PEERS PARLIAMENTARY DIRECTORY, 1899. 2884 PEERS. A L P H A B ET I C A L L Y A R RA N G B D. N A M }: S 0 F M I N 0 R 8 0 M I T T E D F R 0 M T B I S L I S T. SPEAJn::a.-The Lord Chancellor for the time being. CHAIRMAN 01' COMMITTEE!! & DEPUTY SPEAKER.-The Earl of Morley, P.C. Created. ! Created. 1868. Aberoorn Duke of, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits as SW; Kildare Street & University (Dublin) clubs; & 12 Marquess of .Abercorn (1790) in that of Great Britain, lierrion square north, Dublin K.G .• P.C., c. B. Lord Lieutenant of eo. Donegal, Groom 1730 . .Ash burn ham Earl of, .Athenreum & Travellers' clubs SW; of the Stole to the Prince of Wales, 60 & 61 Green Ashburnham place, Battle. ISussex; Barking h&!l, lltreet, Grosvenor square W; Carlton, Travellers·, NeedhamMarket,Sulfollr; &Pernbrey,Carma.rthenshin! Turf & Marlborough clubs; Barons court, Newtown 1836. Ashburton Lord, Carlton & Arthur'a clubs SW; Stewart, Ireland ; & Duddingstone, N. B Bachelors' club W; & The Grange, .Alresford, Hantll 1801. Abercromby Lord, 14 Groavenor lltreet W; Ferntower, 11892. Ashoombe Lord, P.c. Hon. Col. 2nd Volunteer Batt. Crieff, Perthshire; & 'fullibody house. CJackmannan 1 R. W. Surrey Reg-iment.,17 Prince's gate SW; Carlton Ul71. A berdare Lord, 8:i ]o;aton ~quare SW; Longwood, Win· club SW; & Denbies, Dorking eh ester; & Duffryn, Mountain Ash, South Wales 1895. .Ash ton Lord, .AI ford house, Prmre's gate SW; ~on· 1082. Aberdeen Earl of, in the Peerage of !Scotland, sits u shire club SW; & Ryelands & Ashton hall, LanCil!lt~ Viscount Gordon (1814) in that of the United Kingdom, 1863 . .Athlumney Lord, in the Peerage of Ireland, sits • G.C.M.G., P.c. Hon. Col. lst .Aberdeen .Artillery Volun- Lord Meredyth (1866) in that of the United Kingdom, teers,LordLieutenantof Aberdeenshire; Haddohouse, Guards' & White's clubs SW: & Somerville, Nann, Aberdeen; & The Lodge, Tarland, Aberdeenshire oo. Meath 18 1!. Aberg-avenny Marquess of, K.G. Lord Lieutenant of Sus- l703. Atholl Duke of, in the Peerage of Scotland, K.T. 11lt8 .. sex,Hon.Col. West Kent Yeornanry,64 Eccles ton sq SW; Earl :Strange (1786) in the Peerage of Great Britain Carlton club SW; & I<~ ridg-e castle, Tun bridge Wells Lord Lieut. of Perthshire, Hereditary Sheriftof Perth· 1M32. A bing-don Earl of, a famiiy Trustee of the British Museum; eh ire, 84 I<~ a ton place SW; Carlton & Guards' clubll Carlton & Travellers' clubs SW; & Wytham. Oxford 1 SW; & Blair castle. Blair Atholl. Perthshire 1131t Abinger Lord, 46, Cornwall g-ardens SW; Carlton club 1793. Auckland Lord, Naval & liilitary club W; & Kitley, SW; & Inverlochy ca;o~tle, King-ussie, N.B Plymouth J Bftg. Acton Lord, K.c. v.o. a Trustee of the British Museum, I 17H. Aylesford Earl of, Carlton & liar! borough clubs SW; Professor of Modern History in Cambridge University, • Packington hall, Coventry; & Aylesford, Maidsrone .Athenreum club SW; & Aldenbam, Salop 1 l780. Bagot Lord, a Lord in w~titing to the Queen, 56A, Pall 18~. Addington Lord, 24 Prince's gate SW; Carlton club SW; , mall SW; Carlt<?n club _SW; _Blithfield, &ugeley; dl & Adding-ton house, Winslow Bucko · Pool park, Ruthm, Denbighshue 1821. AllesburyMarquessof,CarJton cl~bSW; SavernakeForest, 1607. Balfour of Burleigh Lord, P.c. 8cotchRepresentativePeer, MarlborouO"h Wilts; & Villa Marbella, Biarritz, I<'rance SecretHry for Scotland, Vice-President of the Scotcli lSSl. AilsaMarqu~ss'ot, 65 LancastergateW; & Culzeancastle, Education Department, Keeper of the GrPat Sea.J. of Maybole, Ayrshire !Scotland, Chairman of Educational Endowment Com· Jt.W. Airlie Earl of, Scotch Representative Peer, a. ::\Iajor in the I~?-ission, Scotland, Lord Rector of Edinburgh Univer. Army, Cortachy ca~tle & Airlie castie, I<'orfarshire; & stty, 47 Cadogan square SW; Carlton club SW; oil Marlborough &. Army & Navy clubs SW Kennet house, Alloa, N.B J&g6. Albemarle Earl of, Lieut.-Col. commanding 12th Middle- 1800. Band on Earl of, IriHh Representative Peer, Lord Lieut. sex Rifle Volunteers, Guards' club SW; & Q.uidenham ! oo. Cork, Hon. Col. Cork Art. Militia, Carlton club SW; park, 'fhettord, Norfolk 1 Castle Bernard, Bandon & Durras court, Bantry, Coril: 18911. Aldenham Lord, a 'frustee of the National Portrait 1781. Bangor Viscount, Irish Representative Peer, Union oil Gallery, St. Dunstan's, Reaent's park ~W; Carlton, Carlton clubs SW; & Castle Ward, Downpa.tnek, Junior Carlton, City Carlton. Constitutional & eo. Down Athenreum clubs ; & .Aldenham house, near 1698. Barnard Lord, Brooks's & Oxford & Cambridge eluhl J;Istree, Herts SW; & Raby castle, Darlington 1876. Alington Lord, Alington house. South AudlPy street W; 1720. Barrington Viscount, in the l'-eerage of Ireland, sits u Carlton club SW; & Crichel, Wimborne, Dorset Baron Shute, 1&0, in that of the United Kingdom, 1826. Amherst Earl, :J Wilton terrace SW; Carlton & St. 42 Halfn:.oon street W; Car!ton & Travellers' eluosSW; Stephen's clubs SW; & Montreal, Sevenoaks, Kent Westbury manor, Brackley, Bucks; &Beekett,ShriveD· 1892. .Amherst of Hackney Lord, 8 Grosvenor square W; ham, Berkshire .Marlborough, Athen~um. CI!Ilton & 'l'ravelleril' clubs 1887. Basing Lord, Hoddington house, Odiham, Hants SW; & Didlington hall,l3randon, Norfolk l~i' • .Hateman Lord, Lord-Lieutenant ot Herefordshire, Holl. 1881. Ampthill Lord, 109 Park street. Grosvenor square W Col. 4th Hatt. (militia} Shropshire Light Infantry, 181!2. Ancaster Earl ot; P.c. Joint llereditary Lord Great Carlton club SW ; & Shobaon court, Leominster, Chamberlain of Em.!lftnd. 12 Btlgrave square SW; Herefordshire Norman ton park, Starnford; Grimsthorpe, Bourne, 178g. Bath Marquess of, Carlton club SW; & Longleat, War- Lincolnshire ~ & Drummond castle, Crieti, N.B minster, Wiltshire 1815. Anglesey Marquess of, .Beau desert park, Rugeley ,Stafford- Bath & \Yells Bishop of (consecrated 18Y-t), The Palaoe, shire; & Plas Newydd, .Anglesey Wells, Somuset 1861. Annaly Lord. 43 Berkeley square W: Luttrellstown, eo. i 1772. Bathurst Earl, 22 Bruton street W; Carlton & Bachelors' Dublin; Ho!denby house, Northampton; & Gowran, clubs; & Cirencesterhouse.Cirencester,Gloucestershire eo. Kilkenny : 1892. Battersea Lord, ~urrey house, i Marble arch W ; Brooks'& 178!1. Annesley Earl, Irish Representative Peer, Annesley club SW; Aston Clinton, Tring. Bucks; & The lodge, Sussex place, Regent's park NW; Carlton club Pleasaunce, Uverstrand, Cromer, Norfolk SW; & Castlewcllan, eo. Down 1815. Beauchamp Earl, Bachelors' club W; & lladres!ield 1880• .Ardilaun Lord, 11 Carlton house terrace SW; Carlton court, Malvern Link & l:'lt. Stephen's clubs SW; Garnck club WC; Kildare 1111:12. Beaufort Duke of, &.G., P.C. Lord Lieut. eo. Monmouth, street & Dublin University club11, Dublin; Ashford Carlton cllib SW; & .Stoke park, StaplPton, Bristol Cong, eo. Galway: & St. Anne's, Clontarf, eo. Dublin 16\Ji. Bedford Duke of, Lord Lieutenant ot Middlesex, Hon. 1192. Argyll Duke of, K.a., K.T., P.c. Heritable !Haster of the Col. Hlth Middlesex Rifle Volunteers & 3rd Volunteer Queen's Household inScotland,Ld.Lieut.ofArgyllshire, Batt. Bedfordshire Regiment, 15 Belgrave 8qUilre SW; Hereditary Keeper of the Castle of Dunstaffnage &c. Brooks's & Guards' clubs SW; Woburn abbey & Oakley Chancellor of the Gniversity of St. Andrews, Elder house, Bedfordshire; .~<;ndsleigh, Tavistock; & Cairns· Brother of the Trinity House, a Trustee of the British more, Palnure, N.B Museum, VIce-Admiral of Argyllshire & \Vest Coast of 17\li'. Helmore Earl ot, G.C.M.G., P.C., P.ll.G.s. Irish Represen- Scotland, Hon. l'ol. Argyllshire Volunteers, Argyll i tat1ve l'eer, Lo!'d Lieut. ot eo. 'fyrone, Carlton dl lodge, Campden hill, Kensington W; lnverary castle, .Atbenreum dubs SW; & Castle Coole, Enniskillen Inverary ,Arg-yllshire; & Roseneath castle, Dumbarton- 1866. Belper Lord, P.c. Capt. of the Hon. Corps of Gentlemen· shire at-Arms, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen for the service 11!87. Arm strong Lord, c.B. 8 Gt. George street SW; Athenreum of Her Yeomanry l<'orce, Engine court, St. James' t.lubSW;& Cragside,RothburyR.S.O.Northumberland palace SW; Brooks's & l'ravellers' clubs SW;" 1762. Arran Earl of, in- the Pecra!!e of Ireland, sits as Lord .Kingston hall, near Derby Sudley (1884) in that of the United Kingdom. K. I'. Lord ltfl79. Berkeley Earl ot,.l<'oxcombe, Boar's hill, Wootton, Berk! Lieutenant eo. .Mayo, 16 Hertford street, Mayfair W; 1118:1. Berwick Lord, _Atting:ham house, Shrewsbury . Brooks'8 & Travellers' clubs SW; Queen .Anne·s Mead, 17i111. tl~SI!borough Earl of, m the l'eeriLge ut 1reland, mtl Windsor; & Castle Gore, Mayo as .Baron Ponsonby (1749) in that of Great Britain 11105. A run dell of Wardour Lord, a Count of the Holy Roman (in Holy Orders), 38 Eccleston square SW; & Beell· l<~mpire, Athenreum club SW; & Wardour calltle, borough house, Pilltown, eo, Kilkenny Tisbury, Wiltshire ' 1892. Blythswood Lord, Aide-de-Camp to the Queen for the 1886. Ashbourne Lord, P.C. Lord Ch&ncellor of Ireland, 5 1 ;:,ervice of the Volunteer I<'orce, 2 Seamore place, Grosvenor crescent SW; Carlton & .A thenreum club!! ' Curzon st W; & Blytbswood, nt>ar Renfrew, Scotwul • .
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