THE NORTHERNER Vol. 18, No. 20 'Northern Kentucky University Ky. students rally for education Poll reveals 7,000 + converge need for more on Capitol plaza black professors BY KRIS KINKADE BY J EAN BACH THE NORTHERNE H TilE NO IITIIEIINER ·. Traveling from every region of the state, More black pro(essors at NKU would at least 7,000 students, faculty. ad­ bt•nc fit not only the students hut the entire ministrators and supporters of higher educa­ university. according to the findings in are­ tion converged on the Capitol building in cent poll . Frankfort, Ky. yesterday afternoon to voice The purpose of the poU. conducted by their opinion on Gov. Wallace Wilkinson's u sociology class last semester. was to budget proposal. mcasur(' the feelings of white students But whiJe the rally for higher education toward minorities in general and toward in­ de monstrated the unity of Kentucky's creasing the number of black professors on schools. it also s howed the diversity of opi­ the NKU campus. nion among legislators and administrators ixty.eight percent of the respondents regarding any increase in funding public disagreed with th e statement that white pro­ schools might receive in the next biennium f('ssors arc more partial to white students. budget. At the same time, 66 percent disagreed ''A part of your future has been strangl­ thut black professors are more partial to Debbie Scbweirjohann/The Nort he~r ed." according to former NKU presid ent A. black students. In fact, students in a black RALLY FOR HIGHER ED.: Studento proteot cuto in the higher education budget D. Albright, one of several who spoke on the professor's class at the time of the sut\ley at the Capitol building in Frankfort, Ky. ye8terday. steps of the Capitol building... In lhe last thought black professors were more eight years, the legislators in this state two years, $33 million was appropriated but of jobs in Kentucky . Anyone who is sensitive understanding of students· needs than white authorized a nd appropriated $105 million . we didn't get it. to economic development in the Com­ instructors. but we didn't get it. Moreove r, in the last " Anyone who is sensitive to the creation see HALLY. page 16 Students in a black professor's class were found not to be a prejudiced against black professors as students in a white professor's class. indicating that more exposure to black Students petition for more computers professors on campus would create less of a pr('judired feeling on campus. BY DEBBIE BERTSCH something about the problem. Two weeks to the learning experience. ''It's impossible Steps l1ave been taken by the KU ad­ THE \ORTH EIIHR ago he submitted a petition with 207 student to learn as much about how to operate a ministration in recent months to start a signatures to the uni\'Crsity asking that ad­ <·ornputer when yo u're standing over so­ n·cruiting program to draw more minorities Ba rry Gibson. a lab assistant in the Of­ ditional funds be aUocated for the purchase meonc's shoulder." he said. to NKU . fice of Academic Computing, sees the effect& of more CO nl!Hi tCrS. To rectify the problem, 18 Zenith XT­ One such step was taken last fall when of not huving enough computers in the lab ''I f(.•e l very strongly.'' Gibson said. ''that . clones and fiv e Macintoshes are neede<l. the University hired Walter J. Leonard to to m<"c t students' nerds every day. not having enough computers is just like hav­ Gibson said in the petition. The added study NKU's recruitment program and of­ So nw students at the lab have had to wait ing a leaky roof- both are miserable situ a­ machines would lower the current ratios in line interminably to use a computer. he tions that can be ftx c<l with money." fer suggestions on improvement. see IBM'S. page 16 said . Others have been turned away at the According to Gibson. as of F'eb. 2 the see POLL. page 16 door. ratio of registered student users per com­ " And it gets worse virtuaUy on a da il y puter wus 49.7 to one for th e Zenith XT­ basis." Gibson said . clones and 53.8 to one for the Macintoshes. NPSA urges family to'huckle-up' Gibson. a senior computer science So But. Gibson said. those figures are ex­ NORTHERNER STAFF REPORT items while restraining the child: anchor the und psychology major. d eci d t.~ d to do tremely conservative because they do not seat to the car, buckle the child in the seat, represent the number of users who are not National Child Passenger Safety face an infant seat backwards when carry· NCAA Divioion II registered through a class. Gibson said they Awareness Week was last week, Feb. 7-13. ing a child under 20 pounds. Women'8 Baske tbaU Poll also do not include the fact that several co m· and the theme for th is nationwide awareness The Kentucky State Police supported Na­ February 9 puters wiU be d own at any given time for campaign urges parents to Be A Valentine tional Child Passenger Safety Awareness repairs. For Life: Buckle-up Your Family. Week and remind Kentuckians that it is a 1. West Texas State 20-0 Because of the ratios. students have to The National Passenger Safety Associa­ state law to place children 40 inches and almost fight for a place in the labs. Gibson ~. Hampton U. (Va.) 22·0 tion sponsors the event and is pursuing a goal under in a federally-approved child safety 3. Cal-Poly Pomona 18-3 said. He added that on a recent Sunday. the of 70 percent correct child safety seat use seat. KSP Commissioner Morgan T. Elkins 4. Delta State U. 18-2 lab opened at 2:00. and by 2: 15 all 26 by 1990. Although every state now requires said, "With or without a law, a responsible 5. North Dakota State 18·2 Zeniths were being used . young children to be placed in child safety parent should seek the protection a child 6 . NORTHERN KENTUCKY 19-1 " Toward the end of the semester it gets seats. only 48 percent of the nation's safety seat offers a child. 7. New Haven U. (Conn.) 17-1 absolutely crazy," Gibson said . "At the end youngsters are properly restrained in these "A safety seat. used properly. is 90 per­ 8. Mt. t. Mary"s (Md .) 18-0 of last semester there was a waiting line seats. cent or more effective in reducing injury or 9. Pitt-Johnstown 16-2 almost from the time the lab opened until Correct use include1 following the child preventing death in the event of a traffic 10. Southeaot Miosouri State 19·1 the time it closed.'' safety seat manufacturer's directions exact­ crash. It is weU worth the effort to place your Gi bson fe els the situation is detrimental ly . Adults should remember threto ma'or child in one." HISTORY: In th11 Wf!~k's in· staUment former 'KU Pretident YUM-YUM AND KO-KO: In ~------------L---~ Viewpoint. .. p. 4 Spo.u . p. 12 Frank Steely and auodat~• tangl~ 0 ••••i. f'eatu~l th i1 week we find an in Inside: R ead~r'• v~ ....., ...... p. S Bloom County. , .. p. 14 ~tith the big boys down in Frankfort I depth &tory on the cut and f'eatu.rea . p. 6 CJas.ifi.ds . 0 •• p. 15 in thf.lr efTort.J to acquire Ch~ law ; 0 characten1 of 1M MikaOO. ~ page K"hool. See page 2 for detail . ;Gj " 6 ror story. 0290.tif Trivia Q . Did a lawsuit <·vrr result from the [ : j ffill!lll CAMPUS BEAT Chusc/N KSC merger? l A. Yes. The Attomry General of Kentucky :,ucrl the school, saying it was not em­ CHE approves technology degrees powered to offer graduate programs. Ob­ viously. NKSC won the case. Sec below story NORTHERNER STAFf' REPOIIT tri(• huve been rcprei:H.'IIIutives on the ad· for details. visory committee.' ' The Kentucky Council on Higher Educa· "The programs wiU be supportivt: of not tion rc.ecntly approved bache.lor degree prv­ <mly the existing busincucs, but ..... mahlo grams in Electronic Engineering Tc'Chnology prove to be a ootolyst for further eoonotnic an<l ManufU<turing Enginooring Technology development in the Crcawr Cincinnnti u.rea," The comine: of Chase 11 fQr Northern Kentucky Univenity. Both llaicJ Boothe. The programs emanated out Law school brings advantages, lawsuit degrees will be offered"" early as fall. 1988. of a populor und ndturaJ demand {or "This is a true reflection of the partner­ engineering programs in u region that is the machine tool capital and the center of robotic said these poS15ibiUties included constn1cti ng ship arrangement whi<:h this univerSity en· BY KRIS KINKADE industry in the United State&." THE NOHTft ERNEH a new facility or begin talks with the schools joys with the bu.sineQ sector and the com­ munity at large.'• ll&ld Dr. Leu:n Boothe. Both programs will be ultimately hous· in the region such as Mi ami (at Oxford), od ill the new $10 miUion Appliod Science " In my opinion," said Jim Claypool, Xavier, Wright State, Western Kentucky and president of NKU. "It ia indeod gratifying lo know that people can eome to Northern .ruHI Technology center. sceduled for com­ NKU's archivist, " I think it was the most cvf'ntually NKSC. According to Steely, pletion in May, 1989. significant thing that Dr. (Frank) Steely did Miami's president, Phil Schriver, wanted Kcntuclcy Univenity to obtain • buc· <,:lilaureate educalion in engineering.,.
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