r The Westhsr : r . 1 '/ ATcrste Dsily Net Press Rm RATURDAYr JUNE 18, 19M Fsr the Waak-Baded Fanesal 9tV.U, Watfeas JmM IR 1888 PAGl TWELVE TsnlgM, aMiy. wars Law 11,688 near ee. Twisday hat, it is harmless, feeding mainly open r ef tha A«dtt eveiriag. HIgli 88 te i f f .. frogs and toads. As a matter of a t ' -ftiist, there are only two poisonous M aneheitev^A City of Village Chorny A b o u t T o w n snakes to watch out for in this im­ WE OABRT ALL iHear^ Along Main Street mediate vicinity and they are LEAOINO BRANDS A (CMasMIii AivarUaiag aw Paga 18)' Rudolph K. Ctpeuo, 10. ion ot found only in mountainous areas. V0L.LXXIV,N0.221 ( e ig h t e e n PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN-, MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1955 PRIGE FIVE CENTS ICr. and M n. Klchial Oapello, And on Some ofidanche$ter*$ Too They are the copperhead and t^e Mr. and Mrs.'John MeCooe wiU- Umber rattlesnake. ’There is no celebrate their 40th wedding an- Arthur Drug Storut j HilUaxd a t ., racontly wm* pror* ntvereary with an open house to­ to aarfoant tn Ji^on. whw such a snake as the “water moc. iYlr- HI* Tr*«U! FUw <Mo them. They kept pushinc him caasin’^ in New England; this morrow aftemoga from 8 to 8 p.m. • manber o< tha l i t Cavalry _ away Horn the fire. at their home, 113 Bissell St. Turnabout Witness Bion. Sariaant Capallo. a squad Occasionally court officials run venomous species being found only across petq>la they have had » •>*"«* Oh well, many a hero goes un­ in the southern states. The com­ Friends and rslativea are invited sung. r mon water snake of odr streanu is to call between . these hours to New Minister of Army Gets Eight Months A ^ v 'in Novwnber^Wl and're- not bear any malice toi^rd those almost always mistaken for the congratulate them. ^ * ^ r S l n r at Fort who hav. helped punish the^. "Sheoklag" CeadltlonB Married tn St. Jamee’^ChUrch H '.l » ] l REPniR Carelessness around eleotrlcal moccassln, but its only resem­ on Julie 28, IMS. by the late Father WaaMngton, J‘ :ne 90 C/F— ‘Suiav Kan. CausWoiMTrlved In the I Theoretically. P ^ ^ P * appliances viili be extra.dangerOua blance to the latter is its under col­ ’TamObout wUneaa Kiaria Net- j 5 I s shouidn-e anyway, but human m - McGurk, taey have always lived Far Bast In June lao*. j, in the next three months if, the oring, which, like the moccassln, in Manchester. ’They have eight, vlg today was sentenoed to resembles the appearance' of an eight montha to t ^ years in pattern of death by electOcal shock Indian moccassln. ’The real moc- children, and 14 grandchildren. Th» entina / AJan M, tJouM, son o f Mr. and follows its yearly trend. children arc: John McCooe of East prinon for )ytn- utider oath os Fatal accidents from electric caosin of the South has a . pure Hartfpri. Joseph MoCooe of Man- E U n iU lilRIT a government witneaa. shock — which now take about white mouth which gives it the ■ lester. Major ’Hiomas McCooe in UB. District Ju(l>;e /Jexsii- P- 1.000 lives yearly in the United name of "cotton-mouth moccas- «jaU . 8. Army Air Force sUtloned der Holtsoff turnca down a SUtes — reach their peak during sin.’’ in Oermjmy but due to come heme plea 'jy Mrs. Natvig’s a'tom ey M u d i^ . I hope this letter will be of M M U A W ’ C lire the summer, with more than two next mOnA, Mrs. Ronald Madama M ilitary Seen; that she be allowed to remain fifths of the year’s electrical fata­ some help to your readers who for o f Hartrtitd, and James MoCooe, niiniidvif u free on bond (jendlng on ap­ lities occurrliv during June, July, some reason, may hate the appear­ Mrs. Henry Wlttke, Charles Mc- peal. A marshal intmediately man he helped. and August. ance of our haitalesa and helpful Oooa and Mias Jeanette McCoos, Seeking Junta took the 51 • year - old gray A meeting o f the But, to the story. One o f Man- The higher mortality rate in me snakes that do so much good in nil of Manchester. haired mother into cus.^dy; Aualllary Police will be held Man- chester’^s court officials was driv­ summer is probably due to the in­ keeping the rodent and insect pop- A jury bad oonvirted Mrs. day night at 7;S0 in the Auxiliary ing in town on a recent Satun^y creased amount of outdoor work ulaUon from getting out ot hand, In Peron Talks Natvig May 14 of thee# G o v e rn o r, Room a t PtiUce Headquarter. When........ his...... car............. stalled............... He could and play, an«>- that the body is along with our many spaciea of Auto Mishap Suit charges of perj-iry. The indict­ P«»<y m“ cnimw «®‘ agaln.'ilthough more likely to be wet from per- wild birds. ... ■ ■■ I' — ment stemmed from her te ti- splraUon, with Its reslstence te Sincerely. Buenos, Aires, Argentina, mony os a Federal Oommuni- Rival Chiefs Then along came the man who el^trlcal shock consequently i (Signed) Charles E. Booth. Settled (or $5,250 June 20 — Argentina’s ; oattons Oommiwtcn (FCC) Rears. \ had been a defendant in so many low ei^ . ' . .,1 153 Pearl St. > 7 new armed forces chief, Gen. [ witaees during on inquiry into Manchester, court appearances. He --About 05 percent of the fata­ I Manchester, Conn. / the baekgroiund of HJdwnrd Three Mancheeter Mraons r^ Franklin Lucero, pressed | In case of Inclement weathern, 1 was slightly uiuteady on his feet lities annually occur among males, June 14, 1965 / H iat Interpret The Lamb, at Toledo lawj-ar, pub- , Back Plans tomorrow the outdoor s e r^ of U iThls^tS were sull nimble and reflecting largely the effect of oc­ celved $5,250 in a damages suit Wishes Of The Fssdiy grimly ahead today with ef­ Usher and brosslajrUng execu­ the North Methcfdlst vmurenChurch gn excellent mechanic. cupational hazards. - Noa-Coaformlat brought against a Southington_|^ forts to return revolt- tive. acheduled to be held at the site Accidents in the home, brought One of Manchester’s better man in Hartford Superior Court. • bloody Argentina to normal. Hartford, June 20 <jP>—At He Offered to look at the recalci about by such varied circumstance known public buildings near the The case was settled out of court JOHN Be BURKE least seven sweeping reforms I vrant car and quickly spotted the Ontec had to remain locked for yesterday. The 57-year-old Army minister, trouble, a broken distributor rotor. as defective extension cords, the who vaulted Into the spotlight designed to avoid last minute «church at the same hour. falling of a radio, fan, heater or about 10 minutes during tha The suit arose from a two-car FUNERAL HOME The automobile owner went to a coIUrion on Route 15, Tolland, two TEL aa-8-8888 after his troops rescued President Failse Oaths collapse of future sessions of other appllaiices into a bathtub dviliaa Defense alert Wednesday. Juan .Peron’a govenunenf from ~ u B.wJnn nearby farage and returned Short- where a person is bathing, and ’The jnan charged with keeping years ago. Mra Ulllan Petrus, 33 87 EAST CENTER ST, the General Assembly will be Marine Pfc. the doors locked said thia ra- Bilyue St., along with James and ‘Thursday's Jfavy tavoli, called on the starter children playing with AMBULANCE SERVICE the naUofl last night to aUmp out recommended to the special son of Mr. and Mm. purred nicely when wire, light sockeU, and defecUw quirement engendeipd soma re­ Dorcua White, husband and wife, ‘Signed’ by Balchunas of M Starkweather St., I was tried.. o f 37 Bilyue St.^ flled tbs suit af­ “false alarms" disturbing efforts egislative session convening Is participating with the 4th Ma­ appliances, claim many liven sentment in members of the pub- to restore peace. He signed his But- the court ofticial faced a through the course of a _, lie who felt their Ume was more ter being injured hi the accident Wednesday. rtas Regiment in the evaluation terrlflc moral dilemma. ‘ If he Oct. 23,1053. Mra Petrus and Mra communique as “Commander tn This was agreed upon by lead­ Of the many do it yourselr valuable than any old drill. Chief of the Forces of Repreaffen.’’ of the- newest type of bayonet paid the sometime defendant— kits, probably the one that has Ona well known local busineos- White were pcfsangers in’ the Four Fliers ers of the GOP edntroUsd House fighting. Ihe new system, which who had not been in trouble for White car at the time. Lucero and other military lead­ and the Democratic Senate at a teaches the individual to follow brought about the most deaths is man went so far aa to Jiggle the ers were to take part today In a some time, perhaps for lack of the result of persons attempting to lock surreptitiously and sneak The suit was grounded in neg­ JUNE pijILY meeting with Gov. Ribicoff this the rules and movements of box­ funds—any mqney,. there was a ligence on the claim that Jerry L- cetemony In bomb-blasted Ploxa Washington, June 20 (/P)— noon. install television aerials. But elec­ out, in defiance of orders from do Mayo commemorating Gen. ing, is being taught and tested by reasonable certainty that the man the man charged with keeping Luponlo of Southington was oper­ Well Pairt the Hifli An Air Force spokegftian sayi As tho group met to work out the 4th Marines at Kaneohe Bay, trical shock isn’t the only way an ating at exeeaaivs speed and'failed MaiiUel Bclgrono who created the final details of the special ses­ would wind up in police court Inexperienced aerial installer can the people inside.
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