Weather Report Prom the United Stater Weather Bureau Report. Continued cool tonight and Thursday morning. A few showers Thursday morning. Tempera- NIGHT FINAL tures today—Highest, 74, at 12:01 a.m.; lowest, LATEST NEWS AND SPORTS 70, at 7 a.m. Full report oh page A-16. j CLOSING MARKETS Closing N. Y. Mo rkcts—Soles, Poge A-17. OP) Meant Aiwctatid Prttt. Washington Elsewhere 01st YEAR. No. 36.226. JULY 3943 X* TTTTCVC-L-tt-ttiLhj Ptr VTQ WASHINGTON, D. G, WEDNESDAY, 7, —FIFTY-TWO PAGES. and Suburbs fjve CENTS U.S. SURFACE SHIPS SHELL JAPS ON KISKA ■-i-=---*-*-____ Germans Claim Author of Manual Revolt Shore Batteries On Commissions Subsidy Made Corporal Fail to Return Break-Through By the As*oclated Pres* By Senate May FORT MYERS, Fla.. July 7.—Ber- nard Galkin, author of a best-selling manual, "How to Get a Commission In Kursk Area in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Recess Americans' Fire Guard Merchant Delay and Marine," has been promoted to the grade of cor- Berlin Spokesman poral at the Buckingham Army Air Invites New Veto Helena Is Revealed Line Pierced Field, near Fort Myers. Of Bill As Cruiser Lost in Says Corpl. Galkin’s book, which has Extending At Several Points sold more than 75,000 copies, has Activities of CCC Kula Gulf Battle j helped civilians in all parts of the country to get the inside dope on the By the Associated Press By the Associated BULLETIN. j1 Press. functioning of the armed services’ LONDON <£*>.■—A Soviet spe- In a sudden turnabout, the An American naval task force promotion system. Corpl. Galkin cial said Senate rose up to battle the ad- bombarded the Japanese base on communique tonight himself was unable to take ad van- j ministration again today over the Kiska Island last night, the Russian troops in the Orel- tage of his wealth of information Navy Government's to roll back announced Kursk-Belgorod area waged j before his draft board nabbed him plan today, in an attack sub- stubborn engagements today last summer. retail food prices by paying apparently co-ordinated with the against the German offensive, sidies to processors. United States offensive against which continued taith large Chances of starting a midsummer Japanese defenses in the South recess by nightfall faded hourly as forces of tanks and infantry Senate Votes to Lift Pacific. weary lawmakers of both chambers numbers of The report of the attack on Kiska supported by large went into a huddle over a bill con- was very brief. It said only that aircraft “sent in from other the life of the tinuing Commodity the enemy was bombarded there fronts.” 33 Cents Credit but the Corn Price Corp., blocking and that the Japanese shore bat- subsidy program. teries "did not return Bt the the flic Associated Press. The formidable task of the con- A quick check of previous ■war bul- The Berlin radio quoted a Ger- ferees was this: To reconcile From $1.07 to $1.40 letins found no record of a surface an- in man military spokesman as diametrically opposite proposals attack later than last August 7. the Senate version and the House nouncing today that the Ger- Powerful Farm The Navy communique also dis- Group bill which lifted all mans had broken through the approved closed that the American cruiser subsidy-rollback restrictions ob- main Soviet fighting line at sev- Blocks Scuttling Efforts; lost in battle with Japanese forces jected to by the administration. in Kula eral points in the Kursk area, Gulf yesterday morning W3s Bill Is Sent to House Action Defies President. the 9.700-ton center of the Russian bulge below light cruiser Helena. a The Helena was under command Moscow. By 'he Associated Press. Climaxing seldom-seen demon- of Charles stration of about-facing, Senate op- Capt. Purcell Cecil of No details were given as to the Legislation to raise the ceiling | ponents of the rollback voted late Louisville, Ky. Neither the fate of distance of the claimed penetra- of corn from $1.07 a bushel, price j for restrictions the skipper nor the of indi- it was stated that the yesterday subsidy safety tions. but to $1.40 was ap- vidual crew Chicago basis, similar to those which drew a vigor- members was reported. breakthrough came during a Ger- The proved by the Senate today and ous veto from President Roosevelt next of kin of the casualties man counterattack. sent to the House. last aboard the Helena will be notified a Friday. The claim was made in Trans- as soon Passage came on a voice vote with The bill as it went to conference as possible." the Navy said. neean, propaganda agency, dispatch only a scattering of noes.” would continue CCC until January 1, i/amagra av rcari nart>or. broadcast the Berlin radio and ■ .—i .. — WIJ.HM.8WWWWat by the 1944 and increase Its au- Farm State Senators pushed lending The which had recorded bv the Associated Press. i welcomed cruiser, been dam- bill an admitted at- thority from $2,650,000,000 to $3,- GEN. GIRAUD ARRIVES FOR MILITARY CONSULTATION— by ranking officers of the American armed forces. He Earlier Berlin accounts of the through despite aged at Pearl Harbor and was re- Senator Danaher. Repub- 000.000.000, but that was virtually a Cane in hand. Gen. Henri Honore Giraud walks down the steps is members of his staff eastern front said the con- tempt by followed by stored to service during the first 12 fighting it down side issue. lican. of Connecticut to load from him to to be months of war flict was raging between Belgorod leading the plane which brought Washington —A. P. Photo. in the Pacific, was with amendments. Gone were administration-sanc- and Orel with the initiative "firm- hopelessly the only announced American loss Chairman Smith of the Senate tioned provisions which would have held by the Germans.” Kirsk is in the battle, in which six Japanese ly Committee, who intro- authorized a six-month rollback ex- midway between those two points. Agriculture ships were "probably sunk," and sev- duced the measure, attributed a cur-1 penditure up to $525,000,000 and Giraud Arrives at eral Increasing In Violence. Vacation Trip Ruling Bolling Field; Peril to Munda Base others, presumably four or more, rent of available corn to clamped ceilings on existing subsidy the Soviet front. shortage were damaged, “The salient of to stimulate the fact that farmers are finding it payments production A from Gen Northwest of Belgorod-Kursk south of communique Douglas more profitable to feed the grain to essential crops, import essential Met Leaders MacArthur's now is the scene of OPA Stirs Protest by Army, Navy Alter U. S. headquarters last night of Orel fighting increase hogs than to sell it to processors at commodities, output of war By Growing had numbered the continually increasing in violence.” and damaged ships the set the Office of Price minerals compensate for war French Commander Will Confer as was ceilings by four, but todays Navy com- a DNB military correspondent transportation losses. Administration. munique said only that there were quoted as writing. The bill now the From in I for one." Senator Smith de- would invalidate Stay-at-Homes With President and Officials Victory Solomons “several.'’ Tanks were an important High playing clared. “am tired of rationed present subsidy-rollback on retail air being Using the Mac Arthur figure. role it was said, while in the of meats and Gen. Henri Giraud arrived ident Roosevelt ahd Ameri- Americans Reinforced at Japa- and regimented by people who don't prices butter. Gasoline Held high nese naval air formations were Supply ship casualties of all the strongest at the White at 4:30 can know what it s all about." Faces New Veto. House officials. types, sunk or in in the Kursk Too Low to Permit Aerial including damaged, being engaged fights While the corn sit- this afternoon for his The four-motored C-54 American Munda; Japs' now acknowledging Lawmakers on meeting total 315 and the has s rea. disagreed generally enemy uation to be serious. Majority Leader with President Roosevelt. The Armv plane in which he traveled Blows Are Checked suffered an additional loss The Wednesday German high what final form it would take after Wider Concessions of 338 Barkley said that if Congress starts the Presi- to this country brought him down non-combatant The command communique had claimed the House-Senate Conference Com- Frenchman greeted ships. compa- fixing prices on individual com- By the Associated Pre*s. at Bolling Field at 2:30 p.m. Soon rable American for into Russian po- j mittee finished with it.. But most dent in the executive offices By the Associated Press. figure combatant penetrations deep modities the would find afterward he was driven to Blair country on one re- The Office of Price Adminis- ships, including the Helena. Is 103 sitions but did not give the exact agreed thing: That if it and later was to be a guest at ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN itself in “a hopeless swamp.” House, on Pennsylvania avenue, op- vessels overdue and tains the anti-subsidy provision, the tration headed for more gasoline tea. Gen. C. Marshall 7.—An Amer- presumed lost, points. George the State tie AUSTRALIA, July to out the "And if this law is enacted, he President will veto It again. because posite Department, destroyed prevent capture or Berlin continued to drum rationing troubles today arrived ahead of him to sit in ican in the Sol- “I it won't be taken as guest home for visitors of state.
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