y» / ' / FACE TWELKI I'hc Wcalher TUESDAY,; Forecast ol li. S. tteaiber Unreal) Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Clrcnlatioh Fnr the Month at April. 1S44 Considerable cloudiness with Girls Scouts of ’Troop 12 will on the activities of the carnival s(-attered light showers and,/little About Town I omit their meeting this evening. committee on the annual event in Famous Director rhangein. Iem|icrature tonight and K of C Honors the Week before Labor day and a Fire Menaces ■t 8,746 Ittattrhrfitrr E iip itto H rralb Thnnday. ^ e Private Duty nurses will meeting Of this committee also Member of the Audit ,— III.— —— I called for Thursday evbnihg. British\ . and American hcM a Brilltary wMst thu jvei.lng Bureau at OIrealuttone . A a r iu C 'U / '. I Membcn of Helen Devldwon in tte Masonic Temple for the ReVe Tierney Cometlua Foley, ^ chairman of Ended by Rain Manchester— City of Village Charm^ Ijodfe, Daughtera at Vootia, will benefit o f the Memorial hospital. the communion breakfast commit­ *- War kelief meet this evening at T:M at. Cen­ Mrs. CaUerine Spencer and Mrs. tee, gave his final report on the (SIXTEEN PAGES) p k u ;e i'h k e e g e n t s ter and Foster ateets, and proceed Gladys Palmer are in charge of LfOcal Council Presenl.s affair and it was accepted. Woods and Grass vJSo (ClaaeUled AdvertlMag oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAVt MAY 24, 1944 to the Watkins Funeral Home, in door and playing prises, Mrs. It was voted to drape the char­ II. LXIII,. n o . 200 tribute to William M. Brown, Hazel Hohenthal, refreshments, ■Gift to ■'New Priest at ter (or 30 days and draw up a res­ D ry That Departments whose mother and three sisters are Mrs. Marghret Stores, tickets and I.4irge Reception. olution of regret on the death of Here Were Worried. # membera of the lodge. Mrs. Daisy Shea is serving as gen­ f Raymond LaGace. Yanks Advance nn Wakde Island eral chairman. A special meeting of th? Caml- ' A substantial monetary gift was, The South Manchester fire de­ iiored ForceM presented to the Rev. John F, Ihurchill Looking ' f . val Committee of the American partment had a call a t -4:18 yes­ Tierney las tnight by Deputy ■'if Legion will be held at eight o'clock Church School terday afternoon when No, 1 went f t " tonight at the'Legion Home on Grand Knight' Foster Williams ip Girls’ Officers ‘ to Broad street to extinguish a Leonard street. behalf o f Campbell Cbuncil, Has Banquet woods flre._ Th#^flrt vtas the last Tonif^t^at 8 O ’ c l o c k I 'owards Balkans Knights of Columbus. In present­ ashes Nazi Flank; The permanent Memorial Day Are Installed ing the ‘•gift to Father Tierney for the day and the rain that came committee will have a meeting to­ Deputy Grand Knight Williams ex­ sooh after put an end for the time morrow evening at elghfo’clock in pressed the pleasure it gave the Animal Event jii Held being to grass and woods fires. ORAN 6 E H A L L the' Municipal building. Every Miss Lucille Agaril Is A s Victory Area membera o f the council to have At Parish Hall of the During the, storm last evening,, ADMISSION ........... ........................... .................. 25c| member is urged to be present as one of their members enter the Seuleil as Worthy Ad­ the wires o f the alarm ayatem plans will be completeil for ob* priesthood. The presentation waS South Methoflist. to Cisterna servance of the day. made before an assemblage taxing were struck three times, but no visor of Loral &roiip. damage was done and only one [ys Allies Will Decide the capacity of the council cham­ The annual Church School Drivers^ A daughter was bom Friday. ber. blast was sounded each time on Norman Oorwin lether Germany tu Doiighboys Below Town May 19, at the Lawrence & Me­ Newly elected and appointed To Betncmber War Dead Teachers’ supper was held last the fire whistle. It gave an' oppor­ morial Hospital, New London, officers of Manchester Assembly. evening in the parish hall of the tunity to check on the bell at the JndergD TerritDrial In accepting the gift ^Father A dramatic picture a t Tel-Avlv Reserved Dignity Tires Loom Seize Mile-I^ong Chunk to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodale of No. 15, Order of Rainbow for Tierney sftld.lt was his intehlion to .South Meihoaist church with a Center church as it was found that 5,000 Planes Hit Niantic. Mrs. Goodale was formerly and its people at war against the langes; Pnwer I d Pre- O f Historic Appiah Girls, were installed at a semi- say mass Wednesday morning, for large attendance of teachers and when the alarm was turned in In Modern Memorials Miss Dorothy E. Lyttle, daughter Axis will be presented over the from Box 432 yesterday morning In Autum n public Installation at the Masonic the members of the council and es­ offict-rs. Rev. W. Ralph Ward. Irent ^ a r s I d Be Held of Mrs. Joseph Lyttle of 18 Eld- pecially those members in the Jr., the minister, presided and Columbia Broadcasting System to­ the bell only sounded one stroke. Highway to Rome; Temple, last evening. Miss Lucille - . Our .Memorials are PRO U D LY I .;^dge street. service of the United States. He gave the invocation. This will be repaired at once. (German Targets Agard, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. night at 10 o’clock, a feature of built to be PROUDLY owned. Seel ly New JWnrld Order. Other Americans Cap­ also would especially remember ' The dinner was served by a Paul Agard of 94 Laurel street, the "Columbia Presents Corwin” our present stock of Monuments of I Can Expect^ First New The Past Presidents club of the two members who have been committee of the Woman's So­ ture Mountain Height Mary Bushhell Cheney Auxill^gy, was installed as worthy advisor. series. all types and prices, or let ns make | ohdon, May 24.— (^P)— A Mias Carolyn R. Miller, who re­ killed in service, Everett E. Brown ciety of Christian service compos­ Casings W hen Allo­ U. S. W. V., will meet Fridaji at and Raymond LaGace. ’The newly- ed of Mrs. In-^ Truax, Mrs. Ellen Written by radio’s foremost Buggestlotis without any obligation! (fifldent Winston Churchill i \. j’l Pflr/8 Pi-ench Told bnlv 19 Miles East the home of Mrs. Etheleen Lewis ceived her Past Worthy Advisor’s CAR NEED REPAIRS? ordained priest asked that hii CroMeii; Mrs."'Margaret Crockett writer-dlrcctor-producer, Norman whatsoever. iked today toward the Bal-1 cations Climb to Airdrmnes and Mditary of 444 Burnham Street. Luncheon jewel, having completed her term : O f Planned Junction. of office, acted as installing ad­ brother Knights offer up their and Mrs. Bertha Dowd. The tables Corwin, • and starring film actor See Me For Prompt. Expert Ins as a theater of coming; figure of 2,000,000- will be seized promptly at 1:30. prayers that be attain success in were attractively decorated by Robert Young, the broadcast will Auto Repair Service Objecth)C9 Blasted in visor: Shirley Liebe, installing ctory &nd told Coininons # 1 To Be Ready Allied Headquarters, Na-,. marshal and Mildred Shefdon, in­ his chosen vocation. He thanked Mrs. Lewis Haskins with spring tell the story of Palestine Jewry’s St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters the membera for the gift and said flowers, and the dinner was serv­ whole-hearted devotion to the ABEL’S SERVICE STA. ^e Allies will decide wheth-j Washington, May 2C—UP) Greiaest Air Attack. pies, ' Maj' 24.— (IP) — An of Isabella, will hold a bridge and stalling chaplain. Other Officero Seated that lie would always remember ed by the girls of Mrs. Haskins’ cause of the United Nations and Rear — 26 Cooper'Street Manchester Memorial Company Germany must undergo) New tires Bfiay start rolling “ this American . armored cohaWn setback party tonight at the K. of his association with Campbell church school class. will describe life in the Jewish To Give Help C. clubrooms. The committee in Officers installed for the en­ itorial changes and Hie, A” card automobile driv­ London, Ma.y 2'1.— (IP)— ____ smashed through the/ Ger­ suing term are: Worthy advisor, council. Annual Beporta Made National Home. A. Almetti, Prop. charge hopes for a good turnout of Itlantic charter “ in no Upward .. of SyOOO planes, ^ Lucille Agard; worthy associate Father Foley Speaks Following the meal the depart­ Corner Pearl and Harrison Sts. Tel. 7187 or 5207 ers whose hopes and treads have man flank on the Rqine sido , Ihis mt^mbers and their friends. Re- [ida us about the future’ of that advisor, Betty Jane *Hasbrouck;- The Rev. Daniel, J. Foley of St. mental Superintendents made an­ AUCB OOFRAM been wearing tnin together. mostly American, bombed .Allies Adopt Firm Mlh- of Cisterna today, imminent- i fresihments will be served. ' Open Sundays. untry. charity, Betty Thrall; hope, Grace Joseph's church,. South Norwalk, a nual reports. Those reporting (Known As Queen Alice) Berlin, Vienna. , J*aris air­ W’lU Have Power Needed First, Oiarlea K Phillips, the Troons of the American Invasion force which landed on Jap-held Wakde Island, Dutch New G'linca, tary Approach in ly^tTrreatening thht beach­ Brown; faith, Rdxane ^ckwlth; native of Manchester, was Intro­ were: Miss Ethel Harrison to^ th e Local Italians SPII^ITUAL MEDIUM O PA ’s new chief of rationing, said dromes and militatry targets A ll members o f the I.
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