THE TORRANCE HERALD JANIIA»Y 17, 1963 .Sandwiches Winter Fare ;Are Daily Contains Nutrition IS FOR DIETERS r* WIMKT dinners t.iki- on a pin king It firmly. Spread top S3.96 i Favorites iir-w ><>k They are whole- of lo-if with rest of sauce. No-bake cheese cake is per bottle on <oino. sjmple and easily pre-'Hake loaf at :I7."> degrees forjcreamy, light treat when skim our own fin* '* Sandwiches are favored for pared; chock full of jjood nu-'Pn hours. Serve hot or coU^milk in added. union. brandi! every day In the week. I with nuistiird kauce. If de- Combine 2 envelopes un- ' Today's menu of ham loaf. "'red. Makes 8 to 10 servings -- Cold with hot soup, hot flavored gelatine. fruit salad 6 table- CHECK THESE with cold soup: plain or fan­ am' lima heuns ir FRI'lT HAI.AI) poons sugur anil dash of salt cy, they appeal as an All- j cheese sa ih custard and| Combine 2 quart* n top of SPECIALS! macaroons for dessert coarsely double boiler. Ueat American dish. make i. hupped assorted salad I'a cups skim milk and 3 egg UT. January enjoy- RreenSi 2 avocados, pcele<l Try them on Wonder Soft ment and volks together and add to gel­ Whirled Sandwich B r e n d L'S* sliced and 2 grapefruit, peeled] atine. made In square loaf espr. o::en II..ia lN>ansi Mnd dectlonef* Arrange on Stir constantly EXTRA DRY which have seasoned rhecse while rook­ ly for this purpose. large platter. Spoon Snerried ing over boiling water until sauce picketed therein. Cus-i Dressing over all just hefore Recipes for two fancy sand tanl goes 'ouetl.er 1-2-.T gelatine dissolves and milk wlrhes follow. ! serving. thickens about 6 min. Re­ 90.4 PROOF Other recipe ate Included HHKKRIKI) DRKSSINC. move from heat and add 1 HAVSAC.K SANDWICH here teaspoon TRIPLE DECK I rnv. blur cheese naiad grated lemon rind > AM 1.0AK and chill. l-lh. pork RaaMgr drr«sln ; ml\ t Hi. .round rookrd ham »i cup vlnrgar Whip 3 cups creamed cot­ 'i cap chopped (ttren pepper 1 Ih. ground frr**! pork ! 1 4 cup cream i.hrrr> tage cheese Into billowy light­ U op chopped onloa 2 UK". slightly Ix.iIrn ness (3 minutes at high speed 'a cop MI S it*, water 1 i up cracker rrunilw lad oil f electric mixer does the '. cap irnitrd Cheddar 1 cup i Ilk I Empty salad dressing mix trick). into cruet or jar. Add other! Stlr in 2 tablespoons lemon '» l»p. prpprr Ingredients and shake well. !j u|,-c and 1 teaspoon vanilla; I ran rondrnned rrram of I cu|i pineapple iliunk- «H«M'OLATK moon room *onp MACAROONH fold In thickened gelatine. 5 maraschino cherries 14 cups united nicraat i»«f» 3 «*? whites "ntil 8tlff; 12 slice* Wonder Soft 'i cup firmly parked brown atld 6 rrr". pnrd tablespoons sugar and Whirled Sandwich Rrend continue heating until stiff .1 th*. milk 2 t»p. dry mu-l.ud peaks are formed. l>n*h salt Place sausage, green pep­ ' t cup vinegar Fold egx whites Int. per, onion and water in cold <'otnbti.e bain, pork, eggs. I f>p. viinllln tine mixture ami turn into SINGLE FIFTH $3.88 frying pan. Cover tightly and r.icker crumbs, milk, salt '4 I-P- aim -I evil-net 3-Inch *pring-form p.m. cook slowly alxmt 10 minutes nil pepper. Mix thoroughly. Sprinkle graham cracker or until sausage Is nearly 1 cup chocolate chip* FULL QUARTS Arrange pineapple and mar Combine all ingredients and crumbs on top and chill until done. firm. $4.88 Each, 2 for $9 Pour off drippings and stir THIH JAM'ARV DINNER is ca,v to prepare and «- j^^^^f '"pSXZlSS ?^^r^l!S in cheese. Add H cup mush-l tritious to eat. The salad combines two of California's jWne sugar, mustard and vine- baking sheet, London Dry distilled. Best room soup and hlend well! Non-fat dry milk is one of for plentiful fruits avocados and grapefruit.efrult The vegetable R»r and mix w.-Il. Spread half Hake at IK.'i decrees for 12 the haiullest Items you can Martinis and Gibsons. with sausage mixture. «rt ,»,«, mo=.o Allow 8 slices of bread for comes right out of a froxen package al r-«mi,in. I th" sugar mlxture °ver frult to 15 minute-., or until cookies keep on your cupboard shelf, nd the meats combine ln »* , , of p^. ;ire goUUin blwvn Remove,«i.v home economUU of the spreading with sausage mix­ to make a ham loaf of elegance. ture. Top with mea1 mixture..from Iwklnrr sheet «t once. 'Hairy Council of California. Allowing v» cup of sausage mixture for each layer, spread 10-YR. OLD one slice of bread with filling. Top with second slice and cover with filling. Top these BOURBON two with third slice of bread. Place on cookie sheet and WHAT MAKES THIS THE MORGAN IROS. hrown In hot oven (400 de­ grees) for 5 to 7 minutes. Add milk to remaining soup. Heat and serve as mice over sand­ wiches, if desired. OPEN VACK CHICKEN SANDWICH GREATEST FIFTHS Sliced rooked rhlckrn for 4 SANDWICH LOAF wild niche* FOR 8 «llrr* tomato 4 Ihln -Her* pun . --. rlirme SINGLE FIFTH $3.99 4 »Hrr» hultriTil Wonder Sod Whirled S;ind«lch Hreail, I'm-lrJ FULL QUARTS , I <10»»-o«.) EVER BAKED? $4.99 foch, 2 for $9 t Arrange sliced chicken. 2 This rare and ancient bour­ ft *lice« tomato ,md 1 ullce bon bringt you cheese on each piece toasted old style flavor and buttered Wonder Soft t a most reasonable price. Whirled Sandwich Bread. Place on cookie sheet Broil 5 inches from heat for 3 to 10 minutes or until cheese Is melted and chicken and to­ '/2 GALLON mato are hot. I) Meanwhile, in sjucepaji. heat chicken gravy. Serve over open-face randwlches. VODKA Month Offers Abundance $^98 HALF of Seafoods GALLON Plentiful seafoods antici­ pated throughout this month are snbsM. swordflsh. «>y Save $3.94 Value $10.94 Mters. crabs and crab meat, ac­ cording to Southern Callfor. nia Fisheries Association. Charcoal filtered for utmost Two basic types of seabass are common to the Pacific smoothness. Made according coast areas: Black and white and the Striped Bans which Is to the same formula as vodka a game fish and relatively small. selling at $10.94. Extra dry! .Many Varieties From these two basic types THESE _% EXCITING FEATURES! are derived any number 01 varieties and one or more o 1 them should bu available ' FULL CASE i throughout the month. In Southern California clt leu, KealiuKM are fur the mo« LAGER BEER part filleted Into boneless and sklntaix loins to be chunked OLD TYME or sliced into steaks ax tie- Premium Quality sired, Imported molt, hops OUtrr Heafood* quli k frozen California and CASI imported swordflaharein 24 'ir. 2 ample supply. Oynters are still plentiful and the quality in excellent. January Is |>eak Dungem crab production month fur PREPARED California. Ix>ok for It and King crab during the entire month. COCKTAILS NO NEED TO TRIM CRUSTS Here U a recipe that i SPECIAL BAKING COVERS seal in "SOFT WHIRLED" PROCESS means bines they "eat" as good »s the bread ittelt! Vou can Pump Room two of the month';, sea­ extra ovtn llavor . make (licet perfectly no holes .. jellies, jams, sandwich tilling*, food*. throw that bread knile away! xjuare, lor neater wndwiches mayonnaise can't drip through. KKABAMH-4 KAB FIMH BAKK Arrange 1 pound fillets of Wonder thought of everything with this sen- shaped and thin sliced so that you get more $fl99 white s e a b a s * in buttered, shallow bilking dUh (10xftc2). national loaf! The special "Soft Whirl" proc- ami neuter sandwiches per loaf! Scatter 1 cup flaked crab meat e«s meant) every alice in flawless in texture; FULL over sealu»*. Wonder "Soft Whirled" Sandwich Bread UlenU 1 (11-oz.) fan cull haa no hole*. The crunU are thin and delicate tastes us good as it looks, too... soft, smooth, tleiwed C'heddar fhm-iu* tiuup, ... actually "eat" at good aa the bread itself. J tableiipoon froteu choppttl tine-perfect! Get a big, fresh loaf at your chives and 1 tableapoon And these extra-tender slices are square food store today. Reody to S«rv* choppe<l parsley. I'our over l**t. CONIIMtNfAl SAKINO COMMMT. fish. MADl WITH Duke at 4UU degrees for VOOflA about ao minutes or until fi«b' Screwdriver, GimM i- done or Bloody Mary MADE Large Eggs Plentiful WITH HUM WONDER "SOFT WHIRLED Daiqulri Cocktail Thl* it tiie tune ot yeai'j whun you'll find a preponder­ M40E WITH TfQUIL4 ance uf luixe »Ue t-KK". If yuu! are accu^tuuvd to reachlnti i'or the SANDWICH mediums, >»ud U- BREAD wi*1 to eonijmre prices. This situation usually continues! until about mid-February. j ...^^.
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