, i85 statue Bell County, 470 currency, Confederate, i318 Bill Pickett, i377 Bell Helicopters, 505, i508 dart point, Pedernales, i77 Buddy Holly, i499 Bell, John, 305 diary, Stephen F. Austin, i202 Saint Anthony, i155 Bell, Lawrence, 505 drum Vaquero, i3 Ben Taub Trauma Center, 649 Alabama-Coushatta, i83 surveying tool, i280 Benavides, Santos, 313 Tigua, i73 sword, Spanish conquistador, i72 Benavidez, Roy, 521 emblem uniforms, Confederate, i311 Benton, Thomas Hart, i454 Avenger Field, i490 Victrola, i467 Bentsen, Lloyd Jr., 525, 527 flaming bomb, i202 washboard, i182 Berry, Mrs. John, 414 horn, i218 Ashworth, Aaron, 297 Better Schools Amendment, 468 fan, Kiowa, i84 Asia, 30, 625 Bexar, 196, 220 flag Atascosito Road, 215, 222 Bexar County, 647 1824, Texas, i229 Atakapans, 83. See also Native Americans. Béxar, Department of, 232 ca. 1835, Texas, i558 Atlanta, Tex., 469 bicameral legislature, 561 1846, United States, i268 átlatl, 77 Big Bend National Park, i9 Coahuila y Tejas, i190 Aury,Luis Michel, 171 Big Bend Ranch, 551 “Come and Take It, ” i205, i206 Australia, 8, 30 Biggers, John, 322 Confederate, i309 Austria-Hungary, 456 Big Thicket National Preserve, 83, 404, Fredonian, i193 Austin City Limits, 539 421, 550 “Liberty or Death,” i560 Austin Daily Statesman, 46 Bilingual Training and Education Act, 536 Hood’s Brigade, 310 Austin, John, 199 Bill of Rights. See also Texas Declaration of Texas, Republic of, i268 Austin, Moses, 166, i174, 175 Independence. flier Austin Powwow, 92 in Texas Constitution, 571–572 National Democratic Party, i305 Austin, Stephen Fuller, 26, 166, i175, i176, in U.S. Constitution, 571 National Republican Party, i304 i179, 180, 184, 188, 192, 193, 197, 200, Biloxi, Miss., 121 firepot, French, i109 201, 204, 205, 206, 207, 232, 247 black codes, 326, 328–329 game sticks, Wichita, i86 colony of, 175, 176, 179, 238, 239 Blackland Prairie, 53, 57 guitar, Spanish, i289 “Father of Texas,” 177 Black Seminoles, i4 halberd, Spanish, i130 imprisonment, 202, 230 Blanco County, 344 Harper’s Weekly, i323, i328 and Texas Rangers, 275 Blanco, Victor, 192 hatchet, Stephen F. Austin, i174, Austin, Tex., i11, 57, 63, 247, 252–253, Blanton, Annie Webb, 441 helmet, i98 259, 287, 626, 631, 633–634, 642, blockade, 312, 313, 315–316 hoe, i82 648, 653, 654 Block, Harlon, 491 land grant, Galveston Bay & Texas Cattle Austintatious, i617 Bob Bullock State History Museum, 82, i632 Company, i198 Avery, Hank, 398 Boeing, 505 ledger, i264 “Away Here in Texas,” 380 Boerne, Tex., 373 letter, William Travis, i217 Awn, Kerry, i617 Bonham, James, 216 medal ayuntamiento, 151 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 170 Congressional Medal of Honor, i490 Aztecs, 77 boomtowns, 421 Davis Guard, i310 Border and the Buffalo, The, 355 medallion, i224 borders of Texas. See boundaries of Texas. metate and mano, i86 Bacon, Sumner, 184 Borger, Tex., 421 newspaper, i324 BBadillo, Juan, 219 Borland, Margaret, 376 passport, Mexican, i190 Balcones Escarpment, 52, 53, 56, i57,61 boundaries of Texas, 16, 29, 49, 53 pipe, Caddoan, i80 Ballí, Rosa María Hinojosa de, 152 Adams-Onís Treaty, 171 pitcher, colonial, i225 Banks, Nathaniel P., 312 annexation and, 271 political cartoon, i443, i445, i539, i559 barbed wire, 360, 374 Compromise of 1850 and, m279, 280 700 ✯ Index 699-712 TXSE_BM_Index 11/18/02 11:21 AM Page 701 INDEXINDEX dispute with Mexico over, 232, 270, Canary Islanders, 116, 127 Childress, George C., i230, 233 271–272, 521 Cannel Coal Company, i406 Chinese. See immigrants. errors in, 280 Can’t See to Cry, 465 Chinese Democratic Women of San Rio Grande, i544 capitals of Texas Antonio, 607 Bowie, James, i216, 218, 221 at Austin, i246, 247, 252–253, i406, Chinese Exclusion Act, 607 Bowles, Chief, i245 436, 439 Chisholm, Jesse, 367, i368 Bowser, Bubba, 384 at Columbia, 240 Chisholm Trail, 360, 367, 376 Boyle, Andrew A., 222, 224 at Houston, 240 cholera, epidemic
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