www.mississippilink.com VOL. 26, NO. 16 FEBRUARY 6 - 12, 2020 50¢ ‘The Untold Stories of Local businessman receives African Americans’ Vietnam Pin of Service applies a JSU perspective to black history By Jackie Hampton Publisher, The Mississippi Link Jackson State University David Walker, director of the G.V. Jackson State University’s (Sonny) Montgomery VA Medical Center, Department of Art and The- said just prior to pinning Socrates Garrett, atre, Department of Music and president & CEO of Garrett Enterprises Student Government Associa- ECI, with the Vietnam Veteran’s Lapel tion, have partnered together to Pin in his offi ce February 4, “As senior present “The Untold Stories of executive over this facility and as a Mis- African Americans: A JSU Per- sissippi Veteran myself, it would be my spective” Feb. 11, at 10 a.m., honor to pin you with this Vietnam Ser- in the Rose E. McCoy Audito- vice War Pin.” Garret, who served during rium. the Vietnam war era from 1969-1971 said, Yohance Myles, actor and “It is my honor to accept.” professor, will serve as key- Walker explained that in 2012 the 50th note and the event will fea- anniversary commission was set up to ture performances by The Ritz commemorate all of those who served Chamber Players and MAD- during the Vietnam era from 1955-1975 DRAMA. regardless of where they served. Myles Myles currently stars as The symbol of the eagle on the pin rep- Councilman Kent Hamilton on spective” aims to enlighten resents courage, honor and dedicated ser- the OWN network television audiences on the rich history vice to our nation. The stripes behind the drama series “Ambitions” pro- of the university by uncloth- eagle represent the American Flag and “A duced by Will Packer. ing the hidden contributions Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You” Formerly a JSU theater arts of the educators employed by is embossed on the back of the pin, closest professor, Myles is also the the HBCU. The show will also to the heart of the wearer. founder of “The BEing With- use entertainment to showcase Walker said to Garrett if he knows of in” Actor’s Studio Sessions, other noted African Americans any veterans that are in need, such as be- Inc., which provides inspiring as well. ing homeless, or in risk of being home- actors with knowledge and life “The purpose is to educate less, to please give them his contact infor- skills in order to sustain in the the students, faculty, staff and mation because their mission is to serve competitive entertainment in- community on more than Dr. veterans. dustry. Martin Luther King, Rosa “The Untold Stories of Af- Garrett Mylest David Walker and Socrates Garrett rican Americans: A JSU Per- Continued on page 3 Continued on page 3 Black women leading Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign in Mississippi Mike is building a Democratic political infrastructure solely aimed at defeating President Trump in November By Sam Hall director. And human rights activist Brit- public policy analyst, Shaw is a sea- Bloomberg Campaign tany Gray is overseeing the organizing soned leader, tactician, organizer and When Mike Bloomberg decided to and fi eld strategy across the state. devotee to social justice. She has more run for president, he decided to take an “I am thrilled that a presidential can- than 30 years of experience working at unconventional path. If he was going to didate is willing to invest in Mississip- the intersection of policy, politics, edu- run for president of the United States, pi,” Shaw said. “Democrats’ political cation and economic justice. he wanted to talk to the voters all across infrastructure here is weak. Mike’s fi - Shaw said her mother shaped her ide- the country. He was going to build an nancial investment affords us an oppor- als around social justice at a young age. operation like none other. tunity to build a political campaign that “I am a product of all of the iterations That strategy is clearly refl ected in hasn’t existed in this state in decades. of integrating public schools in Vicks- Mississippi, where not only has he built “Someone who gives that type of burg. My mother was a church woman. the largest Democratic presidential op- commitment to a state with a small Many of the strategic conversations eration in more than 40 years but where number of delegates, a state many as- happened in my church, and I was priv- it is led by three African-American sume to be a reliably red state, and a ileged to be a small child listening to women who all hail from the state. state with a signifi cant African-Amer- those conversations,” Shaw said. Veteran political consultant Pam ican and poor population is the type of It’s her Christian faith that led her Shaw is leading the team as state di- person I want leading this country.” to fi ght for those being overlooked or rector. Teresa Jones, who has worked Pam Shaw: Christian and social mistreated by society and by the very in government and political positions justice warrior Bloomberg From left: Organizing Director Brittany Gray, State Director Pam Shaw and Political Di- from the Delta to D.C., is the political A senior manager, entrepreneur and Continued on page 3 rector Teresa Jones are leading Mike Bloomberg’s presidential campaign in Mississippi. JSU’s state-of-the-art By and By Share this issue with a friend Center for Innovation by mailing it to: opens as new ‘makerspace’ Inside for inventors, dreamers Page 18 Page 17 LOCAL 2 • THE MISSISSIPPI LINK FEBRUARY 6 - 12, 2020 www.mississippilink.com Hinds County Board of Jennifer A. Riley-Collins Mississippi Link Newswire advocate for quality represen- Joshua Brown: An Interac- toon Leader, 504th MI BDE; Supervisors Jennifer A. Riley-Collins is tation and equal justice for all tive Juvenile Defense Train- Commander, Special Secu- a native of Meridian, MS. She she has been a speaker on is- ing Module, published Spring rity Group, Ft. Meade, MD announces new is a 1987 Magna Cum Laude sues related to providing zeal- 2008; Double Jeopardy, A with assignment at the Test graduate of Alcorn State Uni- ous representation to juvenile Tactical Clog in the School and Experimentation Com- appointees versity. In 1993, she earned clients. She coordinated the House to Jail House Pipeline; mand; Battalion S2, 2-2 Air her Masters of Criminal Jus- legislative advocacy efforts Avoiding the School-House to Defense Artillery Battalion; Mississippi Link Newswire tice Administration from the aimed at reforming Missis- Jail-House Track, A Self Help Security and Intelligence Of- Riley-Collins University of Central Texas sippi’s juvenile justice system Handbook for Children, Par- fi cer, 549th MI BN (TXNG); At its fi rst board meeting in February, in one year while serving on and de-institutionalizing at- ents, and Community Lead- SIGNET/EW and Operations Joint Forces Training Center just one month into the new board term, Active Duty as a primary staff risk youth. ers; and Train the Trainer, Offi cer, 255th Military Intel- (USAR – Mobilized). the Hinds County Board of Supervisors offi cer. In 1997, she returned Riley-Collins has studied Juvenile Justice Advocacy ligence Company (MSNG); Riley-Collins is a member appointed a new county administrator to Mississippi after receiving and written about the Missis- Training Manual. In 2008, she Intelligence Offi cer, 3rd Per- of the Jackson Revival Cen- and board attorney. a merit based scholarship and sippi juvenile justice system. was nominated for recognition sonnel Command (USAR); ter, Leadership Jackson and Board president and District 1 Su- in 1999 received her Doctor She has authored a number of as one of Mississippi’s Most Plans and Operations Offi - Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, pervisor Robert Graham said, “It was of Jurisprudence from Missis- professional publications and Outstanding Women Lawyers. cer, 3rd Personnel Command Inc. She has been a Racial Di- of utmost importance to the board that sippi College School of Law, training materials to include She is member of the Project (USAR Deployed to Camp versity Trainer for Leadership the candidates be well-rounded, experi- graduating a full semester Mississippi, An Assessment of Equity Advisory Board. Arifjan, Kuwait); and Brigade Madison. In January 2014, enced and ready to work.” ahead of her classmates. Access to Counsel and Qual- Her military career exceeds S2, 177th AR BDE (USAR Riley-Collins was appointed The board chose Jennifer Riley- Riley-Collins is an attorney ity of Representation in Youth 20 years of both active and - Mobilized). Her last assign- as a member of the US Com- Collins to fi ll the position of county licensed to practice in both Court Proceedings, published reserve duty. Assignments in- ment was Command Inspec- mission on Civil Rights Mis- administrator. Riley- Collins brings to state and federal courts. An Fall 2007; In the Interest of clude Counterintelligence Pla- tor General for Camp Shelby sissippi Advisory Committee. the position a wealth of experience and knowledge from her background in fi - nance, legal, criminal justice and advo- cacy. In response to her appointment, Ri- ley-Collins stated, “Hinds County has Tony R. Gaylor been my home for the last 23 years. I am honored to be able to continue my com- Mississippi Link Newswire he received a Master’s in Pub- ters including annexation ef- curement matters, property mitment to serve the public as the new Tony R. Gaylor is a prin- lic Policy and Administration forts, economic development law, labor law, and federal county administrator in the place I call cipal member of Chambers from Northwestern Univer- projects, public fi nance, all regulations, including HUD home.
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