
New Mexico Musician Volume 53 | Number 3 Article 1 4-1-2006 New Mexico Musician Vol 53 No 3 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician Part of the Music Education Commons Recommended Citation . "New Mexico Musician Vol 53 No 3." New Mexico Musician 53, 3 (2006). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_musician/vol53/ iss3/1 This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico Musician by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. fHE NEW MEXICO 53 3 MUSICIAN SPRING 2006 FFICIAL PUBLICATION NEW MEXICO MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION OLUME LIII 0 MUSIC IIC , .. IJIII U I IIUtUUtl ht • • ._., hllUltU <) .,.· \ I I .....__ COLLE(;E ..._ CREDIT -:v Available ~...., \ Refresh yourself at a The University of New Mexico summer music workshop! College of Fine Arts • Learn from leading music educators Albuquerque, New Mexico • Study new research-based teaching strategies • Participate in active learning experiences June 15-16, 2006 • Walk away refreshed for the new school year! Contact: Regina Carlow 505-277-4825 . [email protected] •800-527 -2701 Visit sbgmusic.com for more information. NMMEA OFFICERS PRESIO~"T THE ·\,iron flcollng \'.O'i C.,lk Sucno,. Sf Riu Randtu. \IM 1>7124· 751\X NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN Office (505) X'l7-0l 10 x21)241, Home (5051896-5555 Official Publication of the wt.·s1Y1_u JUIKl .com \ ICE-PRES1Dt.:1'T, BAl\0 New Mexico Music Educators Association Chuck Gcrhc3n Po Bo~ '54 l'yrone. N"I ~&065-075-1 Volume Ull Number 3 Spring 2006 Office. (505) 537-4554 ISSN 0742-8278 llom.: t 'i05) 'iW-93X2 cobrch,band'!i yJhoo.com \, IC£-PR£Sll)1,.;\ T. CHORAL CONTENTS NMMEA Website: www.nmmea.com Page Shell} Andc, PO Box 11158 \lbuqucrquc. l'iM 871<12-0158 DEPARTMENTS Office: (505) 294-\51 J >..246 President's Report ........................................................................... .4 llomc. ( 'iOS) 292 H 79 s nntle~(11 ,,1hoo.com Office Notes ............................................................................... 6 VI(. E-PRESIOE.'<T. ORCHESTRA From the Editor's Desk ...................................................................... 8 Ruth Stncgd 640-l Rosalind Om e N1: Vice Presidents' Reports \lhuquerque, N\l 87109 Band ............................................................ .. .................... 10 C>uice: (505) ~65-3711 ,1097 llome (505) 821-8136 Orchestra . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 ,mcg<lra·cybcrmcsa.corn General Music ......................................................................... 20 \ ICE-PR£S10E'-T. Gt;,. /\I l SIC Choral ................................................................................... 22 H.1mh1 Ila)' l201 W.1Ur11:<: Collegial\! .............................................................................. 27 limb. NM '!8111l 1755 Retirees/Mentoring Report . 28 Oflicc· (~05) 769-44~0 llomc {S05) 762-0281 District Presidents' Reporu ............................................................... .33 bha),lt.t clo, 1,-,,.;hoob.org SWMENC President's Report .............................................................. 36 \. ICF.-1•R£SID£:-iT. COLLEGIATE I r,mk , Pancho) Romero 3851 ShJdy (,lcn ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS l.ru. ( rucc,. NM ~1<005 NMMEA Awards Nominations .......................................................... 29 um«· c505 >M<>· ~14 1 I h>nk (505) 'il l-099'1 Uni\'ersity News.......... .. .. ............................ ........................ 30 pan.:hot11 mnsu ,-du NMMEA Board Minutes (January) .. .. .. ........................................ 38 I' \'>I l'Rk:S IIH.:-. J <,reg f,1111 NMMEA Executive Board Minmes (January} ...................................... .40 ~,J\)11 """""""' \ 1·,t~ NMMEA Business/Award~ Luncheon (January) ..................................... 40 L.i., ( rucc,, NM SllU 11,'I~ 'D OOic.· (5115\ 6-16-2421 NMMEA Executi\e Board Minutes (February) .........................................41 llornc 1~0:'i) 182.()+.I.I Advertisers ........................................................................................................ .45 gtant'll nmsu.~du NMMEA Music fndustry Council Members .............................................. 46 ",E\\ :\11-.:\ICO \1Vl'.Kl.\'lt N.. ,1 Dell l duor 1hl6 n 'Street. sr R,o Runcho, \jM 117124 Office (505)1191 -~JJ~ ~17:15 Neil Bell. Editor All corre,pondenc~ \hould be llomc· ( 505} 1192-6257 Home: 892-6257 addres,ed to 1he editor nhcll a mnh rTfh.k 12.nm.u., 1h16 33" E),ECl Tl\ E OIRf.(TOR Office: 891-5335 x 1735 St OonalJ L. Cicrhcan nbell(~mnh.rrps.k 12.nm.us Rio Rancho, NM 87124 93 M1mbres [)11ve Lo, Alamo,. 'IM ll75-14-3716 Oftice 1 lomc (5051 6 72-9~40 tlgcrhcart a nmmea com '\l:\IEA DISTRICT PR!sSIOf.;1,TS D1STRIC1 1-SOtrrm,EST OIS'I RICT 4-'-0RTI-t ct.NTRAL fhe New Me,11:0 Music Educaton. Assoc,auon ts a '>ho\\n Stha Jane C.crhi,an federated slate association of the Mu,,c Educators 11!6 7 Bnarwood Loop 93 "11mbrcs Dmc Nouonal Conference and part of the Southwestern I :i_.. ( ruccs. NM 8X(Kl5 Los Alamos. NM 87544-3716 Office 1505) 382-3222, llomc: 532-6l!45 Office llomc (505 l 6 72-9840 01vi~1on of MENC s,h aoh,rkrbru1J(11 y3hoo com gcrhc3n a c.irthlink.n~t DISTRICT 2-SOUTHEAST DISTRICT <>-CENTRAL T HE NEW MEXICO MUSICIAN 1s published t .orol Bame.~ K3tbcryn Josselyn three umcs per year· Pnntmg by Business Printing 4tl!l'I 'I l'onez 604 Arch1be4uc SE Service Inc .. 4316 Silver A,e. SE. Albuquerque, NM 11<,bb,. NM l\~240 Rio Rancho. Nll·I 1\7124 87 IOR. Dead lines for the Fall. Wintl!r and Spring Office· (505) 433-0200. Hl>mc 392-1043 Oflicc (505) X92-I IOO, I lomc 994-0~SJ bame,cra·hobb,school.nct k10,sclynl11 lms rrps.k I.!.nm .us i,,ucs arc: August I, October I. and March I. OISTIUC'I J.;1,QHTIJ\\ EST DIS1 RJCT 7-ALBUQUF.HQL F. l>avid Barker Kc,th Jordan Ne,\ CO\er design and illu~trntion by Ian McAbec 1'0 Ro, 994 12421 Rcgcm A,cnuc 'E Jamc,rown. NM 8n47 Albuquerque. NM !!7112 Subscription rate 10 non-members 11, $9.00 per year; Olfa:c (505) 721-1949, Home 488-MOI Officc (505) R23-2327, Home. 2()\.5225 smglc copy is $4.00. Change of address should be ,lbarkcr'tl gpj.gmc,.l..12.u, Jordan k(a aps.~Ju reported to E:-.ccutive Director Don Uerhcart The Nell' Mexico Musician - Spring, 2006 3 President's Report Aaron Fleming as well as keeping all ofus on our toes. mandated standards. When a teacher Don does a terrific job keeping on top refers Lo the standards, it further of the daily business. Neil Bel l has reinforces their importance. Finally. kept up with the demands of the the act of discussing. teaching and magazine and has done a greal job having students learn the standards and generating a professional publication. how they apply to the lesson being Thank you both for all of your hard taught. can only strengthen the notion work and dedication. that music is important and valued. lf An unsung hero for NMMEA is students understand and reflect on this. Charlie Brandon. our webmaster. the outcome is that they value the Father Norvil secured Charlie·s program that they are participants in. services for NMMEA several years How many times do problems ago and Charlie is still at it. Charlie is occur within your own class setting one of the nicest people you will ever because students have the perception know and docs a stellar job for us. that they are 111 an extra-curricular I hope lhat everyone had an class? Using the standards as a enjoyable and informative in-service in Standards as an Advocacy Tool teaching tool is an excellent way to January. Dr. Tim did a great job As music educators. we find enhance program credibility. This kick111g off the in-service with his ourselves spending more and more practice creates a positive learning keynote address and ll'e went 0111 with time promoting our programs to the environment for your students. u hang with great all-state festival administration. parenls and concerts. Thank you to all of our stale community. Because our programs arc Music Textbook Adoption Year member volunteers and special thanks "high profile" by nature, we find many Please note that this summer the to our facility management. Diantha golden opportunities to sec the merits state textbook materials arc up for Swoboda and Larry Wheeler, for domg of' music <luring concerts ,m<l other adoption. You may pla) a roll in lhl a super job in makmg sure the public perfom1ances. But, how often adoption process One ,, a~ to ensure conference flow went ofT v. ithoul a do we sell the value of music education that your fa\.oritc matenals arc on the hitch. And of course, the ~ ice­ t(I our own students'? Do the students list is to contact the publisher and presidents were tremendous and made sitting in the band, orchestra. choir. broker a relationship between them and everything look easy (which is never guitar, piano or general music class the PED textbook adoption people. the case)! This "as one of the best truly reali7c the 11nportance of a solid Once the materials are on the PED list. years in memory for first year state music education? The eight music the final adoption list will be generated officers. The vice-presidents did a content standards are accepted by the upon review June 5-6, 2006. Your wonderful job! National Music Educators Conference, voice is important. Please get involved. Once again the vice-presidents most states and then adapted in PED Contact: Marjorie Gillespie - have their respective disciplines off to districts all over America. "No Child [email protected] or 505- a 1unning start in preparation for our Left Behind" has created a new 827-3869 2007 all-state festival and in-service dimension for Fine Arts by making conference with conductors and them part of the core curriculum. Yet. Closin2 programs. all-state audition materials in many cases, teachers rarely refer to I wish you the best 111 your spring and teams. and workshops nearing these standards. They may be festivals and concerts.
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