Fishery Conservation and Management Pt. 622, App. A vessel's unsorted catch of Gulf reef to complete prohibition), and seasonal fish: or area closures. (1) The requirement for a valid com- (g) South Atlantic golden crab. MSY, mercial vessel permit for Gulf reef fish ABC, TAC, quotas (including quotas in order to sell Gulf reef fish. equal to zero), trip limits, minimum (2) Minimum size limits for Gulf reef sizes, gear regulations and restrictions, fish. permit requirements, seasonal or area (3) Bag limits for Gulf reef fish. closures, time frame for recovery of (4) The prohibition on sale of Gulf golden crab if overfished, fishing year reef fish after a quota closure. (adjustment not to exceed 2 months), (b) Other provisions of this part not- observer requirements, and authority withstanding, a dealer in a Gulf state for the RD to close the fishery when a is exempt from the requirement for a quota is reached or is projected to be dealer permit for Gulf reef fish to re- reached. ceive Gulf reef fish harvested from the (h) South Atlantic shrimp. Certified Gulf EEZ by a vessel in the Gulf BRDs and BRD specifications. groundfish trawl fishery. [61 FR 34934, July 3, 1996, as amended at 61 FR 43960, Aug. 27, 1996; 62 FR 13988, Mar. 25, § 622.48 Adjustment of management 1997; 62 FR 18539, Apr. 16, 1997] measures. In accordance with the framework APPENDIX A TO PART 622ÐSPECIES procedures of the applicable FMPs, the TABLES RD may establish or modify the follow- TABLE 1 OF APPENDIX A TO PART 622Ð ing management measures: CARIBBEAN CORAL REEF RESOURCES (a) Caribbean coral reef resources. Spe- cies for which management measures I. SpongesÐPhylum Porifera A. DemospongesÐClass Demospongiae may be specified; prohibited species; Aphimedon compressa, Erect rope sponge harvest limitations, including quotas, Chondrilla nucula, Chicken liver sponge trip, or daily landing limits; gear re- Cynachirella alloclada strictions; closed seasons or areas; and Geodia neptuni, Potato sponge marine conservation districts. Haliclona sp., Finger sponge (b) Caribbean reef fish. Size limits, Myriastra sp. closed seasons or areas, fish trap mesh Niphates digitalis, Pink vase sponge size, and the threshold level for over- N. erecta, Lavender rope sponge Spinosella policifera fishing. S. vaginalis (c) Coastal migratory pelagic fish. For Tethya crypta cobia or for migratory groups of king II. CoelenteratesÐPhylum Coelenterata or Spanish mackerel: MSY, TAC, A. HydrocoralsÐClass Hydrozoa quotas, bag limits, size limits, vessel 1. HydroidsÐOrder Athecatae trip limits, closed seasons or areas, Family Milleporidae gear restrictions, and initial permit re- Millepora spp., Fire corals Family Stylasteridae quirements. Stylaster roseus, Rose lace corals (d) Gulf reef fish. (1) For a species or B. AnthozoansÐClass Anthozoa species group: Target date for rebuild- 1. Soft coralsÐOrder Alcyonacea ing an overfished species, TAC, bag Family Anthothelidae limits, size limits, vessel trip limits, Erythropodium caribaeorum, Encrusting closed seasons or areas, gear restric- gorgonian tions, reopening of a fishery pre- Iciligorgia schrammi, Deepwater sea fan Family Briaridae maturely closed, and quotas. Briareum asbestinum, Corky sea finger (2) SMZs and the gear restrictions ap- Family Clavulariidae plicable in each. Carijoa riisei (e) Gulf royal red shrimp. MSY, OY, Telesto spp. and TAC. 2. Gorgonian coralsÐOrder Gorgonacea (f) South Atlantic snapper-grouper and Family Ellisellidae wreckfish. For species or species groups: Ellisella spp., Sea whips Family Gorgoniidae Target dates for rebuilding overfished Gorgonia flabellum, Venus sea fan species, MSY, ABC, TAC, quotas, trip G. mariae, Wide-mesh sea fan limits, bag limits, minimum sizes, gear G. ventalina, Common sea fan restrictions (ranging from regulation Pseudopterogorgia acerosa, Sea plume 123 VerDate 02<DEC>97 14:49 Jan 30, 1998 Jkt 174200 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 C:\CFR\174200.TXT 174200 Pt. 622, App. A 50 CFR Ch. VI (10-1-97 Edition) P. albatrossae Meandrina meandrites, Maze coral P. americana, Slimy sea plume Family Mussidae P. bipinnata, Bipinnate plume Isophyllastrea rigida, Rough star coral P. rigida Isophyllia sinuosa, Sinuous cactus Pterogorgia anceps, Angular sea whip Mussa angulosa, Large flower coral P. citrina, Yellow sea whip Mycetophyllia aliciae, Thin fungus coral Family Plexauridae M. danae, Fat fungus coral Eunicea calyculata, Warty sea rod M. ferox, Grooved fungus E. clavigera M. lamarckiana, Fungus coral E. fusca, Doughnut sea rod Scolymia cubensis, Artichoke coral E. knighti S. lacera, Solitary disk E. laciniata Family Oculinidae E. laxispica Oculina diffusa, Ivory bush coral E. mammosa, Swollen-knob Family Pocilloporidae E. succinea, Shelf-knob sea rod Madracis decactis, Ten-ray star coral E. touneforti M. mirabilis, Yellow pencil Muricea atlantica Family Poritidae M. elongata, Orange spiny rod Porites astreoides, Mustard hill coral M. laxa, Delicate spiny rod P. branneri, Blue crust coral M. muricata, Spiny sea fan P. divaricata, Small finger coral M. pinnata, Long spine sea fan P. porites, Finger coral Muriceopsis sp. Family Rhizangiidae M. flavida, Rough sea plume Astrangia solitaria, Dwarf cup coral M. sulphurea Phyllangia americana, Hidden cup coral Plexaura flexuosa, Bent sea rod Family Siderastreidae P. homomalla, Black sea rod Siderastrea radians, Lesser starlet Plexaurella dichotoma, Slit-pore sea rod S. siderea, Massive starlet P. fusifera 4. Black CoralsÐOrder Antipatharia P. grandiflora Antipathes spp., Bushy black coral P. grisea Stichopathes spp., Wire coral P. nutans, Giant slit-pore 5. AnemonesÐOrder Actiniaria Pseudoplexaura crucis Aiptasia tagetes, Pale anemone P. flagellosa Bartholomea annulata, Corkscrew anemone P. porosa, Porous sea rod Condylactis gigantea, Giant pink-tipped P. wagenaari anemone 3. Hard CoralsÐOrder Scleractinia Hereractis lucida, Knobby anemone Family Acroporidae Lebrunia spp., Staghorn anemone Acropora cervicornis, Staghorn coral Stichodactyla helianthus, Sun anemone A. palmata, Elkhorn coral 6. Colonial AnemonesÐOrder Zoanthidea A. prolifera, Fused staghorn Zoanthus spp., Sea mat Family Agaricidae 7. False CoralsÐOrder Corallimorpharia Agaricia agaricities, Lettuce leaf coral Discosoma spp. (formerly Rhodactis), False A. fragilis, Fragile saucer coral A. lamarcki, Lamarck's sheet Ricordia florida, Florida false coral A. tenuifolia, Thin leaf lettuce III. Annelid WormsÐPhylum Annelida Leptoseris cucullata, Sunray lettuce A. PolychaetesÐClass Polychaeta Family Astrocoeniidae Family Sabellidae, Feather duster worms Stephanocoenia michelinii, Blushing star Sabellastarte spp., Tube worms Family Caryophyllidae S. magnifica, Magnificent duster Eusmilia fastigiata, Flower coral Family Serpulidae Tubastrea aurea, Cup coral Spirobranchus giganteus, Christmas tree Family Faviidae worm Cladocora arbuscula, Tube coral IV. MollusksÐPhylum Mollusca Colpophyllia natans, Boulder coral A. GastropodsÐClass Gastropoda Diploria clivosa, Knobby brain coral Family Elysiidae D. labyrinthiformis, Grooved brain Tridachia crispata, Lettuce sea slug D. strigosa, Symmetrical brain Family Olividae Favia fragum, Golfball coral Oliva reticularis, Netted olive Manicina areolata, Rose coral Family Ovulidae M. mayori, Tortugas rose coral Cyphoma gibbosum, Flamingo tongue Montastrea annularis, Boulder star coral Family Ranellidae M. cavernosa, Great star coral Charonia tritonis, Atlantic triton trumpet Solenastrea bournoni, Smooth star coral Family Strombidae, Winged conchs Family Meandrinidae Strombus spp. (except Queen conch, S. gigas) Dendrogyra cylindrus, Pillar coral B. BivalvesÐClass Bivalvia Dichocoenia stellaris, Pancake star Family Limidae D. stokesi, Elliptical star Lima spp., Fileclams 124 VerDate 02<DEC>97 14:49 Jan 30, 1998 Jkt 174200 PO 00000 Frm 00120 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 C:\CFR\174200.TXT 174200 Fishery Conservation and Management Pt. 622, App. A L. scabra, Rough fileclam Ventricaria ventricosa, Sea pearls Family Spondylidae X. Red AlgaeÐPhylum Rhodophyta Spondylus americanus, Atlantic thorny oys- XI. Sea grassesÐPhylum Angiospermae ter Halodule wrightii, Shoal grass C. CephalopodsÐClass Cephalopoda Halophila spp., Sea vines 1. OctopusesÐOrder Octopoda Ruppia maritima, Widgeon grass Family Octopodidae Syringodium filiforme, Manatee grass Octopus spp. (except the Common octopus, Thalassia testudium, Turtle grass O. vulgaris) V. ArthropodsÐPhylum Arthropoda TABLE 2 OF APPENDIX A TO PART 622Ð A. CrustaceansÐSubphylum Crustacea CARIBBEAN REEF FISH 1. DecapodsÐOrder Decapoda AcanthuridaeÐSurgeonfishes Family Alpheidae Ocean surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus Alpheaus armatus, Snapping shrimp Doctorfish, Acanthurus chirurgus Family Diogenidae Blue tang, Acanthurus coeruleus Paguristes spp., Hermit crabs AntennariidaeÐFrogfishes P. cadenati, Red reef hermit Frogfish, Antennarius spp. Family Grapsidae ApogonidaeÐCardinalfishes Percnon gibbesi, Nimble spray crab Flamefish, Apogon maculatus Family Hippolytidae Conchfish, Astrapogen stellatus Lysmata spp., Peppermint shrimp AulostomidaeÐTrumpetfishes Thor amboinensis, Anemone shrimp Trumpetfish, Aulostomus maculatus Family Majidae, Coral crabs BalistidaeÐLeatherjackets Mithrax spp., Clinging crabs Scrawled filefish, Aluterus scriptus M. cinctimanus, Banded clinging Queen triggerfish, Balistes vetula M. sculptus, Green clinging Whitespotted filefish, Cantherhines Stenorhynchus seticornis, Yellowline arrow macrocerus Family Palaemonida Ocean triggerfish, Canthidermis sufflamen Periclimenes spp., Cleaner shrimp Black durgon, Melichthys
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