McCullough,Index, IBS 20 June 1998 INDEX TO IRISH BIBLICAL STUDIES VOLUMES 14-19 (1992-97)1 J. C. McCullough Adutwum BATACH in the Book of the 15/1, Jan. 1993 ._ 28-38 Ofosu Psalms. Akao, J. 0. In Search of the Origin of the 16/4, Oct. 1994 174- Deuteronomic Movement 189 Albetz, R. A History of Israelite Religion in 17/l,Jan.l995 42-45 the Old Testament Period 1: From the Beginnings to the End of the Exile [Review: G. McConville] Alexander, T. Review: Leviticus 1-16 by Jacob 15/3, June 1993 140- D. Milgrom 141 Alexander, T. Review: Israel and the Book of the 17/4, Oct. 1995 188- D. Covenant: An · anthropological 193 Approach to Biblical Law by J. W. Marsh all Allison, Dale The Contemporary Quest for the 18/4, Oct. 1996 174- c. Jr. Historical Jesus 194 Amos, Clare Review: Finally comes the Poet: 14/2, April 1992 101- Daring Speech for Proclamation 103 by Waiter Brueggemann Amos, Clare Review: The Geat Angel: a Study 15/4, Oct. 1993 188- of Israel's Second God by 191 Margaret Barker Amos, Clare Renewed in the Likeness of Christ: 16/1, Jan. 1994 31-37 Stephen the Servant Martyr. Amos, Clare Review: The Women of Genesis by 14/4, Oct. 1992 199- Sharon Pace Jeansonne 200 Amos, Clare Review: The Demise of the Devil: 14/1 , April 1992 50-51 Magic and the Demonic in Luke's Writings by Susan R. Garrett Bailey, The Shepherd Poems of John 10 15/1, Jan. 1993 2-17 Kenneth E. and Their Culture Bailey, Finding the Lost: Cultural Keys to 1513, June 1993 141- Kenneth E. Luke 15 [Review: J. C. 144 McCullough] Barker, The Great Angel: a Study of 1514, Oct. 1993 188- Margaret 1srael's Second God [Review: 191 An index to volumes 1-13 is found in /BS 13 (1991) 211-228 and 14 (1992) 31-49. 114 McCullough,lndex, IBS 20 June 1998 Clare Amos] Barr, George Literary Dependence in the New 19/4, Oct. 1997 148- K. Testament Epistles 160 Barr, George The Structure of Revelation 19/3, June 1997 121- K. 132 Barr, George Contrasts in Scale and Genre in the 1811, Jan. 1996 16-25 K. Letters of Paul and Seneca. Barr, George The Structure of Hebrews and of 1911, Jan. 1997 17-31 K. I st and 2nd Peter Barr, George Scale and the Pauline Epistles 17/1, Jan. 1995 22-41 K. Bauckham, The Theology of the Book of 17/4, Oct. 1995 188- Richard Revelation [Review: Gordon 197 Campbell] Bauckham, The Climax of Prophecy [Review: 17/4, Oct. 1995 188- Richard Gordon Campbell] 197 Bell, Richard Provoked to Jealousy: The Origin 19/2, April 1997 92-93 H. and Purpose of the Jealousy Motif in Romans 9-11 [Review: J. C. McCullough] Best, E. The Haustafel in Ephesians (Eph. 16/4, Oct. 1994 146- 5:22-6:9) 160 Best, E. Thieves in the Church. Ephesians 1411, Jan. 1992 2-9 4:28 Best, E. Ministry in Ephesians 15/4, Oct. 1993 146- 166 Best, E. Review: Ephesians by Martin 17/2, April1995 93-95 Kitchen Best, E. Sermon for St Mark's Day 15/2, Aprill993 63-71 Boguslawski, Jesus' Mother and the Bestowal of 14/3, June 1992 106- Stephen C. the Spirit 129 O.P. Boyarin, D. A Radical Jew. Paul and the 18/4, Oct. 1996 218- Politics of Identity, (Berkeley: 224 University of California Press, 1994). [Review: J. C. McCullough]. Boyd, J. R. Review: Change to Life -- The 1611, Jan. 1994 46-48 Pastoral Care ofthe Newly Retired by Robert Grainger Boyd, J. R. Review: The Pastor: Readings 14/3, June 1992 151- from the Patristic Period by Philip 152 L. Culbertson and Arthur B. Shippee (editors) Boyd, J. R. Review: Women in Travail and 1511, Jan. 1993 42-44 115 McCullough,Index, IBS 20 June 1998 Transition: A New Pastoral Care by Maxine Glaz & Jeanne Stevenson Moessner (editors) Bradley, lan Abide with me: The world of 19/4, Oct. 1997 191- Victorian Hymns [Review: Denis 195 Capbell] Bredin, M. R. The Influence of the Aqedah on 18/l,Jan. 1996. 26-43 J. Revelation 5:6-9. Brodie, Not Q but Elijah 14/2, April 1992 54-71 Thomas L. Brodie, Againt not Q: Luke 7:18-35 as an 16/1, Jan. 1994 2-30 Thomas L. Acts-orientated Transformation of the Vindication of the Prophet Micaiah (I Kings 22: 1-38) Brodie, Luke's Redesigning of Paul: 17/3, June 1995 98- Thomas L. Corinthian Division and 128 Reconciliation (1 Corinthians 1-5) as One Component of Jerusalem Unity (Acts 1-5) Brueggemann, Finally comes the Poet: Daring 14/2, April 1992 101- Waiter Speech for Proclamation [Review: 103 Clare Amos] Burke, Trevor The Characteristics of Paul's 17/2, April 1995 62-74 J. Adoptive Sonship (HUIOTHESIA) Motif Butler, David Methodists and Papists: John 17/2, Aprill995 88-90 Wesley and the Catholic Church in the Eighteenth Century [Review: Dennis Cooke] Buttrick, The Mystery and the Passion: a 15/2, April 89-93 David Homiletic Reading of the Gospel 1993 Traditions [Review: Denis Camp bell] Campbell, Review: Abide with me: The 19/4, Oct. 1997 191- Den is World of Victorian Hymns by Ian 195 Bradley Campbell, Review: Jesus: A Revolutionary 18/1, Jan. 1996 44-52 Den is Biography by John Dominic Crossan. Camp bell, Review: The Mystery and the 15/2, April 89-93 Den is Passion: a Homiletic Reading of 1993 the Gospel Traditions by David Buttrick Camp bell, The Climax of Prophecy by 17/4, Oct. 1995 188- Gordon Richard Bauckham 197 116 McCullough,lndex, IBS 20 June 1998 Campbell, The Theology of the Book of 17/4, Oct. 1995 188- Gordon Revelation by Richard Bauckham 197 Campbell, R. Leaders and Fathers: Church 1711, Jan. 1995 2-21 Alastair Government in Earliest Christianity. Campbell, Paul's Gospel in an Intercultural 14/4, Oct. 1992 202- William S. Context [Review:J. C. 204 McCullough] Carey, W. Excuses, excuses: the parable of 17/4, Oct. 1995 176- Gregory the banquet (Luke 14:15-24) 186 within the larger context of Iuke. Casey, From Jewish Prophet to Gentile 16/2, April 1994 50-65 Maurice God. A Reply to Professor O'Neill. Casey, P. M. From Jewish Prophet to Gentile 14/4, Oct. 1992 192- God [Article Review: J. C. O'Neill] 198 Cohn­ Israel: The History of an Idea 1511, Jan. 1993 44-47 Sherbok, Dan [Review: E. A. Russell] Cooke, Review: Methodists and Papists: 17/2, April 1995 88-90 Dennis John Wesley and the Catholic Church in the Eighteenth Century by David Butler Coote, Robert Early Israel: a New Horizon 14/2, Aprill992 103- B. [Review: J. S. Mclvor] 104 Cranfield, C. The Apostle's Creed [Review: S. 17/2, April 1995 90-92 E. B. N. Williams] Cranfield, C. Has the Old Testament a place in 15/2, April 1993 50-62 E. B. the Christian Life? A Response to Professor Westerholm. Crossan, John Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography. 1811, Jan. 1996 44-52 Dominic [Review: Denis Campbell]. Culbertson, The Pastor: Readings from the 14/3, June 1992 151- Philip L & Patristic Period [Review: J. R. 152 Shippee, Boyd Arthur B. (editors) Daly, Cahal Tertullian the Puritan and his 18/4, Oct. 1996 218- B. Influence (Dublin, Four Courts 224 Press, 1994). [Review: Laurence S. Kirkpatrick]. Daniell, David William Tyndale: A Biography 17/2, April 1995 86-88 [Review: R. Buick Knox] Dickinson, R. Faith-healing and Death. 15/3, June 1993 115- 139 Downing, F. Cynics and Christian Origins 16/3, June 1994 138- 117 McCullough,lndex, IBS 20 June 1998 Gerald [Review: Frederick Williams] 144 Elsdon, Ron Greenhouse Theology: Biblical 15/4, Oct. 1993 186- Perspectives on Caring for 188 Creation [review: P. Roche] Ferguson, Christian Attitudes and the 15/3, June 1993 97- Brian & Ecological Crisis. 114 Roche, Patrick J Fin an, Scriptural Interpretation in the 18/1, Jan. 1996 Thomas & Fathers. [Review: Laurence S. Twomey, Kirkpatrick]. Vincent (editors) Fleming, P. Church Government 16/2, April 1994 88-94 Freedman, The Anchor Bible Dictionary 15/2, April 93-94 David Noel [Review: J. C. McCullough] 1993 (editor) Garrett, Susan The Demise of the Devil: Magic 1411, April 1992 50-51 R. and the Demonic in Luke's Writings [Review: Clare Amos] Glaz, Maxine Women in Travail and Transition: 15/1, Jan. 1993 42-44 & Moessner, A New Pastoral Care [Review: J. Jean ne R. Boyd] Stevenson (editors) Gordon, J. M. Evangelical Spirituality from the 14/3, June 1992 146- Wesleys to John Stott [Review: R. 149 Buick Knox] Goulder, A Tale of Two Missions [Review: 16/4, Oct. 1994 194- Michael J. C. McCullough] 195 Grainger, Change to Life -- The Pastoral 16/1, Jan. 1994 46-48 Robert Care of the Newly Retired [Review: J. R. Boyd] Hahneman, The Muratorian Fragment and the 17/3, June 1995 143- Geoffrey Development of the Canon 144 Mark [Review: Laurence S. Kirkpatrick] Haire, J. Culture and Interpretation 14/2, April 1992 72-88 Hamilton, Solidarity -- The Missing Link in 14/2, Aprill992 99- Tim, Lennon, Irish Society [Review: David 101 Brian & Lapsley] O'Hanlon, Gerry Hanson, The Prophetic Gospel. A Study of 14/3, June 1992 143- Anthony John and the Old Testament 144 Tyrrell [Review: J. C. McCullough] 118 McCullough,lndex, IBS 20 June 1998 Hazlett, W. I. Traditions of Theology in Glasgow 16/4, Oct. 1994 190- P. (editor) (1450-1990) [Review: Laurence S. 191 Kirkpatrick] Hick, John The Metaphor of God Incarnate 16/2, April 1994 94-95 [Review: D.
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