US 2015O1960O2A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2015/0196002 A1 Friesth (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 16, 2015 (54) AUTOMATED HYBRIDAQUAPONICS AND (52) U.S. Cl. BOREACTOR SYSTEM.INCLUDING CPC ................ A0IG31/02 (2013.01); A0IG 7045 PRODUCT PROCESSING AND STORAGE (2013.01); H05B 37/0245 (2013.01) FACILITIES WITH INTEGRATED ROBOTICS, CONTROL SYSTEM, AND RENEWABLE (57) ABSTRACT ENERGY SYSTEMI CROSS-REFERENCE TO Provided is a consumer to industrial scale automated high RELATED APPLICATIONS yield aquaponics system that amalgamates conventional farming techniques with hybrid integrated multi-trophic (71) Applicant: Kevin Friesth, Fort Dodge, IA (US) aquaculture with aeroponics. The present invention also includes a microalgae bioreactor and organism reactor pro (72) Inventor: Kevin Friesth, Fort Dodge, IA (US) duction system. Further, the present invention utilizes adap tive metrics, biometrics, and thermal imaging analysis, moni (21) Appl. No.: 14/267,580 toring, and control (using robotic automation) via an artificially intelligent control system. The control system of (22) Filed: May 1, 2014 the present invention allows for a controlled, symbiotic envi ronmental ecosystem. Additionally, the present invention Related U.S. Application Data incorporates integrated product processing, packaging, dry (60) Provisional application No. 61/926,372, filed on Jan. storage and cold storage facility and enhanced biosecurity. 12, 2014. The present invention utilizes renewable green energy Sources as the primary energy component input. Thus, the Publication Classification system of the present invention yields an environmental friendly, sealable, and Sustainable aquaponics system with (51) Int. Cl. organically-derived and contaminate-free produce including, AOIG 3/02 (2006.01) but not limited to fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers as well H05B 37/02 (2006.01) as a wide variety of microalgae, organisms, and aquaculture AOIG 7/04 (2006.01) species. Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 1 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 2 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 3 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 4 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 5 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 S- wasma mammama was was was awa. awo -- s as l s s: s C. s s .. <s --- ( 8: E c 3.& & s- s it. s . - .. x- sixxxxx Ss i s 5. essessereta-sensesoelenaeae Sistensities: Sextorteresterexxxxx area. 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S. rt a Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 13 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 ~~~~90% Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 14 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 water Storage Big Pittgr / iter g g cigr w Digester As spornics Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 15 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 is terrins Photosyrtist ir operties of Ptant Sps iss ; (3xicits trict. ir C. tex r 3rgiri.g., M Array to wirg Complinertory/ Orcs . xass (or Q ticke Ligit Chissiors Tiiu "iro, iof 8:"roy M To irowth Regureens its of -ont. Specises i3. Pitar Sys, lies. Jrclair cortimer, 3ry Resise live light Epissions Patent Application Publication Jul. 16, 2015 Sheet 16 of 18 US 201S/O1960O2 A1 vir or trils - i.r:Sprig Lie termine hotosyntheticN. : ... -- (Origins it roperties of Piont Spsies it is reiration A^* a y a kricate is aimiro tor Array Howing Corpiiri ritory. Sirut3ts i is riotiki & ight rissions r s r. 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Species drcier oriti?heritory Respective : it risirs US 2015/O 1960O2 A1 Jul. 16, 2015 AUTOMATED HYBRIDAQUAPONICS AND fact that water is used in aeroponics to transfer plant nutrients; BOREACTOR SYSTEM INCLUDING it is sometimes referred to as a type of hydroponics. PRODUCT PROCESSING AND STORAGE 0005 Aquaponics involves the symbiotic integration of FACILITIES WITH INTEGRATED ROBOTICS, the growth of aquatic species with growth of plants. The CONTROL SYSTEM, AND RENEWABLE general concept of the aquaponics system is that the waste ENERGY SYSTEMI CROSS-REFERENCE TO products from the aquatic species are used as nutrients for the RELATED APPLICATIONS plant species. In utilizing the nutrient-rich waste of the aquatic species, the plants somewhat cleanse the circulating CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED water, making it Suitable for the aquatic species to Survive in. APPLICATIONS 0006. The term horticulture refers to the processes associ ated with aeroponics plant species and plant products 0001. This application claims priority from U.S. Provi between the time plant species are germinated, grown and sional Application Ser. No. 61/926.372 filed Jan. 12, 2014 and harvested, and the time the final product is delivered to the entitled AUTOMATED HYBRID AQUAPONICS AND customer. The term in practice is extended to cover any BIOREACTOR SYSTEM INCLUDING PRODUCT PRO aeroponics species harvested for commercial purposes, CESSING AND STORAGE FACILITIES WITH INTE where the plant species are germinated, grown and harvested. GRATED ROBOTICS, CONTROL SYSTEM, AND There is an increasing demand for ready to eat aeroponics RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM. The contents of U.S. nutritional products such as pre-processed, pre-packaged Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/926,392 is hereby incor organic salads, juices and Smoothies. This would also entail porated in its entirety by reference. products that don’t need much preparation, commonly referred to as convenience foods for distributors, restaurants, FIELD OF THE INVENTION retailers and end consumers. 0002 The present invention relates to an automated hybrid 0007. The basic premise of aeroponics growing is to grow aquaponics system encompassing an artificially intelligent plants suspended in a closed and highly controlled environ controlled and stabilized environmental control system using ment by spraying the plant's roots and lower stem with an adaptive biometrics and thermal imaging for active analysis, atomized or fine sprayed, nutrient-rich water Solution. The monitoring, and machine learning control. Said invention leaves and crown, often referred to as the “canopy', extend further comprising Sustainable ecosystem elements encom above the light limited root area. The roots of the plant are passing a high pressure, symmetrical aeroponics and inte separated and isolated from potential light sources via the grated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems while also plant Support structure. Prior art uses foam, rubbergrommets incorporating a microalgae bioreactor and organism reactor and other media that would be compressed around the lower production system, digesters for waste management, raw stem and inserted into an opening in the aeroponics Support food processing, post convenience food processing, packag chamber, this decreases labor and expense; larger plants for ing and integrated dry and cold storage facility all with example used trellising to Suspend the weight of vegetation robotic automation. and fruit. 0008 Aquaponics systems are being openly regarded and BACKGROUND increasingly recognized as having the greatest potential to offer workable solutions to some of the world’s greatest prob 0003. The world trend is that there is less and less arable lems concerning modern agriculture and aquaculture sys land available for agriculture which needs to feed more and more people, while still maintaining all the biological and tems. These problems include: other services that land and natural ecosystems provide. 0009 A) Unsustainable and increasing population There is therefore an overwhelming imperative to produce growth, greatly effecting global potable water availabil quality food and biomaterial with highyields in the minimum ity and usage in a world of quickly diminishing fresh possible space and feedstock material usage with the mini Water resources; mum possible ecological impact and near to the end use 0.010 B) Land previously suitable for agriculture is location. becoming prohibitively expensive or unavailable due to 0004. There are multiple agricultural methods to process urbanization and urban sprawl; various plant species. Humans have been actively been pro 0.011 C) As a consequence of urbanization and global cessing plants since before recorded time. Aeroponics is one ization, the logistics of so called food miles (food of those processes to grow plants in an air or mist type of miles meaning the number of miles between food pro environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium duction, market, and the end consumer) is rapidly which is also known as geoponics and commonly referred to increasing, resulting in a range of ecological and human as agriculture. The word “aeroponics’ is derived from the health problems—such as breakdown of nutrients, Greek meanings to aero- (air) and ponos (labor).
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