![THE Pall Mall Magazine](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
EDITORIAL 5( PUBLISHING OFFICES: !8,CHARiNG CROSS %L ^^t fpi?e ISailiff's dau^l^fer THE Pall Mall Magazine EDITED BY Lord Frederic HaimiltOxN Vol. XII. MAY TO AUGUST iSgy " tjivcs acquivit cunbn (g5t'(onaf ani> (puBfte^ing Offtcee i8, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON, W.C. 1897 Printed by Hazell, Watson, <&= Vitwy, Ld., London and Aylesbury. " — INDEX. PAGE "Ah! Memory'' Leolinc Gi'iffiths 251 " '' Alden, W. L. A Volcanic \'alve . 409 Altson, Abbey. Illustrations to "Sleep'' 145 „ „ „ " Revocata Fides "' 433 Applin, Arthur. "Dolores." Part II 17 " ' AUBINIERE, M. AND Mme. de L'. Illustrations to Kew Gardens . 584 "Audley End." Illustrated from photographs by Rev. A. H. Alalan— Miss E. Sai'ilc 314 "August." Illustrated by W. B. Robinson .... Ada Bartrick Baker 497 Bailitfs Daughter, The.'' Coloured frontispiece by Alice Haver Facing page Baker, Ada Bartrick (A. L. Budden)- "May" . 43 " June " . 187 "July" . " Au^'ust 497 " 11 Bombay." Illustrated from photographs G. '. Forrest 545 " Bowles, Fred G. P. " Reconciliation " „ „ Moorland Reverie 70 „ „ "A Summer Idyll". 576 " Breeding Season at the Gallery on Walney Island Illustrated from photographs by Stella Hamilton . A. M. Wakefield 65 "British Army Types." ArtJiin- Jiilc Goodman— "A Subaltern, Grenadier Guards" 203 " Captain, First Life Guards " 296 "Captain, New South Wales Mounted Rifles" 466 BucKLAXD, Arthur J. Illustrations to "Orwell Hall" . 193 " ,, „ „ The Fairy Blacksmith 289 Bvles, Hounson. Illustrations to "A Fastidious Woman" 418 "Cliveden." Illustrated from photographs . Marquess of Lome, K.T., M.P. 436 Cole, H. Illustrations to "Religion". 396 „ „ „ "Pan" 416 " Colonel Drury." Illustrated by Simon Harman \'edder . John Le Breton 332 " Cornish Window, From a." With Thumb-nail Sketches by Mark Zangwill A. T. Qiiiller Couch 136, 281, 424, 587 Couch, A. T. Quiller. "From a Cornish Window" . 136, 281, 424, 587 COWELL, Sydney. Illustrations to "Dolores" 17 " „ „ „ " A Tribute of Souls 447 Craig, Frank. Illustrations to "With Pipe and Tabor" 198 — iv INDEX. PACE Crommelin, May. "The Lamparagua" 502 "Cuban Insurrection, The" Capt. L. A. Del Monte 115 Davis, Lucien, R.I. Illustrations to "A Suftblk Idyll" 51 Dawson, A. J. "A Love Story" 165 De Lacy, Charles J. Illustrations to "Rule Britannia" . .128 Del Monte, Captain L. A. "The Cuban Insurrection'' 115 Denneulier, Jules. " Good Luck " Facing Page 433 "Dolores." Part II. Illustrated by Sydney Cowell . AyfJiiir AppUn 17 Dyer, W. T. T. " Kew Gardens ^' 584 "1812, The Story of." Colonel H. D. Hutchinson {^Director of Military Education in India)— Part \' 78 Parts VI.—VIII 204 "England." Illustrated by E. F. Skinner . George Edgar Montgomery 342 Eschenburg. M- von. "La Belle Suisse" Facing jxage 545 " Fairy Blacksmith, The." Illustrated by Arthur H. Buckland The Marquess of Lome, K. T., M.P. 289 "Fastidious Woman, A." Illustrated by Hounson Byles . ^^ Litsniore" 418 Forrest, G. W. "Bombay" 545 Fox, Anthony. Illustrations to "A Volcanic Valve" 409 Frontispieces-- "The Bailiff's Daughter" Facing page i "Head of a Girl" 145 " The Queen at the Age of Eleven " 289 "Good Luck" 433 Goodman, Arthur Jule. "British Army Types" 203, 296, 466 „ „ „ " Women of Shakespeare "... Facing page 239 ,, „ Illustrations to "The Man who Intervened" . 383 " Good Luck." By Jules Denneulier Facing page 433 Greene, W. T. "Strange Sites for Birds' Nests" 106 Greenwood, Leonard. "To Phoebe in Tears" 164 " „ „ Town and Country " 565 Greuze. " The Head of a Girl " Facing page 145 Griffiths, Leoline. "Ah! Memory" 251 Hamilton, Lord Ernest. " The Raid of Carlisle " 483 Hamilton, Lord Frederic. "A Tribute of Souls " 447 Hamilton, Stella. Photographs of " Breeding Season at the Gullery on \\'alney Island" 65 " " ' '' Harris, Lord Sport of the Month : Cricket 498 Hart, Phcebe. " A Secret "—Monologue 263 " Havers, Alice. The Bailiff's Daughter " Facing page i " Head of a Girl, The." Frontispiece . • . After Greuze. Facing page 145 HiCHENS, Robert. "A Tribute of Souls" 447 „ ,, "The Man who Intervened" 383 Hutchinson, Colonel H D. (Director of Military Education in India). "The Story of 1812" 78, 204 " Hyde Park in Days Gone by." Illustrated from Old Prints . A. IV. Jan'is 239 INDEX. V — t'ACE " In tlic Land of a Thousand Lakes.'' Illustrated from Photographs Mrs. St. Clair Stobart 467 " In the Library. A Queen's \'isit to St. Paul's Cathedral " Sir Francis Mouiefiorc 578 JARVIS, A. W. "Hyde Park in Days Gone by" 239 " in " ,, „ May Day the Olden Times 32 '• [ulv." Illustrated In- Will 15. Robinson .... Ada Bartrick Baker 2i77 ., 187 "June." ., „ ....... „ "Kaffir .Music.'' With Specimens of War Songs, etc. N. a?td I J". C. Scully 179 " Kew C.ardens.'' Illustrated from Drawings .... ]V. T. T. Dyer 584 " La Belle Suisse." After M. von Eschcnburg Facing page 545 " Labour and Sorrow " " AW^." Facing page 396 " Lamparagua, The " iMay Crominclin 502 LarKEN, E. p. " The Priest's Bargain " 72 Le Breton, John. "Colonel Drury". ... 332 Britannia" . „ ,, ,, "Rule .128 "Lee of \'irginia." Illustrated with Portraits, etc. .Henry Tyrrell 344, 510 " '. Legh, The Hon. T. W., M.P. Sport of the Month : Golf " . 188 Llovd, Robert. "A Student's Duel in Germany" 277 LoRNE, The Marquis of, K.T., M.P. "Cliveden" 436 „ ,, „ " The Fairy Blacksmith " . 289 " Love Story, A." Illustrated by E. F. Skinner . A. J. Dawson 165 LUDOVICI, A. Illustrations to "A Promise" . 267 " LUSMORE." "A Fastidious Woman" 418 Lusted, Charles T. "Pan" 416 Lydon, a. F. Illustrations to "Strange Sites for Birds' Nests" .... 106 " Lyme.'' Illustrated by the Author Lady Newton 149 McDonell, Cicely. "Those Little Shoes" 16 Macdougall, W. B. Illustrations to "A Moorland Reverie" 70 Malan, Rev. A. H. Photographs for "Audley End" 314 Manton, G. Grenville. Illustrations to "St. Ives'' . -85, 221, 359, 521 " Man who Intervened, The." Illustrated by .Arthur Jule Goodman. Robert Hic/iens 383 Marillier, H. C. " Revocata Fides " 433 " May." Illustrated by Will. B. Robinson .... Ada BartricI; Baker 43 " May Day in the Olden Times." With reproductions of old Engravings, etc. A. JI\ /arvis 32 Mew, James. " Old Love-Letters '" 64 „ „ "Victor" 192 MONTEFIORE, SiR FRANCIS. "In the Library" 578 Montgomery, George Edgar. " England " 342 " Moorland Reverie, A." Illustrated by W. B. Macdougall . Fred. G. Boiules 70 " Mount Edgcumbe." Illustrated from photographs by Col. the Hon. C. Edgcumbe Lady Ernestine Edgcumbe 4 " " Mount Edgcumbe, Col. the Hon. Photographs of Mount Edgcumbe . 4 Mount Edgcumbe, Lady Ernestine. " Mount Edgcumbe" 4 Newman, Hilda. "A Premise" . 267 Newton, E. A. "Orwell Hall" 193 " NewtO'N, Lady. Lyme " 145 " Old Love-Letters " James Jfeio 64 vi INDEX. PAGE "Orwell Hall." Illustrated by Arthur J. Buckland E. A.-Neivion 193 Palmer, R. S. "Sport of the Month: 'Yachting 378 " Pan." Illustrated by H. Cole .... Charles T. Lusted 416 " Pearls." Illustrated by J. Williamson Francis Prevost 252 Prevost, Francis. "Pearls" 252 " Phoebe in Tears, To " Leonard Greenwood 164 " " Priest's Bargain, The . E. P. Larken 72 " Promise, A." Illustrated by A. Ludovici . Hilda Nezi'inan 267 " Queen at the Age of Eleven, The." Frontispiece R. IVestall, R.A. Facing page 289 "Queen's Visit to St. Paul's, A" Sir F. Montcfiore 57S " " "' Rab." Labour and Sorrow . Facing page 396 " Raid of Carlisle, The." With Illustrations by M. Zangwil Lord Ernest Hamilton 483 " Reconciliation." With Illustrations by J. W. West . Fred G. Bo^vles " Religion." Illustrated by H. Cole Rev. Edward Simnis, J/. A. 396 Robinson, Will. B. Illustrations t "May" . • 43 „ M ,, » -1 "June" . 1S7 ., ., „ „ "July" • 377 „ „ ,, „ „ "August" . 498 " ' Roller, F. Albert. Sport of the Monih : Otter Hunting • 44 " " Roller, George. Illustrations to Sports of the Month .. 44, 138, 378, 489 Rule Britannia." Illustrated by Chas. J. De Lacy . /o/in Le Breton 128 "St. Ives: The Adventures of a French Prisoner in England.'' Illustrated by G. Grenville Manton The Late Robert Louis Stevenson Chapters XIX.— X.XI 85 XXII.—XXIV 221 XXV.—XXVI 1 359 XXVI 1 1.—XXX 521 Savile, Miss E. "Audley End" 314 Schooling, J. Holt. "Then and Now" 297 " Scissors, The " Rev. A. Capes Tarbolton 408 SCOONES, W. Baptiste. " Story of a Sonnet " 569 Scully, Nora and W. C. "Kaffir Music" 179 "Secret, A" (Monologue). Facially Illustrated by Marshal P. Wilder Pha-be Hart 263 SIMMS, Rev. Edward, M.A. "Religion" 396 Skinner, E. F. Illustrations to "A Love Story" 165 » » » „ " England " 342 "Sleep." Illustrated by Abbey Altson Clive Phillips-Wolley 145 "Sports of the Month." With Illustrations by George Roller— "Otter Hunting" F. Albert Roller 44 "Golf" The Hon. T. IV. Legk, M.P. 188 "Yachting" R. S. Palmer 378 " Cricket " Lord Harris 498 Stevenson, The Late Robert Louis. "St. Ives: the Adventures of a French Prisoner in England" 85, 221, 359, 521 Stobart, Mrs. St. Clair. "In the Land of a Thousand Lakes". .467 "Story of a Sonnet." Illustrated by A. K. Womrath . IT. Baptiste Seoones 569 "Strange Sites for Birds' Nests." Illustrated by A. F. Lydon . IT. T. Greene 106 Stuart, G. B. "With Pipe and Tabor" 198 INDEX. vii PAGE "Student's Duel in Germany, A" Robert Lloyd 277 "Suffolk Idyll, A." Illustrated by Lucien Davis, R.I. .M. F. Wilson 51 "Summer Idyll, A" F. G. Bowles 575 Tarbolton, Rev. A. C.vpes. " The Scissors " 408 "Then and Now." With Illustrations and Diagrams . /. Holt Sehooling 297 "Those Little Shoes." Cieely McDonell 16 "Town and Country." Illustrated by J. H. Valda . L. A. Greenwood 565 "Tribute of Souls, A." Illustrated by Sydney Cowell. Robert HieJiens and Lord F. Hamilton 447 \ald.\, J. H. Illustrations to "Town and Country" 565 \'edder, Slmox Har.max. Illustrations to "Colonel Drury" 332 "Victor" James Mew 192 "Victorian Stage, The." With portraits of Actors and Actresses of the Period Frederic Whyte 397 "\'olcanic \'alve. A." Illustrated by Anthony Fox .... W. L. Alden 409 W^\KEFIELD, A. M. "Breeding Season at the Gullery on Walney Island" . 65 i West, J. W. Illustrations to "Reconciliation" .
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