@ gs FD-263 (Rev. 12-119-67). “ate ~o“FEDERAL SUREAU OF INVESTIGATION|oea _ REPORTING OFFice . j ‘OFFICE OF ORIGIN: Y DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD. | EW ORK _ ' 8/25/78. apy a §4/30/78. ee yore THEE OFCASE | REPORT MADE BY -. TYPED BY. Bo : | | __- . be ea— hE |. seee cHRmare- .* taxsep ot oa dated 2/27/78. _ ADMIULSRBAERVE eea eS a oe Lavestigation predates previcut report5inn order Es "tmetage sadi tionalLnvestigation. mo . a - a : “4 ‘ . ; * . eNO i Svein PIELER “ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED] NONE _ ACQUIT-f case Has BEEN: convic |AuTO.| -FUuG. | FINES - SAVINGS RECOVERIES TALS PENDING OVER ONE YEAR [_JYES. CNo PENDING PROSECUTION . LOVER SIX MONTHS © Cives Cono- oo. '. SPECIAL AGENT APPROVED: . INcHARGE .| ., DO NOT WRITEIN SPACES BELOW 2 - ‘qureau (174-3711) . {8 = 89+56689) L.= tes Angeles (47~12238) 7 | i ~ San Prsncised. (176-1735){2560} ot _ 26ee. Pie} ° a 57 ” «BGA, SONY¢ BEERS. (Attae ee a? = 74)fy Pee -“b7C. b6 6 York (174-1804) = fo: et a , |. Oo Oefie aPe1i387) : esa= 4 {oo Db nation Record of Attached Report. _| Notations = - T So » Agency mee * B WAY vu 1978 , ~ _ Request Recd. Peo Pe “4 a a _ / 4 4-NEW YORK Date Fwd. -f-. 7° Ty ; to ALLnroRMATONG TAINED ts Pe By Ase we " vo Smet te em eee ’ wos . 2 ; FD-302 (REV. 3-8-77): e ~ wae a% Ne FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION , i Date of transcription L4/78 A confidential source who has furnished reliable be information in the past was interviewed in the presence of b7C¢ her husband and | , Special Agent, Intelligence Bureau, Internal Revenue Service, Chicago, Illinois. Source advised he Church b6_ of Scientology (COS) during | Source b7c advised that she spent and b7D Source advised that while she was in the_C0OS, she Was aware of the problems the COS was having with[.__] and that| lwas a major concern of the COS because of al | Source b6 advised that it was her understanding that| Jwas declared b7C by the COS to be a "suppressive person”. Source stated this meant that] 7 Source advised that| | were not out of the question when a person Was eclared to be "suppressive". Source advised that she is not able to furnish specific information regarding who carried out the plan to | | Source stated that such a plan would have had to have clearance from COS officials in Source stated that without question LT had to, at least, give (thsar_approval of such a plan. Source stated that was United States (US), during that period and jwas the | . b6 b7C Source advised that a plan of such magnitudewould have to be cleared by| | Source stated that by US Guardian Office policy, Jall local Guar- dian Offices' plans to harrass or discredit opponents of the cos. investigation on 3-4. DLS at = Chteage > Ftinetis File # EF £80 4 b6 SAS b7c BY rnc Date dictated 5 Of op J “h UE € This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FB! and Is loaned to your agency; it and Its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. o a HY L7H-180% 2 ae A confidential source provided the following chart showing the officials in the COS during the peried 1372 to 1973: _HARY SUE HUBBARD (Commodore Staff Guardian) b6 b7C i | —_ (Finance) (Public CEstab~ (Legal) (Information LOZY s / Rela~ lishment f Intelligence) Auditing? . tions) Office) i / /: / / / f / / / / : of fo» / ff / / clnance rublic hstaplish- hegai, us) Into, Usd For US) Rela~ ment, US) tions, US) ‘ i FD-350 (Rev. 10-19-77) . sy & 4, e , (Mount Clipping in Space Below) (Indicate page, name of newspaper, city and state.) CI ASA Tow See — fes 7 ATT*«Ke — wb Py A/ DaeSOLO porns Title? LS Chtages Styevte oxy Cordp'n Character: ey or [a 07-1 §OY Classification: Submitting Office: OQ SD-A0Mer 77-1179) - ¢f ALL INFORMATION HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIEDCONTAINED DATEodesBYlLVf FBI/DOS gama U.S. Charges Scientology Conspiracy ' li Church Agents ' t ite Accused of Spying, 1 r Bugging and Theft a By Timothy S, Robinson 4 Washington Post Staff Writer a v Eleven high officials and agenis ® of the Church of Scientology, in- | cluding the wife of founder L. Ron | Hubbard, were charged here yes- terday in an allegedly widespread : conspiracy to plant spies in gov- ernment agencies, break into gov- . ernmentoffices, steal official docu- - -ments and bug government meet- 9 4 ings. aa Much of the, evidence outlined © “against the church’s officials in the , 28-count criminal indictment appears to"be based on the church's own in- * ternal memorandums and other docu- ments. The memorandums directed church operatives to “use any meth- od” in its battle with the govern- ment. Church spies were used, according to the indictment, to find out about Scientology's tax-exempt status, rum- mage through governmentfiles to get information on the church and on per- sons or groups if perceived to be its : “enemies.” They were also used as an “carly warning system” to pro- tect Hubbard from government seru- : lny, the indictment alleged. Assistant U.S. Attorney Raymond Banoun asked that arrest warrants be issued immediately for the church’s Worldwide Guardian, Jane Kember, and her chief aide, Morris (Mo) Bud- Jong, in England, and said extradition proceedings against them would begin _ Soon. The otherindicted church members, including Commodore Staff Guardian Mary Sue Hubbard, the wife of the ‘founder, are scheduled to appear in federal court here at 1 p.m. Thursday. Banoun said he had been assured by attorneys for those church members that they would appear as scheduled, A spokesman for the church, which is described in its literature as an “applied religious philosophy which " believes that man is a spiritual being and is basically good,” said the indict- _—_ mentis the latest episode in nearly 30 nem years of harassment against the church by governmentagencies, do *, ..1f justice is done our members will be exonerated as any have been se Latedrenstaee who have fought for religious freedom Tey ’ against government oppression throughout history,” said the church's ted Deputy U.S. Guardian Henning Heldt, -_— Bitty wee a who was among those indicted yester- Te day. The indictment charges that the 7 ” chureh’s “guardian office” included a * * bureau that “was assigned the respon- in. “ae, sibility for the conduct of covert oper-° ations,” and that all of those charged with erlmes were membersorofficials of that bureau. The church said, however, that the - guardian office is the “social reform arm of the church.” Church attorney Phillip J, Hirshkop described the in- dictments as part of a “bureaucratic vendetta against Sclentology” and said “any actions attirbutable to See SCIENTOLOGY,A4,Col. 2 Mentos, doctiments reveal a glimpse of the Church of Scientology. Paga At. 1] Scientologists Charged With Plot to Spy on Government v " s A ~~ SCRENTOLOGY,From Al and copy documents, according to the to the indictment, three Scientology Assistant to the Assistant Attorney sbout any potential legal action indictment. agents planted an electronic listening General for Administration John F. against L. Ron Hubbard.” church members [5 a direct result 02 device or “bus” in an IRS confererce Shawand stole documents from both The two men then fled to California All of the defendants except Wolfe af Fovermment misconduct.” Toom here and “recurded an IRS haces, . and with Scientology officials con and Thomas are charged with one The 42page indictment, one of the -cocted 2 cover story to explain their meeting concerning Scientology's * Even after charges were filed t presence in the courthouse, according pheation fer tavexempt status and re against Wolfe and Meisner in connec. count of conspiracy to steal govern: longest returned by a grand jary here lated matters." Less than 18 day: ye to the indictment. One of them, Ger- tron with the alleged Mepal use of ment documents, durglarize govern: in recent memory, climaxes 2 some later, Woife was emploved as a clerk- ald Bennett Wolfe, returned to the RS credentials, the church tried to ment offices, intercept oral cormmuni- times bizarre investigation that began typist at the IRS. a courthouse here 2 yoar later and implement what it called “Project cations and forge government passes; + when two Scientology operatives were pleaded guilty to using fake IRS cre- One of the agents who atlesediy Troy.” “Fhat project repartedly called 10 counts of theft of government pron- sat confronted by FBI acents in June 1976 dentiais. He was placed on probation. Planted the bu. Muchei} Herman for the installation of a permanent in the federal courthouse here after (also knewn as Mike Cooper!, also was ‘baz in the IRS chief counsel's of- erty, one count of intercepting oral The other alleged courthouse in- charxed yesterday, At the time of the . employes became suspicious of their truder, Michael Meisner, had been: fiec, and was approved by Heldt on communications; 10 counts of bur- Xegular nighttime presence. alleged offense, his title with the hidden by the chureh In Los Angeles Dec. 20, 1976, giary, and one count of conspiracy fo whee thurech was Branch ! director of the * In May I977, the church sgain obstruct justice, to obstruct an investir The two men, who had entered the for more than a year, having had his Guardian's office, D.C. duilding by using allegedly forged In- called for the infiltration of the U.S. Gation, to harbor a fugitive, and to appearance changed amd uSing 2 false Once Wolfe was in place at IRS, the ternal Revenue Service passes, were name, according to the indictment. Attorney’s Office in Washington “for make false declarations before a allowed to leave.
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