Yearbook Officers 253 - List of Members 254

Yearbook Officers 253 - List of Members 254

1963 YEARBOOK OFFICERS 253 - LIST OF MEMBERS 254 OFFICIAL SECTION 269 SALES DEPARTMENT 270 - LIBRARY 272 ANNUAL MEETING 276 THE WILLIAMSBURG SHOW 282 - ADVERTISING 286 0//icial journal 0/ Vhe J3riti~h .North c:America Pkilatelic Society Volume 20 .Number 10 W/wle .Number 217 .November 1963 Printed November 1st Those we have pleased write and say ... The sale has been organized most efficiently and I would also like to express my appreciation to those responsible for the compilation and presentation of the catalogue. This has been done in an excellent manner and reflects much credit on your organiz.ation. It is very gratifying to find that in spite of tire large collections passing through your hands, tire same care and attention is given to those of a much smaller kind." H. R., Hale, Cheshire, 10.6.63 ''I would like to thank you for the efficient way you have dealt with my affairs". P. W. F. Mel., Reading. 28.5.63 " ... May I say here that I was very pleased throughout the transaction, not only with the satisfactory sale prices you obtained for my stamps but also with your exem­ plorary custom er service, with regard to correspondence, information, etc." E. F., Winston-Salem, N.C., U.S.A. 3.12.62 SELL WITH SATISFACTION through ROBSON LOWE LTD. 50 PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W.l . EN GLAND Cables: "Stamps, London, S.W.l" For full details of our intemational organization selld for our current REVIEW. When replying to this advertisement please memioll that you saw it in "B.N.A. Topics" YEAR BOOK OF THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICA PHILATELIC SOCIETY 9 6 3 * OFFICERS President, Clare M. Jephcott Vice-President, Clarence A. Westhaver Secretary, Jack Levine Treasurer, James T. Culhane Board of Governors, C. P. deVolpi, L. A. Davenport, Alfred H. Kessler, Willard Rorke, William C. Peterman, Dr. J. Matejka, Jr., G. B. Llewellyn, Dr. Robert V. C. Carr (Chairman) D. C. Meyerson APPOINTED OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES Librarian, Edgar C. Black Sales Manager, AI P. Cook Editor BNA TOPICS, John H. M. Young Circulation Editor, Hedley J. Hollands Advertising Manager, Edward J. Whiting Editorial Board, V. G. Greene (Chairman), Chas. P. deVolpi, Fred Jarrett, D. C. Meyerson, Wilmer C. Rockett, J. N. Sissons Liaison Study Group, lvlembership & Nominatin>: Committee, E. A. Richardson (Chairman) Fred Jarrett, J. N. Sissons, H. W. Harrison, W. C. Rockett Election Committee, J. S. Siverts (Chairman) Publicity Director, ATthur W. Mcintyre Library Committee, V. G. Greene (Chairman), Ivan J. Delisle, J. H . M. Young Board of Examiners, J. N. Sissons (Chairman), Harry W. Lussey, D. C. Meyerson Permanent Convention Committee, Richard A. Compton, Edward A. RichaTdson, G. D. Hicks, Dr. R. V. C. Carr, Alfred H. Kessler Handbook Committee, R. J. Woolley (Chairman) BNA TOPICS, Volume 20, Number 10, Whole Number 217, is published at Toronto, Ontario by the British North American Philatelic Society. Editor: John H. M. Young, 503 John Street, Dean Grove, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Past Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash. YEARBOOK/ BNA TOPICS/NOVEMBER 1963 253 Vhe &iti~h JVo'tth olme'tica Pkilatelic $ocietg MEMBERSHIP LIST (Correct to Oct. 1, 1963) (L-preceding number indicates Life Member) A 118S Acutt, Mrs. John, Gen'l. Delivery, Port Elgin, New Brunswick 1088 Adams, William T., Box 1104, San Jose 8, California. S27 Adamson, M. C., M.D., 111S9-77 Avenue, Edmonton, Alta. 1320 Affleck, W. N., 163 Alexandra St., Oshnwa, Ont. 448 Aguilar, Everard F., P.O. Box 406, Kingston, Jamaica, B.W.J. 1016 Anderson, J. Fred, P.O. Box 71, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. 1466 Aldrich, Guy, 23 Hip.h St.. Brandon, Vt. 86S Allen, Aubrey C., Main, Newfield, N.Y. 996 Allen, J. Millar, 36 Antrim Road, Lbbum, North Ireland. S~O Allison, Russell, 940 Kenyon Ave., Plainfield, New Jersey 1364 Allum, H. A., 303S Hampton Crescent, Calgary , Alta. 19S8 Alton, Thomas R., Apt. 2 14, Harewood Court, 384 Upper Rlchmond Road, Putney, London S.W. 1S, England 908 Ambrose, Paul H .• 311 Dundas Street, Oakville, Ontario 967 Amos, D., 98 Griendell Ave., Winnipeg 8, Man. 1307 Amtmann, Bernard, 441 Mt. Pleasant Ave., Westmount, Que. L997 Anderson, A. G., P.O. Box 189, Gibson Lodge, B.C. 361 Anderson, Carl A., 112().12th Street E., Saskatoon, Snsk. 1720 Anderson, David Henry, 1208 Frontenac Ave., Calgary, Alta. 1016 Anderson, 1. Fred, P.O. Box 71, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewnn. 1903 Anderson, W. H., 702 No. 3 Road, Richmond, B.C. ISIS Andros, Andrew, 342 North East Avenue, Kankakee, 111. 1878 Anthony, Wilfred L., 2S9 Kaiser Crescent, Oshawa, Ont. 68S Apfelbaum, Earl P. L., 1 S03-0S Walnut St., Philadelphia 2, Penna. 112 Apking, George, Alexandria, Nebraska. 189S Applebaum, Arthur A., 261 Addison Place, Paramus, N.J. 1118 April, Georges, 755 Ste-Foye Road, Quebec 6, Quebec 1812 Arfstrom, Howard, 1Sl3 W. State St., Rockford, lll. 1708 Argue, Miss Edith A., 7 Edmund Ave., Apt 311, Toronto 7, Ont. 120 Armstrong, Charles, R.R. No. 1, Upper Rawdon, N.S. 1398 Arnold, Charles P., 49 Christie St., Troy, N.Y. 1153 Arons, Mark L., 204 Muriel St., Ithaca, N.Y. ?S8 Atkinson, F . B., 132 Rosedale Ave., Hamilton, Ont. 936 Atkinson, F. George, 1215 Greene Ave., Montreal 6, Que. 998 Atwood, Dudley W., P.O. Box S, Watertown, Conn. 1929 Averill, J. E., 163 St. Germain Ave., Toronto 12, Ont. 1879 Avery, James C., 11 9 Thurston Ave., llhaca, N.Y. I ~S8 Avery, Raymond E., 3 Old Mamaroneck Road, White Plains, N.Y. 712 Ayre, Charles A., P.O. Box 191, Petrolia, Oot. B 19 Bain, Rev. JohnS., 435 Fourth St .. Santa Rosa, Calif. 1214 Baker, B. M., Box 3S8, Ke!owna, BriUsh Columbia. 1919 Baker, Ross H., 114 Brunswick St., Truro, N.S. JS40 Balassa, Frank, 20 Cartbnae Drive, Rochester 21, N.Y. 786 Balassa, Dr. Joseph J ., P.O. Box 624, Brattleboro, Vt. 1519 Banks, F. Marlow 452 Gordon Ave., Peterborough, Ont. 631 Banks, Leon W., Bethlehem, Conn. 460 Banner, Harold L., 24·107S Gilford St., Vancouver s. B.C. 1321 Banno, Edward C., 435 Victoria St., Kamloops, B.C. 73 Bantham, Albert P., 246 State St., Schenectady S, N.Y. 1600 Burden, Harold M., 632 South Avenue 60, Los Angeles 42, Calif. 57S Baresch, Leopold, Broad Oak Trumpet Hill, Flanchford Rd., Reigate, Surrey, Enaland. 1880 Barlow, K., lOSS Ottawa Ave.. West Vancouver, B.C. 1988 Barna, Euaene, R.R. # 2, uamington, Ontario 254 YEARBOOK / BNA TOPICS/ NOVEMBER 1963 1803 Barnes, Denison H., 1360 Burnaby St., Apt. 4, Vancouver S, B.C. 1838 Barnes Herbert L., Buchans, Nftd. L 33 Barrac:lougb, J. Reg., 3495 Vendome Ave., Montreal 28, Que. 1.612 Barron, Richard, c;o Grand Theatre, Calaary, Alta. 1391 Bartlett, Bart H., 71 1 Braeview Road, Louisville 6, Ky. 159 BauaUd, G eorae C., liS Windsor St., Halifax, N.S. 1213 Baulch, Ben L., 29 Indian Valley Trail, Pon Credit, Ont. 704 Bayley, Colin H., 400 Friel St., Ottawa, Ont. 1813 Beaumont, Howard B., 506 Stevenson Lano-Towson, Baltimore 4, Md. 1175 Beaver, Paul P., 33 Pleasantview Ave., Lonameadow 6. Mass. 1524 Beck, Allen C., Rogue Valley Manor, Medford, Oregon 148 Beckman, W . C., 305 College Ave., Regina, Sask. 1400 Bedwell , Sid F., Box 206, Salmon Arm, B.C. 1413 Belanger, Marcel, 4811 Colonial Ave., Montreal 14, Que. 1467 Bell, Lawrence M., Box 414, St. John, N.B. 1744 Benjamin, Philip E., 214 Windermere Ave., Wayne, Pa. 1881 Bennlngen, Jack, 157 Wildwood Drive, Calgary, Alta. 1187 Bentham, Chester N ., 21 Stewart Ave., Hanford Bay, Silver Creek, N.Y. 14S7 Benton W. George P .• 534 Harvey St., Peterborouab, Ont. 891 Benwell, Dr. C. E., 321 Agnes St., New Wesrmlnster, B.C. 1653 Serest, Joseph, 1273 California Road, Eastchester, N.Y. 1308 Berkelhelmer, Irwin, 3431 Flamingo Avenue, Charlotte, N.C. 1409 Bernard, Eugene, 702-14th Street W ., Nonh Vancouver, B.C. 1843 Bemstine, Melvin L., MD., 1543 M armont Lane, Los Angeles 46, Calif. 1709 Betts, Elmer C. Jr., 4209-73rd Avenue, Bellemead. Hyansville, Md. 427 Betts Fredk. E. M., " Lulwortb", Halls Lane, Sblnfield, Reading, Berks, EoaJand 1896 Bilanaio, John Joseph, 1 Shore Drive, Winthrop 52, Mass. 1496 Bllden, WIUiam 0., 214-215 Upper Midwest Blda., Minneapolis I, Minn. 122 BlleskJ, K . Station B, Winnipeg, Man. 223 BIIIIJ!, Fritz, 168-39 Highland Ave., Jamaica 32, N.Y. 645 Billings, F. L., 80 Wlngold Ave., Toronto 19, Ont. 1553 Bishop, William J., 4011 Stone Canyon Ave., Sherman Oaks, Calif. 1639 Black, Bdaar C .. 1726 Western Pky., Vancouver 8, B.C. 1479 Black, Eugene C., 22 Lathrop Road, Wellesley 81, Massachusetts 1339 Black, Raymond E .. 629 Spruce St., Wlnnlpea 10, Man. 809 Blanchard, Julian. 1 Sheridan Square, N.Y.C. 14. 1897 Blauner, Victor, 317 W . 87th Street, N.Y.C. 24. 673 Blois, E. M., 1136 Cartaret St., Halifax, N .S. 1569 Blumenauer, Charles R. ,Box 521 , Armstrona, B.C. 768 Boaa, Wm. G . Jr., New England Stamp Co., 45 Bromfield St., Boston 8, Mass. 892 Bonar, John J ., 30 Greenhill Gardens, Edinburah. Scotland. 1373 Bond. C. C., P.O. Box 335, Station B, Montreal, Que. L84 Bond, Nelson S., 1625 Hampton Avenue S.W., Roanoke IS, Va. S53 Boronow, Robert R., 1255 University St., Rm. 820, Montreal, Quebec 1645 Borton. Clarence F., 632 So. Arden Blvd., Los Angeles S, Calif. 181 7 Botterell, Henry J. L., 215 Fifty-Third Avenue, Lachine, Que. 1976 Bowen, Edward H. Jr., M.D., 207 Valley Brook Drive, Falls Church, Virginia 1580 Bowmer, Dr. Ernest John, 1919 Linden Road, Vancouver 13, B.C. 1468 Boyd, Norman, M.D., 1175 Kildare Road, Windsor, Ont.

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