BLAC1{ PEARL THE JOVRNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF THELE~ A14t14111l1, 1999 E.V. Vol. 1, NO.6 BLACK PEARL CoLLEGE OF THELEMA UlAel{ P£ARl THE JOVRNAl OF THE COllEGE OF THEl£MA "I have descended, 0 my darling, into the black shining waters, and I have plucked Thee forth as a black pearl of infinite preciousness. " - Liber LXV, Cap. III, v. 60 Founded in Service totheA:.A:. (IV7) Vol. I, No.6. Autumnal, Equinox. Anno XCV EDITOR James A. Eshelman EDITOR'S LE'ITER The Sun of the Soul by Fra. A.H. ...................................... H 3 ASSIST ANT EDITOR FEATURES Anna-Kria King Crowley on Angels. Phalluses & the Sun .......................... _..... 5 Letters From Saturn by Karl Johannes Germer ....................... -. ti ASSOCIATE EDITORS The Worship of Nuit by Soror Meral ..................................... 11 Gregory Peters Excerpts from The Magical Record of Brother Proserpinus ..... :•... 13 Phyllis Seckler The Spiritual Guide by Fra. E.P.M. ...... : ............................... 20 Crawford by James-A. Eshelman ............................. : ............ 24 The Star Ruby: An Analysis (part 2 of 3) by James A. Eshelman ... 29 . ART DIRECTOR Mysterium Coniunctionis by Fra~ A.A. (David G. Shoemaker) ...... 32 Anna-Kria King The Sleep of Siloam by James A. Eshelman ............................. 35 Ceremonial Magick. Part 6: The K&C of the HGA Uy Fra. A.H. .. 37 Ritual VIII (A:.A:. Publication in Class D) ............................ 38 The Vision & the Voice: ...£thyrs 15, 14 & 13 with Astroiogical & Qabalistic Commentary by Fra. A.H. ................................... 40 "Peace Unto You" by Anonymous ........................................ 55 PUBLISHED BY COLLEGE OF THELEMA COLUMNS . Qabalist's Qorner: 211 (and.666) by Ike Becker ........................ 27 Executive Director Phyllis Seckler POETRY Three Sonnets by William Shakespeare ..........: ................... :... '2 Deputy Executive Director Storm by Jesse Krenzewk .. : ............................................. :._. 10 James A. Eshelman While the Sleeper Awakes; The Rose & the Cross; and Rosa Ca:li XIV Uy Aleiste; Crowley ..................................~ . 23 Treasurer Locked jn Love by James A. Eshelman ..............................,_. ... 34 David Shoemaker, Psy.D. Invocation (from Liber Siloam) by Aleister Crowley ................... 36 Invocation by Aleister Crowley ............. ,.............................. 39 Wheel by Fra. 'S.H.A. 47 Secretary Joe Larabell ARTWORK lunges, Teletarchai, Sun~ches. Daimonos by Angela Wixtrom. :...... 30 BLACK PEARL Vol. I. No . 6. September. 1999 E.V. Published biannually. at the Equinoxes. by the College of Thelema (A Not-for-Profit Religious Corporation). 222 North Manhattan Place. Second Floor. Los Angeles. California 90004-4018. Copyright © 1999 by College of Thelema. All rights reserved. Annual SUbscription rate: SI2.00 for two issues. postpaid (U.S.). Per issue price: S6.50. postpaid (U.S .). Second class postage paid at Los Angeles. CA and additional mailing offices. Donations. legacies. contributions and bequests made to the College of Thelema are tax deductible in the United States. Submissions of articles. artwork . poems. lyrics or other contributions are welcome. By such submission. author/creator grants to Black Pearl one-time publication rights. with all issues kept in print in perpetuity. Send editorial correspondence. review materials. manuscripts. and other submissions to: Editor. Black Pearl. at the above address. For reply and/or return of materials. enclose SASE: no responsibility is assumed for lost or unreturned submissions. Publisher assumes no responsibility for products or services advertised by anyone other than College of Thelema and/or Temple of Thelema. Opinions expressed are those of the authors or advertisers. and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or publishers. Cover art by Angela Wlxtrom. THREE SONNETS 33 Full many a glorious morning have I seen, Flatter the mountain tops with sovereign eye, Kissing with golden face the meadows green; Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy: Anon permit the basest clouds to ride, With ugly rack on his celestial face, And from the forlorn world his visage hide Stealing unseen to west with this disgrace: Even so my sun one early morn did shine, With all triumphant splendour on my brow, But out alack, he was but one hour mine, The region cloud hath masked him from me now. Yet him for this, my love no whit disdaineth, Suns of the world may stain, when heaven's sun staineth. 29 When in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes, I all alone beweep my outcast state, And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, And look upon my self and curse my fate, Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Featured like him, like him with friends possessed, Desiring this man's art, and that man' s scope, With what I most enjoy contented least, Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising, Haply I think on thee, and then my state, (Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth) sings hymns at heaven's gate, For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, That then I scorn to change my state with kings. 26 Lord of my love, to whom in vassalage Thy merit hath my duty strongly knit; To thee I send this written embassage To witness duty, not to show my wit. Duty so great, which wit so poor as mine May make seem bare, in wanting words to show it; But that I hope some good conceit of thine In thy soul's thought (all naked) will bestow it: Till whatsoever star that guides my moving, Points on me graciously with fair aspect, And puts apparel on my tattered loving, To show me worthy of thy sweet respect, Then may I dare to boast how I do love thee, Till then, not show my head where thou mayst prove me. WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, 1609 If an angel were ever to tell us anything of his philosophy I believe many propositions would sound like 2 times 2 equals 13. - G. C. Lichtenberg Somehow it seems fitting that this last issue of edge, this is an unprecedented collation in the BLACK PEARL before the Western world's Millen­ whole of occult literature. These contents also nium party should be devoted to ANGELS. Nothing have forced this special issue to a larger size than - not even crystals, unicorns, or rainbows! - has usual (and we're taking a small financial battering so dominated New Age revivalism in the years on the mailed copies by doing so; donations are leading to this event as has angel lore, bejeweling welcome as always!). at least 5,000 years of known human interaction We have focused, in all of these articles, not so with these divine messengers. One would, at much on the technique of Thelema' s adepts and times, almost think that recognition of the Holy their magick, but on their experience. Technique Guardian Angel's guidance in human life has be­ will vary. "None knoweth the Name of his bro­ come so commonplace as to be cliche. Alas! Were ther's God, or the Rite that invokes Him." But, to it only so! The Great Work of the A:.A:. would an astonishing extent, there is a commonality in be so much farther along. But we are patient; and the reports of the consequent experience. it may be admitted that there have been gains, as Even though Frater Yod's "Beginners" column ever-expanding segments of the general populace does not appear in this issue (it was going to be on respond ever more sensitively to intuition, a the Hexagram Ritual), nearly every article and broader awareness of !hings spiritual, and the bois­ poem is aimed at beginners just as much as at the terous marriage of Will and Love. more advanced student; for they speak of this I write this letter on the 20th anniversary of my shared experience of the deepest recognition of admission as a Probationer in A:.A: .. Two dec­ who and what we fundamentally are. ades ago last night, Soror Meral retrieved me from Five generations of personal accounts are print­ a redeye flight to SFO and drove me to her home ed here, of the K&C of the HGA or the aspiration in Dublin, where the simple-yet-decisive cere­ thereto, beginning with remarks by Aleister Crow­ mony occurred the next day. I cannot conceive, at ley, Karl Germer, and Phyllis Seckler. this late date, what my life would have been like in Following these, "The Magical Record of Bro­ the absence of this undertaking. Though not al­ ther Proserpinus" is a modern tale of a brother of ways evident at the time, every other feature of my the A:.A:. who undertook to attain to the K&C of life in the score of years since has been secondary his HGA and succeeded. The anonymous author is to and supportive of this single step. one of Soror Meral' s students. Almost a decade For all that I have been blessed to experience ago (with the author's agreement), Soror Meral and know during these years, I thank Soror Meral, charged me with the editing of this voluminous and dedicate · to her this issue No. 6 of BLACK material for eventual pUblication. "This must be PEARL. devoted to the topic of the Knowledge and shared with the children who come after," she Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. said. "You have to find away." Though a small In this issue, we include several firsthand ac­ book was made ready from the diary manuscript, it counts of this K&C of the HGA. To my know 1- has not yet been published for various reasons. We 3 BLACK PEARL are happy, however, to be able to print some of it designs in question, he gave none at all - except a in this issue. Please understand that these are but statement on the back of the book's jacket calling excerpts of the diary.
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