CHRONOLOGY 65 1868. April 7, Murder of D'Arcy McGee at Gait appointed first Canadian High Ottawa. July 31, The Rupert's Commissioner in London. Sept. 1, Land Act authorizes the acquisition All British possessions in North by the Dominion of the Northwest America and adjacent islands, Territories. except Newfoundland and its de­ 1869. June 22, Act providing for the govern­ pendencies, annexed to Canada by ment of the Northwest Territories. Imperial Order in. Council of July 31. Nov. 19, Deed of surrender to the Oct. 21, Signing of the contract with Crown of the Hudson's Bay Com­ the present Canadian Pacific Rail­ pany's territorial rights in the way Co. for the completion of the Northwest. Outbreak of the Red Canadian Pacific Railway. River Rebellion under Riel. 1881. April 4, Second Dominion census. 1870. May 12, Act to establish the province May 2, First sod of the Canadian of Manitoba. July 15, Northwest Pacific Railway as a company line Territories transferred to the Dom­ turned. inion and Manitoba admitted into 1882. May 8, Provisional districts of Assini- Confederation. Sept. 24, Wolseley's boia, Saskatchewan, Athabaska expedition reaches Fort Garry (Win­ and Alberta formed. May 25, First nipeg); end of the rebellion. meeting of the Royal Society of 1871. April 2, First Dominion census (popu­ Canada. Aug. 23, Regina estab­ lations at this and succeeding enu­ lished as seat of government of merations given on p. 102). April 14, Northwest Territories. Act establishing uniform currency 1883. Feb. 1, Opening of the fifth Dominion in the Dominion. May 8, Treaty of Parliament. Sept. 5, Formation of Washington, dealing with questions the Methodist Church in Canada; outstanding between the United united conference. Kingdom and the United States. 1884. May 24, Sir Charles Tupper High July 20, British Columbia enters Commissioner in London. Aug. 11, Confederation. Order in Council settling the bound­ 1873. Mar. 5, Opening of the second Domin­ ary of Ontario and Manitoba. ion Parliament. May 23, Act estab­ 18S5. Mar. 26, Outbreak of Riel's second lishing the Northwest Mounted rebellion in the Northwest. April Police. July 1, Prince Edward Is­ 24, Engagement at Fish Creek. land enters Confederation. Nov. 7, May 2, Engagement at Cut Knife. Alexander Mackenzie becomes May 12, Taking of Batoche. May 16, Prime Minister. Nov. 8, Incor­ Surrender of Riel. Aug. 24, First poration of Winnipeg. census of the Northwest Territories. 1874. Mar. 26, Opening of the third Domin­ Nov. 16, Execution of Riel. ion Parliament. May, Ontario Ag­ 1886. April 6, Incorporation of Vancouver. ricultural College, Guelph, opened. June 7, Archbishop Taschereau of 1875. April 8, The Northwest Territories Quebec made first Canadian Act establishes a" Lieutenant-Gov­ Cardinal. June 13, Vancouver de­ ernor and Council of the Northwest stroyed by fire. June 28, First Territories. April-May, Letting of through train of the Canadian first contract and commencement Pacific Railway from Montreal to of work upon the Canadian Pacific Vancouver. July 31, First quin­ Railway as a Government line. quennial census of Manitoba. Work commenced at Fort William. 1887. Interprovincial Conference at Quebec. June 15, Formation of the Presby­ April 4, First Colonial Conference in terian Church of Canada. London. April 13, Opening of the 1876. June 1, Opening of the Royal Military sixth Dominion Parliament. College, Kingston. June 5, First 1888. Feb. 15, Signing of Fishery Treaty sitting of the Supreme Court of between United Kingdom and Canada. July 3, Opening of the United States at Washington. Aug., Intercolonial Railway from Quebec Rejection of Fishery Treaty by to Halifax. United States' Senate. 1877. June 20, Great fire at Saint John, N.B. 1890. Mar. 31, The Manitoba School Act Oct., First exportation of wheat abolishes separate schools. from Manitoba to the United 1891. April 5, Third Dominion census. Kingdom. Founding of the Univer­ April 29, Opening of the seventh sity of Manitoba. Dominion Parliament. June 6, 1S78. July 1, Canada joins the International Death of Sir John A. Macdonald. Postal Union. Oct. 17, Sir John A. June 15, Sir John Abbott becomes Macdonald becomes Prime Minister. Prime Minister. 1879. Feb. 13, Opening of the fourth Domin­ 1892. Feb. 29, Washington Treaty, providing ion Parliament. May 15. Adoption for arbitration of the Behring Sea of a protective tariff ("The National Seal Fisheries question. July 22, Policy"). Boundary convention between Can­ 1880. Royal Canadian Academy of Arts ada and United States. Nov. 25, founded; first meeting and exhi­ Sir John Thompson becomes Prime bition, Mar. 6. May 11, Sir A. T. Minister. 52230-5 .
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