MONDAY The Voice of Hawai‘i April 11, 2005 Inside News 2 Opinions 4,5 Comics | Crossword 6 Features 7 Ka Leo O Hawai‘i Sports 8 VOL. XCIX ISSUE 132 THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI‘I AT MANOA¯ www.kaleo.org Celebrate the Earth Fresh buffet Volunteers helped to build the main Earth Dome for the University of Hawai’i Earth Day Celebration on Friday, April 22, from 10 a.m to 10 opens at UHM p.m at the UH-Manoa Sustainability Courtyard. There will be teach in sessions Govinda’s food quinoa and organic salads. and action-oriented exhibits “We’re trying to make it as inter- in the Earth Dome to learn esting as possible, but at the same how to build grass-roots com- time we don’t want to clash with Ono is unexplainably munity change. Other exhib- Pono,” said Tejaprakash, President of its are the Malama’aina ISKON Hawai`i. nourishing Hands-On Project, the Global Govinda’s is working in partner- Goods Bazaar, Super Market, ship with the UH Office of By Michelle Takiguchi and Global Village Sustainability and Ono Pono, an Ka Leo Staff Writer Performances. established vegetarian kiosk in the After months of obstacles, area, to increase the popularity of the Govinda’s Buffet, a new vegetarian courtyard by offering healthy, deli- DIANA KIM kiosk, welcomes everyone to join for cious meals. Ka Leo O Hawai‘i lunch in the University of Hawai`i Govinda’s offers Ala Carte Sustainability Courtyard today. options as well as full meals to cater The buffet is an extension of the to the finances of college students. Govinda’s Buffet located in the “We want to increase the food options International Society for Krishna that the faculty, students and staff Bills to improve regent selection Consciousness at Hare Krishna have,” said Daiva. Temple at 51 Coelho Way in Nu`uanu. Govinda’s will be temporarily By Clint Kaneoka According to the Hawai`i 8 remaining positions. The Govinda’s on campus will located in a tent structure until they Kapio Editor Constitution, the Board of Regents is Following its inception, the CAC serve a variety of vegetarian dishes, obtain a permanent concession in in charge of formulating policy, and would work to solicit applications for including Italian, Mexican, Chinese May, said Teja. To improve the method of select- exercising control over the university Board of Regents members, and then and Indian cuisine. As students enter the courtyard ing members for the University of through the president of the university. systematically select the best candi- Furthermore, the Regents have exclu- dates. “It’s an international menu, con- from Correa Road, the new kiosk will Hawai`i Board of Regents, Hawai`i’s State Legislature is trying to pass two sive jurisdiction over the internal Although the governor will still centrating on local produce and be somewhere on the left near Ono bills that would create an advisory structure, management and operation choose the regents, the selections must organic,” said Daivadas, one of the Pono, said Teja. temple chefs. “It’ll be pure vegetari- council to help screen and propose of the university. come from the candidates appointed “We’re limited to what we serve. an. No meat, fish or eggs.” candidates. Presently, the process of selecting by the CAC. But, when we get our permanent con- Regent members rests almost solely in “This would result in board can- Crystal Chun, a UH Asian The first bill, SB1257 SD2 HD1, cession we’ll be expanding our looks to establish a Candidate the hands of the governor, who didates who are more familiar with the Studies major and temple volunteer, menu,” said Daiva. And just so stu- Advisory Council that would help to appoints the candidates for the university,” Hooser said. “The state is excited to have a Govinda’s on dents don’t get confused... screen possible candidates, and then 12-member board. The nominations Legislature wants the university to be campus. “We’re not with Govinda’s juices,” recommend the approved applicants to are then turned over to the Senate for more independent, and this is a big “Before I had to get a ride to go said Daiva. “They’re a separate busi- the governor. However, in order to approval or rejection, the lone safe- step toward its autonomy. Everyone to the temple to eat lunch. Now I can guard against the governor filling the with an interest in the university will ness.” change the selection process, a consti- go to the sustainability courtyard,” tutional amendment is required. Thus, board with political allies. It is this sort be represented, and a more thorough said Chun, who describes the food as The kiosk will be open from 10 the second bill, SB1256, would put the of one-sided selection process that has search can be done to find the best “very nourishing in an unexplainable a.m. until 2 p.m. five days. Teja said idea of a CAC before the public in the caused some to question as to whether possible candidates. That will result in way.” that Govinda’s has a contract to stay 2006 statewide elections. political motivations are jeopardizing people having greater confidence in Chun’s favorites from Govinda’s in the Sustainability Courtyard for a “The bills came about from the quality of the nominees. the position.” are the puri’s or deep-fried Indian year, with the option to renew for two research showing that the Association The new bills would help to alle- Since all members of the Board flatbread, and halava, an Indian des- more years after that. of Governing Boards of Universities viate such concerns by establishing an of Regents and the proposed CAC will 11-member CAC. The proposed bill be volunteers, the new bills should sert made from semolina flour, milk Hours of operation may also and Colleges recommends this type of outlines the selection process of CAC have little to no effect on student and raisins that’s cut into bars. change, depending on the kind of selection process for the Board of Regents,” said Gary Hooser, State members, delegating one nomination tuition, according to Hooser. The kiosk will eventually offer a feedback they receive from the UH Senator of District 7. “The intent of the each to the governor, Senate president, “In the long term, the CAC will campus. wide selection of dishes that will bills is to remove any suggestion that and speaker of the House of create a better university, with better change on a daily basis such as veg- “We’re open to suggestions. the selection of its members is politi- Representatives. leadership,” said Hooser. “It will trans- etarian meatballs with spaghetti, cas- We’re here to please the students and cally motivated, and to ensure that the Representatives from other vari- fer more power to the university, giv- seroles, stir-fry dishes, tofu prepara- the faculty,” said Teja. “We’re asking most talented and experienced candi- ous campus groups, such as the UH ing it a group of people who are more tions, vegetable medleys, brown rice, for as much input as we can get.” dates are chosen. It is just a better Professional Assembly, and the UH familiar with the way the institution is process.” System Student Caucus, would fill the run.” Students protest housing NewsBriefs Undergrad commencement [email protected], or visit the com- speaker auditions mencement Web site. Study grant for Hawai`i resident Auditions for the Spring 2005 under- Workshop teaches effective The Goto of Hiroshima Foundation graduate commencement speaker will resume and cover letter writing is to award a $5,000 study grant, take place on Apr. 20 from 4:30 to 7 which includes a study trip to p.m. at the Hemenway Theatre. Students may sign up for the Hiroshima, Japan, to a Hawai`i resi- To be eligible for audition, the stu- resume and cover letter workshop that dent. dent speaker must be a graduation can- will be held next week Tuesday from The grant will be awarded based on didate in May and have a minimum 2 - 3 p.m. at the Queen Lili`uokalani individual’s interest in Japan-Hawai`i grade point average of 3.0. Students Center for Student Services 208. relations including culture, politics, who must complete summer courses in The basics of creating effective economics or language. order to graduate are not eligible to resumes and cover letters will be cov- Applicants must be between 18 - audition ered at the workshop. Samples of 40 and residents of Hawai`i. Selection criteria may be found on effective resumes and cover letters Preference is given to the commencement Web site: www. will also be provided. individuals from Honoka’a, Hawai`i. TONY BLAZEJACK • Ka Leo O Hawai‘i manoa.hawaii.edu/commencement. To sign up for this workshop, con- The application deadline is May 6, ASUH Senator of Arts and Sciences Katie Berry counts off the various Call 956-6145 to sign-up to audition. tact Career Services by calling 956- 4:30 p.m. media crews that covered the “I’d rather sleep on the lawn” protest to A committee of students, faculty 8136, or visit Queen Lili’uokalani For more information or an appli- student housing conditions, held at Bachman lawn near the Dole and staff members will select the Center for Student Services 212F. cation form, visit the Japanese Cultural Street/University Avenue intersection. Look in tomorrow’s Ka Leo for a Graduation Speaker following audi- For more information, e-mail UH Center office at 2454 S.
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