www.apgnews.apg.army.mil Published in the interest of the people of Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland August 25, 2011 Vol. 55, No. 34 SOUTHERN ROCK Photo by Yvonne Johnson (From left) Guitarists Rickey Medlocke and Gary Rossington lead the classic southern rock sounds of Lynyrd Skynyrd during their Army Concert Tour featuring special guests The Doobie Brothers and Dilana at Shine Sports Field Aug. 20. For more information visit apg.armylive.dodlive.mil. See more concert photos at flickr. com/photos/usagapg. SEE PAGE 7 Health council launches website Conservation By RACHEL PONDER APG News measures Aberdeen Proving Ground community members can now learn more about on-post health services offered by visiting the Community Health in full effect Promotion Council website. The website launched last week and can be accessed by visiting during water the “Well Being” section of the garrison website: www.apg.army. mil/apghome/sites/local/. The site addresses the five pillars of health—physical, emotional, main repair social, Family and spiritual life—and includes a toolbox with links to By DEBORAH ELLIOTT health topics like worksite wellness, physical fitness, substance abuse Garrison APG Public Affairs and survivor outreach. While mandatory water con- The site’s calendar of events will list health news and provide daily servation measures remain in health screenings and other health-related opportunities. effect at Aberdeen Proving Installation Health Promotion Officer Wendy LaRoche and Informa- Ground, APG North community tion Technology Specialist Michael Graziano collaborated to create the members are urged to be espe- CHPC website. cially vigilant this weekend. “We wanted to provide health information in a central location—one- On Saturday along Old Post stop-shopping,” LaRoche said. Road the City of Aberdeen will LaRoche called the site user-friendly but said it is not serving its begin repair on a leaking water purpose if it doesn’t provide the information and format that people main that supplies potable water want or need. She is urging community members to provide feed- to the Installation. APG resi- back and suggestions on how the installation’s Community Health dents are prohibited from: See NEW, page 27 n Washing down sidewalks, walkways, driveways, park- ing lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas. n Washing down buildings or ATEC gathers for leadership transfer structures for purpose other than immediate fire protection. By YVONNE JOHNSON executive technical director for ATEC. n Washing motor vehicles, APG News The leaders of ATEC umbrella units took motorbikes, boats, trailers, air- To symbolize the shared missions of part in the unique passing of the colors, planes or other vehicles. those in and out of uniform, Soldiers which consisted of the AEC colors mov- n Flushing gutters or permit- and civilians of the U.S. Army’s Test ing from AEC Command Sgt. Maj. Han- ting water to run or accumulate and Evaluation Command, Developmen- dy to Simmons to David Jimenez, director in any gutter or street. tal Test Command and Evaluation Center of AEC, to Dellarocco, who handed off Water can be used for land- to Regan, officially charging him with stand in shoulder-to-shoulder formation to scaping, irrigation, dust suppres- the duties of deputy commander, before witness the passing of ATEC colors dur- sion and hydrant flushing, but Regan returned the colors to Handy. ing a change of responsibility ceremony the amount should be reduced Dellarocco praised all of his leaders. at the command’s new headquarters build- as much as possible, accord- He said Simmons took charge in 2007 and ing to Dennis Overbay with the ing Aug. 15. noted that jos technical ability has had a ATEC Commander Maj. Gen. Genaro Directorate of Public Works’ major impact on the command since then. Engineering and Construction J. Dellarocco presided over the ceremo- He commended Jimenez, who led DTC Division, APG. ny as Brig. Gen. John S. Regan assumed for six months before taking over AEC, as “It is imperative during the responsibility as deputy commander for being a “mover and a shaker. You couldn’t water main repair that APG evaluation from Brian Simmons, a Senior Photo by Sean Kief Executive Service civilian and current See ATEC, page 27 See RESIDENTS, page 27 WEATHER INDEX ONLINE www.apg.army.mil Pg 2 .................... Weather Thurs. apgnews.apg. Pg 2 .................... Opinion army.mil apg.armylive. Pgs 8-20 ..... Bus Schedule dodlive.mil/ Pg 21 .............. Post Shorts facebook.com/ APGMd Pg 21 .. Community Notes twitter.com/ USAGAPG Pg 22 ...................... FMWR flickr.com/photos/ 88° 70° usagapg/ SUMMER FUN School Bus Schedule It’s not too late. Visit Rehoboth Beach. SEE PAGE 6 Antiterrorism Awareness page 4 pages 8-20 2 APG News • August 25, 2011 OPINION Army Career and Alumni Program: Supporting Soldier career success he decision to transition out point, whether through separation or of uniform is as important as In FY10 the Army spent more than $500 retirement, and it is up to leaders to Tthe initial decision to put it on. take care of them until the very last Soldiers deserve as million in unemployment compensation day. Taking care of Soldiers includes much support at this supporting their active participation in critical point in their for veterans, a number expected to ACAP, and if a Soldier decides to sepa- service as they do rise even higher in FY11. rate, making sure no stigma is attached with earlier parts of to their decision. their career. That is It is smart business to support Sol- why the Army pro- of interviews with Soldiers and civil- aration briefing, the two-and-a-half day diers’ use of ACAP. In FY10 the Army vides the Army ians. The study found that while Sol- Transition Assistance Program work- spent more than $500 million in unem- Career and Alumni diers are allowed to use ACAP services shop, the four-hour VA briefing, and ployment compensation for veterans, a Program and is work- up to two years prior to retirement or individual counseling sessions. The number expected to rise even higher in ing to make ACAP even more effective. one year prior to separation, they do TAP workshop is also being updated, to FY11. The Army is looking to reduce ACAP delivers transition and job not always have leadership support in incorporate development of the Individ- that amount by better preparing Soldiers assistance services to Soldiers to sup- doing more than the minimum required ual Transition Plan. to enter the civilian workforce. port them in making informed career by law, which is attending the pre-sep- The 12-month timeframe is designed More to the point, it is the right thing decisions. These services include pre- aration briefing no later than 90 days to minimize conflict with unit mission to do to support Soldiers’ transition separation counseling, Veteran Affairs prior to separation. However, just meet- requirements and enable Soldiers to planning. Transition is stressful under benefits briefings, and Department of ing the letter of the law is too little, too take full advantage of ACAP resourc- the best of circumstances, and right now Labor Transition Assistance Program late. The more Soldiers are able to use es. About four out of 10 eligible Sol- Soldiers are facing a tough job mar- workshops, which cover career plan- ACAP services, the more successful diers who start ACAP decide to reenlist ket. We have to equip our Soldiers to ning, job searches, resume writing and their transition. or join the National Guard or Reserves, take the skills and values they learned interviewing. ACAP services are avail- Based on the study results and the while others need to get a solid start in the Army and translate them into suc- able to separating and retiring Active vice chief of staff’s guidance, over the preparing for the next phase of their cess in the next phase of their career. Component Soldiers, demobilizing next few months ACAP is implement- careers, whether it is going to school, When Soldiers take off the uniform, we Reserve and National Guard Soldiers, ing an enhanced 12-month transition starting a new job or starting a business. want them to know they made the right Family members, retirees, and Civilians program model focused on helping Sol- New policy and guidance on the transi- choice for themselves, their careers, and affected by BRAC, reduction in force or diers develop an Individual Transi- tion program will be issued in the first their families when they put it on in the Global Realignment. tion Plan and put it into action. Under quarter of FY12. first place. It’s the least we can do for In April 2010, the vice chief of this choice-based, results-oriented mod- The key to making ACAP as effec- their service and sacrifices. staff of the Army directed a thorough el, Soldiers will have the opportuni- tive as possible is leader commitment. review of ACAP, which included vis- ty to spend up to 60-70 hours accessing ACAP is a commander’s program. Sol- Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch its to ACAP centers and thousands ACAP resources, including the pre-sep- diers will take off the uniform at some IMCOM Commanding General Women’s Equality Captain America Day Observance returns to AAFES AAFES Public Affairs ugust 26th of each year is of being American citizens. On the heels of its 116th anniversary, the designated in the United The theme for this observance, “Cel- Army & Air Force Exchange Service is once AStates as Women’s Equality ebrating Women’s Right to Vote,” con- again joining forces with Marvel Comics Day. Instituted through legislation intro- tinues to be relevant, for it speaks to the to distribute free, military-exclusive comic duced by Represen- sweeping changes in the status of wom- books at its stores around the world.
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